blob: 7b69fbcb9fab01734cf430cabb45867a051db517 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview This file contains implementation for Open Network
* Configuration format querying and manipulation.
* See
* Namespace for ONC manipulation.
var onc = {};
* Create an onc blob based on the input onc blob, updating with the
* given entity. The entities within the blob will be references to
* (not copies of) the original blob and entity.
* @param {Object} entity ONC entity to use as a replacement
* @param {Object} type Either NetworkConfigurations or Certificates.
* @param {Object} oncData ONC to update
* @returns {Boolean} Indicates if successful.
onc.createUpdate = function(entity, type, oncData) {
if (oncData == null)
oncData = main.oncCurrent;
var resultOnc = {
'NetworkConfigurations': [],
'Certificates': []
resultOnc.NetworkConfigurations = oncData.NetworkConfigurations.slice(0);
resultOnc.Certificates = oncData.Certificates.slice(0);
if (!('GUID' in entity)) {
// Issue warning?
return resultOnc;
function replaceGuid(array) {
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; ++i) {
if (array[i].GUID == entity.GUID) {
array[i] = entity;
if (type == 'NetworkConfigurations')
if (type == 'Certificates')
return resultOnc;
* Create an empty associative array (JSON object) in the given ONC
* object. If there is already one, leave it alone.
* @param {Object} outer parent ONC object
* @param {String} newAssocArray String name of associative array.
onc.setUpAssocArray = function(outer, newAssocArray) {
if (!(newAssocArray in outer) || !(outer[newAssocArray] instanceof Object)) {
outer[newAssocArray] = {};
* Set up an associative array (JSON object) in the given ONC object.
* If there is already one, leave it alone.
* @param {Object} outer parent ONC object
* @param {String} newAssocArray String name of associative array.
onc.setUpArray = function(outer, newArray) {
if (newArray in outer || !(outer[newArray] instanceof Array))
outer[newArray] = [];
* Update array in place so that it has name in it iff value is non-zero.
* @param {Array} array input/output array.
* @param {Scalar} name name to find in array.
* @param {Integer} value value to use to determine if name should appear.
onc.setBitArray = function(array, name, value) {
if (value) {
if (array.indexOf(name) < 0)
} else {
var index = array.indexOf(name);
if (index >= 0)
array.splice(index, 1);
* Returns an associative array of entity GUIDs to "true". This
* enables quickly looking up if aan entity is in the given ONC file.
* @param {Object} onc ONC file.
onc.getEntitySet = function(onc) {
var map = {};
for (var i = 0; i < main.oncCurrent.Certificates.length; ++i) {
var oncCert = main.oncCurrent.Certificates[i];
map[oncCert.GUID] = true;
for (var i = 0; i < main.oncCurrent.NetworkConfigurations.length; ++i) {
var oncNetwork = main.oncCurrent.NetworkConfigurations[i];
map[oncNetwork.GUID] = true;
return map;
* Find a cert in the cert list by GUID.
* @returns {Integer} index into certificate array or -1 if not found.
onc.findCert = function(guid, oncData) {
for (var i = 0; i < oncData.Certificates.length; ++i) {
if (oncData.Certificates[i].GUID == guid)
return i;
return -1;
* Find a network in the network list by GUID.
* @returns {Integer} index into certificate array or -1 if not found.
onc.findNetwork = function(guid, oncData) {
for (var i = 0; i < oncData.NetworkConfigurations.length; ++i) {
if (oncData.NetworkConfigurations[i].GUID == guid)
return i;
return -1;
* Finds an entity (a network or certificate) by GUID.
* @param {String} guid GUID of entity
* @param {Object} oncData ONC data.
* @returns {Object} Object containing 'entityList' and 'index'. entityList
* is the top level list (Certificates or
* NetworkConfigurations). index is the index into that
* list. If none is found, return null.
onc.findEntity = function(guid, oncData) {
var index = onc.findCert(guid, oncData);
if (index >= 0) {
return { 'entityList': 'Certificates', 'index': index };
index = onc.findNetwork(guid, oncData);
if (index >= 0) {
return { 'entityList': 'NetworkConfigurations',
'index': index };
return null;
* Removes an entity by GUID. Returns false if entity did not exist.
