blob: e1307367779cfa0169c652f6b7ecafc975a22a08 [file] [log] [blame]
WebInspector = {};
WebInspector.UIString = function(s) { return s; };
WebInspector.HeapSnapshotArraySlice = function(array, start, end)
this._array = array;
this._start = start;
this.length = end - start;
WebInspector.HeapSnapshotArraySlice.prototype = {
item: function(index)
return this._array[this._start + index];
slice: function(start, end)
if (typeof end === "undefined")
end = this.length;
return this._array.subarray(this._start + start, this._start + end);
WebInspector.HeapSnapshotEdge = function(snapshot, edges, edgeIndex)
this._snapshot = snapshot;
this._edges = edges;
this.edgeIndex = edgeIndex || 0;
WebInspector.HeapSnapshotEdge.prototype = {
clone: function()
return new WebInspector.HeapSnapshotEdge(this._snapshot, this._edges, this.edgeIndex);
hasStringName: function()
throw new Error("Not implemented");
name: function()
throw new Error("Not implemented");
node: function()
return this._snapshot.createNode(this.nodeIndex());
nodeIndex: function()
return this._edges.item(this.edgeIndex + this._snapshot._edgeToNodeOffset);
rawEdges: function()
return this._edges;
toString: function()
return "HeapSnapshotEdge: " +;
type: function()
return this._snapshot._edgeTypes[this._type()];
serialize: function()
var node = this.node();
return {
node: node.serialize(),
nodeIndex: this.nodeIndex(),
type: this.type(),
distance: node.distance()
_type: function()
return this._edges.item(this.edgeIndex + this._snapshot._edgeTypeOffset);
WebInspector.HeapSnapshotEdgeIterator = function(edge)
this.edge = edge;
WebInspector.HeapSnapshotEdgeIterator.prototype = {
rewind: function()
this.edge.edgeIndex = 0;
hasNext: function()
return this.edge.edgeIndex < this.edge._edges.length;
index: function()
return this.edge.edgeIndex;
setIndex: function(newIndex)
this.edge.edgeIndex = newIndex;
item: function()
return this.edge;
next: function()
this.edge.edgeIndex += this.edge._snapshot._edgeFieldsCount;
WebInspector.HeapSnapshotRetainerEdge = function(snapshot, retainedNodeIndex, retainerIndex)
this._snapshot = snapshot;
this._retainedNodeIndex = retainedNodeIndex;
var retainedNodeOrdinal = retainedNodeIndex / snapshot._nodeFieldCount;
this._firstRetainer = snapshot._firstRetainerIndex[retainedNodeOrdinal];
this._retainersCount = snapshot._firstRetainerIndex[retainedNodeOrdinal + 1] - this._firstRetainer;
WebInspector.HeapSnapshotRetainerEdge.prototype = {
clone: function()
return new WebInspector.HeapSnapshotRetainerEdge(this._snapshot, this._retainedNodeIndex, this.retainerIndex());
hasStringName: function()
return this._edge().hasStringName();
name: function()
return this._edge().name();
node: function()
return this._node();
nodeIndex: function()
return this._nodeIndex;
retainerIndex: function()
return this._retainerIndex;
setRetainerIndex: function(newIndex)
if (newIndex !== this._retainerIndex) {
this._retainerIndex = newIndex;
this.edgeIndex = newIndex;
set edgeIndex(edgeIndex)
var retainerIndex = this._firstRetainer + edgeIndex;
this._globalEdgeIndex = this._snapshot._retainingEdges[retainerIndex];
this._nodeIndex = this._snapshot._retainingNodes[retainerIndex];
delete this._edgeInstance;
delete this._nodeInstance;
_node: function()
if (!this._nodeInstance)
this._nodeInstance = this._snapshot.createNode(this._nodeIndex);
return this._nodeInstance;
_edge: function()
if (!this._edgeInstance) {
var edgeIndex = this._globalEdgeIndex - this._node()._edgeIndexesStart();
this._edgeInstance = this._snapshot.createEdge(this._node().rawEdges(), edgeIndex);
return this._edgeInstance;
toString: function()
return this._edge().toString();
serialize: function()
var node = this.node();
return {
node: node.serialize(),
nodeIndex: this.nodeIndex(),
type: this.type(),
distance: node.distance()
type: function()
return this._edge().type();
WebInspector.HeapSnapshotRetainerEdgeIterator = function(retainer)
this.retainer = retainer;
WebInspector.HeapSnapshotRetainerEdgeIterator.prototype = {
rewind: function()
hasNext: function()
return this.retainer.retainerIndex() < this.retainer._retainersCount;
index: function()
return this.retainer.retainerIndex();
setIndex: function(newIndex)
item: function()
return this.retainer;
next: function()
this.retainer.setRetainerIndex(this.retainer.retainerIndex() + 1);
WebInspector.HeapSnapshotNode = function(snapshot, nodeIndex)
this._snapshot = snapshot;
this._firstNodeIndex = nodeIndex;
this.nodeIndex = nodeIndex;
WebInspector.HeapSnapshotNode.prototype = {
isUserObject: function()
return true;
distance: function()
return this._snapshot._nodeDistances[this.nodeIndex / this._snapshot._nodeFieldCount];
className: function()
throw new Error("Not implemented");
classIndex: function()
throw new Error("Not implemented");
dominatorIndex: function()
var nodeFieldCount = this._snapshot._nodeFieldCount;
return this._snapshot._dominatorsTree[this.nodeIndex / this._snapshot._nodeFieldCount] * nodeFieldCount;
edges: function()
return new WebInspector.HeapSnapshotEdgeIterator(this._snapshot.createEdge(this.rawEdges(), 0));
edgesCount: function()
return (this._edgeIndexesEnd() - this._edgeIndexesStart()) / this._snapshot._edgeFieldsCount;
id: function()
throw new Error("Not implemented");
isRoot: function()
return this.nodeIndex === this._snapshot._rootNodeIndex;
name: function()
return this._snapshot._strings[this._name()];
rawEdges: function()
return new WebInspector.HeapSnapshotArraySlice(this._snapshot._containmentEdges, this._edgeIndexesStart(), this._edgeIndexesEnd());
retainedSize: function()
var snapshot = this._snapshot;
return snapshot._nodes[this.nodeIndex + snapshot._nodeRetainedSizeOffset];
retainers: function()
return new WebInspector.HeapSnapshotRetainerEdgeIterator(this._snapshot.createRetainingEdge(this.nodeIndex, 0));
selfSize: function()
var snapshot = this._snapshot;
return snapshot._nodes[this.nodeIndex + snapshot._nodeSelfSizeOffset];
type: function()
return this._snapshot._nodeTypes[this._type()];
serialize: function()
return {
distance: this.distance(),
nodeIndex: this.nodeIndex,
retainedSize: this.retainedSize(),
selfSize: this.selfSize(),
type: this.type(),
_name: function()
var snapshot = this._snapshot;
return snapshot._nodes[this.nodeIndex + snapshot._nodeNameOffset];
_edgeIndexesStart: function()
return this._snapshot._firstEdgeIndexes[this._ordinal()];
_edgeIndexesEnd: function()
return this._snapshot._firstEdgeIndexes[this._ordinal() + 1];
_ordinal: function()
return this.nodeIndex / this._snapshot._nodeFieldCount;
_nextNodeIndex: function()
return this.nodeIndex + this._snapshot._nodeFieldCount;
_type: function()
var snapshot = this._snapshot;
return snapshot._nodes[this.nodeIndex + snapshot._nodeTypeOffset];
WebInspector.HeapSnapshotNodeIterator = function(node)
this.node = node;
this._nodesLength = node._snapshot._nodes.length;
WebInspector.HeapSnapshotNodeIterator.prototype = {
rewind: function()
this.node.nodeIndex = this.node._firstNodeIndex;
hasNext: function()
return this.node.nodeIndex < this._nodesLength;
index: function()
return this.node.nodeIndex;
setIndex: function(newIndex)
this.node.nodeIndex = newIndex;
item: function()
return this.node;
next: function()
this.node.nodeIndex = this.node._nextNodeIndex();
WebInspector.HeapSnapshot = function(profile)
this.uid = profile.snapshot.uid;
this._nodes = profile.nodes;
this._containmentEdges = profile.edges;
this._metaNode = profile.snapshot.meta;
this._strings = profile.strings;
this._snapshotDiffs = {};
this._aggregatesForDiff = null;
function HeapSnapshotMetainfo()
this.node_fields = [];
this.node_types = [];
this.edge_fields = [];
this.edge_types = [];
this.fields = [];
this.types = [];
function HeapSnapshotHeader()
this.title = "";
this.uid = 0;
this.meta = new HeapSnapshotMetainfo();
this.node_count = 0;
this.edge_count = 0;
WebInspector.HeapSnapshot.prototype = {
_init: function()
var meta = this._metaNode;
this._rootNodeIndex = 0;
this._nodeTypeOffset = meta.node_fields.indexOf("type");
this._nodeNameOffset = meta.node_fields.indexOf("name");
this._nodeIdOffset = meta.node_fields.indexOf("id");
this._nodeSelfSizeOffset = meta.node_fields.indexOf("self_size");
this._nodeEdgeCountOffset = meta.node_fields.indexOf("edge_count");
this._nodeFieldCount = meta.node_fields.length;
this._nodeTypes = meta.node_types[this._nodeTypeOffset];
this._nodeHiddenType = this._nodeTypes.indexOf("hidden");
this._nodeObjectType = this._nodeTypes.indexOf("object");
this._nodeNativeType = this._nodeTypes.indexOf("native");
this._nodeCodeType = this._nodeTypes.indexOf("code");
this._nodeSyntheticType = this._nodeTypes.indexOf("synthetic");
this._edgeFieldsCount = meta.edge_fields.length;
this._edgeTypeOffset = meta.edge_fields.indexOf("type");
