blob: 9d6631e476f6d6a5955dbbf9683ad2776d5a2c44 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview This file contains implementation for the download dialog.
* Namespace for download dialog.
var downloadDialog = {};
* Update the download link to contain the current configuration.
downloadDialog.updateDownloadLink = function() {
var config = main.oncCurrent;
if ($('#use-encryption', '#save-request-dialog').is(':checked')) {
var passphrase = $('#save-passphrase', '#save-request-dialog').val();
config = onc.encryptConfig(passphrase, config);
var base64Data = btoa(JSON.stringify(config, null, " "));
'data:application/octet-stream;base64,' + base64Data);
* Called to initialize the download dialog.
downloadDialog.init = function() {
$('#cancel-button', '#download-dialog').focus();
* Called to hide/unhide UI fields.
downloadDialog.setUiVisibility = function() {