* @params {String} guid GUID of entity (cert or network) to remove.
* @params {Object} oncData ONC blob to update.
* @returns {Boolean} Indicates if successful.
onc.removeEntity = function(guid, oncData) {
var entityLocation = onc.findEntity(guid, oncData);
if (!entityLocation)
return false;
var array = oncData[entityLocation.entityList];
var index = entityLocation.index;
array = array.slice(0, index).concat(array.slice(index + 1));
oncData[entityLocation.entityList] = array;
return true;
* Marks an entity for removal by GUID. Entity must already exist.
* Returns false if entity did not exist.
* @params {String} guid GUID of entity (cert or network) to remove.
* @params {Object} oncData ONC blob to update.
* @returns {Boolean} Indicates if successful.
onc.markRemoveEntity = function(guid, oncData) {
var entityLocation = onc.findEntity(guid, oncData);
if (!entityLocation)
return false;
var entity = oncData[entityLocation.entityList][entityLocation.index];
var removeEntity = {
'GUID': guid,
'Remove': true
if ('Name' in entity) {
// Preserve the Name if it exists for better diagnostics.
removeEntity.Name = entity.Name;
oncData[entityLocation.entityList][entityLocation.index] = removeEntity;
return true;
* Determines if a entity has already been marked for removal.
* @params {Object} oncEntity ONC blob to update.
* @returns {Boolean} Indicates if marked for removal.
onc.isMarkedForRemoval = function(oncEntity) {
return ('Remove' in oncEntity && oncEntity.Remove);
* Validate an ONC Client Certificate. This handles both the client
* certificate reference and certificate pattern cases.
* @param {Object} network NetworkConfiguration ONC object.
* @param {Object} result Result object indicating errors and warnings.
onc.validateClientCert = function(outer, index, oncData, result) {
var network = oncData.NetworkConfigurations[index];
if (!('ClientCertType' in outer)) {
result.errors.push(['errorLoadRequiredObjectMissing', 'ClientCertType']);
return result;
if (outer.ClientCertType == 'Ref') {
if (!('ClientCertRef' in outer)) {
result.errors.push(['errorLoadRequiredObjectMissing', 'ClientCertRef']);
return result;
if (onc.findCert(outer.ClientCertRef, oncData) < 0) {
network.Name, 'ClientCertRef', outer.ClientCertRef]);
} else if (outer.ClientCertType == 'Pattern') {
if (!('ClientCertPattern' in outer)) {
return result;
var pattern = outer.ClientCertPattern;
if (!('IssuerCARef' in pattern) &&
!('Subject' in pattern)) {
result.errors.push(['errorMissingClientCA', network.Name]);
return result;
if ('IssuerCARef' in pattern &&
onc.findCert(pattern.IssuerCARef, oncData) < 0) {
network.Name, 'IssuerCARef', pattern.IssuerCARef]);
} else {
result.errors.push(['errorLoadRequiredObjectMissing', 'ClientCertType']);
return result;
onc.validateUnencryptedConfiguration = function(oncData, result) {
if (!result)
result = { 'errors': [], 'warnings': [], 'hasOpaqueEntity': false };
var hasOne;
for (var field in oncData) {
if (field == 'NetworkConfigurations' ||
field == 'Certificates') {
hasOne = true;
} else if (field != 'Type') {
result.warnings.push(['warningUnrecognizedTopLevelField', field]);
if (!hasOne) {
if (!('Type' in oncData)) {
if ('Type' in oncData && oncData.Type != 'UnencryptedConfiguration') {
result.errors.push(['errorInvalidConfigurationType', oncData.Type]);
if (!('NetworkConfigurations' in oncData))
oncData.NetworkConfigurations = [];
for (var i = 0; i < oncData.NetworkConfigurations.length; ++i)
onc.validateNetwork(i, oncData, result);
if (!('Certificates' in oncData))
oncData.Certificates = [];
for (var i = 0; i < oncData.Certificates.length; ++i)
onc.validateCertificate(i, oncData, result);
return result;
* Returns true if the given config has all the required fields for an
* encrypted configuration. Does not decrypt anything to check inside
* the encrypted payload.