this._edgeNameOffset = meta.edge_fields.indexOf("name_or_index");
this._edgeToNodeOffset = meta.edge_fields.indexOf("to_node");
this._edgeTypes = meta.edge_types[this._edgeTypeOffset];
this._edgeElementType = this._edgeTypes.indexOf("element");
this._edgeHiddenType = this._edgeTypes.indexOf("hidden");
this._edgeInternalType = this._edgeTypes.indexOf("internal");
this._edgeShortcutType = this._edgeTypes.indexOf("shortcut");
this._edgeWeakType = this._edgeTypes.indexOf("weak");
this._edgeInvisibleType = this._edgeTypes.indexOf("invisible");
this.nodeCount = this._nodes.length / this._nodeFieldCount;
this._edgeCount = this._containmentEdges.length / this._edgeFieldsCount;
var result = this._buildPostOrderIndex();
this._dominatorsTree = this._buildDominatorTree(result.postOrderIndex2NodeOrdinal, result.nodeOrdinal2PostOrderIndex);
_buildEdgeIndexes: function()
var nodes = this._nodes;
var nodeCount = this.nodeCount;
var firstEdgeIndexes = this._firstEdgeIndexes = new Uint32Array(nodeCount + 1);
var nodeFieldCount = this._nodeFieldCount;
var edgeFieldsCount = this._edgeFieldsCount;
var nodeEdgeCountOffset = this._nodeEdgeCountOffset;
firstEdgeIndexes[nodeCount] = this._containmentEdges.length;
for (var nodeOrdinal = 0, edgeIndex = 0; nodeOrdinal < nodeCount; ++nodeOrdinal) {
firstEdgeIndexes[nodeOrdinal] = edgeIndex;
edgeIndex += nodes[nodeOrdinal * nodeFieldCount + nodeEdgeCountOffset] * edgeFieldsCount;
_buildRetainers: function()
var retainingNodes = this._retainingNodes = new Uint32Array(this._edgeCount);
var retainingEdges = this._retainingEdges = new Uint32Array(this._edgeCount);
var firstRetainerIndex = this._firstRetainerIndex = new Uint32Array(this.nodeCount + 1);
var containmentEdges = this._containmentEdges;
var edgeFieldsCount = this._edgeFieldsCount;
var nodeFieldCount = this._nodeFieldCount;
var edgeToNodeOffset = this._edgeToNodeOffset;
var nodes = this._nodes;
var firstEdgeIndexes = this._firstEdgeIndexes;
var nodeCount = this.nodeCount;
for (var toNodeFieldIndex = edgeToNodeOffset, l = containmentEdges.length; toNodeFieldIndex < l; toNodeFieldIndex += edgeFieldsCount) {
var toNodeIndex = containmentEdges[toNodeFieldIndex];
if (toNodeIndex % nodeFieldCount)
throw new Error("Invalid toNodeIndex " + toNodeIndex);
++firstRetainerIndex[toNodeIndex / nodeFieldCount];
for (var i = 0, firstUnusedRetainerSlot = 0; i < nodeCount; i++) {
var retainersCount = firstRetainerIndex[i];
firstRetainerIndex[i] = firstUnusedRetainerSlot;
retainingNodes[firstUnusedRetainerSlot] = retainersCount;
firstUnusedRetainerSlot += retainersCount;
firstRetainerIndex[nodeCount] = retainingNodes.length;
var nextNodeFirstEdgeIndex = firstEdgeIndexes[0];
for (var srcNodeOrdinal = 0; srcNodeOrdinal < nodeCount; ++srcNodeOrdinal) {
var firstEdgeIndex = nextNodeFirstEdgeIndex;
nextNodeFirstEdgeIndex = firstEdgeIndexes[srcNodeOrdinal + 1];
var srcNodeIndex = srcNodeOrdinal * nodeFieldCount;
for (var edgeIndex = firstEdgeIndex; edgeIndex < nextNodeFirstEdgeIndex; edgeIndex += edgeFieldsCount) {
var toNodeIndex = containmentEdges[edgeIndex + edgeToNodeOffset];
if (toNodeIndex % nodeFieldCount)
throw new Error("Invalid toNodeIndex " + toNodeIndex);
var firstRetainerSlotIndex = firstRetainerIndex[toNodeIndex / nodeFieldCount];
var nextUnusedRetainerSlotIndex = firstRetainerSlotIndex + (--retainingNodes[firstRetainerSlotIndex]);
retainingNodes[nextUnusedRetainerSlotIndex] = srcNodeIndex;
retainingEdges[nextUnusedRetainerSlotIndex] = edgeIndex;
createNode: function(nodeIndex)
throw new Error("Not implemented");
createEdge: function(edges, edgeIndex)
throw new Error("Not implemented");
createRetainingEdge: function(retainedNodeIndex, retainerIndex)
throw new Error("Not implemented");
dispose: function()
delete this._nodes;
delete this._strings;
delete this._retainingEdges;
delete this._retainingNodes;
delete this._firstRetainerIndex;
if (this._aggregates) {
delete this._aggregates;
delete this._aggregatesSortedFlags;
delete this._dominatedNodes;
delete this._firstDominatedNodeIndex;
delete this._nodeDistances;
delete this._dominatorsTree;
_allNodes: function()
return new WebInspector.HeapSnapshotNodeIterator(this.rootNode());
rootNode: function()
return this.createNode(this._rootNodeIndex);
get rootNodeIndex()
return this._rootNodeIndex;
get totalSize()
return this.rootNode().retainedSize();
_getDominatedIndex: function(nodeIndex)
if (nodeIndex % this._nodeFieldCount)
throw new Error("Invalid nodeIndex: " + nodeIndex);
return this._firstDominatedNodeIndex[nodeIndex / this._nodeFieldCount];
_dominatedNodesOfNode: function(node)
var dominatedIndexFrom = this._getDominatedIndex(node.nodeIndex);
var dominatedIndexTo = this._getDominatedIndex(node._nextNodeIndex());
return new WebInspector.HeapSnapshotArraySlice(this._dominatedNodes, dominatedIndexFrom, dominatedIndexTo);
aggregates: function(sortedIndexes, key, filterString)
if (!this._aggregates) {
this._aggregates = {};
this._aggregatesSortedFlags = {};
var aggregatesByClassName = this._aggregates[key];
if (aggregatesByClassName) {
if (sortedIndexes && !this._aggregatesSortedFlags[key]) {
this._aggregatesSortedFlags[key] = sortedIndexes;
return aggregatesByClassName;
var filter;
if (filterString)
filter = this._parseFilter(filterString);
var aggregates = this._buildAggregates(filter);
this._calculateClassesRetainedSize(aggregates.aggregatesByClassIndex, filter);
aggregatesByClassName = aggregates.aggregatesByClassName;
if (sortedIndexes)
this._aggregatesSortedFlags[key] = sortedIndexes;
this._aggregates[key] = aggregatesByClassName;
return aggregatesByClassName;
aggregatesForDiff: function()
if (this._aggregatesForDiff)
return this._aggregatesForDiff;
var aggregatesByClassName = this.aggregates(true, "allObjects");
this._aggregatesForDiff = {};
var node = this.createNode();
for (var className in aggregatesByClassName) {
var aggregate = aggregatesByClassName[className];
var indexes = aggregate.idxs;
var ids = new Array(indexes.length);
var selfSizes = new Array(indexes.length);
for (var i = 0; i < indexes.length; i++) {
node.nodeIndex = indexes[i];
ids[i] =;
selfSizes[i] = node.selfSize();
this._aggregatesForDiff[className] = {
indexes: indexes,
ids: ids,
selfSizes: selfSizes
return this._aggregatesForDiff;
canHaveDistanceOne: function(node)
return true;
_calculateDistances: function()
var nodeFieldCount = this._nodeFieldCount;
var distances = new Uint32Array(this.nodeCount);
var nodesToVisit = new Uint32Array(this.nodeCount);
var nodesToVisitLength = 0;
for (var iter = this.rootNode().edges(); iter.hasNext(); {
var node = iter.edge.node();
if (this.canHaveDistanceOne(node)) {
nodesToVisit[nodesToVisitLength++] = node.nodeIndex;
distances[node.nodeIndex / nodeFieldCount] = 1;
this._bfs(nodesToVisit, nodesToVisitLength, distances);
nodesToVisitLength = 0;
nodesToVisit[nodesToVisitLength++] = this._rootNodeIndex;
distances[this._rootNodeIndex / nodeFieldCount] = 1;
this._bfs(nodesToVisit, nodesToVisitLength, distances);
this._nodeDistances = distances;
_bfs: function(nodesToVisit, nodesToVisitLength, distances)
var edgeFieldsCount = this._edgeFieldsCount;
var nodeFieldCount = this._nodeFieldCount;
var containmentEdges = this._containmentEdges;
var firstEdgeIndexes = this._firstEdgeIndexes;
var edgeToNodeOffset = this._edgeToNodeOffset;
var edgeTypeOffset = this._edgeTypeOffset;
var nodes = this._nodes;
var nodeCount = this.nodeCount;
var containmentEdgesLength = containmentEdges.length;
var edgeWeakType = this._edgeWeakType;
var index = 0;
while (index < nodesToVisitLength) {
var nodeIndex = nodesToVisit[index++];
var nodeOrdinal = nodeIndex / nodeFieldCount;
var distance = distances[nodeOrdinal] + 1;
var firstEdgeIndex = firstEdgeIndexes[nodeOrdinal];
var edgesEnd = firstEdgeIndexes[nodeOrdinal + 1];
for (var edgeIndex = firstEdgeIndex; edgeIndex < edgesEnd; edgeIndex += edgeFieldsCount) {
var edgeType = containmentEdges[edgeIndex + edgeTypeOffset];
if (edgeType == edgeWeakType)
var childNodeIndex = containmentEdges[edgeIndex + edgeToNodeOffset];
var childNodeOrdinal = childNodeIndex / nodeFieldCount;
if (distances[childNodeOrdinal])
distances[childNodeOrdinal] = distance;
nodesToVisit[nodesToVisitLength++] = childNodeIndex;
if (nodesToVisitLength > nodeCount)
throw new Error("BFS failed. Nodes to visit (" + nodesToVisitLength + ") is more than nodes count (" + nodeCount + ")");
_buildAggregates: function(filter)
var aggregates = {};
var aggregatesByClassName = {};
var classIndexes = [];
var nodes = this._nodes;
var mapAndFlag = this.userObjectsMapAndFlag();
var flags = mapAndFlag ? : null;
var flag = mapAndFlag ? mapAndFlag.flag : 0;
var nodesLength = nodes.length;
var nodeNativeType = this._nodeNativeType;
var nodeFieldCount = this._nodeFieldCount;
var selfSizeOffset = this._nodeSelfSizeOffset;
