[1.2>1.3] [MERGE #1717 @dilijev] MicroBuild v2: Fix binary and package version metadata; refactor and improve scripts.

Merge pull request #1717 from dilijev:microbuildv2

MicroBuild v2: Fix binary and package version metadata; refactor and improve scripts.

Binary and Package Versions

Binary File Version Metadata

Enables correct embedding of version string in file info. All binaries will now
embed File Version metadata as follows:

    <MAJOR>.<MINOR>.<PATCH>.0 (<branch>:<hash>.<build_high>.<build_low>.<push_date>)

Example: (release/1.2:9786fcdbcaa6963a5ccc6648b7aa9bd9dd51d9ec.00008.12122.161007-1756)

`MAJOR`, `MINOR`, and `PATCH` correspond to SemVer fields and will match the
version of ChakraCore the package corresponds to. The fourth field would have
been used to indicate security fixes (a.k.a. `QFE`) but because a fourth field
is not allowed in NuGet package version numbers, but is standard for versions of
binaries produced from VS projects, we are keeping the fourth field in the
binary data and locking it to 0, and omitting it from NuGet package version
numbers and release numbers from now on.

Release NuGet Package Versions

The format of version strings for released NuGet packages will continue to be:




Preview NuGet Package Versions

The format of version strings for preview NuGet packages will now be:


Where `<SPECIAL>` is:


This solves the problem of getting enough information into the package preview
version string (`<SPECIAL>`) to order builds correctly while still guaranteeing
that we fit the requirements for the `<SPECIAL>` field:

1. It must start with a letter
2. It can only contain the characters [a-zA-Z0-9-]
3. It must be 20 characters or less



Miscellaneous Version-Related Changes

Add `PATCH` version to `CommonDefines.h` so that it doesn't need to be manually
coded into builds. (By reducing user intervention for package versions we make
it more feasible to automatically release preview packages from multiple

Extract `MAJOR`, `MINOR`, `PATCH`, and `QFE` version numbers from the source
code by grepping for values of the `#defines` that correspond to those values.

Refactorings and Script Parameters

Merge `pogo_build.ps1` into `run_build.ps1`. Passing the required pogo-related
flags to `run_build.ps1` produces a POGO build. No need to have separate

Compute `ObjectDirectory` and use that for `Chakra.Generated.BuildInfo.props`
unless `TF_BUILD_BUILDDIRECTORY` is specified in the PATH.

Infer `$binpath`.

For many parameters that were previously specified as environment variables from
the environment of the build infrastructure, it is now possible to specify them
as script parameters directly, where script parameters will take precedence over
the values of the corresponding environment variables. This can be helpful when
running scripts manually where you want to quickly experiment with the value of
a variable without having to write it to the environment first. Since it is
sometime valuable to get that variable from the environment, if the script
parameter is unspecified, the value of the environment variable will be used
instead. Additionally, if any parameter is unspecified by either script
parameter or environment variable, a reasonable default is encoded in the script

In order of precedence, all values will be determined by checking for values in
the following order, if applicable:

1. Script parameter
2. Environment variable
3. Script logic to retrieve value
4. Default value

Add parameters with corresponding environment variables to specify skipping
certain paths through the build scripts, which can save time when testing
certain changes by ignoring expensive but unimportant parts of the builds.
Specifying an environment value at the time the build is queued is easier than
modifying the build definition, so adding the environment variable option adds
convenience when testing with the production build definitions.

* `run_build.ps1 -skipPogo` or set `SKIP_POGO` to a non-empty string will skip
  the POGO phase of the build, if it would have been a POGO build. Useful if the
  build binaries produced at the correct locations is enough and you're most
  interested in testing the non-POGO-related aspects of the build scripts.
* `post_build.ps1 -skipTests` or set `SKIP_TESTS` to a non-empty string will
  skip running tests, which can be lengthy. This is useful if the quality of the
  binaries produced is not important and you're interested in testing other
  aspects of the build scripts.


Reduce dependencies on data from build server environments so that these scripts
can be used to perform local builds.

Update `UseValueOrDefault` to take any number of arguments.