* @param {Object} config An ONC configuration dictionary.
* @param {Array} result An array of errors and warnings to add to.
* @returns {Array} the result passed in, plus any new errors or warnings.
onc.validateEncryptedConfiguration = function(config, result) {
if (!config) {
return result;
var requiredFields = { 'Cipher': 'AES256',
'Ciphertext': null,
'HMAC': null,
'HMACMethod': 'SHA1',
'IV': null,
'Iterations': null,
'Salt': null,
'Stretch': 'PBKDF2',
'Type': 'EncryptedConfiguration' };
for (field in requiredFields) {
if (!(field in config)) {
result.errors.push(['errorMissingEncryptionField', field]);
if (requiredFields[field] && config[field] != requiredFields[field]) {
config[field], field]);
return result;
* Returns true if the given config is an encrypted ONC file.
* @param {Object} config An ONC configuration dictionary.
* @returns {Boolean} True if this ONC file is an encrypted one.
onc.isEncrypted = function(config) {
return (config &&
('Type' in config) &&
config.Type == "EncryptedConfiguration");
* Actually does the config encryption. Encrypt the result using
* AES256 using a CBC block cipher, with an HMAC-SHA1 and using a
* salted, SHA1-iterated stretched key (PBKDF2). This is what NSS can
* decrypt on the other side, so using other parameters is probably
* not going to work, but we keep the file format flexible.
* @param {String} passphrase Passphrase for encrypting config.
* @param {String} plaintextConfig Plaintext ONC file JSON string.
* @returns {String} Encrypted ONC string (JSON format).
onc.encryptConfig = function(passphrase, config) {
try {
var plaintextConfig = JSON.stringify(config, null, " ");
var salt = Crypto.util.randomBytes(8);
// TODO(gspencer): There is an asyncronous version of PBKDF2 that
// would allow the UI to not be locked (so we can put up a wait
// spinner) that we should use. It locks for about a second
// for 20000 iterations, so it's not a huge problem, but still...
var iterations = 20000;
var iv = Crypto.util.randomBytes(16);
var stretchedPassphrase = Crypto.PBKDF2(passphrase,
{ iterations: iterations,
hasher: Crypto.SHA1,
asBytes:true });
var ciphertext = Crypto.AES.encrypt(
{ iv: iv,
mode: new Crypto.mode.CBC(Crypto.pad.pkcs7),
asBytes: true });
var hmac = Crypto.HMAC(Crypto.SHA1,
{ asBytes: true });
// Note that the reason the "output" object doesn't follow style
// guide naming conventions is because the objects are used in the
// JSON ONC output, and we want the naming to be consistent with
// the rest of the ONC output.
var output = {
'Cipher': 'AES256',
'Ciphertext': Crypto.util.bytesToBase64(ciphertext),
'HMAC': Crypto.util.bytesToBase64(hmac),
'HMACMethod': 'SHA1',
'IV': Crypto.util.bytesToBase64(iv),
'Iterations': iterations,
'Salt': Crypto.util.bytesToBase64(salt),
'Stretch': 'PBKDF2',
'Type': 'EncryptedConfiguration',
return output;
} catch(e) {
return "";
* Actually does the config decryption and parsing. Uses same
* decryption parameters as encryption code.
* @param {String} passphrase Passphrase for decrypting config.
* @param {String} cyphertext Encrypted ONC file contents.
