blob: 4e4123f5aa739daf83deec002ab90d8e4cde9ef4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview This file contains implementation for the VPN
* configuration dialog.
* Namespace for VPN dialog.
var vpnDialog = {};
* Based on current VPN setting, set visible configuration.
vpnDialog.setUiVisibility = function() {
var setting = $('#vpn-type').val();
if (setting == 'L2TP-IPsec-PSK') {
} else if (setting == 'L2TP-IPsec-Cert' || setting == 'OpenVPN') {
if ($('#vpn-save-credentials').is(':checked'))
* Gets the username and password for the user from the UI.
* @param {Object} container The destination container for the credentials.
vpnDialog.getUserCredentialsFromUi = function(container) {
var saveCredentials = $('#vpn-save-credentials').is(':checked');
container.SaveCredentials = saveCredentials;
if (saveCredentials) {
container.Username = $('#vpn-username').val();
container.Password = $('#vpn-password').val();
} else {
delete container.Username;
delete container.Password;
* Gets the certificate information from the UI.
* @param {Object} container The destination container for the certificate info.
vpnDialog.getCertsFromUi = function(container) {
var serverCa = $('#vpn-server-ca').val();
if (serverCa != 'empty') {
container.ServerCARef = serverCa;
container.ClientCertType = 'Pattern';
var clientCa = $('#vpn-client-ca').val();
onc.setUpAssocArray(container, 'ClientCertPattern');
if (clientCa != 'empty') {
container.ClientCertPattern.IssuerCARef = clientCa;
if ($('#vpn-enrollment-uri').val()) {
container.ClientCertPattern.EnrollmentUri = $('#vpn-enrollment-uri').val();
} else {
delete container.ClientCertPattern.EnrollmentUri;
* Validate and convert the VPN configuration to ONC.
* @returns {Object} ONC NetworkConfiguration object for VPN.
vpnDialog.getFromUi = function() {
var network = {};
if (vpnDialog.oncBase)
network = vpnDialog.oncBase;
network.GUID = $('#vpn-guid').val();
network.Name = $('#vpn-name').val();
network.Type = 'VPN';
onc.setUpAssocArray(network, 'VPN');
network.VPN.Host = $('#vpn-host').val();
var vpnType = $('#vpn-type').val();
if (vpnType == 'L2TP-IPsec-PSK' || vpnType == 'L2TP-IPsec-Cert') {
network.VPN.Type = 'L2TP-IPsec';
onc.setUpAssocArray(network.VPN, 'IPsec');
network.VPN.IPsec.IKEVersion = 1;
onc.setUpAssocArray(network.VPN, 'L2TP');
} else {
network.VPN.Type = 'OpenVPN';
onc.setUpAssocArray(network.VPN, 'OpenVPN');
if (vpnType == 'L2TP-IPsec-Cert') {
network.VPN.IPsec.AuthenticationType = 'Cert';
delete network.VPN.IPsec.PSK;
} else if (vpnType == 'L2TP-IPsec-PSK') {
network.VPN.IPsec.AuthenticationType = 'PSK';
if ($('#vpn-psk').val())
network.VPN.IPsec.PSK = $('#vpn-psk').val();
delete network.VPN.IPsec.PSK;
delete network.VPN.IPsec.ServerCARef;
delete network.VPN.IPsec.ClientCertPattern;
} else if ($('#vpn-type').val() == 'OpenVPN') {
return network;
* Handle save button press on the VPN modal dialog. Responsible for
* showing errors, blocking save, and dismissing modal dialog.
vpnDialog.onApplyPress = function() {
var newVpn = vpnDialog.getFromUi();
var oncTest = onc.createUpdate(newVpn, 'NetworkConfigurations');
var result = onc.validateNetwork(onc.findNetwork(newVpn.GUID, oncTest),
ui.showMessagesAndApply(result, oncTest, $('#vpn-dialog')[0]);
* Called to initialize the VPN dialog.
vpnDialog.init = function() {
$('#vpn-save-credentials')[0].checked = false;
ui.updateCertificateDropdown($('#vpn-server-ca')[0], true);
ui.updateCertificateDropdown($('#vpn-client-ca')[0], true);
$('#apply-button', '#vpn-dialog').click(vpnDialog.onApplyPress);
* Set up the UI with an object from ONC that has certificate information.
* @param {Object} netconfig VPN ONC object
vpnDialog.setCertToUi = function(vpnConfig) {
if (onc.findCert(vpnConfig.ServerCARef, main.oncCurrent) >= 0)
if (vpnConfig.ClientCertType == 'Pattern') {
if (onc.findCert(vpnConfig.ClientCertPattern.IssuerCARef,
main.oncCurrent) >= 0) {
if ('EnrollmentUri' in vpnConfig.ClientCertPattern)
* Set up the UI with an object from ONC that has user credentials.
* @param {Object} netconfig VPN ONC object
vpnDialog.setUserCredentialsToUi = function(vpnConfig) {
if ('Username' in vpnConfig)
if ('Password' in vpnConfig)
if ('SaveCredentials' in vpnConfig && vpnConfig.SaveCredentials)
$('#vpn-save-credentials')[0].checked = true;
* Set up the UI with given VPN ONC configuration.
* @param {Object} netconfig VPN ONC object
vpnDialog.setToUi = function(netConfig) {
vpnDialog.oncBase = netConfig;
var vpnConfig = netConfig.VPN;
if (vpnConfig.Type == 'L2TP-IPsec') {
var ipsecConfig = vpnConfig.IPsec;
if (ipsecConfig.AuthenticationType == 'PSK') {
if ('PSK' in ipsecConfig)
} else if (ipsecConfig.AuthenticationType == 'Cert') {
} else {