blob: b47303e632ec7f47edf24645dab975c93d3fc24d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors.
* Licensed under the Eclipse Public License v1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
* in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
* is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
* or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
* Internal completion context.
* @coverage
public class InternalCompletionContext extends CompletionContext {
protected char[][] expectedTypesSignatures;
protected char[][] expectedTypesKeys;
protected int javadoc;
protected int offset = -1;
protected int tokenStart = -1;
protected int tokenEnd = -1;
protected char[] token = null;
protected int tokenKind;
protected int tokenLocation;
protected boolean isExtended;
// protected InternalExtendedCompletionContext extendedContext;
* Return keys of expected types of a potential completion proposal at the completion position.
* It's not mandatory to a completion proposal to respect this expectation.
* @return keys of expected types of a potential completion proposal at the completion position or
* <code>null</code> if there is no expected types.
* @see org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ASTParser#createASTs(ICompilationUnit[], String[],
* org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ASTRequestor, org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor)
public char[][] getExpectedTypesKeys() {
return this.expectedTypesKeys;
* Return signatures of expected types of a potential completion proposal at the completion
* position. It's not mandatory to a completion proposal to respect this expectation.
* @return signatures expected types of a potential completion proposal at the completion position
* or <code>null</code> if there is no expected types.
* @see Signature
public char[][] getExpectedTypesSignatures() {
return this.expectedTypesSignatures;
* Returns the offset position in the source file buffer after which code assist is requested.
* @return offset position in the source file buffer
* @since 3.2
public int getOffset() {
return this.offset;
// protected void setExtendedData(
// ITypeRoot typeRoot,
// CompilationUnitDeclaration compilationUnitDeclaration,
// LookupEnvironment lookupEnvironment,
// Scope scope,
// ASTNode astNode,
// WorkingCopyOwner owner,
// CompletionParser parser) {
// this.isExtended = true;
// this.extendedContext =
// new InternalExtendedCompletionContext(
// this,
// typeRoot,
// compilationUnitDeclaration,
// lookupEnvironment,
// scope,
// astNode,
// owner,
// parser);
// }
* Returns the completed token. This token is either the identifier or Java language keyword or
* the string literal under, immediately preceding, the original request offset. If the original
* request offset is not within or immediately after an identifier or keyword or a string literal
* then the returned value is <code>null</code>.
* @return completed token or <code>null</code>
* @since 3.2
public char[] getToken() {
return this.token;
* Returns the character index of the end (exclusive) of the subrange in the source file buffer
* containing the relevant token. When there is no relevant token, the range is empty (
* <code>getTokenEnd() == getTokenStart() - 1</code>).
* @return character index of token end position (exclusive)
* @since 3.2
// TODO (david)
public int getTokenEnd() {
return this.tokenEnd;
* Returns the kind of completion token being proposed.
* <p>
* The set of different kinds of completion token is expected to change over time. It is strongly
* recommended that clients do <b>not</b> assume that the kind is one of the ones they know about,
* and code defensively for the possibility of unexpected future growth.
* </p>
* @return the kind; one of the kind constants declared on this class whose name starts with
* <code>TOKEN_KIND</code>, or possibly a kind unknown to the caller
* @since 3.2
public int getTokenKind() {
return this.tokenKind;
* Returns the location of completion token being proposed. The returned location is a bit mask
* which can contain some values of the constants declared on this class whose name starts with
* <code>TL</code>, or possibly values unknown to the caller.
* <p>
* The set of different location values is expected to change over time. It is strongly
* recommended that clients do <b>not</b> assume that the location contains only known value, and
* code defensively for the possibility of unexpected future growth.
* </p>
* @return the location
* @since 3.4
public int getTokenLocation() {
return this.tokenLocation;
* Returns the character index of the start of the subrange in the source file buffer containing
* the relevant token being completed. This token is either the identifier or Java language
* keyword under, or immediately preceding, the original request offset. If the original request
* offset is not within or immediately after an identifier or keyword, then the position returned
* is original request offset and the token range is empty.