var nodeTypeOffset = this._nodeTypeOffset;
var node = this.rootNode();
var nodeDistances = this._nodeDistances;
for (var nodeIndex = 0; nodeIndex < nodesLength; nodeIndex += nodeFieldCount) {
var nodeOrdinal = nodeIndex / nodeFieldCount;
if (flags && !(flags[nodeOrdinal] & flag))
node.nodeIndex = nodeIndex;
if (filter && !filter(node))
var selfSize = nodes[nodeIndex + selfSizeOffset];
if (!selfSize && nodes[nodeIndex + nodeTypeOffset] !== nodeNativeType)
var classIndex = node.classIndex();
if (!(classIndex in aggregates)) {
var nodeType = node.type();
var nameMatters = nodeType === "object" || nodeType === "native";
var value = {
count: 1,
distance: nodeDistances[nodeOrdinal],
self: selfSize,
maxRet: 0,
type: nodeType,
name: nameMatters ? : null,
idxs: [nodeIndex]
aggregates[classIndex] = value;
aggregatesByClassName[node.className()] = value;
} else {
var clss = aggregates[classIndex];
clss.distance = Math.min(clss.distance, nodeDistances[nodeOrdinal]);
clss.self += selfSize;
for (var i = 0, l = classIndexes.length; i < l; ++i) {
var classIndex = classIndexes[i];
aggregates[classIndex].idxs = aggregates[classIndex].idxs.slice();
return {aggregatesByClassName: aggregatesByClassName, aggregatesByClassIndex: aggregates};
_calculateClassesRetainedSize: function(aggregates, filter)
var rootNodeIndex = this._rootNodeIndex;
var node = this.createNode(rootNodeIndex);
var list = [rootNodeIndex];
var sizes = [-1];
var classes = [];
var seenClassNameIndexes = {};
var nodeFieldCount = this._nodeFieldCount;
var nodeTypeOffset = this._nodeTypeOffset;
var nodeNativeType = this._nodeNativeType;
var dominatedNodes = this._dominatedNodes;
var nodes = this._nodes;
var mapAndFlag = this.userObjectsMapAndFlag();
var flags = mapAndFlag ? : null;
var flag = mapAndFlag ? mapAndFlag.flag : 0;
var firstDominatedNodeIndex = this._firstDominatedNodeIndex;
while (list.length) {
var nodeIndex = list.pop();
node.nodeIndex = nodeIndex;
var classIndex = node.classIndex();
var seen = !!seenClassNameIndexes[classIndex];
var nodeOrdinal = nodeIndex / nodeFieldCount;
var dominatedIndexFrom = firstDominatedNodeIndex[nodeOrdinal];
var dominatedIndexTo = firstDominatedNodeIndex[nodeOrdinal + 1];
if (!seen &&
(!flags || (flags[nodeOrdinal] & flag)) &&
(!filter || filter(node)) &&
(node.selfSize() || nodes[nodeIndex + nodeTypeOffset] === nodeNativeType)
) {
aggregates[classIndex].maxRet += node.retainedSize();
if (dominatedIndexFrom !== dominatedIndexTo) {
seenClassNameIndexes[classIndex] = true;
for (var i = dominatedIndexFrom; i < dominatedIndexTo; i++)
var l = list.length;
while (sizes[sizes.length - 1] === l) {
classIndex = classes.pop();
seenClassNameIndexes[classIndex] = false;
_sortAggregateIndexes: function(aggregates)
var nodeA = this.createNode();
var nodeB = this.createNode();
for (var clss in aggregates)
function(idxA, idxB) {
nodeA.nodeIndex = idxA;
nodeB.nodeIndex = idxB;
return < ? -1 : 1;
_buildPostOrderIndex: function()
var nodeFieldCount = this._nodeFieldCount;
var nodes = this._nodes;
var nodeCount = this.nodeCount;
var rootNodeOrdinal = this._rootNodeIndex / nodeFieldCount;
var edgeFieldsCount = this._edgeFieldsCount;
var edgeTypeOffset = this._edgeTypeOffset;
var edgeToNodeOffset = this._edgeToNodeOffset;
var edgeShortcutType = this._edgeShortcutType;
var firstEdgeIndexes = this._firstEdgeIndexes;
var containmentEdges = this._containmentEdges;
var containmentEdgesLength = this._containmentEdges.length;
var mapAndFlag = this.userObjectsMapAndFlag();
var flags = mapAndFlag ? : null;
var flag = mapAndFlag ? mapAndFlag.flag : 0;
var nodesToVisit = new Uint32Array(nodeCount);
var postOrderIndex2NodeOrdinal = new Uint32Array(nodeCount);
var nodeOrdinal2PostOrderIndex = new Uint32Array(nodeCount);
var painted = new Uint8Array(nodeCount);
var nodesToVisitLength = 0;
var postOrderIndex = 0;
var grey = 1;
var black = 2;
nodesToVisit[nodesToVisitLength++] = rootNodeOrdinal;
painted[rootNodeOrdinal] = grey;
while (nodesToVisitLength) {
var nodeOrdinal = nodesToVisit[nodesToVisitLength - 1];
if (painted[nodeOrdinal] === grey) {
painted[nodeOrdinal] = black;
var nodeFlag = !flags || (flags[nodeOrdinal] & flag);
var beginEdgeIndex = firstEdgeIndexes[nodeOrdinal];
var endEdgeIndex = firstEdgeIndexes[nodeOrdinal + 1];
for (var edgeIndex = beginEdgeIndex; edgeIndex < endEdgeIndex; edgeIndex += edgeFieldsCount) {
if (nodeOrdinal !== rootNodeOrdinal && containmentEdges[edgeIndex + edgeTypeOffset] === edgeShortcutType)
var childNodeIndex = containmentEdges[edgeIndex + edgeToNodeOffset];
var childNodeOrdinal = childNodeIndex / nodeFieldCount;
var childNodeFlag = !flags || (flags[childNodeOrdinal] & flag);
if (nodeOrdinal !== rootNodeOrdinal && childNodeFlag && !nodeFlag)
if (!painted[childNodeOrdinal]) {
painted[childNodeOrdinal] = grey;
nodesToVisit[nodesToVisitLength++] = childNodeOrdinal;
} else {
nodeOrdinal2PostOrderIndex[nodeOrdinal] = postOrderIndex;
postOrderIndex2NodeOrdinal[postOrderIndex++] = nodeOrdinal;
if (postOrderIndex !== nodeCount)
throw new Error("Postordering failed. " + (nodeCount - postOrderIndex) + " hanging nodes");
return {postOrderIndex2NodeOrdinal: postOrderIndex2NodeOrdinal, nodeOrdinal2PostOrderIndex: nodeOrdinal2PostOrderIndex};
_buildDominatorTree: function(postOrderIndex2NodeOrdinal, nodeOrdinal2PostOrderIndex)
var nodeFieldCount = this._nodeFieldCount;
var nodes = this._nodes;
var firstRetainerIndex = this._firstRetainerIndex;
var retainingNodes = this._retainingNodes;
var retainingEdges = this._retainingEdges;
var edgeFieldsCount = this._edgeFieldsCount;
var edgeTypeOffset = this._edgeTypeOffset;
var edgeToNodeOffset = this._edgeToNodeOffset;
var edgeShortcutType = this._edgeShortcutType;
var firstEdgeIndexes = this._firstEdgeIndexes;
var containmentEdges = this._containmentEdges;
var containmentEdgesLength = this._containmentEdges.length;
var rootNodeIndex = this._rootNodeIndex;
var mapAndFlag = this.userObjectsMapAndFlag();
var flags = mapAndFlag ? : null;
var flag = mapAndFlag ? mapAndFlag.flag : 0;
var nodesCount = postOrderIndex2NodeOrdinal.length;
var rootPostOrderedIndex = nodesCount - 1;
var noEntry = nodesCount;
var dominators = new Uint32Array(nodesCount);
for (var i = 0; i < rootPostOrderedIndex; ++i)
dominators[i] = noEntry;
dominators[rootPostOrderedIndex] = rootPostOrderedIndex;
var affected = new Uint8Array(nodesCount);
var nodeOrdinal;
nodeOrdinal = this._rootNodeIndex / nodeFieldCount;
var beginEdgeToNodeFieldIndex = firstEdgeIndexes[nodeOrdinal] + edgeToNodeOffset;
var endEdgeToNodeFieldIndex = firstEdgeIndexes[nodeOrdinal + 1];
for (var toNodeFieldIndex = beginEdgeToNodeFieldIndex;
toNodeFieldIndex < endEdgeToNodeFieldIndex;
toNodeFieldIndex += edgeFieldsCount) {
var childNodeOrdinal = containmentEdges[toNodeFieldIndex] / nodeFieldCount;
affected[nodeOrdinal2PostOrderIndex[childNodeOrdinal]] = 1;
var changed = true;
while (changed) {
changed = false;
for (var postOrderIndex = rootPostOrderedIndex - 1; postOrderIndex >= 0; --postOrderIndex) {
if (affected[postOrderIndex] === 0)
affected[postOrderIndex] = 0;
if (dominators[postOrderIndex] === rootPostOrderedIndex)
nodeOrdinal = postOrderIndex2NodeOrdinal[postOrderIndex];
var nodeFlag = !flags || (flags[nodeOrdinal] & flag);
var newDominatorIndex = noEntry;
var beginRetainerIndex = firstRetainerIndex[nodeOrdinal];
var endRetainerIndex = firstRetainerIndex[nodeOrdinal + 1];
for (var retainerIndex = beginRetainerIndex; retainerIndex < endRetainerIndex; ++retainerIndex) {
var retainerEdgeIndex = retainingEdges[retainerIndex];
var retainerEdgeType = containmentEdges[retainerEdgeIndex + edgeTypeOffset];
var retainerNodeIndex = retainingNodes[retainerIndex];
if (retainerNodeIndex !== rootNodeIndex && retainerEdgeType === edgeShortcutType)
var retainerNodeOrdinal = retainerNodeIndex / nodeFieldCount;
var retainerNodeFlag = !flags || (flags[retainerNodeOrdinal] & flag);
if (retainerNodeIndex !== rootNodeIndex && nodeFlag && !retainerNodeFlag)
var retanerPostOrderIndex = nodeOrdinal2PostOrderIndex[retainerNodeOrdinal];
if (dominators[retanerPostOrderIndex] !== noEntry) {
if (newDominatorIndex === noEntry)
newDominatorIndex = retanerPostOrderIndex;
else {
while (retanerPostOrderIndex !== newDominatorIndex) {
while (retanerPostOrderIndex < newDominatorIndex)
retanerPostOrderIndex = dominators[retanerPostOrderIndex];
while (newDominatorIndex < retanerPostOrderIndex)
newDominatorIndex = dominators[newDominatorIndex];
if (newDominatorIndex === rootPostOrderedIndex)
if (newDominatorIndex !== noEntry && dominators[postOrderIndex] !== newDominatorIndex) {
dominators[postOrderIndex] = newDominatorIndex;
changed = true;
nodeOrdinal = postOrderIndex2NodeOrdinal[postOrderIndex];
beginEdgeToNodeFieldIndex = firstEdgeIndexes[nodeOrdinal] + edgeToNodeOffset;
endEdgeToNodeFieldIndex = firstEdgeIndexes[nodeOrdinal + 1];
for (var toNodeFieldIndex = beginEdgeToNodeFieldIndex;
toNodeFieldIndex < endEdgeToNodeFieldIndex;
toNodeFieldIndex += edgeFieldsCount) {
var childNodeOrdinal = containmentEdges[toNodeFieldIndex] / nodeFieldCount;
affected[nodeOrdinal2PostOrderIndex[childNodeOrdinal]] = 1;
var dominatorsTree = new Uint32Array(nodesCount);
for (var postOrderIndex = 0, l = dominators.length; postOrderIndex < l; ++postOrderIndex) {
nodeOrdinal = postOrderIndex2NodeOrdinal[postOrderIndex];
dominatorsTree[nodeOrdinal] = postOrderIndex2NodeOrdinal[dominators[postOrderIndex]];
return dominatorsTree;
_calculateRetainedSizes: function(postOrderIndex2NodeOrdinal)
var nodeCount = this.nodeCount;
var nodes = this._nodes;
var nodeSelfSizeOffset = this._nodeSelfSizeOffset;
var nodeFieldCount = this._nodeFieldCount;
var dominatorsTree = this._dominatorsTree;
var nodeRetainedSizeOffset = this._nodeRetainedSizeOffset = this._nodeEdgeCountOffset;
delete this._nodeEdgeCountOffset;
for (var nodeIndex = 0, l = nodes.length; nodeIndex < l; nodeIndex += nodeFieldCount)
nodes[nodeIndex + nodeRetainedSizeOffset] = nodes[nodeIndex + nodeSelfSizeOffset];
for (var postOrderIndex = 0; postOrderIndex < nodeCount - 1; ++postOrderIndex) {
var nodeOrdinal = postOrderIndex2NodeOrdinal[postOrderIndex];
var nodeIndex = nodeOrdinal * nodeFieldCount;
var dominatorIndex = dominatorsTree[nodeOrdinal] * nodeFieldCount;
nodes[dominatorIndex + nodeRetainedSizeOffset] += nodes[nodeIndex + nodeRetainedSizeOffset];
_buildDominatedNodes: function()
var indexArray = this._firstDominatedNodeIndex = new Uint32Array(this.nodeCount + 1);
var dominatedNodes = this._dominatedNodes = new Uint32Array(this.nodeCount - 1);
var nodeFieldCount = this._nodeFieldCount;
var dominatorsTree = this._dominatorsTree;
var fromNodeOrdinal = 0;
var toNodeOrdinal = this.nodeCount;
var rootNodeOrdinal = this._rootNodeIndex / nodeFieldCount;
if (rootNodeOrdinal === fromNodeOrdinal)
fromNodeOrdinal = 1;
else if (rootNodeOrdinal === toNodeOrdinal - 1)
toNodeOrdinal = toNodeOrdinal - 1;
throw new Error("Root node is expected to be either first or last");
for (var nodeOrdinal = fromNodeOrdinal; nodeOrdinal < toNodeOrdinal; ++nodeOrdinal)
var firstDominatedNodeIndex = 0;
for (var i = 0, l = this.nodeCount; i < l; ++i) {
var dominatedCount = dominatedNodes[firstDominatedNodeIndex] = indexArray[i];
indexArray[i] = firstDominatedNodeIndex;
firstDominatedNodeIndex += dominatedCount;
indexArray[this.nodeCount] = dominatedNodes.length;
for (var nodeOrdinal = fromNodeOrdinal; nodeOrdinal < toNodeOrdinal; ++nodeOrdinal) {
var dominatorOrdinal = dominatorsTree[nodeOrdinal];
var dominatedRefIndex = indexArray[dominatorOrdinal];
dominatedRefIndex += (--dominatedNodes[dominatedRefIndex]);
dominatedNodes[dominatedRefIndex] = nodeOrdinal * nodeFieldCount;
_markInvisibleEdges: function()
throw new Error("Not implemented");
_numbersComparator: function(a, b)
return a < b ? -1 : (a > b ? 1 : 0);
_calculateFlags: function()
throw new Error("Not implemented");
userObjectsMapAndFlag: function()
throw new Error("Not implemented");
calculateSnapshotDiff: function(baseSnapshotId, baseSnapshotAggregates)
var snapshotDiff = this._snapshotDiffs[baseSnapshotId];
if (snapshotDiff)
return snapshotDiff;
snapshotDiff = {};
var aggregates = this.aggregates(true, "allObjects");
for (var className in baseSnapshotAggregates) {
var baseAggregate = baseSnapshotAggregates[className];
var diff = this._calculateDiffForClass(baseAggregate, aggregates[className]);
if (diff)
snapshotDiff[className] = diff;
var emptyBaseAggregate = { ids: [], indexes: [], selfSizes: [] };
for (var className in aggregates) {
if (className in baseSnapshotAggregates)
snapshotDiff[className] = this._calculateDiffForClass(emptyBaseAggregate, aggregates[className]);
this._snapshotDiffs[baseSnapshotId] = snapshotDiff;
return snapshotDiff;
_calculateDiffForClass: function(baseAggregate, aggregate)
var baseIds = baseAggregate.ids;
var baseIndexes = baseAggregate.indexes;
var baseSelfSizes = baseAggregate.selfSizes;
var indexes = aggregate ? aggregate.idxs : [];
var i = 0, l = baseIds.length;
var j = 0, m = indexes.length;
var diff = { addedCount: 0,
removedCount: 0,
addedSize: 0,
removedSize: 0,
deletedIndexes: [],
addedIndexes: [] };
var nodeB = this.createNode(indexes[j]);
while (i < l && j < m) {
var nodeAId = baseIds[i];
if (nodeAId < {
diff.removedSize += baseSelfSizes[i];
} else if (nodeAId > {
diff.addedSize += nodeB.selfSize();
nodeB.nodeIndex = indexes[++j];
} else {
nodeB.nodeIndex = indexes[++j];
while (i < l) {
diff.removedSize += baseSelfSizes[i];
while (j < m) {
diff.addedSize += nodeB.selfSize();
nodeB.nodeIndex = indexes[++j];
diff.countDelta = diff.addedCount - diff.removedCount;
diff.sizeDelta = diff.addedSize - diff.removedSize;
if (!diff.addedCount && !diff.removedCount)
return null;
return diff;
_nodeForSnapshotObjectId: function(snapshotObjectId)
for (var it = this._allNodes(); it.hasNext(); {
if ( === snapshotObjectId)
return it.node;
return null;
nodeClassName: function(snapshotObjectId)
var node = this._nodeForSnapshotObjectId(snapshotObjectId);
if (node)
return node.className();
return null;
dominatorIdsForNode: function(snapshotObjectId)
var node = this._nodeForSnapshotObjectId(snapshotObjectId);
if (!node)
return null;
var result = [];
while (!node.isRoot()) {
node.nodeIndex = node.dominatorIndex();
return result;
_parseFilter: function(filter)
if (!filter)
return null;
var parsedFilter = eval("(function(){return " + filter + "})()");
return parsedFilter.bind(this);
createEdgesProvider: function(nodeIndex, filter)
var node = this.createNode(nodeIndex);
return new WebInspector.HeapSnapshotEdgesProvider(this, this._parseFilter(filter), node.edges());
createRetainingEdgesProvider: function(nodeIndex, filter)
var node = this.createNode(nodeIndex);
return new WebInspector.HeapSnapshotEdgesProvider(this, this._parseFilter(filter), node.retainers());
createAddedNodesProvider: function(baseSnapshotId, className)
var snapshotDiff = this._snapshotDiffs[baseSnapshotId];
var diffForClass = snapshotDiff[className];
return new WebInspector.HeapSnapshotNodesProvider(this, null, diffForClass.addedIndexes);
createDeletedNodesProvider: function(nodeIndexes)
return new WebInspector.HeapSnapshotNodesProvider(this, null, nodeIndexes);
createNodesProviderForClass: function(className, aggregatesKey)
function filter(node) {
return node.isUserObject();
return new WebInspector.HeapSnapshotNodesProvider(this, filter, this.aggregates(false, aggregatesKey)[className].idxs);
createNodesProviderForDominator: function(nodeIndex)
var node = this.createNode(nodeIndex);
return new WebInspector.HeapSnapshotNodesProvider(this, null, this._dominatedNodesOfNode(node));
updateStaticData: function()
return {nodeCount: this.nodeCount, rootNodeIndex: this._rootNodeIndex, totalSize: this.totalSize, uid: this.uid};
WebInspector.HeapSnapshotFilteredOrderedIterator = function(iterator, filter, unfilteredIterationOrder)
this._filter = filter;
this._iterator = iterator;
this._unfilteredIterationOrder = unfilteredIterationOrder;
this._iterationOrder = null;
this._position = 0;
this._currentComparator = null;
this._sortedPrefixLength = 0;
WebInspector.HeapSnapshotFilteredOrderedIterator.prototype = {
_createIterationOrder: function()
if (this._iterationOrder)
if (this._unfilteredIterationOrder && !this._filter) {
this._iterationOrder = this._unfilteredIterationOrder.slice(0);
this._unfilteredIterationOrder = null;
this._iterationOrder = [];
var iterator = this._iterator;
if (!this._unfilteredIterationOrder && !this._filter) {
for (iterator.rewind(); iterator.hasNext();
} else if (!this._unfilteredIterationOrder) {
for (iterator.rewind(); iterator.hasNext(); {
if (this._filter(iterator.item()))
} else {
var order = this._unfilteredIterationOrder.constructor === Array ?
this._unfilteredIterationOrder : this._unfilteredIterationOrder.slice(0);
for (var i = 0, l = order.length; i < l; ++i) {
if (this._filter(iterator.item()))
this._unfilteredIterationOrder = null;
rewind: function()
this._position = 0;
hasNext: function()
return this._position < this._iterationOrder.length;
isEmpty: function()
if (this._iterationOrder)
return !this._iterationOrder.length;
if (this._unfilteredIterationOrder && !this._filter)
return !this._unfilteredIterationOrder.length;
var iterator = this._iterator;
if (!this._unfilteredIterationOrder && !this._filter) {
return !iterator.hasNext();
} else if (!this._unfilteredIterationOrder) {
for (iterator.rewind(); iterator.hasNext();
if (this._filter(iterator.item()))
return false;
} else {
var order = this._unfilteredIterationOrder.constructor === Array ?
