Changed the definitions for GL_TRUE/GL_FALSE to integers 1/0, to be consistent with the C Language bindings for OpenGL.  The boolean values were causing problems when passed into functions like glfwSetWindowShouldClose(), which is faithful to the C Language style.  Kept boolean return values, however, so it's easier in Dart to use the result of a function in an if-test or logical operation (without having to add != 0 everywhere).

Updated the generator code to support different input/return value maps, and made "bool" map to integer as an input, and map to "bool" as an output.  Only a few generated bindings were affected.
11 files changed
tree: b9e1483da44f2111fefe33846588a256efef8f77
  1. example/
  2. lib/
  3. tools/
  4. .gitignore
  9. pubspec.yaml

Dart native extension for GLES2

NOTE: It is unlikely that programs written with these bindings will work on OSX due to platform requirements that the main thread be the one handling events.

Steps to generate the bindings

mkdir lib/src/generated/
cd tools
cp generated/* ../lib/src/generated/

Steps to compile the bindings


cd lib/
dart ../tools/gl_compile.dart

Note that if you set the GL_LIB variable when compiling, you must also set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include the same directory when running your program or the Dart VM will not be able to find$(GL_LIB_NAME).so.

TODO(hstern): It is convenient for development to use the .so file, but for distribution purposes it is less useful. It would be nice to have an option to use the .a library as well.


Test to work with NVIDIA, just requires building glfw with EGL support.

Other Platforms


Functions with interfaces with APIs different from GLES2.

If a function's only difference is moving pointer parameters to the return value, it is not listed. See lib/src/manual_bindings.dart for a full list.

  • glGetActiveAttrib doesn't take a bufSize parameter, and returns an ActiveAttrib instance.
  • glGetActiveUniform doesn't take a bufSize parameter, and returns an ActiveAttrib instance.
  • glGetAttachedShaders doesn't take a maxCount parameter, returns a List<int>.
  • glGetProgramInfoLog doesn't take a maxSize parameter, and returns a String.
  • glGetShaderPrecisionFormat returns a ShaderPrecisionFormat instance.
  • glGetShaderSource doesn't take a bufSize parameter and just returns a String.
  • glReadPixels takes a TypedData pixels parameter and the data is put into it, like in the WebGL API. Your program will most likely crash if the TypedData object you pass in is not big enough, or possibly if it's in the wrong format.
  • glShaderSource just takes the parameters int shader and String string. The original API is not really appropriate for Dart.