* @return character index of token start position (inclusive)
* @since 3.2
public int getTokenStart() {
return this.tokenStart;
* Returns whether this completion context is an extended context. Some methods of this context
* can be used only if this context is an extended context but an extended context consumes more
* memory.
* @return <code>true</code> if this completion context is an extended context.
* @since 3.4
public boolean isExtended() {
return this.isExtended;
* Returns the innermost enclosing Java element which contains the completion location or
* <code>null</code> if this element cannot be computed. The returned Java element and all Java
* elements in the same compilation unit which can be navigated to from the returned Java element
* are special Java elements:
* <ul>
* <li>they are based on the current content of the compilation unit's buffer, they are not the
* result of a reconcile operation</li>
* <li>they are not updated if the buffer changes.</li>
* <li>they do not contain local types which are not visible from the completion location.</li>
* <li>they do not give information about categories. {@link IMember#getCategories()} will return
* an empty array</li>
* </ul>
* Reasons for returning <code>null</code> include:
* <ul>
* <li>the compilation unit no longer exists</li>
* <li>the completion occurred in a binary type. However this restriction might be relaxed in the
* future.</li>
* </ul>
* @return the innermost enclosing Java element which contains the completion location or
* <code>null</code> if this element cannot be computed.
* @exception UnsupportedOperationException if the context is not an extended context
* @since 3.4
// public IJavaElement getEnclosingElement() {
// if (!this.isExtended) throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Operation only supported in extended context"); //$NON-NLS-1$
// if (this.extendedContext == null) return null;
// return this.extendedContext.getEnclosingElement();
// }
* Tell user whether completion takes place in a javadoc comment or not.
* @return boolean true if completion takes place in a javadoc comment, false otherwise.
* @since 3.2
public boolean isInJavadoc() {
return this.javadoc != 0;
* Tell user whether completion takes place in a formal reference of a javadoc tag or not. Tags
* with formal reference are:
* <ul>
* <li>&#64;see</li>
* <li>&#64;throws</li>
* <li>&#64;exception</li>
* <li>{&#64;link Object}</li>
* <li>{&#64;linkplain Object}</li>
* <li>{&#64;value} when compiler compliance is set at leats to 1.5</li>
* </ul>
* @return boolean true if completion takes place in formal reference of a javadoc tag, false
* otherwise.
* @since 3.2
public boolean isInJavadocFormalReference() {
return false; //(this.javadoc & CompletionOnJavadoc.FORMAL_REFERENCE) != 0;
* Tell user whether completion takes place in text area of a javadoc comment or not.
* @return boolean true if completion takes place in a text area of a javadoc comment, false
* otherwise.
* @since 3.2
public boolean isInJavadocText() {
return false; //(this.javadoc & CompletionOnJavadoc.TEXT) != 0;
protected void setExpectedTypesKeys(char[][] expectedTypesKeys) {
this.expectedTypesKeys = expectedTypesKeys;
protected void setExpectedTypesSignatures(char[][] expectedTypesSignatures) {
this.expectedTypesSignatures = expectedTypesSignatures;
protected void setExtended() {
this.isExtended = true;
protected void setJavadoc(int javadoc) {
this.javadoc = javadoc;
protected void setOffset(int offset) {
this.offset = offset;
protected void setToken(char[] token) {
this.token = token;
protected void setTokenKind(int tokenKind) {
this.tokenKind = tokenKind;
protected void setTokenLocation(int tokenLocation) {
this.tokenLocation = tokenLocation;
protected void setTokenRange(int start, int end) {
this.setTokenRange(start, end, -1);
protected void setTokenRange(int start, int end, int endOfEmptyToken) {
this.tokenStart = start;
this.tokenEnd = endOfEmptyToken > end ? endOfEmptyToken : end;
// Work around for bug 132558 (
// completionLocation can be -1 if the completion occur at the start of a file or
// the start of a code snippet but this API isn't design to support negative position.
if (this.tokenEnd == -1) {
this.tokenEnd = 0;