this._unfilteredIterationOrder : this._unfilteredIterationOrder.slice(0);
for (var i = 0, l = order.length; i < l; ++i) {
if (this._filter(iterator.item()))
return false;
return true;
item: function()
return this._iterator.item();
get length()
return this._iterationOrder.length;
next: function()
serializeItemsRange: function(begin, end)
if (begin > end)
throw new Error("Start position > end position: " + begin + " > " + end);
if (end >= this._iterationOrder.length)
end = this._iterationOrder.length;
if (this._sortedPrefixLength < end) {
this.sort(this._currentComparator, this._sortedPrefixLength, this._iterationOrder.length - 1, end - this._sortedPrefixLength);
this._sortedPrefixLength = end;
this._position = begin;
var startPosition = this._position;
var count = end - begin;
var result = new Array(count);
for (var i = 0 ; i < count && this.hasNext(); ++i,
result[i] = this.item().serialize();
result.length = i;
result.totalLength = this._iterationOrder.length;
result.startPosition = startPosition;
result.endPosition = this._position;
return result;
sortAll: function()
if (this._sortedPrefixLength === this._iterationOrder.length)
this.sort(this._currentComparator, this._sortedPrefixLength, this._iterationOrder.length - 1, this._iterationOrder.length);
this._sortedPrefixLength = this._iterationOrder.length;
sortAndRewind: function(comparator)
this._currentComparator = comparator;
this._sortedPrefixLength = 0;
WebInspector.HeapSnapshotFilteredOrderedIterator.prototype.createComparator = function(fieldNames)
return {fieldName1:fieldNames[0], ascending1:fieldNames[1], fieldName2:fieldNames[2], ascending2:fieldNames[3]};
WebInspector.HeapSnapshotEdgesProvider = function(snapshot, filter, edgesIter)
this.snapshot = snapshot;, edgesIter, filter);
WebInspector.HeapSnapshotEdgesProvider.prototype = {
sort: function(comparator, leftBound, rightBound, count)
var fieldName1 = comparator.fieldName1;
var fieldName2 = comparator.fieldName2;
var ascending1 = comparator.ascending1;
var ascending2 = comparator.ascending2;
var edgeA = this._iterator.item().clone();
var edgeB = edgeA.clone();
var nodeA = this.snapshot.createNode();
var nodeB = this.snapshot.createNode();
function compareEdgeFieldName(ascending, indexA, indexB)
edgeA.edgeIndex = indexA;
edgeB.edgeIndex = indexB;
if ( === "__proto__") return -1;
if ( === "__proto__") return 1;
var result =
edgeA.hasStringName() === edgeB.hasStringName() ?
( < ? -1 : ( > ? 1 : 0)) :
(edgeA.hasStringName() ? -1 : 1);
return ascending ? result : -result;
function compareNodeField(fieldName, ascending, indexA, indexB)
edgeA.edgeIndex = indexA;
nodeA.nodeIndex = edgeA.nodeIndex();
var valueA = nodeA[fieldName]();
edgeB.edgeIndex = indexB;
nodeB.nodeIndex = edgeB.nodeIndex();
var valueB = nodeB[fieldName]();
var result = valueA < valueB ? -1 : (valueA > valueB ? 1 : 0);
return ascending ? result : -result;
function compareEdgeAndNode(indexA, indexB) {
var result = compareEdgeFieldName(ascending1, indexA, indexB);
if (result === 0)
result = compareNodeField(fieldName2, ascending2, indexA, indexB);
return result;
function compareNodeAndEdge(indexA, indexB) {
var result = compareNodeField(fieldName1, ascending1, indexA, indexB);
if (result === 0)
result = compareEdgeFieldName(ascending2, indexA, indexB);
return result;
function compareNodeAndNode(indexA, indexB) {
var result = compareNodeField(fieldName1, ascending1, indexA, indexB);
if (result === 0)
result = compareNodeField(fieldName2, ascending2, indexA, indexB);
return result;
if (fieldName1 === "!edgeName")
this._iterationOrder.sortRange(compareEdgeAndNode, leftBound, rightBound, count);
else if (fieldName2 === "!edgeName")
this._iterationOrder.sortRange(compareNodeAndEdge, leftBound, rightBound, count);
this._iterationOrder.sortRange(compareNodeAndNode, leftBound, rightBound, count);
__proto__: WebInspector.HeapSnapshotFilteredOrderedIterator.prototype
WebInspector.HeapSnapshotNodesProvider = function(snapshot, filter, nodeIndexes)
this.snapshot = snapshot;, snapshot._allNodes(), filter, nodeIndexes);
WebInspector.HeapSnapshotNodesProvider.prototype = {
nodePosition: function(snapshotObjectId)
if (this.isEmpty())
return -1;
var node = this.snapshot.createNode();
for (var i = 0; i < this._iterationOrder.length; i++) {
node.nodeIndex = this._iterationOrder[i];
if ( === snapshotObjectId)
return i;
return -1;
sort: function(comparator, leftBound, rightBound, count)
var fieldName1 = comparator.fieldName1;
var fieldName2 = comparator.fieldName2;
var ascending1 = comparator.ascending1;
var ascending2 = comparator.ascending2;
var nodeA = this.snapshot.createNode();
var nodeB = this.snapshot.createNode();
function sortByNodeField(fieldName, ascending)
var valueOrFunctionA = nodeA[fieldName];
var valueA = typeof valueOrFunctionA !== "function" ? valueOrFunctionA :;
var valueOrFunctionB = nodeB[fieldName];
var valueB = typeof valueOrFunctionB !== "function" ? valueOrFunctionB :;
var result = valueA < valueB ? -1 : (valueA > valueB ? 1 : 0);
return ascending ? result : -result;
function sortByComparator(indexA, indexB) {
nodeA.nodeIndex = indexA;
nodeB.nodeIndex = indexB;
var result = sortByNodeField(fieldName1, ascending1);
if (result === 0)
result = sortByNodeField(fieldName2, ascending2);
return result;
this._iterationOrder.sortRange(sortByComparator, leftBound, rightBound, count);
__proto__: WebInspector.HeapSnapshotFilteredOrderedIterator.prototype
WebInspector.HeapSnapshotLoader = function()
WebInspector.HeapSnapshotLoader.prototype = {
dispose: function()
_reset: function()
this._json = "";
this._state = "find-snapshot-info";
this._snapshot = {};
close: function()
if (this._json)
buildSnapshot: function()
var result = new WebInspector.JSHeapSnapshot(this._snapshot);
return result;
_parseUintArray: function()
var index = 0;
var char0 = "0".charCodeAt(0), char9 = "9".charCodeAt(0), closingBracket = "]".charCodeAt(0);
var length = this._json.length;
while (true) {
while (index < length) {
var code = this._json.charCodeAt(index);
if (char0 <= code && code <= char9)
else if (code === closingBracket) {
this._json = this._json.slice(index + 1);
return false;
if (index === length) {
this._json = "";
return true;
var nextNumber = 0;
var startIndex = index;
while (index < length) {
var code = this._json.charCodeAt(index);
if (char0 > code || code > char9)
nextNumber *= 10;
nextNumber += (code - char0);
if (index === length) {
this._json = this._json.slice(startIndex);
return true;
this._array[this._arrayIndex++] = nextNumber;
_parseStringsArray: function()
var closingBracketIndex = this._json.lastIndexOf("]");
if (closingBracketIndex === -1)
throw new Error("Incomplete JSON");
this._json = this._json.slice(0, closingBracketIndex + 1);
this._snapshot.strings = JSON.parse(this._json);
write: function(chunk)
this._json += chunk;
switch (this._state) {
case "find-snapshot-info": {
var snapshotToken = "\"snapshot\"";
var snapshotTokenIndex = this._json.indexOf(snapshotToken);
if (snapshotTokenIndex === -1)
throw new Error("Snapshot token not found");
this._json = this._json.slice(snapshotTokenIndex + snapshotToken.length + 1);
this._state = "parse-snapshot-info";
case "parse-snapshot-info": {
var closingBracketIndex = WebInspector.findBalancedCurlyBrackets(this._json);
if (closingBracketIndex === -1)
this._snapshot.snapshot = (JSON.parse(this._json.slice(0, closingBracketIndex)));
this._json = this._json.slice(closingBracketIndex);
this._state = "find-nodes";
case "find-nodes": {
var nodesToken = "\"nodes\"";
var nodesTokenIndex = this._json.indexOf(nodesToken);
if (nodesTokenIndex === -1)
var bracketIndex = this._json.indexOf("[", nodesTokenIndex);
if (bracketIndex === -1)
this._json = this._json.slice(bracketIndex + 1);
var node_fields_count = this._snapshot.snapshot.meta.node_fields.length;
var nodes_length = this._snapshot.snapshot.node_count * node_fields_count;
this._array = new Uint32Array(nodes_length);
this._arrayIndex = 0;
this._state = "parse-nodes";
case "parse-nodes": {
if (this._parseUintArray())
this._snapshot.nodes = this._array;
this._state = "find-edges";
this._array = null;
case "find-edges": {
var edgesToken = "\"edges\"";
var edgesTokenIndex = this._json.indexOf(edgesToken);
if (edgesTokenIndex === -1)
var bracketIndex = this._json.indexOf("[", edgesTokenIndex);
if (bracketIndex === -1)
this._json = this._json.slice(bracketIndex + 1);
var edge_fields_count = this._snapshot.snapshot.meta.edge_fields.length;
var edges_length = this._snapshot.snapshot.edge_count * edge_fields_count;
this._array = new Uint32Array(edges_length);
this._arrayIndex = 0;
this._state = "parse-edges";
case "parse-edges": {
if (this._parseUintArray())
this._snapshot.edges = this._array;
this._array = null;
this._state = "find-strings";
case "find-strings": {
var stringsToken = "\"strings\"";
var stringsTokenIndex = this._json.indexOf(stringsToken);
if (stringsTokenIndex === -1)
var bracketIndex = this._json.indexOf("[", stringsTokenIndex);
if (bracketIndex === -1)
this._json = this._json.slice(bracketIndex);
this._state = "accumulate-strings";
case "accumulate-strings":
WebInspector.HeapSnapshotWorkerDispatcher = function(globalObject, postMessage)
this._objects = [];
this._global = globalObject;
this._postMessage = postMessage;
WebInspector.HeapSnapshotWorkerDispatcher.prototype = {
_findFunction: function(name)
var path = name.split(".");
var result = this._global;
for (var i = 0; i < path.length; ++i)
result = result[path[i]];
return result;
dispatchMessage: function(event)
var data =;
var response = {callId: data.callId};
try {
switch (data.disposition) {
case "create": {
var constructorFunction = this._findFunction(data.methodName);
this._objects[data.objectId] = new constructorFunction();
case "dispose": {
delete this._objects[data.objectId];
case "getter": {
