i#6289: Add timestamps at buffer end and around syscalls (#6290)

Adds a timestamp+cpuid pair at the end of normal buffers, to help
separate trace output i/o time.

Adds a timestamp+cpuid pair before and after each application syscall.
It appears around the syscall marker. The trace buffer is no longer
output pre-syscall (this addresses #3113) except for i-filtered traces
or small-window traces where we need a frequent trace size check.

Adds a timestamp+cpuid pair when a kernel transfer event occurs. The
trace buffer is no longer output here.

Fixes the existing behavior where the post-syscall-buffer's timestamp
contains the pre-syscall time.

Bumps the trace version for this change as the contents of post-syscall
timestamps are now different.

Augments the documentation around timestamps and adds a missing entry on
syscall markers.

Adds some invariant checks, and improve existing syscall marker checks.
Further checks are more difficult as the post-syscall time is not
present when there is no post-syscall event, such as with exit or
sigreturn. Did some manual testing with the view tool.

Applies several auxiliary changes required to get all modes to work with
these additional timestamps:
+ Removes the timestamp+cpuid from the split-pipe header, as that
timestamp is delayed by i/o and results in misleading out-of-order
+ Prevents pipe-splitting before a cpuid, to avoid a confusing sequence.
+ Fixes a bug where a syscall marker is missing when the prior block
wrote out its buffer (#6291).
+ Fixes #6245 by re-instating the footer for non-split window files and
removing the template `.*` from PR #6165 which was hiding the warning
(this one could possibly be split into its own PR).
+ Adjusts the PC discontinuity relaxation for online unfetched instrs
(#4915) to check the size now that there's no timestamp.

Issue: #4915
Fixes #6289
Fixes #3113
Fixes #6291 
Fixes #6245
17 files changed
tree: 824fdddae9c73752457141d920ada1e2f54c1e70
  1. .github/
  2. api/
  3. clients/
  4. core/
  5. ext/
  6. libutil/
  7. make/
  8. suite/
  9. third_party/
  10. tools/
  11. .clang-format
  12. .gitignore
  13. .gitmodules
  15. CMakeLists.txt
  17. CTestConfig.cmake
  18. License.txt
  19. README
  20. README.md


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About DynamoRIO

DynamoRIO is a runtime code manipulation system that supports code transformations on any part of a program, while it executes. DynamoRIO exports an interface for building dynamic tools for a wide variety of uses: program analysis and understanding, profiling, instrumentation, optimization, translation, etc. Unlike many dynamic tool systems, DynamoRIO is not limited to insertion of callouts/trampolines and allows arbitrary modifications to application instructions via a powerful IA-32/AMD64/ARM/AArch64 instruction manipulation library. DynamoRIO provides efficient, transparent, and comprehensive manipulation of unmodified applications running on stock operating systems (Windows, Linux, or Android) and commodity IA-32, AMD64, ARM, and AArch64 hardware. Mac OSX support is in progress.

Existing DynamoRIO-based tools

DynamoRIO is the basis for some well-known external tools:

Tools built on DynamoRIO and available in the release package include:

  • The memory debugging tool Dr. Memory
  • The tracing and analysis framework drmemtrace with multiple tools that operate on both online (with multi-process support) and offline instruction and memory address traces:
  • The legacy processor emulator drcpusim
  • The “strace for Windows” tool drstrace
  • The code coverage tool drcov
  • The library tracing tool drltrace
  • The memory address tracing tool memtrace (drmemtrace's offline traces are faster with more surrounding infrastructure, but this is a simpler starting point for customized memory address tracing)
  • The memory value tracing tool memval
  • The instruction tracing tool instrace (drmemtrace's offline traces are faster with more surrounding infrastructure, but this is a simpler starting point for customized instruction tracing)
  • The basic block tracing tool bbbuf
  • The instruction counting tool inscount
  • The dynamic fuzz testing tool Dr. Fuzz
  • The disassembly tool drdisas
  • And more, including opcode counts, branch instrumentation, etc.: see API samples

Building your own custom tools

DynamoRIO‘s powerful API abstracts away the details of the underlying infrastructure and allows the tool builder to concentrate on analyzing or modifying the application’s runtime code stream. API documentation is included in the release package and can also be browsed online. Slides from our past tutorials are also available.

Downloading DynamoRIO

DynamoRIO is available free of charge as a binary package for both Windows and Linux. DynamoRIO's source code is available primarily under a BSD license.

Obtaining Help

Use the discussion list to ask questions.

To report a bug, use the issue tracker.

See also the DynamoRIO home page: http://dynamorio.org/