Re-enable event logging when a gesture prop is set

A new gesture property, "Event Logging Enable", can now be set to true
to make the gestures library log events into its buffer. Since touch
event reporting is disabled in Chromium currently, these events don't
get added to feedback reports, so further work is needed there. However,
this will fix the touch tests once they set the new property.

Some chunks of this CL are just reverts of

TEST=install a Chrome build with reverted;
     use touchpad, set the new property to true, use touchpad, and check
     only the events from after enabling appear in system logs ZIP

Change-Id: I417f968b2041cbd3464933614b67d41d99e17fa5
Commit-Queue: Harry Cutts <>
Tested-by: Harry Cutts <>
Reviewed-by: Sean O'Brien <>
7 files changed