var object = this._objects[data.objectId];
var result = object[data.methodName];
response.result = result;
case "factory": {
var object = this._objects[data.objectId];
var result = object[data.methodName].apply(object, data.methodArguments);
if (result)
this._objects[data.newObjectId] = result;
response.result = !!result;
case "method": {
var object = this._objects[data.objectId];
response.result = object[data.methodName].apply(object, data.methodArguments);
} catch (e) {
response.error = e.toString();
response.errorCallStack = e.stack;
if (data.methodName)
response.errorMethodName = data.methodName;
WebInspector.JSHeapSnapshot = function(profile)
this._nodeFlags = {
canBeQueried: 1,
detachedDOMTreeNode: 2,
pageObject: 4,
visitedMarkerMask: 0x0ffff,
visitedMarker: 0x10000
};, profile);
WebInspector.JSHeapSnapshot.prototype = {
createNode: function(nodeIndex)
return new WebInspector.JSHeapSnapshotNode(this, nodeIndex);
createEdge: function(edges, edgeIndex)
return new WebInspector.JSHeapSnapshotEdge(this, edges, edgeIndex);
createRetainingEdge: function(retainedNodeIndex, retainerIndex)
return new WebInspector.JSHeapSnapshotRetainerEdge(this, retainedNodeIndex, retainerIndex);
dispose: function()
delete this._flags;
_markInvisibleEdges: function()
for (var iter = this.rootNode().edges(); iter.hasNext(); {
var edge = iter.edge;
if (!edge.isShortcut())
var node = edge.node();
var propNames = {};
for (var innerIter = node.edges(); innerIter.hasNext(); {
var globalObjEdge = innerIter.edge;
if (globalObjEdge.isShortcut())
propNames[globalObjEdge._nameOrIndex()] = true;
for (innerIter.rewind(); innerIter.hasNext(); {
var globalObjEdge = innerIter.edge;
if (!globalObjEdge.isShortcut()
&& globalObjEdge.node().isHidden()
&& globalObjEdge._hasStringName()
&& (globalObjEdge._nameOrIndex() in propNames))
this._containmentEdges[globalObjEdge._edges._start + globalObjEdge.edgeIndex + this._edgeTypeOffset] = this._edgeInvisibleType;
_calculateFlags: function()
this._flags = new Uint32Array(this.nodeCount);
canHaveDistanceOne: function(node)
return node.isWindow();
userObjectsMapAndFlag: function()
return {
map: this._flags,
flag: this._nodeFlags.pageObject
_flagsOfNode: function(node)
return this._flags[node.nodeIndex / this._nodeFieldCount];
_markDetachedDOMTreeNodes: function()
var flag = this._nodeFlags.detachedDOMTreeNode;
var detachedDOMTreesRoot;
for (var iter = this.rootNode().edges(); iter.hasNext(); {
var node = iter.edge.node();
if (node.isDetachedDOMTreesRoot()) {
detachedDOMTreesRoot = node;
if (!detachedDOMTreesRoot)
for (var iter = detachedDOMTreesRoot.edges(); iter.hasNext(); {
var node = iter.edge.node();
if (node.isDetachedDOMTree()) {
for (var edgesIter = node.edges(); edgesIter.hasNext();
this._flags[edgesIter.edge.node().nodeIndex / this._nodeFieldCount] |= flag;
_markQueriableHeapObjects: function()
var flag = this._nodeFlags.canBeQueried;
var hiddenEdgeType = this._edgeHiddenType;
var internalEdgeType = this._edgeInternalType;
var invisibleEdgeType = this._edgeInvisibleType;
var weakEdgeType = this._edgeWeakType;
var edgeToNodeOffset = this._edgeToNodeOffset;
var edgeTypeOffset = this._edgeTypeOffset;
var edgeFieldsCount = this._edgeFieldsCount;
var containmentEdges = this._containmentEdges;
var nodes = this._nodes;
var nodeCount = this.nodeCount;
var nodeFieldCount = this._nodeFieldCount;
var firstEdgeIndexes = this._firstEdgeIndexes;
var flags = this._flags;
var list = [];
for (var iter = this.rootNode().edges(); iter.hasNext(); {
if (iter.edge.node().isWindow())
list.push(iter.edge.node().nodeIndex / nodeFieldCount);
while (list.length) {
var nodeOrdinal = list.pop();
if (flags[nodeOrdinal] & flag)
flags[nodeOrdinal] |= flag;
var beginEdgeIndex = firstEdgeIndexes[nodeOrdinal];
var endEdgeIndex = firstEdgeIndexes[nodeOrdinal + 1];
for (var edgeIndex = beginEdgeIndex; edgeIndex < endEdgeIndex; edgeIndex += edgeFieldsCount) {
var childNodeIndex = containmentEdges[edgeIndex + edgeToNodeOffset];
var childNodeOrdinal = childNodeIndex / nodeFieldCount;
if (flags[childNodeOrdinal] & flag)
var type = containmentEdges[edgeIndex + edgeTypeOffset];
if (type === hiddenEdgeType || type === invisibleEdgeType || type === internalEdgeType || type === weakEdgeType)
_markPageOwnedNodes: function()
var edgeShortcutType = this._edgeShortcutType;
var edgeToNodeOffset = this._edgeToNodeOffset;
var edgeTypeOffset = this._edgeTypeOffset;
var edgeFieldsCount = this._edgeFieldsCount;
var edgeWeakType = this._edgeWeakType;
var firstEdgeIndexes = this._firstEdgeIndexes;
var containmentEdges = this._containmentEdges;
var containmentEdgesLength = containmentEdges.length;
var nodes = this._nodes;
var nodeFieldCount = this._nodeFieldCount;
var nodesCount = this.nodeCount;
var flags = this._flags;
var flag = this._nodeFlags.pageObject;
var visitedMarker = this._nodeFlags.visitedMarker;
var visitedMarkerMask = this._nodeFlags.visitedMarkerMask;
var markerAndFlag = visitedMarker | flag;
var nodesToVisit = new Uint32Array(nodesCount);
var nodesToVisitLength = 0;
var rootNodeOrdinal = this._rootNodeIndex / nodeFieldCount;
for (var edgeIndex = firstEdgeIndexes[rootNodeOrdinal], endEdgeIndex = firstEdgeIndexes[rootNodeOrdinal + 1];
edgeIndex < endEdgeIndex;
edgeIndex += edgeFieldsCount) {
if (containmentEdges[edgeIndex + edgeTypeOffset] === edgeShortcutType) {
var nodeOrdinal = containmentEdges[edgeIndex + edgeToNodeOffset] / nodeFieldCount;
nodesToVisit[nodesToVisitLength++] = nodeOrdinal;
flags[nodeOrdinal] |= visitedMarker;
while (nodesToVisitLength) {
var nodeOrdinal = nodesToVisit[--nodesToVisitLength];
flags[nodeOrdinal] |= flag;
flags[nodeOrdinal] &= visitedMarkerMask;
var beginEdgeIndex = firstEdgeIndexes[nodeOrdinal];
var endEdgeIndex = firstEdgeIndexes[nodeOrdinal + 1];
for (var edgeIndex = beginEdgeIndex; edgeIndex < endEdgeIndex; edgeIndex += edgeFieldsCount) {
var childNodeIndex = containmentEdges[edgeIndex + edgeToNodeOffset];
var childNodeOrdinal = childNodeIndex / nodeFieldCount;
if (flags[childNodeOrdinal] & markerAndFlag)
var type = containmentEdges[edgeIndex + edgeTypeOffset];
if (type === edgeWeakType)
nodesToVisit[nodesToVisitLength++] = childNodeOrdinal;
flags[childNodeOrdinal] |= visitedMarker;
__proto__: WebInspector.HeapSnapshot.prototype
WebInspector.JSHeapSnapshotNode = function(snapshot, nodeIndex)
{, snapshot, nodeIndex)
WebInspector.JSHeapSnapshotNode.prototype = {
canBeQueried: function()
var flags = this._snapshot._flagsOfNode(this);
return !!(flags & this._snapshot._nodeFlags.canBeQueried);
isUserObject: function()
var flags = this._snapshot._flagsOfNode(this);
return !!(flags & this._snapshot._nodeFlags.pageObject);
className: function()
var type = this.type();
switch (type) {
case "hidden":
return WebInspector.UIString("(system)");
case "object":
case "native":
case "code":
return WebInspector.UIString("(compiled code)");
return "(" + type + ")";
classIndex: function()
var snapshot = this._snapshot;
var nodes = snapshot._nodes;
var type = nodes[this.nodeIndex + snapshot._nodeTypeOffset];;
if (type === snapshot._nodeObjectType || type === snapshot._nodeNativeType)
return nodes[this.nodeIndex + snapshot._nodeNameOffset];
return -1 - type;
id: function()
var snapshot = this._snapshot;
return snapshot._nodes[this.nodeIndex + snapshot._nodeIdOffset];
isHidden: function()
return this._type() === this._snapshot._nodeHiddenType;
isSynthetic: function()
return this._type() === this._snapshot._nodeSyntheticType;
isWindow: function()
const windowRE = /^Window/;
return windowRE.test(;
isDetachedDOMTreesRoot: function()
return === "(Detached DOM trees)";
isDetachedDOMTree: function()
const detachedDOMTreeRE = /^Detached DOM tree/;
return detachedDOMTreeRE.test(this.className());
serialize: function()
var result =;
var flags = this._snapshot._flagsOfNode(this);
if (flags & this._snapshot._nodeFlags.canBeQueried)
result.canBeQueried = true;
if (flags & this._snapshot._nodeFlags.detachedDOMTreeNode)
result.detachedDOMTreeNode = true;
return result;
__proto__: WebInspector.HeapSnapshotNode.prototype
WebInspector.JSHeapSnapshotEdge = function(snapshot, edges, edgeIndex)
{, snapshot, edges, edgeIndex);
WebInspector.JSHeapSnapshotEdge.prototype = {
clone: function()
return new WebInspector.JSHeapSnapshotEdge(this._snapshot, this._edges, this.edgeIndex);
hasStringName: function()
if (!this.isShortcut())
return this._hasStringName();
return isNaN(parseInt(this._name(), 10));
isElement: function()
return this._type() === this._snapshot._edgeElementType;
isHidden: function()
return this._type() === this._snapshot._edgeHiddenType;
isWeak: function()
return this._type() === this._snapshot._edgeWeakType;
isInternal: function()
return this._type() === this._snapshot._edgeInternalType;
isInvisible: function()
return this._type() === this._snapshot._edgeInvisibleType;
isShortcut: function()
return this._type() === this._snapshot._edgeShortcutType;
name: function()
if (!this.isShortcut())
return this._name();
var numName = parseInt(this._name(), 10);
return isNaN(numName) ? this._name() : numName;
toString: function()
var name =;
switch (this.type()) {
case "context": return "->" + name;
case "element": return "[" + name + "]";
case "weak": return "[[" + name + "]]";
case "property":
return name.indexOf(" ") === -1 ? "." + name : "[\"" + name + "\"]";
case "shortcut":
if (typeof name === "string")
return name.indexOf(" ") === -1 ? "." + name : "[\"" + name + "\"]";
return "[" + name + "]";
case "internal":
case "hidden":
case "invisible":
return "{" + name + "}";
return "?" + name + "?";
_hasStringName: function()
return !this.isElement() && !this.isHidden() && !this.isWeak();
_name: function()
return this._hasStringName() ? this._snapshot._strings[this._nameOrIndex()] : this._nameOrIndex();
_nameOrIndex: function()
return this._edges.item(this.edgeIndex + this._snapshot._edgeNameOffset);
