blob: b5c1fb8fc9ac58b791334a60eceea71eb92518d3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview This file contains implementation for UI elements.
* Namespace for generic UI manipulation.
var ui = {};
* Opens the dialog identified by the given ID prefix.
* @param {String} idPrefix HTML ID prefix of menu item and dialog
* (ie. 'wifi').
ui.openDialog = function(idPrefix) {
// Close anything else that is already open - though none should be.
var dialogDoms = $('#' + idPrefix + '-dialog');
$('#overlay')[0].style.display = '-webkit-box';
$('#overlay').keydown(function(event) {
if (event.which == 27)
if (event.which == 13) {
// Try to apply.
$('#apply-button', '#' + idPrefix + '-dialog').click();
$('#cancel-button', dialogDoms).click(ui.onDialogCancelPress);
$('#apply-header', dialogDoms).html('');
$('#apply-errors', dialogDoms).html('');
$('#apply-warnings', dialogDoms).html('');
* Return the currently selected option's i18n tag.
* @param {String} selector jquery selector for the option.
* @returns {String} i18n tag of current selected or '' if none selected.
ui.getSelectedI18n = function(selector) {
var dom = $(selector)[0];
var selectedIndex = dom.selectedIndex;
if (selectedIndex < 0)
return '';
return dom.options[selectedIndex].getAttribute('i18n');
* Sets the current option based on i18n tag value. If no tag exists or
* none matches, make no changes.
* @param {String} selector jquery selector for the option.
* @param {String} i18n Value to set
ui.setSelectedI18n = function(selector, i18n) {
var dom = $(selector)[0];
var toSelect = -1;
for (var i = 0; i < dom.options.length; ++i) {
if (dom.options[i].getAttribute('i18n') == i18n) {
toSelect = i;
if (toSelect >= 0)
dom.selectedIndex = toSelect;
* Dismiss/hide the active modal dialog.
ui.dismissDialog = function() {
for (var dialog in main.dialogs)
$('#' + dialog + '-dialog').hide();
* Handle cancel button press on any dialog.
ui.onDialogCancelPress = function() {
* Handle edit button press in the list of networks and certs.
* @param {String} dialogId id for dialog to open
* @param {Integer} index offset inside arrays of main.oncCurrent
ui.onEditPress = function(dialogId, index) {
var dialog = main.dialogs[dialogId];
var result;
var oncData;
if (dialogId == 'cert') {
oncData = main.oncCurrent.Certificates[index];
result = onc.validateCertificate(index, main.oncCurrent);
} else {
oncData = main.oncCurrent.NetworkConfigurations[index];
result = onc.validateNetwork(index, main.oncCurrent);
ui.showMessages(result, '#' + dialogId + '-dialog');
* Handle remove button press in the list of networks and certs.
* @param {Object} oncData ONC blob for the entity to remove.
ui.onRemovePress = function(oncData) {
// Currently we always trust the user. If the user wants to remove
// a certificate that is referenced by a network, allow it. Upon
// updating the summary they should see that the network referencing
// it now has an error.
// TODO: Use the "Remove" tag when the entity was loaded (vs created
// this session).
* Reset the given file picker. The file picker must be its parent's
* last child.
* @param {String} domId Query string to find picker.
ui.resetFilePicker = function(domId) {
var pickerClone = $(domId).clone();
var parent = $(domId).parent()[0];
* Converts the given message list into localized HTML to display.
* @param {Array.<Array.<String>>} messageList array of messages to
* be converted.
ui.convertMessagesToHtml = function(messageList) {
if (!messageList.length)
return '';
messages = [];
for (var i = 0; i < messageList.length; i++) {
var messageFormat = messageList[i];
var message;
if (messageFormat.length > 1) {
message = chrome.i18n.getMessage(messageFormat[0],
} else {
message = chrome.i18n.getMessage(messageFormat[0]);
if (!message) {
message = 'NO TRANSLATION FOR: ' + messageFormat[0];
return '<p>' + messages.join('</p><p>') + '<\p>';
* Depending on the results, apply the changes or show warnings.
* @param {Object} result Result of compiling the UI to ONC.
* @param {Object} oncTest ONC resulting from applying change.
* @param {Object} dialog DOM node of dialog.
ui.showMessagesAndApply = function(result, oncTest, dialog) {
ui.showMessages(result, dialog);
// Require the user to fix errors.
if (result.errors.length)
main.oncCurrent = oncTest;
* Update a certificate dropdown with the currently loaded certificates.
* Currently only Certificate Authority certs are listed.
* @param {Object} optionList DOM option list to update.
* @param {Boolean} clearFirst Clear the option list before adding.
ui.updateCertificateDropdown = function(optionList, clearFirst) {
if (clearFirst) optionList.options.length = 0;
optionList.disabled = false;
for (var i = 0; i < main.oncCurrent.Certificates.length; ++i) {
var oncCert = main.oncCurrent.Certificates[i];
if (oncCert.Type != 'Authority')
var certDescription = ui.formatCertificate(oncCert, 1);
optionList.options.add(new Option(certDescription, oncCert.GUID));
if (optionList.options.length == 0) {
optionList.options.add(new Option(chrome.i18n.getMessage
('certificateEmpty'), 'empty'));
optionList.disabled = true;
* Shows the error or warning mark as appropriate for the given entity.
