blob: d55007b18e34a2b2b8ef24f5da7bff3475c1de5f [file] [log] [blame]
// Shell integration.
if (typeof console === 'undefined') {
console = { log: print };
var tempRet0;
var binary;
if (typeof process === 'object' && typeof require === 'function' /* node.js detection */) {
var args = process.argv.slice(2);
binary = require('fs').readFileSync(args[0]);
if (!binary.buffer) binary = new Uint8Array(binary);
} else {
var args;
if (typeof scriptArgs != 'undefined') {
args = scriptArgs;
} else if (typeof arguments != 'undefined') {
args = arguments;
if (typeof readbuffer === 'function') {
binary = new Uint8Array(readbuffer(args[0]));
} else {
binary = read(args[0], 'binary');
// Utilities.
function assert(x, y) {
if (!x) throw (y || 'assertion failed');// + new Error().stack;
// Deterministic randomness.
var detrand = (function() {
var hash = 5381; // TODO DET_RAND_SEED;
var x = 0;
return function() {
hash = (((hash << 5) + hash) ^ (x & 0xff)) >>> 0;
x = (x + 1) % 256;
return (hash % 256) / 256;
// Asyncify integration.
var Asyncify = {
sleeping: false,
sleepingFunction: null,
sleeps: 0,
maxDepth: 0,
DATA_MAX: 65536,
savedMemory: null,
instrumentImports: function(imports) {
var ret = {};
for (var module in imports) {
ret[module] = {};
for (var i in imports[module]) {
if (typeof imports[module][i] === 'function') {
(function(module, i) {
ret[module][i] = function() {
if (!Asyncify.sleeping) {
// Sleep if asyncify support is present (which also requires
// that the memory be exported), and at a certain probability.
if (exports.asyncify_start_unwind &&
view &&
detrand() < 0.5) {
// We are called in order to start a sleep/unwind.
console.log('asyncify: sleep in ' + i + '...');
Asyncify.sleepingFunction = i;
var depth = new Error().stack.split('\n').length - 6;
Asyncify.maxDepth = Math.max(Asyncify.maxDepth, depth);
// Save the memory we use for data, so after we restore it later, the
// sleep/resume appears to have had no change to memory.
Asyncify.savedMemory = new Int32Array(view.subarray(Asyncify.DATA_ADDR >> 2, Asyncify.DATA_MAX >> 2));
// Unwinding.
// Fill in the data structure. The first value has the stack location,
// which for simplicity we can start right after the data structure itself.
view[Asyncify.DATA_ADDR >> 2] = Asyncify.DATA_ADDR + 8;
// The end of the stack will not be reached here anyhow.
view[Asyncify.DATA_ADDR + 4 >> 2] = Asyncify.DATA_MAX;
Asyncify.sleeping = true;
} else {
// Don't sleep, normal execution.
return imports[module][i].apply(null, arguments);
} else {
// We are called as part of a resume/rewind. Stop sleeping.
console.log('asyncify: resume in ' + i + '...');
assert(Asyncify.sleepingFunction === i);
// The stack should have been all used up, and so returned to the original state.
assert(view[Asyncify.DATA_ADDR >> 2] == Asyncify.DATA_ADDR + 8);
assert(view[Asyncify.DATA_ADDR + 4 >> 2] == Asyncify.DATA_MAX);
Asyncify.sleeping = false;
// Restore the memory to the state from before we slept.
view.set(Asyncify.savedMemory, Asyncify.DATA_ADDR >> 2);
return imports[module][i].apply(null, arguments);
})(module, i);
} else {
ret[module][i] = imports[module][i];
// Add ignored.print, which is ignored by asyncify, and allows debugging of asyncified code.
ret['ignored'] = { 'print': function(x, y) { console.log(x, y) } };
return ret;
instrumentExports: function(exports) {
var ret = {};
for (var e in exports) {
if (typeof exports[e] === 'function' &&
!e.startsWith('asyncify_')) {
(function(e) {
ret[e] = function() {
while (1) {
var ret = exports[e].apply(null, arguments);
// If we are sleeping, then the stack was unwound; rewind it.
if (Asyncify.sleeping) {
console.log('asyncify: stop unwind; rewind');
assert(!ret, 'results during sleep are meaningless, just 0');
//console.log('asyncify: after unwind', view[Asyncify.DATA_ADDR >> 2], view[Asyncify.DATA_ADDR + 4 >> 2]);
try {
} catch (e) {
console.log('error in unwind/rewind switch', e);
return ret;
} else {
ret[e] = exports[e];
return ret;
check: function() {
finish: function() {
if (Asyncify.sleeps > 0) {
print('asyncify:', 'sleeps:', Asyncify.sleeps, 'max depth:', Asyncify.maxDepth);
// Fuzz integration.
function logValue(x, y) {
if (typeof y !== 'undefined') {
console.log('[LoggingExternalInterface logging ' + x + ' ' + y + ']');
} else {
console.log('[LoggingExternalInterface logging ' + x + ']');
// Set up the imports.
var imports = {
'fuzzing-support': {
'log-i32': logValue,
'log-i64': logValue,
'log-f32': logValue,
'log-f64': logValue,
'env': {
'setTempRet0': function(x) { tempRet0 = x },
'getTempRet0': function() { return tempRet0 },
imports = Asyncify.instrumentImports(imports);
// Create the wasm.
var instance = new WebAssembly.Instance(new WebAssembly.Module(binary), imports);
// Handle the exports.
var exports = instance.exports;
exports = Asyncify.instrumentExports(exports);
var view;
// Recreate the view. This is important both initially and after a growth.
function refreshView() {
if (exports.memory) {
view = new Int32Array(exports.memory.buffer);
// Run the wasm.
var sortedExports = [];
for (var e in exports) {
sortedExports = sortedExports.filter(function(e) {
// Filter special intrinsic functions.
return !e.startsWith('asyncify_');
sortedExports.forEach(function(e) {
if (typeof exports[e] !== 'function') return;
try {
console.log('[fuzz-exec] calling ' + e);
var result = exports[e]();
if (typeof result !== 'undefined') {
console.log('[fuzz-exec] note result: $' + e + ' => ' + result);
} catch (e) {
console.log('exception!');// + [e, e.stack]);
// Finish up