_type: function()
return this._edges.item(this.edgeIndex + this._snapshot._edgeTypeOffset);
__proto__: WebInspector.HeapSnapshotEdge.prototype
WebInspector.JSHeapSnapshotRetainerEdge = function(snapshot, retainedNodeIndex, retainerIndex)
{, snapshot, retainedNodeIndex, retainerIndex);
WebInspector.JSHeapSnapshotRetainerEdge.prototype = {
clone: function()
return new WebInspector.JSHeapSnapshotRetainerEdge(this._snapshot, this._retainedNodeIndex, this.retainerIndex());
isElement: function()
return this._edge().isElement();
isHidden: function()
return this._edge().isHidden();
isInternal: function()
return this._edge().isInternal();
isInvisible: function()
return this._edge().isInvisible();
isShortcut: function()
return this._edge().isShortcut();
isWeak: function()
return this._edge().isWeak();
__proto__: WebInspector.HeapSnapshotRetainerEdge.prototype
WebInspector.OutputStreamDelegate = function()
WebInspector.OutputStreamDelegate.prototype = {
onTransferStarted: function() { },
onTransferFinished: function() { },
onChunkTransferred: function(reader) { },
onError: function(reader, event) { },
WebInspector.OutputStream = function()
WebInspector.OutputStream.prototype = {
write: function(data, callback) { },
close: function() { }
WebInspector.ChunkedReader = function()
WebInspector.ChunkedReader.prototype = {
fileSize: function() { },
loadedSize: function() { },
fileName: function() { },
cancel: function() { }
WebInspector.ChunkedFileReader = function(file, chunkSize, delegate)
this._file = file;
this._fileSize = file.size;
this._loadedSize = 0;
this._chunkSize = chunkSize;
this._delegate = delegate;
this._isCanceled = false;
WebInspector.ChunkedFileReader.prototype = {
start: function(output)
this._output = output;
this._reader = new FileReader();
this._reader.onload = this._onChunkLoaded.bind(this);
this._reader.onerror = this._delegate.onError.bind(this._delegate, this);
cancel: function()
this._isCanceled = true;
loadedSize: function()
return this._loadedSize;
fileSize: function()
return this._fileSize;
fileName: function()
_onChunkLoaded: function(event)
if (this._isCanceled)
if ( !== FileReader.DONE)
var data =;
this._loadedSize += data.length;
if (this._isCanceled)
if (this._loadedSize === this._fileSize) {
this._file = null;
this._reader = null;
_loadChunk: function()
var chunkStart = this._loadedSize;
var chunkEnd = Math.min(this._fileSize, chunkStart + this._chunkSize)
var nextPart = this._file.slice(chunkStart, chunkEnd);
WebInspector.ChunkedXHRReader = function(url, delegate)
this._url = url;
this._delegate = delegate;
this._fileSize = 0;
this._loadedSize = 0;
this._isCanceled = false;
WebInspector.ChunkedXHRReader.prototype = {
start: function(output)
this._output = output;
this._xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", this._url, true);
this._xhr.onload = this._onLoad.bind(this);
this._xhr.onprogress = this._onProgress.bind(this);
this._xhr.onerror = this._delegate.onError.bind(this._delegate, this);
cancel: function()
this._isCanceled = true;
loadedSize: function()
return this._loadedSize;
fileSize: function()
return this._fileSize;
fileName: function()
return this._url;
_onProgress: function(event)
if (this._isCanceled)
if (event.lengthComputable)
this._fileSize =;
var data = this._xhr.responseText.substring(this._loadedSize);
if (!data.length)
this._loadedSize += data.length;
if (this._isCanceled)
_onLoad: function(event)
if (this._isCanceled)
WebInspector.createFileSelectorElement = function(callback) {
var fileSelectorElement = document.createElement("input");
fileSelectorElement.type = "file"; = -1; = "absolute";
fileSelectorElement.onchange = function(event) {
return fileSelectorElement;
WebInspector.findBalancedCurlyBrackets = function(source, startIndex, lastIndex) {
lastIndex = lastIndex || source.length;
startIndex = startIndex || 0;
var counter = 0;
var inString = false;
for (var index = startIndex; index < lastIndex; ++index) {
var character = source[index];
if (inString) {
if (character === "\\")
else if (character === "\"")
inString = false;
} else {
if (character === "\"")
inString = true;
else if (character === "{")
else if (character === "}") {
if (--counter === 0)
return index + 1;
return -1;
WebInspector.FileOutputStream = function()
WebInspector.FileOutputStream.prototype = {
open: function(fileName, callback)
this._closed = false;
this._writeCallbacks = [];
this._fileName = fileName;
function callbackWrapper()
WebInspector.fileManager.removeEventListener(WebInspector.FileManager.EventTypes.SavedURL, callbackWrapper, this);
WebInspector.fileManager.addEventListener(WebInspector.FileManager.EventTypes.AppendedToURL, this._onAppendDone, this);
WebInspector.fileManager.addEventListener(WebInspector.FileManager.EventTypes.SavedURL, callbackWrapper, this);, "", true);
write: function(data, callback)
WebInspector.fileManager.append(this._fileName, data);
close: function()
this._closed = true;
if (this._writeCallbacks.length)
WebInspector.fileManager.removeEventListener(WebInspector.FileManager.EventTypes.AppendedToURL, this._onAppendDone, this);
_onAppendDone: function(event)
if ( !== this._fileName)
if (!this._writeCallbacks.length) {
if (this._closed) {
WebInspector.fileManager.removeEventListener(WebInspector.FileManager.EventTypes.AppendedToURL, this._onAppendDone, this);
var callback = this._writeCallbacks.shift();
if (callback)
Object.isEmpty = function(obj)
for (var i in obj)
return false;
return true;
Object.values = function(obj)
var keys = Object.keys(obj);
var result = [];
for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i)
return result;
String.prototype.hasSubstring = function(string, caseInsensitive)
if (!caseInsensitive)
return this.indexOf(string) !== -1;
return this.match(new RegExp(string.escapeForRegExp(), "i"));
String.prototype.findAll = function(string)
var matches = [];
var i = this.indexOf(string);
while (i !== -1) {
i = this.indexOf(string, i + string.length);
return matches;
String.prototype.lineEndings = function()
if (!this._lineEndings) {
this._lineEndings = this.findAll("\n");
return this._lineEndings;
String.prototype.escapeCharacters = function(chars)
var foundChar = false;
for (var i = 0; i < chars.length; ++i) {
if (this.indexOf(chars.charAt(i)) !== -1) {
foundChar = true;
if (!foundChar)
return this;
var result = "";
for (var i = 0; i < this.length; ++i) {
if (chars.indexOf(this.charAt(i)) !== -1)
result += "\\";
result += this.charAt(i);
return result;
String.prototype.escapeForRegExp = function()
return this.escapeCharacters("^[]{}()\\.$*+?|");
String.prototype.escapeHTML = function()
return this.replace(/&/g, "&amp;").replace(/</g, "&lt;").replace(/>/g, "&gt;").replace(/"/g, "&quot;");
String.prototype.collapseWhitespace = function()
return this.replace(/[\s\xA0]+/g, " ");
String.prototype.trimMiddle = function(maxLength)
if (this.length <= maxLength)
return this;
var leftHalf = maxLength >> 1;
var rightHalf = maxLength - leftHalf - 1;
return this.substr(0, leftHalf) + "\u2026" + this.substr(this.length - rightHalf, rightHalf);
String.prototype.trimEnd = function(maxLength)
if (this.length <= maxLength)
return this;
return this.substr(0, maxLength - 1) + "\u2026";
String.prototype.trimURL = function(baseURLDomain)
var result = this.replace(/^(https|http|file):\/\//i, "");
if (baseURLDomain)
result = result.replace(new RegExp("^" + baseURLDomain.escapeForRegExp(), "i"), "");
return result;
function sanitizeHref(href)
return href && href.trim().toLowerCase().startsWith("javascript:") ? "" : href;
String.prototype.removeURLFragment = function()
var fragmentIndex = this.indexOf("#");
if (fragmentIndex == -1)
fragmentIndex = this.length;
return this.substring(0, fragmentIndex);
String.prototype.startsWith = function(substring)
return !this.lastIndexOf(substring, 0);
String.prototype.endsWith = function(substring)
return this.indexOf(substring, this.length - substring.length) !== -1;
Number.constrain = function(num, min, max)
if (num < min)
num = min;
else if (num > max)
num = max;
return num;
Date.prototype.toISO8601Compact = function()
function leadZero(x)
return x > 9 ? '' + x : '0' + x
return this.getFullYear() +
leadZero(this.getMonth() + 1) +
leadZero(this.getDate()) + 'T' +
leadZero(this.getHours()) +
leadZero(this.getMinutes()) +
Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, "remove",
value: function(value, onlyFirst)
if (onlyFirst) {
var index = this.indexOf(value);
if (index !== -1)
this.splice(index, 1);
var length = this.length;
for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
if (this[i] === value)
this.splice(i, 1);
Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, "keySet",
value: function()
var keys = {};
for (var i = 0; i < this.length; ++i)
keys[this[i]] = true;
return keys;
Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, "upperBound",
value: function(value)
var first = 0;
var count = this.length;
while (count > 0) {
var step = count >> 1;
var middle = first + step;
if (value >= this[middle]) {
first = middle + 1;
count -= step + 1;
} else
count = step;
return first;
Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, "rotate",
value: function(index)
var result = [];
for (var i = index; i < index + this.length; ++i)
result.push(this[i % this.length]);
return result;
Object.defineProperty(Uint32Array.prototype, "sort", {
value: Array.prototype.sort
(function() {
var partition = {
value: function(comparator, left, right, pivotIndex)
function swap(array, i1, i2)
var temp = array[i1];
array[i1] = array[i2];
array[i2] = temp;
var pivotValue = this[pivotIndex];
swap(this, right, pivotIndex);
var storeIndex = left;
for (var i = left; i < right; ++i) {
if (comparator(this[i], pivotValue) < 0) {
swap(this, storeIndex, i);
swap(this, right, storeIndex);
return storeIndex;
Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, "partition", partition);
Object.defineProperty(Uint32Array.prototype, "partition", partition);
var sortRange = {
value: function(comparator, leftBound, rightBound, k)
function quickSortFirstK(array, comparator, left, right, k)
if (right <= left)
var pivotIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * (right - left)) + left;
var pivotNewIndex = array.partition(comparator, left, right, pivotIndex);
quickSortFirstK(array, comparator, left, pivotNewIndex - 1, k);
if (pivotNewIndex < left + k - 1)
quickSortFirstK(array, comparator, pivotNewIndex + 1, right, k);
if (leftBound === 0 && rightBound === (this.length - 1) && k === this.length)
quickSortFirstK(this, comparator, leftBound, rightBound, k);
return this;
Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, "sortRange", sortRange);
Object.defineProperty(Uint32Array.prototype, "sortRange", sortRange);
Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, "qselect",
value: function(k, comparator)
if (k < 0 || k >= this.length)
if (!comparator)
comparator = function(a, b) { return a - b; }
var low = 0;
var high = this.length - 1;
for (;;) {
var pivotPosition = this.partition(comparator, low, high, Math.floor((high + low) / 2));
if (pivotPosition === k)
return this[k];
else if (pivotPosition > k)
high = pivotPosition - 1;
low = pivotPosition + 1;
function binarySearch(object, array, comparator)
var first = 0;
var last = array.length - 1;
while (first <= last) {
var mid = (first + last) >> 1;
var c = comparator(object, array[mid]);
if (c > 0)
first = mid + 1;
else if (c < 0)
last = mid - 1;
return mid;
return -(first + 1);
Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, "binaryIndexOf",
value: function(value, comparator)
var result = binarySearch(value, this, comparator);
return result >= 0 ? result : -1;
Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, "select",
value: function(field)
var result = new Array(this.length);
for (var i = 0; i < this.length; ++i)
result[i] = this[i][field];
return result;
function insertionIndexForObjectInListSortedByFunction(anObject, aList, aFunction)
var index = binarySearch(anObject, aList, aFunction);
if (index < 0)
return -index - 1;
else {
while (index > 0 && aFunction(anObject, aList[index - 1]) === 0)
return index;
String.sprintf = function(format, var_arg)
return String.vsprintf(format,, 1));
String.tokenizeFormatString = function(format, formatters)
var tokens = [];
var substitutionIndex = 0;
function addStringToken(str)
tokens.push({ type: "string", value: str });
function addSpecifierToken(specifier, precision, substitutionIndex)
tokens.push({ type: "specifier", specifier: specifier, precision: precision, substitutionIndex: substitutionIndex });
function isDigit(c)
return !!/[0-9]/.exec(c);
var index = 0;
for (var precentIndex = format.indexOf("%", index); precentIndex !== -1; precentIndex = format.indexOf("%", index)) {
addStringToken(format.substring(index, precentIndex));
index = precentIndex + 1;
if (isDigit(format[index])) {
var number = parseInt(format.substring(index), 10);
while (isDigit(format[index]))
if (number > 0 && format[index] === "$") {
substitutionIndex = (number - 1);
var precision = -1;
if (format[index] === ".") {
precision = parseInt(format.substring(index), 10);
if (isNaN(precision))
precision = 0;
while (isDigit(format[index]))
if (!(format[index] in formatters)) {
addStringToken(format.substring(precentIndex, index + 1));
addSpecifierToken(format[index], precision, substitutionIndex);
return tokens;
String.standardFormatters = {
d: function(substitution)
return !isNaN(substitution) ? substitution : 0;
f: function(substitution, token)
if (substitution && token.precision > -1)
substitution = substitution.toFixed(token.precision);
return !isNaN(substitution) ? substitution : (token.precision > -1 ? Number(0).toFixed(token.precision) : 0);
s: function(substitution)
return substitution;
String.vsprintf = function(format, substitutions)
return String.format(format, substitutions, String.standardFormatters, "", function(a, b) { return a + b; }).formattedResult;
String.format = function(format, substitutions, formatters, initialValue, append)
if (!format || !substitutions || !substitutions.length)
return { formattedResult: append(initialValue, format), unusedSubstitutions: substitutions };
function prettyFunctionName()
return "String.format(\"" + format + "\", \"" + substitutions.join("\", \"") + "\")";
function warn(msg)
console.warn(prettyFunctionName() + ": " + msg);
function error(msg)
console.error(prettyFunctionName() + ": " + msg);
var result = initialValue;
var tokens = String.tokenizeFormatString(format, formatters);
var usedSubstitutionIndexes = {};
for (var i = 0; i < tokens.length; ++i) {
var token = tokens[i];
if (token.type === "string") {
result = append(result, token.value);
if (token.type !== "specifier") {
error("Unknown token type \"" + token.type + "\" found.");
if (token.substitutionIndex >= substitutions.length) {
error("not enough substitution arguments. Had " + substitutions.length + " but needed " + (token.substitutionIndex + 1) + ", so substitution was skipped.");
result = append(result, "%" + (token.precision > -1 ? token.precision : "") + token.specifier);
usedSubstitutionIndexes[token.substitutionIndex] = true;
if (!(token.specifier in formatters)) {
warn("unsupported format character \u201C" + token.specifier + "\u201D. Treating as a string.");
result = append(result, substitutions[token.substitutionIndex]);
result = append(result, formatters[token.specifier](substitutions[token.substitutionIndex], token));
var unusedSubstitutions = [];
for (var i = 0; i < substitutions.length; ++i) {
if (i in usedSubstitutionIndexes)
return { formattedResult: result, unusedSubstitutions: unusedSubstitutions };
function createSearchRegex(query, caseSensitive, isRegex)
var regexFlags = caseSensitive ? "g" : "gi";
var regexObject;
if (isRegex) {
try {
regexObject = new RegExp(query, regexFlags);
} catch (e) {
if (!regexObject)
regexObject = createPlainTextSearchRegex(query, regexFlags);
return regexObject;
function createPlainTextSearchRegex(query, flags)
var regexSpecialCharacters = "[](){}+-*.,?\\^$|";
var regex = "";
for (var i = 0; i < query.length; ++i) {
var c = query.charAt(i);
if (regexSpecialCharacters.indexOf(c) != -1)
regex += "\\";
regex += c;
return new RegExp(regex, flags || "");
function countRegexMatches(regex, content)
var text = content;
var result = 0;
var match;
while (text && (match = regex.exec(text))) {
if (match[0].length > 0)
text = text.substring(match.index + 1);
return result;
function numberToStringWithSpacesPadding(value, symbolsCount)
var numberString = value.toString();
var paddingLength = Math.max(0, symbolsCount - numberString.length);
var paddingString = Array(paddingLength + 1).join("\u00a0");
return paddingString + numberString;
var Map = function()
this._map = {};
this._size = 0;
Map._lastObjectIdentifier = 0;
Map.prototype = {
put: function(key, value)
var objectIdentifier = key.__identifier;
if (!objectIdentifier) {
objectIdentifier = ++Map._lastObjectIdentifier;
key.__identifier = objectIdentifier;
if (!this._map[objectIdentifier])
this._map[objectIdentifier] = [key, value];
remove: function(key)
var result = this._map[key.__identifier];
delete this._map[key.__identifier];
return result ? result[1] : undefined;
keys: function()
return this._list(0);
values: function()
return this._list(1);
_list: function(index)
var result = new Array(this._size);
var i = 0;
for (var objectIdentifier in this._map)
result[i++] = this._map[objectIdentifier][index];
return result;
get: function(key)
var entry = this._map[key.__identifier];
return entry ? entry[1] : undefined;
size: function()
return this._size;
clear: function()
this._map = {};
this._size = 0;
function loadXHR(url, async, callback)
function onReadyStateChanged()
if (xhr.readyState !== XMLHttpRequest.DONE)
if (xhr.status === 200) {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", url, async);
if (async)
xhr.onreadystatechange = onReadyStateChanged;
if (!async) {
if (xhr.status === 200)
return xhr.responseText;
return null;
return null;
function StringPool()
StringPool.prototype = {
intern: function(string)
if (string === "__proto__")
return "__proto__";
var result = this._strings[string];
if (result === undefined) {
this._strings[string] = string;
result = string;
return result;
reset: function()
this._strings = Object.create(null);
internObjectStrings: function(obj, depthLimit)
if (typeof depthLimit !== "number")
depthLimit = 100;
else if (--depthLimit < 0)
throw "recursion depth limit reached in StringPool.deepIntern(), perhaps attempting to traverse cyclical references?";
for (var field in obj) {
switch (typeof obj[field]) {
case "string":
obj[field] = this.intern(obj[field]);
case "object":
this.internObjectStrings(obj[field], depthLimit);
var _importedScripts = {};
function importScript(scriptName)
if (_importedScripts[scriptName])
_importedScripts[scriptName] = true;
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", scriptName, false);
var sourceURL = WebInspector.ParsedURL.completeURL(window.location.href, scriptName);
window.eval(xhr.responseText + "\n//@ sourceURL=" + sourceURL);
function postMessageWrapper(message)
WebInspector.WorkerConsole = function()
WebInspector.WorkerConsole.prototype = {
log: function(var_args)
error: function(var_args)
info: function(var_args)
trace: function()
this.log(new Error().stack);
_postMessage: function(method, args)
var rawMessage = {
object: "console",
method: method,
arguments: args
var dispatcher = new WebInspector.HeapSnapshotWorkerDispatcher(this, postMessageWrapper);
addEventListener("message", dispatcher.dispatchMessage.bind(dispatcher), false);
console = new WebInspector.WorkerConsole();