tree: 84f5831d72d0f47dc986853ac871a5485b4a895e [path history] [tgz]
  1. qsys/
  2. rtl/
  3. sim/
  4. u-boot/
  5. vips/
  6. create_bitstream.tcl
  7. Makefile
  8. pin_settings.tcl
  10. v3.srf
  11. v3_270-2_ram_assignments.tcl
  12. v3_clocks.sdc

V3 Chameleon FPGA code


In this folder you'll find hardware code required for the fpga on chameleon.

FPGA's job

The FPGA circuitry's job is to move large amount of video signals around.

  • Input HDMI or DP via MGT-RX
  • Input HDMI via parallel bits (a little easier) from the IT68051 (+free HDCP)
  • Put it in ram for the embedded linux to grab it
  • Output on usb gadget (Cypress FX3) (though we might delegate the whole FX3 to Linux instead)
  • Expose SOM_AUD_* (the 3 analog audio ports) as an I2S controller to Linux
  • Expose IT68051_I2S* as another I2S controller for audio coming from IT68051

See http://go/chameleon-fpga-architecture for more details.

Files found here

  • SystemVerilog RTL sources (.sv) to be found in rtl/
  • SystemVerilog testbenches (.sv) to be found in sim/utests/
  • v3*.sv describes the whole board


Build system generates three different types of bitstream:

  • *.sof - main bitstream with header
  • *.rbf - bitstream stripped from Quartus header, ready to flash directly to SD/EMMC
  • *.itb - U-Boot-friendly file format that U-Boot utilizes to program the FPGA.

Most of the time one will only need *.itb file.


Download and install Quartus Prime Pro 22.4 from To run Quartus, one will need a proper license - contact Chameleon team for access.

Make sure quartus_sh was added to the PATH. If not:

export PATH=${PATH}:<quartus_installation_dir>/quartus/bin

Install U-Boot utilities:

sudo apt install u-boot-tools

Supported FPGAs

  • Arria10 family
  • 10AS048E3F29I2SG - code name 480-2
  • 10AS027E2F29I2SG - code name 270-2
  • 10AS027E4F29E3LG - code name 270-3


To build bitstream for given chip, use make bitstream FPGA_CHIP=<code name> Type make help for more information.


make tests will run the tests for all SVUnit testbenches defined in sim/utests. Refer to installation instruction for run tests inside sim/utests directory. Essentially, one need to run:

export SVUNIT_INSTALL=~/chromiumos/src/third_party/svunit

Google's mirror of SVUnit repository can be found at src/third_party/svunit.