* @param {Object} result Validation result.
* @param {DOM} entityDom DOM of entity in the list.
ui.setEntityStatus = function(oncEntity, result, entityDom) {
var whichMark = null;
if (result.errors.length)
whichMark = '#error-mark';
else if (result.warnings.length)
whichMark = '#warning-mark';
if (whichMark) {
$(whichMark, entityDom).show();
// if you click on the warning/error, edit the entry.
$(whichMark, entityDom).click(function(event) {
$('#edit', this.parentNode).click();
if (onc.isMarkedForRemoval(oncEntity))
$('#mark-removal-mark', entityDom).show();
* Format a network configuration for display.
* @param {Object} oncNetwork ONC network configuration
ui.formatNetwork = function(oncNetwork, maxLines) {
var bestName = chrome.i18n.getMessage('unknownName');
if ('Name' in oncNetwork)
bestName = oncNetwork.Name;
else if ('GUID' in oncNetwork)
bestName = oncNetwork.GUID;
if (maxLines == 1) {
return bestName;
} else {
var bestType = chrome.i18n.getMessage('unknownType');
if ('Type' in oncNetwork)
bestType = oncNetwork.Type;
return bestName + '<br>' + bestType;
* Handle edit press on a network in the summary list.
ui.onNetworkEditPress = function() {
var parent = $(this).parent();
var index ='index')
if ('onc').Type == 'WiFi')
ui.onEditPress('wifi', index);
ui.onEditPress('vpn', index);
* Format a network configuration for display.
* @param {Object} oncNetwork ONC network configuration
* @param {Integer} maxLines Maximum lines available for description.
Defaults to no maximum.
ui.formatCertificate = function(oncCert, maxLines) {
var cert = null;
var bestName = [ chrome.i18n.getMessage('unknownName'), '' ];
if ('GUID' in oncCert) {
bestName[0] = oncCert['GUID'];
if ('X509' in oncCert) {
cert = main.interpretCertFromX509Pem(oncCert.X509);
if (cert && 'commonName' in cert.subject) {
bestName[0] = cert.subject.commonName;
if (cert && 'commonName' in cert.issuer) {
bestName[1] = cert.subject.commonName;
if (maxLines == 1)
return bestName[0];
return bestName[0] + '<br>\n [' + bestName[1] + ']';
* Handle edit press on a network in the summary list.
ui.onCertificateEditPress = function() {
var parent = $(this).parent();
var index ='index')
ui.onEditPress('cert', index);
* Show the summary of the current ONC settings for a given kind of entity.
* @param {Array.<Object>} list List of entities (networks or certificates)
* @param {String} id query id of the list's top level DOM.
* @param {Function} validator Called to validate this entity.
* @param {Function} formatter Called to format entity to HTML.
* @param {Function} editCallback Called to handle edit press of this entity.
ui.showSummaryList = function(list, id, validator, formatter, editCallback) {
for (var i = 0; i < list.length; ++i) {
var oncEntity = list[i];
var result = validator(i, main.oncCurrent);
var newDom = $('#template', id).clone();
newDom[0].id = '';
$('#left', newDom).html(formatter(oncEntity));
ui.setEntityStatus(oncEntity, result, newDom);
var editButton = $('#edit', newDom);
editButton.parent().data('onc', oncEntity);
editButton.parent().data('index', i);;
// For opaque entities which we do not know how to edit or
// entities marked for removal already, simply remove the edit
// button. User can still preserve such entities and remove them,
// but not modify them.
if (result.hasOpaqueEntity || onc.isMarkedForRemoval(oncEntity)) {
var removeButton = $('#remove', newDom); {
function() {
$('.action', this).show();
function() {
$('.action', this).hide();
newDom[0].style.display = '-webkit-box';
* Update the summary (right) pane.
ui.updateSummary = function() {
var rightPane = $('#right-pane')[0];
// Remove all entities other than the template.
var entities = $('.entity');
for (var i = 0; i < entities.length; ++i) {
if (entities[i].style.display != '')
* Show the results in the dialog.
* @param {Object} result Result of compiling the UI to ONC.
* @param {Object} dialog DOM node of dialog.
ui.showMessages = function(result, dialog) {
$('#apply-errors', dialog).html(ui.convertMessagesToHtml
$('#apply-warnings', dialog).html(ui.convertMessagesToHtml
* Handles loading the body of the extension. Called from onload
* event handler.
ui.translateText = function() {
var i18nNodes = document.querySelectorAll('[i18n]');
for (var i = 0; i < i18nNodes.length; ++i) {
var i18nId = i18nNodes[i].getAttribute('i18n');
var translation = chrome.i18n.getMessage(i18nId);
if (translation == '') {
translation = 'NO TRANSLATION FOR: ' + i18nId;
i18nNodes[i].textContent = translation;