tree: 82a1dd3bbfe6e982229079ad5f25d660391b8b92 [path history] [tgz]
  1. app_engine/
  3. Makefile

ChromeOS Probe Info Service


This project is still under active development.

Probe Info Service is an AppEngine service that manages component probe statements. The service leverages data from AVL system to generate the corresponding probe statements for the probe tool automatically. It also brings-up self-service mechanism to verify the data, and provides rich exception handling process to handle corner cases.

Folder Structure

  • $(factory-repo)/py/probe_info_service contains the main code base.
  • $(factory-repo)/deploy/ is the helper script to deploy or test the project.
  • $(factory-private-repo)/config/probe_info_service contains all the confidential configurations.


To deploy the service to staging environment, run

(factory-repo)$ ./deploy/ deploy staging



Unittests modules are named with suffix Because the working environment of Probe Info Service is quite different than the factory framework on DUT, make -C $(factory-repo) test ignores all unittest modules related to Probe Info Service. Instead, developers should trigger the tests by the helper script as follow:

(factory-repo)$ ./deploy/ unittest

Or run the specific unittest(s) and dump the log by the following command:

(factory-repo)$ ./deploy/ unittest --dump_logs \

Manual Test

Following command starts the service on localhost:8080:

(factory-repo)$ ./deploy/ run

To invoke a ProtoRPC method call, one can send the request by curl commandline tool. For example, following shell commands invoke ProbeInfoService.GetProbeSchema.

(factory-repo)$ PKG_NAME="cros.factory.probe_info_service.app_engine.stubby_pb2"
(factory-repo)$ BASE_URL="http://localhost:8080/_ah/stubby"
(factory-repo)$ PROTOC_ARGS="-I py/probe_info_service/app_engine stubby.proto"
(factory-repo)$ \
  echo -ne '' \
  | protoc $PROTOC_ARGS --encode="${PKG_NAME}.GetProbeSchemaRequest" <<__EOF__ \
  | curl --data-binary @- "${BASE_URL}/ProbeInfoService.GetProbeSchema" \
  | protoc $PROTOC_ARGS --decode="${PKG_NAME}.GetProbeSchemaResponse"

Development Tip

Enable the IntelliSense

Some of the messages are defined in .proto protobuf file, which makes the IntelliSense feature of those classes in Python failed by default. However, developers can still bring the features up by re-using the deployment flow, in which the .proto files are transformed into .py files.

The deployment flow roughly consists of following 3 steps:

  1. make -C $(factory-repo)/py/probe_info_service prepare generates all auto-generated files and put them in $(factory-repo)/build/probe_info_service/gen.
  2. make -C $(factory-repo)/py/probe_info_service _pack copies all required source files into the correct location in a temporary directory in preparation of AppEngine deployment.
  3. gcloud app deploy <tmp_dir>/app.yaml deploys the sources.

To enable IntelliSense, one can specify $(factory-repo)/build/probe_info_service/gen as a path for python libraries and manual run make prepare once .proto files are modified.
