feat: add security-policy to project
1 file changed
tree: 1d92b1c0f3c935cafd6ec5b03f0697549928914c
  1. .github/
  2. _examples/
  3. introspect/
  4. prop/
  5. testdata/
  6. .cirrus.yml
  7. .golangci.yml
  8. auth.go
  9. auth_anonymous.go
  10. auth_external.go
  11. auth_sha1.go
  12. call.go
  13. conn.go
  14. conn_darwin.go
  15. conn_other.go
  16. conn_test.go
  17. conn_unix.go
  18. conn_windows.go
  20. dbus.go
  21. dbus_test.go
  22. decoder.go
  23. decoder_test.go
  24. default_handler.go
  25. doc.go
  26. encoder.go
  27. encoder_test.go
  28. escape.go
  29. escape_test.go
  30. examples_test.go
  31. exec_command_test.go
  32. export.go
  33. export_test.go
  34. go.mod
  35. go.sum
  36. homedir.go
  39. match.go
  40. match_test.go
  41. message.go
  42. message_test.go
  43. object.go
  44. object_test.go
  45. proto_fuzz_test.go
  46. proto_test.go
  47. README.md
  48. SECURITY.md
  49. sequence.go
  50. sequence_test.go
  51. sequential_handler.go
  52. sequential_handler_test.go
  53. server_interfaces.go
  54. server_interfaces_test.go
  55. sig.go
  56. sig_test.go
  57. store_test.go
  58. transport_darwin.go
  59. transport_generic.go
  60. transport_nonce_tcp.go
  61. transport_nonce_tcp_test.go
  62. transport_tcp.go
  63. transport_tcp_test.go
  64. transport_unix.go
  65. transport_unix_test.go
  66. transport_unixcred_dragonfly.go
  67. transport_unixcred_freebsd.go
  68. transport_unixcred_linux.go
  69. transport_unixcred_netbsd.go
  70. transport_unixcred_openbsd.go
  71. transport_zos.go
  72. variant.go
  73. variant_lexer.go
  74. variant_parser.go
  75. variant_test.go

Build Status


dbus is a simple library that implements native Go client bindings for the D-Bus message bus system.


  • Complete native implementation of the D-Bus message protocol
  • Go-like API (channels for signals / asynchronous method calls, Goroutine-safe connections)
  • Subpackages that help with the introspection / property interfaces


This packages requires Go 1.12 or later. It can be installed by running the command below:

go get github.com/godbus/dbus/v5


The complete package documentation and some simple examples are available at pkg.go.dev. Also, the _examples directory gives a short overview over the basic usage.

Projects using godbus

  • fyne a cross platform GUI in Go inspired by Material Design.
  • fynedesk a full desktop environment for Linux/Unix using Fyne.
  • go-bluetooth provides a bluetooth client over bluez dbus API.
  • iwd go bindings for the internet wireless daemon “iwd”.
  • notify provides desktop notifications over dbus into a library.
  • playerbm a bookmark utility for media players.
  • rpic lightweight web app and RESTful API for managing a Raspberry Pi

Please note that the API is considered unstable for now and may change without further notice.


go.dbus is available under the Simplified BSD License; see LICENSE for the full text.

Nearly all of the credit for this library goes to github.com/guelfey/go.dbus.