* @returns {Object} Configuration blob.
onc.decryptConfig = function(passphrase, encryptedConfig) {
var salt = Crypto.util.base64ToBytes(encryptedConfig.Salt);
var iv = Crypto.util.base64ToBytes(encryptedConfig.IV);
var hmac = Crypto.util.base64ToBytes(encryptedConfig.HMAC)
var ciphertext = Crypto.util.base64ToBytes(encryptedConfig.Ciphertext);
var stretchedPassphrase = Crypto.PBKDF2(
{ iterations: encryptedConfig.Iterations,
hasher: Crypto.SHA1,
asBytes:true });
var calculatedHMAC = Crypto.HMAC(Crypto.SHA1,
{ asBytes: true });
var hmacPassed = false;
if (calculatedHMAC && calculatedHMAC.length == hmac.length) {
hmacPassed = true;
for (var i = 0; i < calculatedHMAC.length; i++) {
if (calculatedHMAC[i] != hmac[i]) {
hmacPassed = false;
var plaintext = Crypto.AES.decrypt(
{ iv: iv,
mode: new Crypto.mode.CBC(Crypto.pad.pkcs7),
asString: true });
// Defer testing hmac until here to avoid leaking timing info.
// Probably futile in Javascript, but still...
if (!plaintext || hmacPassed != true) {
throw chrome.i18n.getMessage('errorUnableToDecrypt');
return JSON.parse(plaintext);
* Validate the given certificate ONC data.
* @param {String} index index into Certificates array in ONC.
* @param {Object} oncData ONC data
* @param {Object} result Validation results data that will be update.
onc.validateCertificate = function(index, oncData, result) {
if (!result)
result = { 'errors': [], 'warnings': [], 'hasOpaqueEntity': false };
var certificate = oncData.Certificates[index];
if (!('GUID' in certificate)) {
return result;
if ('Remove' in certificate) {
// Certificate marked for removal. Ignore the rest.
return result;
if (!('Type' in certificate)) {
result.errors.push(['errorLoadRequiredObjectMissing', 'Type']);
return result;
if ('X509' in certificate) {
var der = Base64.unarmor(certificate.X509);
var asn1Data = asn1.parseAsn1(der);
if (!asn1Data) {
result.errors.push(['errorX509CertificateIsInvalid', certificate.GUID]);
return result;
var cert = asn1.interpretCert(asn1Data);
if (!asn1Data) {
result.errors.push(['errorX509CertificateIsInvalid', certificate.GUID]);
} else if ('PKCS12' in certificate) {
// TODO: support or deprecate PKCS12.
result.hasOpaqueEntity = true;
} else {
result.hasOpaqueEntity = true;
return result;
* Validate the ProxyLocation object field.
* @param {Object} oncManualProxy ManualProxySettings ONC object
* @param {String} name Name optionally associated with ProxyLocation.
* @param {Object} result Validation results
* @returns {Object} Results object
onc.validateProxyLocation = function(oncManualProxy, name, result) {
if (!(name in oncManualProxy))
var proxyLocation = oncManualProxy[name];
var path = 'ProxySettings.Manual.' + name;
if (!('Host' in proxyLocation))
result.errors.push(['errorLoadRequiredObjectMissing', path + '.Host']);
if (!('Port' in proxyLocation)) {
result.errors.push(['errorLoadRequiredObjectMissing', path + '.Port']);
} else {
if (typeof(proxyLocation.Port) != 'number')
result.errors.push(['errorExpectedInt', path + '.Port']);
if (proxyLocation.Host == '') {
* Validate the ProxySettings ONC object.
* @param {Object} oncProxy ProxySettings ONC object.
* @param {Object} result Validation results.
* @returns {Object} Results object
onc.validateProxySettings = function(oncProxy, result) {
if (!('Type' in oncProxy)) {
if (oncProxy.Type == 'Direct' || oncProxy.Type == 'WPAD') {
// No expectations for these.
} else if (oncProxy.Type == 'Manual') {
if (!('Manual' in oncProxy)) {
return result;
onc.validateProxyLocation(oncProxy.Manual, 'HTTPProxy', result);
onc.validateProxyLocation(oncProxy.Manual, 'SecureHTTPProxy', result);
onc.validateProxyLocation(oncProxy.Manual, 'FTPProxy', result);
onc.validateProxyLocation(oncProxy.Manual, 'SOCKS', result);
} else if (oncProxy.Type == 'PAC') {
// A PAC name must be present in the object. It also must be
// non-empty. An empty PAC likely was meaning to convey using
// WPAD, but we expect a separate 'WPAD' type for that.
if (!('PAC' in oncProxy))
else if (oncProxy.PAC == '')
} else {
result.errors.push(['errorLoadUnknownProxyType', oncProxy.Type]);
* Validate the given NetworkConfiguration ONC object.
