blob: eab63ba2b7aba45b015651a11217ab3595ad8a80 [file] [log] [blame]
// Test wasm-only builds. In this case, fastcomp emits code that is
// not asm.js, it will only ever run as wasm, and contains special intrinsics for
// asm2wasm that map LLVM IR into i64s.
function asm(global, env, buffer) {
"use asm";
var HEAP8 = new global.Int8Array(buffer);
var HEAP16 = new global.Int16Array(buffer);
var HEAP32 = new global.Int32Array(buffer);
var HEAPU8 = new global.Uint8Array(buffer);
var HEAPU16 = new global.Uint16Array(buffer);
var HEAPU32 = new global.Uint32Array(buffer);
var HEAPF32 = new global.Float32Array(buffer);
var HEAPF64 = new global.Float64Array(buffer);
var fround = global.Math.fround;
var illegalImport = env.illegalImport;
var illegalImportResult = env.illegalImportResult;
function loads() {
var i = 0, f = fround(0), d = +0;
i = load1(100);
i = load1(101, 0);
i = load2(102);
i = load2(103, 0);
i = load2(104, 1);
i = load2(105, 2);
i = load4(106);
i = load4(107, 0);
i = load4(108, 1);
i = load4(109, 2);
i = load4(110, 4);
f = loadf(111);
f = loadf(112, 0);
f = loadf(113, 1);
f = loadf(114, 2);
f = loadf(115, 4);
d = loadd(116);
d = loadd(117, 0);
d = loadd(118, 1);
d = loadd(119, 2);
d = loadd(120, 4);
d = loadd(121, 8);
function stores() {
var i = 0, f = fround(0), d = +0;
store1(100, i);
store1(101, i, 0);
store2(102, i);
store2(103, i, 0);
store2(104, i, 1);
store2(105, i, 2);
store4(106, i);
store4(107, i, 0);
store4(108, i, 1);
store4(109, i, 2);
store4(110, i, 4);
storef(111, f);
storef(112, f, 0);
storef(113, f, 1);
storef(114, f, 2);
storef(115, f, 4);
stored(116, d);
stored(117, d, 0);
stored(118, d, 1);
stored(119, d, 2);
stored(120, d, 4);
stored(121, d, 8);
function test() {
var i = 0, j = i64(), f = fround(0), f1 = fround(0), f2 = fround(0), d1 = +0, d2 = +0;
// bitcasts
i = i32_bc2i(f);
f = i32_bc2f(i);
i = i32_cttz(i);
i = i32_ctpop(i);
j = i64_ctpop(j);
f1 = f32_copysign(f1, f2);
d1 = f64_copysign(d1, d2);
function test64() {
var x = i64(), y = i64(), z = 0; // define i64 variables using special intrinsic
var int32 = 0, float32 = fround(0), float64 = +0;
x = i64_const(100, 0); // i64 constant
y = i64_const(17, 30);
x = i64_add(x, y); // binaries
x = i64_sub(x, y);
x = i64_mul(x, y);
x = i64_udiv(x, y);
x = i64_sdiv(x, y);
x = i64_urem(x, y);
x = i64_srem(x, y);
x = i64_and(x, y);
x = i64_or(x, y);
x = i64_xor(x, y);
x = i64_shl(x, y);
x = i64_ashr(x, y);
x = i64_lshr(x, y);
x = load8(120, 0); // load and store
x = load8(120);
x = load8(120, 2);
x = load8(120, 4);
x = load8(120, 8);
store8(120, x, 0);
store8(120, x);
store8(120, x, 2);
store8(120, x, 4);
store8(120, x, 8);
// comps
z = i64_eq(x, y);
z = i64_ne(x, y);
z = i64_ule(x, y);
z = i64_sle(x, y);
z = i64_uge(x, y);
z = i64_sge(x, y);
z = i64_ult(x, y);
z = i64_slt(x, y);
z = i64_ugt(x, y);
z = i64_sgt(x, y);
// convs
int32 = i64_trunc(x);
x = i64_sext(int32);
x = i64_zext(int32);
float32 = i64_s2f(x);
float64 = i64_s2d(x);
float32 = i64_u2f(x);
float64 = i64_u2d(x);
x = i64_f2s(float32);
x = i64_d2s(float64);
x = i64_f2u(float32);
x = i64_d2u(float64);
// bitcasts
x = i64_bc2i(float64);
float64 = i64_bc2d(x);
// intrinsics
x = i64_ctlz(y);
y = i64_cttz(x);
function imports() {
illegalImport(-3.13159, i64_const(11, 22), -33); // this call must be legalized
return i64(illegalImportResult());
function arg(x) { // illegal param, but not exported
x = i64(x);
store8(100, x, 0);
arg(i64(x)); // "coercion"/"cast"
function illegalParam(a, x, c) {
a = 0;
x = i64(x);
b = +0;
store8(100, x, 0);
illegalParam(0, i64(x), 12.34); // "coercion"/"cast"
function result() { // illegal result, but not exported
return i64_const(1, 2);
function illegalResult() { // illegal result, exported
return i64_const(1, 2);
function call1(x) {
x = i64(x);
var y = i64();
y = i64(call1(x));
return i64(y); // return i64 with a "cast"
function call2(x) {
x = i64(x);
return i64_const(591726473, 57073); // return an i64 const
function returnCastConst() {
return i64(0);
function ifValue64($4, $6) {
$4 = i64($4);
$6 = i64($6);
var $$0 = i64(), $9 = i64(), $10 = i64();
if ($6) {
$9 = i64(call2($4));
$$0 = $9;
} else {
$10 = i64(call2($4));
$$0 = $10;
return i64($$0);
function ifValue32($4, $6) {
$4 = $4 | 0;
$6 = $6 | 0;
var $$0 = 0, $9 = 0, $10 = 0;
if ($6) {
$9 = ifValue32($4 | 0, $6 | 0) | 0;
$$0 = $9;
} else {
$10 = ifValue32($4 | 0, $6 | 0) | 0;
$$0 = $10;
return $$0 | 0;
function switch64($a444) {
$a444 = i64($a444);
var $waka = 0;
switch (i64($a444)) {
case i64_const(7,10): {
$waka = 11000;
case i64_const(5,10): {
$waka = 10;
default: {
$waka = 1;
return $waka | 0;
function keepAlive() {
i64(ifValue64(i64(0), i64(0)));
ifValue32(0, 0) | 0;
switch64(i64(0)) | 0;
return { test64: test64, illegalParam : illegalParam, illegalResult: illegalResult, keepAlive: keepAlive };