Add in a squareness test

This CL adds a "squareness" test to the firmware test suite.
Essentially, we've seen a few firmwares for touch devices come in
that don't have a squared resolution.  eg: movement is compressed
in x or y.  When this happens if you draw a 45 degree line on the
pad, the height and width will not be exactly the same, and it will
have a distorted angle..

This test has the robot/operator draw a 45 deg line on the pad,
then looks at the angle formed by these points.  It should be right
about 45 if the resolution is correct.

TEST=manually tested.

Change-Id: Id7536c7371418d622684b3b8f67d1d43376d5554
Signed-off-by: Charlie Mooney <>
5 files changed