* @param {Integer} index Index into NetworkConfigurations.
* @param {Object} oncData Complete ONC
* @param {Object} result Incoming results of validation, updated.
* @returns {Object} Results object
onc.validateNetwork = function(index, oncData, result) {
var netConfig = oncData.NetworkConfigurations[index];
if (!result)
result = { 'errors': [], 'warnings': [], 'hasOpaqueEntity': false };
if (!('GUID' in netConfig)) {
result.errors.push(['errorLoadRequiredObjectMissing', 'GUID']);
return result;
if ('Remove' in netConfig) {
// Network marked for removal. Ignore the rest.
return result;
if (!('Type' in netConfig)) {
result.errors.push(['errorLoadRequiredObjectMissing', 'Type']);
return result;
if (!('Name' in netConfig) || netConfig.Name == '') {
result.errors.push(['errorMissingNetworkName', netConfig.Type]);
return result;
if ('ProxySettings' in netConfig) {
onc.validateProxySettings(netConfig.ProxySettings, result);
if (netConfig.Type == 'WiFi') {
onc.validateWiFiNetwork(index, oncData, result);
} else if (netConfig.Type == 'VPN') {
onc.validateVpnNetwork(index, oncData, result);
} else {
result.hasOpaqueEntity = true;
return result;
* Validate a WiFi NetworkConfiguration ONC object.
* @param {Integer} index Index into NetworkConfiguration ONC object.
* @param {Object} oncData ONC configuration
* @param {Object} result Result object indicating errors and warnings.
* @returns {Object} Result of validation.
onc.validateWiFiNetwork = function(index, oncData, result) {
var netConfig = oncData.NetworkConfigurations[index];
if (!('WiFi' in netConfig)) {
result.errors.push(['errorLoadRequiredObjectMissing', 'WiFi']);
return result;
var wifiConfig = netConfig.WiFi;
if (!('SSID' in wifiConfig) || wifiConfig.SSID == '') {
result.errors.push(['errorWiFiNetworkMissingSSID', 'SSID']);
return result;
if (!('Security' in wifiConfig)) {
result.errors.push(['errorLoadRequiredObjectMissing', 'Security']);
return result;
switch (wifiConfig.Security) {
case 'None':
case 'WEP-PSK':
result.warnings.push(['warningWEPInherentlyUnsafe', netConfig.Name]);
if ('Passphrase' in netConfig.WiFi) {
// 5/13/16/29 characters are needed for 64/128/152/256-bit WEP ascii keys
// 10/26/32/58 characters are needed for 64/128/152/256-bit WEP hex keys
// Note that the actual bits supplied here are only
// 40/104/128/232 bits, respectively, but WEP adds some
// randomness to make up the rest of the bits.
var hexLengths = [10, 26, 32, 58];
var passphrase = netConfig.WiFi.Passphrase;
if (passphrase.substr(0, 2) != '0x' ||
hexLengths.indexOf(passphrase.length - 2) == -1)
} else {
case 'WPA-PSK':
if ('Passphrase' in netConfig.WiFi) {
if (netConfig.WiFi.Passphrase.length < 8) {
} else {
case 'WPA-EAP':
if (!('EAP' in netConfig.WiFi)) {
result.errors.push(['errorLoadRequiredObjectMissing', 'EAP']);
var eapConfig = netConfig.WiFi.EAP;
if (wiFiDialog.wifiRequiresServerCertificate()) {
if ('ServerCARef' in eapConfig &&
onc.findCert(eapConfig.ServerCARef, oncData) < 0) {
netConfig.Name, 'ServerCARef',
if (wiFiDialog.wifiRequiresClientCertficate()) {
onc.validateClientCert(eapConfig, index, oncData, result);
if (wiFiDialog.wifiRequiresPassword()) {
if (!('Password' in eapConfig))
if (!('Outer' in eapConfig)) {
return result;
switch (eapConfig.Outer) {
case 'PEAP':
case 'EAP-TTLS':
case 'EAP-TLS':
case 'LEAP':
eapConfig.Outer, netConfig.Name]);
return result;
if (!('Identity' in eapConfig) || eapConfig.Identity == '') {
result.warnings.push(['warningIdentityMissing', netConfig.Name]);
wifiConfig.Security, netConfig.Name]);
return result;
* Validate a VPN NetworkConfiguration ONC object's user credentials.
