i#1684 xarch-IR: Support separate host and target arch (#4325)

Adds support for building with different host and target
architectures.  The goal is to support running drdisas, drdecode,
drraw2trace, and drcachesim trace analyzers on one host machine while
targeting recorded bytes or traces from a different type of machine:
e.g., processing aarch64 traces on an x86_64 machine.  The goal is
*not* to turn DR into a cross-ISA binary translator: we only support
standalone mode here, not full DR managed mode.  Long-term it would be
nicer to split out the DR standalone mode interfaces into separate
libraries but that is beyond the scope of the current work.

Adds a top-level CMake option variable "TARGET_ARCH" which defaults to
CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR but can be set to a different value.  The
regular arch variables/defines X86, AARCH64, and ARM are set from
TARGET_ARCH, while new values DR_HOST_{X86,AARCH64,ARM} are set for
the host.

Uses a target-centric approach, where the bulk of the code is built
targeting the TARGET_ARCH, with only assembly code and other limited code
using the DR_HOST_* arch.  This limits the scope of the code changes as
compared to the opposite host-centric approach.  A new define
DR_HOST_NOT_TARGET is used to simply disable cases where the host and
target are intertwined and difficult to easily separate, such as TLS
handling and assembly code used for application execution (such as

The key code changed to use DR_HOST_* includes:
+ *.asm files
+ arch_exports.h inline asm for atomics and other key utilities
+ system call defines (we don't want to have our raw syscall wrappers running
  incorrect syscall numbers: we'll end up with fork bombs or other madness)
+ injection code
+ data section setup
+ drsyms libraries

Code using built-in __*__ arch defines is changed to use our defines:
+ sigcontext.h, which is also augmented for some missing AArch64 types
+ x86_code_test.c

Code reading ELF headers is relaxed to allow *any* arch of the same
bitwdith (i#1345 prevents different bitwidth), since we need the host for
standalone init code but the target for raw2trace module mapping.

Nearly all tests are disabled not just from running but also from
building for simplicity, to reduce code changes here.  Some api.* decoder
tests, drdisas, and the altbin test for drcachesim post-processing and
analysis are enbabled in host!=target builds.
Tests are disabled by using a macro to set up the tests and shifting all
the setup code prior to the tests themselves, allowing a return() to skip
over the bulk of the tests to avoid a giant if().

Only Linux host-x86_64-target-aarch64 is explicitly tested and enabled
here.  Adding the inverse, and adding host-i386-target-arm32, should not be
much work, mostly with compiler flags, but will be done separately.  Adding
Windows support is also separated out as it requires a number of changes
for compiler problems with aarch64 code.

Adds a new host-x86_64-target-aarch64 build to runsuite.cmake, allocated to
a new Travis job to avoid slowing down the current jobs.

Issue: #1684, #4318, #1345
30 files changed
tree: 71190b395c042911032b465212ad370a17dfcafb
  1. .github/
  2. api/
  3. clients/
  4. core/
  5. ext/
  6. libutil/
  7. make/
  8. suite/
  9. third_party/
  10. tools/
  11. .appveyor.yml
  12. .clang-format
  13. .travis.yml
  15. CMakeLists.txt
  17. CTestConfig.cmake
  18. License.txt
  19. README
  20. README.md


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About DynamoRIO

DynamoRIO is a runtime code manipulation system that supports code transformations on any part of a program, while it executes. DynamoRIO exports an interface for building dynamic tools for a wide variety of uses: program analysis and understanding, profiling, instrumentation, optimization, translation, etc. Unlike many dynamic tool systems, DynamoRIO is not limited to insertion of callouts/trampolines and allows arbitrary modifications to application instructions via a powerful IA-32/AMD64/ARM/AArch64 instruction manipulation library. DynamoRIO provides efficient, transparent, and comprehensive manipulation of unmodified applications running on stock operating systems (Windows, Linux, or Android) and commodity IA-32, AMD64, ARM, and AArch64 hardware. Mac OSX support is in progress.

Existing DynamoRIO-based tools

Tools built on DynamoRIO and provided in our release package include:

  • The memory debugging tool Dr. Memory
  • The multi-process cache simulator and memory address trace collection and analysis platform drcachesim
  • The legacy processor emulator drcpusim
  • The “strace for Windows” tool drstrace
  • The code coverage tool drcov
  • The library tracing tool drltrace
  • The disassembly tool drdisas
  • The memory tracing tool memtrace
  • The basic block tracing tool bbbuf
  • The instruction counting tool inscount

Building your own custom tools

DynamoRIO‘s powerful API abstracts away the details of the underlying infrastructure and allows the tool builder to concentrate on analyzing or modifying the application’s runtime code stream. API documentation is included in the release package and can also be browsed online. Slides from our past tutorials are also available.

Downloading DynamoRIO

DynamoRIO is available free of charge as a binary package for both Windows and Linux. DynamoRIO's source code is available under a BSD license.

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See also the DynamoRIO home page: http://dynamorio.org/