Update GDM72xx firmware with improved USB suspend/resume support.

Firmware version: 20121114_eeprom_wimax_srf_E-EAP_usbsus_UW1f1c-2294

TEST=Tested the following with USB auto-suspend enabled for WiMAX:
1. Put the system on battery, connect to a WiMAX network, and verify
   that the WiMAX module doesn't disconnect itself from USB for more
   than 8 hours.
2. Repeat the same test while the system is on AC.
3. Repeat the same test with no active WiMAX connection.

Change-Id: I1bb30e8bd7f81ae089e98630ff086402dcc08ea0
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.chromium.org/gerrit/38033
Reviewed-by: Thieu Le <thieule@chromium.org>
Commit-Ready: Ben Chan <benchan@chromium.org>
Tested-by: Ben Chan <benchan@chromium.org>
1 file changed
tree: 40fa3477058d5ac16e912a6763ae1304a38cc8ef
  1. cm/
  2. firmware/
  3. sdk/
  5. README.chromium