* @param (Object) container ONC container for user credentials.
* @param {Integer} index Index into NetworkConfiguration ONC object.
* @param {Object} oncData ONC configuration
* @param {Object} result Result object indicating errors and warnings.
* @returns {Object} Result of validation.
onc.validateVpnUserCredentials = function(container, index,
oncData, result) {
var netConfig = oncData.NetworkConfigurations[index];
if (!('Username' in container) || container.Username == '') {
result.warnings.push(['warningIdentityMissing', netConfig.Name]);
if (!('Password' in container) || container.Password == '') {
result.warnings.push(['warningPasswordMissing', netConfig.Name]);
* Validate a VPN NetworkConfiguration ONC object's certificates.
* @param (Object) container ONC container for certificates.
* @param {Integer} index Index into NetworkConfiguration ONC object.
* @param {Object} oncData ONC configuration
* @param {Object} result Result object indicating errors and warnings.
* @returns {Object} Result of validation.
onc.validateVpnCerts = function(container, index, oncData, result) {
var netConfig = oncData.NetworkConfigurations[index];
if (!('ServerCARef' in container))
result.errors.push(['errorMissingVPNServerCA', netConfig.Name]);
else if (onc.findCert(container.ServerCARef, oncData) < 0) {
netConfig.Name, 'ServerCARef',
onc.validateClientCert(container, index, oncData, result);
* Validate a VPN NetworkConfiguration ONC object.
* @param {Integer} index Index into NetworkConfiguration ONC object.
* @param {Object} oncData ONC configuration
* @param {Object} result Result object indicating errors and warnings.
* @returns {Object} Result of validation.
onc.validateVpnNetwork = function(index, oncData, result) {
var netConfig = oncData.NetworkConfigurations[index];
if (!('VPN' in netConfig)) {
result.errors.push(['errorLoadRequiredObjectMissing', 'VPN']);
return result;
var vpnConfig = netConfig.VPN;
if (!('Type' in vpnConfig)) {
result.errors.push(['errorLoadRequiredObjectMissing', 'VPN.Type']);
if (!('Host' in vpnConfig) || vpnConfig.Host == '') {
result.errors.push(['errorLoadRequiredObjectMissing', 'VPN.Host']);
if (vpnConfig.Type == 'L2TP-IPsec') {
if (!('L2TP' in vpnConfig)) {
return result;
onc.validateVpnUserCredentials(vpnConfig.L2TP, index,
oncData, result)
if (!('IPsec' in vpnConfig)) {
return result;
var ipsecConfig = vpnConfig.IPsec;
if (!('IKEVersion' in ipsecConfig)) {
return result;
if (!('AuthenticationType' in ipsecConfig)) {
return result;
if (ipsecConfig.AuthenticationType != 'PSK' &&
ipsecConfig.AuthenticationType != 'Cert') {
if (ipsecConfig.AuthenticationType == 'PSK') {
if (!('PSK' in ipsecConfig))
result.warnings.push(['warningPreSharedKeyMissing', netConfig.Name]);
} else {
onc.validateVpnCerts(ipsecConfig, index, oncData, result);
} else if (vpnConfig.Type == 'OpenVPN') {
onc.validateVpnUserCredentials(vpnConfig.OpenVPN, index,
oncData, result)
onc.validateVpnCerts(vpnConfig.OpenVPN, index, oncData, result);
} else {
result.warnings.push(['errorUnsupportedVPNType', netConfig.Name,
result.hasOpaqueEntity = true;
return result;
return result;