Reduce dependency on `locate_msbuild.ps1`.

Add `$BuildSubtype` to 'not enough info' error.

Check for the existence of `nuget.exe` before trying to invoke it. This helps
when running in environments where NuGet is not installed or is not available.
Can avoid errors related to NuGet package restore when running on a build server
with a custom NuGet location and a specific NuGet Task separate from our
scripts. Keeping the NuGet invocation in our scripts allows us to still do local
builds without MicroBuild infrastructure configured on the dev machine (we don't
take a hard dependency on the aforementioned NuGet Task.
tree: 27a54773987f79146689ebe50c5e6ce6442ddf7d
  1. bin/
  2. Build/
  3. jenkins/
  4. lib/
  5. pal/
  6. test/
  7. .gitattributes
  8. .gitignore
  9. build.sh
  10. CMakeLists.txt
  12. LICENSE.txt
  13. netci.groovy
  14. README.md


Join the chat at https://gitter.im/Microsoft/ChakraCore

ChakraCore is the core part of Chakra, the high-performance JavaScript engine that powers Microsoft Edge and Windows applications written in HTML/CSS/JS. ChakraCore supports Just-in-time (JIT) compilation of JavaScript for x86/x64/ARM, garbage collection, and a wide range of the latest JavaScript features. ChakraCore also supports the JavaScript Runtime (JSRT) APIs, which allows you to easily embed ChakraCore in your applications.

You can stay up-to-date on progress by following the MSEdge developer blog.

Build Status

Windows (x64)x64debugx64testx64release
Windows (x86)x86debugx86testx86release
Windows (ARM)armdebugarmtestarmrelease
Ubuntu 16.04 (x64)linuxdebuglinuxtestlinuxrelease
Ubuntu 16.04 (x64 static)linuxsdebuglinuxstestlinuxsrelease
OS X 10.9 (x64 static)osxsdebugosxstestosxsrelease

If you see badges reading “Build: Unknown” it is likely because a build was skipped due to changes being only in files known not to affect the health of the build.

Above is a table of our rolling build status. We run additional builds on a daily basis. See Build Status for the status of all builds.


If you believe you have found a security issue in ChakraCore, please share it with us privately following the guidance at the Microsoft Security TechCenter. Reporting it via this channel helps minimize risk to projects built with ChakraCore.


Building ChakraCore

You can build ChakraCore on Windows 7 SP1 or above, and Windows Server 2008 R2 or above, with either Visual Studio 2013 or 2015 with C++ support installed. Once you have Visual Studio installed:

  • Clone ChakraCore through git clone https://github.com/Microsoft/ChakraCore.git
  • Open Build\Chakra.Core.sln in Visual Studio
  • Build Solution

More details in Building ChakraCore.

Alternatively, you can get pre-built ChakraCore binaries from our NuGet Packages.

Using ChakraCore

Once built, you have a few options for how you can use ChakraCore:

  • The most basic is to test the engine is running correctly with the ch.exe binary. This app is a lightweight hosting of JSRT that you can use to run small applications. After building, you can find this binary in:
    • Build\VcBuild\bin\${platform}_${configuration}
    • (e.g. Build\VcBuild\bin\x64_debug)
  • You can embed ChakraCore in your applications - see documentation and samples.
  • Finally, you can also use ChakraCore as the JavaScript engine in Node. You can learn more by reading how to use Chakra as Node's JS engine

A note about using ChakraCore: ChakraCore is the foundational JavaScript engine, but it does not include the external APIs that make up the modern JavaScript development experience. For example, DOM APIs like document.write() are additional APIs that are not available by default and would need to be provided. For debugging, you may instead want to use print().


Contributions to ChakraCore are welcome. Here is how you can contribute to ChakraCore:

This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact opencode@microsoft.com with any additional questions or comments.

Please refer to Contribution guidelines for more details.


Code licensed under the MIT License.


For details on our planned features and future direction please refer to our roadmap.

Contact us

For questions about ChakraCore, you can reach us on Gitter or open an issue and prefix the issue title with [Question]. See Question tag for already-opened questions.