factory_installer: force updating firmware in factory install mode. (merge from R12 to R11 factory)

Factory test images (and install shims) are configured with
"leave_firmware_alone" because they may contain firmware blobs that are
different from the real version to install.

So we have to explicitly assign the "force" flag when factory installer is
trying to update the firmware to the assigned version (by make_factory_package

Cherry-Pick URL: http://codereview.chromium.org/6806001
TEST=built a factory install shim, then
     make_factory_package --... --firmware_updater=xxx,
     and see firmware update messages on verbose progress log.

Change-Id: I913957e0abd2acdd1191f5c4c98c352eed50bf95


Review URL: http://codereview.chromium.org/6821027
1 file changed