[devtools] Remove obsolete DevTools builder

Remove also orphaned configuration.

Bug: 335755714
Change-Id: I61abca694984b51fd9347a33a8b4ddb959fcf521
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/chromium/src/+/5467740
Reviewed-by: Michael Achenbach <machenbach@chromium.org>
Reviewed-by: Philip Pfaffe <pfaffe@chromium.org>
Auto-Submit: Liviu Rau <liviurau@chromium.org>
Reviewed-by: Kent Tamura <tkent@chromium.org>
Commit-Queue: Philip Pfaffe <pfaffe@chromium.org>
Reviewed-by: Benedikt Meurer <bmeurer@chromium.org>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/main@{#1291194}
GitOrigin-RevId: c1879a79208fff0ff346aa20a9b71925a2ec1e45
2 files changed
tree: c94318b668fd37bc8e49f693b085af9201819352
  1. docs/
  2. lib/
  3. mb_config_expectations/
  4. __init__.py
  6. mb
  7. mb.bat
  8. mb.py
  9. mb_config.pyl
  10. mb_unittest.py
  11. mb_validation_unittest.py
  12. OWNERS
  13. PRESUBMIT.py
  14. README.md

MB - The Meta-Build wrapper

MB is a simple wrapper around the GN build tool.

It was originally written as part of the GYP->GN migration, in order to provide a uniform interface to either GYP or GN, such that users and bots can call one script and not need to worry about whether a given bot was meant to use GN or GYP.

It eventually grew additional functionality and is now still used even though everything is GN-only.

It supports two main functions:

  1. “gen” - the main gn gen invocation that generates the Ninja files needed for the build.

  2. “analyze” - the step that takes a list of modified files and a list of desired targets and reports which targets will need to be rebuilt.

We also use MB as a forcing function to collect all of the different build configurations that we actually support for Chromium builds into one place, in //tools/mb/mb_config.pyl.

For more information, see: