blob: b039e0603c7db5e7ef5ca87f4c14c46cbb38ddf8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library formatter_test;
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:path/path.dart';
import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/scanner.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/services/formatter_impl.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/services/writer.dart';
// Test data location ('pkg/analyzer/test/services/data')
final TEST_DATA_DIR = join(dirname(fromUri(Platform.script)), 'data');
main() {
/// Data-driven statement tests
group('', () {
// NOTE: statement tests are run with transforms enabled
runTests('', (input, expectedOutput) {
options: new FormatterOptions(codeTransforms: true)) +
'\n', equals(expectedOutput));
/// Data-driven compilation unit tests
group('', () {
runTests('', (input, expectedOutput) {
expectCUFormatsTo(input, expectedOutput);
/// Data-driven Style Guide acceptance tests
group('', () {
runTests('', (input, expectedOutput) {
expectCUFormatsTo(input, expectedOutput);
/// Data-driven wrapping tests
group('', () {
runTests('', (input, expectedOutput) {
expectCUFormatsTo(input, expectedOutput);
/// Formatter tests
group('formatter', () {
test('failed parse', () {
var formatter = new CodeFormatter();
expect(() => formatter.format(CodeKind.COMPILATION_UNIT, '~'),
throwsA(new isInstanceOf<FormatterException>()));
test('indent', () {
var original = 'class A {\n'
' var z;\n'
' inc(int x) => ++x;\n'
' foo(int x) {\n'
' if (x == 0) {\n'
' return true;\n'
' }\n'
' }\n'
expectCUFormatsTo(original, original);
expectIndentFormatsTo(3, false, original, 'class A {\n'
' var z;\n'
' inc(int x) => ++x;\n'
' foo(int x) {\n'
' if (x == 0) {\n'
' return true;\n'
' }\n'
' }\n'
expectIndentFormatsTo(1, true, original, 'class A {\n'
'\tvar z;\n'
'\tinc(int x) => ++x;\n'
'\tfoo(int x) {\n'
'\t\tif (x == 0) {\n'
'\t\t\treturn true;\n'
test('CU (1)', () {
expectCUFormatsTo('class A {\n'
' var z;\n'
' inc(int x) => ++x;\n'
'}\n', 'class A {\n'
' var z;\n'
' inc(int x) => ++x;\n'
test('CU (2)', () {
expectCUFormatsTo('class A { \n'
'}\n', 'class A {\n'
test('CU (3)', () {
expectCUFormatsTo('class A {\n'
' }', 'class A {\n'
test('CU (4)', () {
expectCUFormatsTo(' class A {\n'
'}\n', 'class A {\n'
test('CU (5)', () {
expectCUFormatsTo('class A { int meaningOfLife() => 42; }', 'class A {\n'
' int meaningOfLife() => 42;\n'
test('CU - EOL comments', () {
expectCUFormatsTo('//comment one\n\n'
'//comment two\n\n', '//comment one\n\n'
'//comment two\n\n');
expectCUFormatsTo('var x; //x\n', 'var x; //x\n');
expectCUFormatsTo('library foo;\n'
'//comment one\n'
'class C {\n'
'}\n', 'library foo;\n'
'//comment one\n'
'class C {\n'
expectCUFormatsTo('library foo;\n'
'//comment one\n'
'//comment two\n'
'class C {\n'
'}\n', 'library foo;\n'
'//comment one\n'
'//comment two\n'
'class C {\n'
expectCUFormatsTo('main() {\n'
'// print(1);\n'
'// print(2);\n'
' print(3);\n'
'}\n', 'main() {\n'
'// print(1);\n'
'// print(2);\n'
' print(3);\n'
expectCUFormatsTo('class A {\n'
'// int a;\n'
'// int b;\n'
' int c;\n'
'}\n', 'class A {\n'
'// int a;\n'
'// int b;\n'
' int c;\n'
test('CU - nested functions', () {
expectCUFormatsTo('x() {\n'
' y() {\n'
' }\n'
'}\n', 'x() {\n'
' y() {\n'
' }\n'
test('CU - top level', () {
'foo() {\n'
'bar() {\n'
'}\n', '\n\n'
'foo() {\n'
'bar() {\n'
expectCUFormatsTo('const A = 42;\n'
'final foo = 32;\n', 'const A = 42;\n'
'final foo = 32;\n');
test('CU - imports', () {
expectCUFormatsTo('import "dart:io";\n\n'
'import "package:unittest/unittest.dart";\n'
'foo() {\n'
'}\n', 'import "dart:io";\n\n'
'import "package:unittest/unittest.dart";\n'
'foo() {\n'
expectCUFormatsTo('library a; class B { }', 'library a;\n'
'class B {}\n');
test('CU - method invocations', () {
expectCUFormatsTo('class A {\n'
' foo() {\n'
' bar();\n'
' for (int i = 0; i < 42; i++) {\n'
' baz();\n'
' }\n'
' }\n'
'}\n', 'class A {\n'
' foo() {\n'
' bar();\n'
' for (int i = 0; i < 42; i++) {\n'
' baz();\n'
' }\n'
' }\n'
test('CU w/class decl comment', () {
expectCUFormatsTo('import "foo";\n\n'
'//Killer class\n'
'class A {\n'
'}', 'import "foo";\n\n'
'//Killer class\n'
'class A {\n'
test('CU (method body)', () {
expectCUFormatsTo('class A {\n'
' foo(path) {\n'
' var buffer = new StringBuffer();\n'
' var file = new File(path);\n'
' return file;\n'
' }\n'
'}\n', 'class A {\n'
' foo(path) {\n'
' var buffer = new StringBuffer();\n'
' var file = new File(path);\n'
' return file;\n'
' }\n'
expectCUFormatsTo('class A {\n'
' foo(files) {\n'
' for (var file in files) {\n'
' print(file);\n'
' }\n'
' }\n'
'}\n', 'class A {\n'
' foo(files) {\n'
' for (var file in files) {\n'
' print(file);\n'
' }\n'
' }\n'
test('CU (method indent)', () {
expectCUFormatsTo('class A {\n'
'void x(){\n'
'}\n', 'class A {\n'
' void x() {\n'
' }\n'
test('CU (method indent - 2)', () {
expectCUFormatsTo('class A {\n'
' static bool x(){\n'
'return true; }\n'
' }\n', 'class A {\n'
' static bool x() {\n'
' return true;\n'
' }\n'
test('CU (method indent - 3)', () {
expectCUFormatsTo('class A {\n'
' int x() => 42 + 3 ; \n'
' }\n', 'class A {\n'
' int x() => 42 + 3;\n'
test('CU (method indent - 4)', () {
expectCUFormatsTo('class A {\n'
' int x() { \n'
'if (true) {\n'
'return 42;\n'
'} else {\n'
'return 13;\n }\n'
' }'
'}\n', 'class A {\n'
' int x() {\n'
' if (true) {\n'
' return 42;\n'
' } else {\n'
' return 13;\n'
' }\n'
' }\n'
test('CU (multiple members)', () {
expectCUFormatsTo('class A {\n'
'class B {\n'
'}\n', 'class A {\n'
'class B {\n'
test('CU (multiple members w/blanks)', () {
expectCUFormatsTo('class A {\n'
'class B {\n\n\n'
' int b() => 42;\n\n'
' int c() => b();\n\n'
'}\n', 'class A {\n'
'class B {\n\n\n'
' int b() => 42;\n\n'
' int c() => b();\n\n'
test('CU - Block comments', () {
expectCUFormatsTo('/** Old school class comment */\n'
'class C {\n'
' /** Foo! */ int foo() => 42;\n'
'}\n', '/** Old school class comment */\n'
'class C {\n'
' /** Foo! */\n'
' int foo() => 42;\n'
expectCUFormatsTo('library foo;\n'
'class C /* is cool */ {\n'
' /* int */ foo() => 42;\n'
'}\n', 'library foo;\n'
'class C /* is cool */ {\n'
' /* int */ foo() => 42;\n'
expectCUFormatsTo('library foo;\n'
'/* A long\n'
' * Comment\n'
'class C /* is cool */ {\n'
' /* int */ foo() => 42;\n'
'}\n', 'library foo;\n'
'/* A long\n'
' * Comment\n'
'class C /* is cool */ {\n'
' /* int */ foo() => 42;\n'
expectCUFormatsTo('library foo;\n'
'/* A long\n'
' * Comment\n'
'/* And\n'
' * another...\n'
'// Mixing it up\n'
'class C /* is cool */ {\n'
' /* int */ foo() => 42;\n'
'}\n', 'library foo;\n'
'/* A long\n'
' * Comment\n'
'/* And\n'
' * another...\n'
'// Mixing it up\n'
'class C /* is cool */ {\n'
' /* int */ foo() => 42;\n'
expectCUFormatsTo('/// Copyright info\n'
'library foo;\n'
'/// Class comment\n'
'//TODO: implement\n'
'class C {\n'
'}\n', '/// Copyright info\n'
'library foo;\n'
'/// Class comment\n'
'//TODO: implement\n'
'class C {\n'
test('CU - mixed comments', () {
expectCUFormatsTo('library foo;\n'
'/* Comment 1 */\n'
'// Comment 2\n'
'/* Comment 3 */', 'library foo;\n'
'/* Comment 1 */\n'
'// Comment 2\n'
'/* Comment 3 */\n');
test('CU - comments (EOF)', () {
expectCUFormatsTo('library foo; //zamm',
'library foo; //zamm\n' //<-- note extra NEWLINE
test('CU - comments (0)', () {
expectCUFormatsTo('library foo; //zamm\n'
'class A {\n'
'}\n', 'library foo; //zamm\n'
'class A {\n'
test('CU - comments (1)', () {
expectCUFormatsTo('/* foo */ /* bar */\n', '/* foo */ /* bar */\n');
test('CU - comments (2)', () {
expectCUFormatsTo('/** foo */ /** bar */\n', '/** foo */\n'
'/** bar */\n');
test('CU - comments (3)', () {
expectCUFormatsTo('var x; //x\n', 'var x; //x\n');
test('CU - comments (4)', () {
expectCUFormatsTo('class X { //X!\n'
'}', 'class X { //X!\n'
test('CU - comments (5)', () {
expectCUFormatsTo('//comment one\n\n'
'//comment two\n\n', '//comment one\n\n'
'//comment two\n\n');
test('CU - comments (6)', () {
expectCUFormatsTo('var x; //x\n', 'var x; //x\n');
test('CU - comments (6)', () {
expectCUFormatsTo('var /* int */ x; //x\n', 'var /* int */ x; //x\n');
test('CU - comments (7)', () {
expectCUFormatsTo('library foo;\n'
'/// Docs\n'
'/// spanning\n'
'/// lines.\n'
'class A {\n'
'/// ... and\n'
'/// Dangling ones too\n'
'int x;\n', 'library foo;\n'
'/// Docs\n'
'/// spanning\n'
'/// lines.\n'
'class A {\n'
'/// ... and\n'
'/// Dangling ones too\n'
'int x;\n');
test('CU - comments (8)', () {
expectCUFormatsTo('var x /* X */, y;\n', 'var x /* X */, y;\n');
test('CU - comments (9)', () {
expectCUFormatsTo('main() {\n'
' foo(1 /* bang */, 2);\n'
'foo(x, y) => null;\n', 'main() {\n'
' foo(1 /* bang */, 2);\n'
'foo(x, y) => null;\n');
test('CU - comments (10)', () {
'var l = [1 /* bang */, 2];\n', 'var l = [1 /* bang */, 2];\n');
test('CU - comments (11)', () {
expectCUFormatsTo('var m = {1: 2 /* bang */, 3: 4};\n', 'var m = {\n'
' 1: 2 /* bang */,\n'
' 3: 4\n'
test('CU - EOF nl', () {
expectCUFormatsTo('var x = 1;', 'var x = 1;\n');
test('CU - constructor', () {
expectCUFormatsTo('class A {\n'
' const _a;\n'
' A();\n'
' int a() => _a;\n'
'}\n', 'class A {\n'
' const _a;\n'
' A();\n'
' int a() => _a;\n'
test('CU - method decl w/ named params', () {
expectCUFormatsTo('class A {\n'
' int a(var x, {optional: null}) => null;\n'
'}\n', 'class A {\n'
' int a(var x, {optional: null}) => null;\n'
test('CU - method decl w/ optional params', () {
expectCUFormatsTo('class A {\n'
' int a(var x, [optional = null]) => null;\n'
'}\n', 'class A {\n'
' int a(var x, [optional = null]) => null;\n'
test('CU - factory constructor redirects', () {
expectCUFormatsTo('class A {\n'
' const factory A() = B;\n'
'}\n', 'class A {\n'
' const factory A() = B;\n'
test('CU - constructor auto field inits', () {
expectCUFormatsTo('class A {\n'
' int _a;\n'
' A(this._a);\n'
'}\n', 'class A {\n'
' int _a;\n'
' A(this._a);\n'
test('CU - parts', () {
expectCUFormatsTo('part of foo;', 'part of foo;\n');
test('CU (cons inits)', () {
expectCUFormatsTo('class X {\n'
' var x, y;\n'
' X() : x = 1, y = 2;\n'
'}\n', 'class X {\n'
' var x, y;\n'
' X()\n'
' : x = 1,\n'
' y = 2;\n'
test('CU (empty cons bodies)', () {
expectCUFormatsTo('class A {\n'
' A() {\n'
' }\n'
'}\n', 'class A {\n'
' A();\n'
'}\n', transforms: true);
expectCUFormatsTo('class A {\n'
' A() {\n'
' }\n'
'}\n', 'class A {\n'
' A() {\n'
' }\n'
'}\n', transforms: false);
test('stmt', () {
expectStmtFormatsTo('if (true){\n'
'if (true){\n'
'if (true){\n'
'return true;\n'
'} else{\n'
'return false;\n'
'return false;\n'
'}', 'if (true) {\n'
' if (true) {\n'
' if (true) {\n'
' return true;\n'
' } else {\n'
' return false;\n'
' }\n'
' }\n'
'} else {\n'
' return false;\n'
test('stmt (switch)', () {
expectStmtFormatsTo('switch (fruit) {\n'
'case "apple":\n'
'case "fig":\n'
'}', 'switch (fruit) {\n'
' case "apple":\n'
' print("delish");\n'
' break;\n'
' case "fig":\n'
' print("bleh");\n'
' break;\n'
test('stmt (empty while body)', () {
expectStmtFormatsTo('while (true);', 'while (true);');
test('stmt (empty for body)', () {
expectStmtFormatsTo('for ( ; ; );', 'for ( ; ; );');
test('stmt (cascades)', () {
'..toString();', '"foo"\n'
' ..toString()\n'
' ..toString();');
test('stmt (generics)', () {
expectStmtFormatsTo('var numbers = <int>[1, 2, (3 + 4)];',
'var numbers = <int>[1, 2, (3 + 4)];');
test('stmt (lists)', () {
expectStmtFormatsTo('var l = [1,2,3,4];', 'var l = [1, 2, 3, 4];');
expectStmtFormatsTo('var l = [\n'
'];', 'var l = [1, 2,];');
//Dangling ','
expectStmtFormatsTo('var l = [1,];', 'var l = [1,];');
test('stmt (maps)', () {
expectStmtFormatsTo('var map = const {"foo": "bar", "fuz": null};',
'var map = const {\n'
' "foo": "bar",\n'
' "fuz": null\n'
expectStmtFormatsTo('var map = {\n'
'"foo": "bar",\n'
'"bar": "baz"\n'
'};', 'var map = {\n'
' "foo": "bar",\n'
' "bar": "baz"\n'
//Dangling ','
expectStmtFormatsTo('var map = {"foo": "bar",};', 'var map = {\n'
' "foo": "bar",\n'
test('stmt (try/catch)', () {
expectStmtFormatsTo('try {\n'
'} catch (e) {\n'
'}', 'try {\n'
' doSomething();\n'
'} catch (e) {\n'
' print(e);\n'
'}on Exception catch (e){\n'
'}', 'try {\n'
' doSomething();\n'
'} on Exception catch (e) {\n'
' print(e);\n'
test('stmt (binary/ternary ops)', () {
'var a = 1 + 2 / (3 * -b);', 'var a = 1 + 2 / (3 * -b);');
'var c = !condition == a > b;', 'var c = !condition == a > b;');
expectStmtFormatsTo('var d = condition ? b : object.method(a, b, c);',
'var d = condition ? b : object.method(a, b, c);');
'var d = obj is! SomeType;', 'var d = obj is! SomeType;');
test('stmt (for in)', () {
expectStmtFormatsTo('for (Foo foo in bar.foos) {\n'
' print(foo);\n'
'}', 'for (Foo foo in bar.foos) {\n'
' print(foo);\n'
expectStmtFormatsTo('for (final Foo foo in bar.foos) {\n'
' print(foo);\n'
'}', 'for (final Foo foo in bar.foos) {\n'
' print(foo);\n'
expectStmtFormatsTo('for (final foo in bar.foos) {\n'
' print(foo);\n'
'}', 'for (final foo in bar.foos) {\n'
' print(foo);\n'
test('Statement (if)', () {
'if (true) print("true!");', 'if (true) print("true!");');
expectStmtFormatsTo('if (true) { print("true!"); }', 'if (true) {\n'
' print("true!");\n'
expectStmtFormatsTo('if (true) print("true!"); else print("false!");',
'if (true) {\n'
' print("true!");\n'
'} else {\n'
' print("false!");\n'
expectStmtFormatsTo('if (true) print("true!"); else print("false!");',
'if (true) print("true!"); else print("false!");', transforms: false);
test('String - multiline - short - same line', () {
expectCUFormatsTo('main() {\n'
' print("""01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789""");\n'
'}\n', 'main() {\n'
' print("""01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789""");\n'
test('String - multiline - short - next line', () {
expectCUFormatsTo('main() {\n'
' print("""\n'
'}\n', 'main() {\n'
' print("""\n'
test('String - multiline - long', () {
expectCUFormatsTo('main() {\n'
' print("""\n'
'}\n', 'main() {\n'
' print("""\n'
// smoketest to ensure we're enforcing the 'no gratuitous linebreaks'
// opinion
test('CU (eat newlines)', () {
'A{}', 'abstract class A {}\n');
// test('line continuations - 1', () {
// expectStmtFormatsTo(
// 'if (x &&\n'
// ' y) {\n'
// ' print("yes!");\n'
// '}',
// 'if (x &&\n'
// ' y) {\n'
// ' print("yes!");\n'
// '}'
// );
// expectStmtFormatsTo(
// 'var x =\n'
// ' 1234567890;',
// 'var x =\n'
// ' 1234567890;'
// );
// expectStmtFormatsTo(
// 'foo() {\n'
// ' var x = 0;\n'
// ' x =\n'
// ' 1234567890;\n'
// '}',
// 'foo() {\n'
// ' var x = 0;\n'
// ' x =\n'
// ' 1234567890;\n'
// '}'
// );
// expectStmtFormatsTo(
// 'foo() {\n'
// ' while (true &&\n'
// ' true) {\n'
// ' print("!");\n'
// ' }\n'
// '}',
// 'foo() {\n'
// ' while (true &&\n'
// ' true) {\n'
// ' print("!");\n'
// ' }\n'
// '}'
// );
// expectStmtFormatsTo(
// 'foo() {\n'
// ' do {\n'
// ' print("!");\n'
// ' } while (true &&\n'
// ' true);\n'
// '}',
// 'foo() {\n'
// ' do {\n'
// ' print("!");\n'
// ' } while (true &&\n'
// ' true);\n'
// '}'
// );
// expectStmtFormatsTo(
// 'int foo() {\n'
// ' return\n'
// ' foo();\n'
// '}',
// 'int foo() {\n'
// ' return\n'
// ' foo();\n'
// '}'
// );
// expectStmtFormatsTo(
// 'int foo() {\n'
// ' return\n'
// ' 13;\n'
// '}',
// 'int foo() {\n'
// ' return\n'
// ' 13;\n'
// '}'
// );
// expectStmtFormatsTo(
// 'foo(fn()) {\n'
// ' return foo(() {\n'
// ' return 1;\n'
// '});\n'
// '}',
// 'foo(fn()) {\n'
// ' return foo(() {\n'
// ' return 1;\n'
// '});\n'
// '}'
// );
// expectStmtFormatsTo(
// 'true ? foo() :\n'
// ' bar();',
// 'true ? foo() :\n'
// ' bar();'
// );
// expectCUFormatsTo(
// 'import "dart:core" as\n'
// ' core;\n',
// 'import "dart:core" as\n'
// ' core;\n'
// );
// expectCUFormatsTo(
// 'export "package:foo/foo.dart" show\n'
// ' Foo;\n',
// 'export "package:foo/foo.dart" show\n'
// ' Foo;\n'
// );
// expectCUFormatsTo(
// 'class Foo extends Bar implements\n'
// ' Baz {\n'
// '}\n',
// 'class Foo extends Bar implements\n'
// ' Baz {\n'
// '}\n'
// );
// });
test('initialIndent', () {
var formatter =
new CodeFormatter(new FormatterOptions(initialIndentationLevel: 2));
var formattedSource =
formatter.format(CodeKind.STATEMENT, 'var x;').source;
expect(formattedSource, startsWith(' '));
test('selections', () {
expectSelectedPostFormat('class X {}', '}');
expectSelectedPostFormat('class X{}', '{');
expectSelectedPostFormat('class X{int y;}', ';');
expectSelectedPostFormat('class X{int y;}', '}');
expectSelectedPostFormat('class X {}', ' {');
/// Token streams
group('token streams', () {
test('string tokens', () {
expectTokenizedEqual('class A{}', 'class A{ }');
expectTokenizedEqual('class A{}', 'class A{\n }\n');
expectTokenizedEqual('class A {}', 'class A{ }');
expectTokenizedEqual(' class A {}', 'class A{ }');
test('string tokens - w/ comments', () {
expectTokenizedEqual('//foo\nint bar;', '//foo\nint bar;');
expectTokenizedNotEqual('int bar;', '//foo\nint bar;');
expectTokenizedNotEqual('//foo\nint bar;', 'int bar;');
test('INDEX', () {
/// '[' ']' => '[]'
var t1 = openSqBracket()..setNext(closeSqBracket()..setNext(eof()));
var t2 = index()..setNext(eof());
expectStreamsEqual(t1, t2);
test('GT_GT', () {
/// '>' '>' => '>>'
var t1 = gt()..setNext(gt()..setNext(eof()));
var t2 = gt_gt()..setNext(eof());
expectStreamsEqual(t1, t2);
test('t1 < t2', () {
var t1 = string('foo')..setNext(eof());
var t2 = string('foo')..setNext(string('bar')..setNext(eof()));
expectStreamsNotEqual(t1, t2);
test('t1 > t2', () {
var t1 = string('foo')..setNext(string('bar')..setNext(eof()));
var t2 = string('foo')..setNext(eof());
expectStreamsNotEqual(t1, t2);
/// Line tests
group('line', () {
test('space', () {
var line = new Line(indentLevel: 0);
expect(line.toString(), equals(' '));
test('initial indent', () {
var line = new Line(indentLevel: 2);
expect(line.toString(), equals(' '));
test('initial indent (tabbed)', () {
var line = new Line(indentLevel: 1, useTabs: true);
expect(line.toString(), equals('\t'));
test('addToken', () {
var line = new Line();
line.addToken(new LineToken('foo'));
expect(line.toString(), equals('foo'));
test('addToken (2)', () {
var line = new Line(indentLevel: 1);
line.addToken(new LineToken('foo'));
expect(line.toString(), equals(' foo'));
test('isWhitespace', () {
var line = new Line(indentLevel: 1);
expect(line.isWhitespace(), isTrue);
/// Writer tests
group('writer', () {
test('basic print', () {
var writer = new SourceWriter();
writer.write(' ');
expect(writer.toString(), equals('foo bar'));
test('newline', () {
var writer = new SourceWriter();
expect(writer.toString(), equals('foo\n'));
test('newline trims whitespace', () {
var writer = new SourceWriter(indentCount: 2);
expect(writer.toString(), equals('\n'));
test('basic print (with indents)', () {
var writer = new SourceWriter();
expect(writer.toString(), equals('foo\n bar\nbaz'));
test('write - multiline', () {
var writer = new SourceWriter();
expect(writer.toString(), equals('\n aaa\nbbb\nccc'));
expect(writer.currentLine.toString(), equals('ccc'));
/// Line breaker tests
group('linebreaker', () {
List<Chunk> breakLine(Line line, int maxLength) =>
new SimpleLineBreaker(maxLength).breakLine(line);
String printLine(Line line, int maxLength) =>
new SimpleLineBreaker(maxLength, (n) => new List.filled(n, ' ').join())
Line line(List tokens) {
var line = new Line();
.forEach((t) => line.addToken(t is LineToken ? t : new LineToken(t)));
return line;
expectTextsEqual(List<Chunk> chunks, List<String> texts) {
expect( => chunk.toString()), orderedEquals(texts));
expectTokensEqual(List<LineToken> tokens, List<String> texts) {
expect( => token.toString()), orderedEquals(texts));
final SP_1 = new SpaceToken(1, breakWeight: DEFAULT_SPACE_WEIGHT);
final SP_w1 = new SpaceToken(1, breakWeight: 1);
final SP_w2 = new SpaceToken(1, breakWeight: 2);
final SP_i = new SpaceToken(1, breakWeight: SINGLE_SPACE_WEIGHT);
// 'foo|1|bar|1|baz|1|foo|1|bar|1|baz'
final LINE_1 = line([
// ' foo|1|bar|1|baz|1|foo|1|bar|1|baz'
final LINE_2 = line([
' foo',
test('breakLine - 0', () {
var chunks = breakLine(line([' foo']), 8);
expectTextsEqual(chunks, [' foo']);
test('breakLine - 1', () {
var chunks = breakLine(LINE_1, 1);
expectTextsEqual(chunks, ['foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'foo', 'bar', 'baz']);
test('breakLine - 2', () {
var chunks = breakLine(LINE_1, 4);
expectTextsEqual(chunks, ['foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'foo', 'bar', 'baz']);
test('breakLine - 3', () {
var chunks = breakLine(LINE_1, 8);
expectTextsEqual(chunks, ['foo bar', 'baz foo', 'bar baz']);
test('breakLine - 4', () {
var chunks = breakLine(LINE_1, 12);
expectTextsEqual(chunks, ['foo bar baz', 'foo bar baz']);
test('breakLine - 5', () {
var chunks = breakLine(LINE_2, 16);
expectTextsEqual(chunks, [' foo bar baz', 'foo bar baz']);
test('breakLine - use weights - 1', () {
var source = line([
var chunks = breakLine(source, 12);
expectTextsEqual(chunks, ['111 222', '333 444', '555 666']);
test('printLine - 1', () {
var line = printLine(LINE_1, 1);
expect(line, 'foo\n bar\n baz\n foo\n bar\n baz');
test('printLine - 2', () {
var line = printLine(LINE_1, 4);
expect(line, 'foo\n bar\n baz\n foo\n bar\n baz');
test('printLine - 3', () {
var line = printLine(LINE_1, 8);
expect(line, 'foo bar\n baz foo\n bar baz');
test('printLine - 4', () {
var line = printLine(LINE_1, 12);
expect(line, 'foo bar baz\n foo bar baz');
test('printLine - use weight - 1', () {
var source = line([
var result = printLine(source, 20);
expect(result, '111111 222222\n 333333 444444\n 555555 666666');
test('printLine - use weight - initializer - success', () {
var source = line(['111111', SP_i, '2222', SP_w1, '3333', SP_w1, '4444']);
var result = printLine(source, 20);
expect(result, '111111\n 2222 3333 4444');
test('printLine - use weight - initializer - rest too long', () {
var source = line([
var result = printLine(source, 15);
expect(result, '111 222\n 333\n 444\n 555\n 666');
test('printLine - use weight - initializer - decl/rest too long', () {
var source = line([
var result = printLine(source, 15);
expect(result, '111\n 2222222222222\n'
' 333\n 444\n 555\n 666');
test('isWhitespace', () {
expect(isWhitespace('foo'), false);
expect(isWhitespace(' foo'), false);
expect(isWhitespace('foo '), false);
expect(isWhitespace(' foo '), false);
expect(isWhitespace(' '), true);
expect(isWhitespace(' '), true);
expect(isWhitespace('\t'), true);
expect(isWhitespace('\t\t'), true);
expect(isWhitespace('\n'), true);
expect(isWhitespace('\r'), true);
test('preprocess - 1', () {
var tokens = line(['f', 'o', 'o', SP_1, 'b', 'a', 'r']).tokens;
var processed = SimpleLineBreaker.preprocess(tokens);
expectTokensEqual(processed, ['foo', ' ', 'bar']);
test('preprocess - 2', () {
var tokens = line(['f', 'o', 'o', SP_1, SP_1, 'b', 'a', 'r']).tokens;
var processed = SimpleLineBreaker.preprocess(tokens);
expectTokensEqual(processed, ['foo', ' ', ' ', 'bar']);
test('preprocess - 3', () {
var tokens = line(['f', 'o', 'o', SP_1, 'b', 'a', 'r', SP_1]).tokens;
var processed = SimpleLineBreaker.preprocess(tokens);
expectTokensEqual(processed, ['foo', ' ', 'bar', ' ']);
/// Helper method tests
group('helpers', () {
test('indentString', () {
expect(getIndentString(0), '');
expect(getIndentString(1), ' ');
expect(getIndentString(4), ' ');
test('indentString (tabbed)', () {
expect(getIndentString(0, useTabs: true), '');
expect(getIndentString(1, useTabs: true), '\t');
expect(getIndentString(3, useTabs: true), '\t\t\t');
test('repeat', () {
expect(repeat('x', 0), '');
expect(repeat('x', 1), 'x');
expect(repeat('x', 4), 'xxxx');
Token closeSqBracket() => new Token(TokenType.CLOSE_SQUARE_BRACKET, 0);
Token eof() => new Token(TokenType.EOF, 0);
Token gt() => new Token(TokenType.GT, 0);
Token gt_gt() => new Token(TokenType.GT_GT, 0);
Token index() => new Token(TokenType.INDEX, 0);
Token openSqBracket() => new BeginToken(TokenType.OPEN_SQUARE_BRACKET, 0);
Token string(String lexeme) => new StringToken(TokenType.STRING, lexeme, 0);
Token classKeyword(int offset) => new KeywordToken(Keyword.CLASS, offset);
Token identifier(String value, int offset) =>
new StringToken(TokenType.IDENTIFIER, value, offset);
Token openParen(int offset) =>
new StringToken(TokenType.OPEN_PAREN, '{', offset);
Token closeParen(int offset) =>
new StringToken(TokenType.CLOSE_PAREN, '}', offset);
Token chain(List<Token> tokens) {
for (var i = 0; i < tokens.length - 1; ++i) {
tokens[i].setNext(tokens[i + 1]);
return tokens[0];
FormattedSource formatCU(src, {options: const FormatterOptions(), selection}) =>
new CodeFormatter(options).format(CodeKind.COMPILATION_UNIT, src,
selection: selection);
String formatStatement(src, {options: const FormatterOptions()}) =>
new CodeFormatter(options).format(CodeKind.STATEMENT, src).source;
Token tokenize(String str) {
var reader = new CharSequenceReader(str);
return new Scanner(null, reader, null).tokenize();
expectSelectedPostFormat(src, token) {
var preOffset = src.indexOf(token);
var length = token.length;
var formatted = formatCU(src, selection: new Selection(preOffset, length));
var postOffset = formatted.selection.offset;
expect(formatted.source.substring(postOffset, postOffset + length),
equals(src.substring(preOffset, preOffset + length)));
expectTokenizedEqual(String s1, String s2) =>
expectStreamsEqual(tokenize(s1), tokenize(s2));
expectTokenizedNotEqual(String s1, String s2) => expect(
() => expectStreamsEqual(tokenize(s1), tokenize(s2)),
throwsA(new isInstanceOf<FormatterException>()));
expectStreamsEqual(Token t1, Token t2) =>
new TokenStreamComparator(null, t1, t2).verifyEquals();
expectStreamsNotEqual(Token t1, Token t2) => expect(
() => new TokenStreamComparator(null, t1, t2).verifyEquals(),
throwsA(new isInstanceOf<FormatterException>()));
expectCUFormatsTo(src, expected, {transforms: true}) => expect(formatCU(src,
options: new FormatterOptions(codeTransforms: transforms)).source,
expectIndentFormatsTo(spacesPerIndent, tabsForIndent, src, expected) => expect(
options: new FormatterOptions(
spacesPerIndent: spacesPerIndent,
tabsForIndent: tabsForIndent)).source, equals(expected));
expectStmtFormatsTo(src, expected, {transforms: true}) => expect(
options: new FormatterOptions(codeTransforms: transforms)),
runTests(testFileName, expectClause(String input, String output)) {
var testIndex = 1;
var testFile = new File(join(TEST_DATA_DIR, testFileName));
var lines = testFile.readAsLinesSync();
for (var i = 1; i < lines.length; ++i) {
var input = '',
expectedOutput = '';
while (!lines[i].startsWith('<<<')) {
input += lines[i++] + '\n';
while (++i < lines.length && !lines[i].startsWith('>>>')) {
expectedOutput += lines[i] + '\n';
test('test - (${testIndex++})', () {
expectClause(input, expectedOutput);