blob: 0215df530426d5a08c25cb7f1d924f3d6adc8cd9 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 The LUCI Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# that can be found in the LICENSE file.
"""Common gRPC implementation for Swarming and Isolate"""
import logging
import os
import re
import time
import urlparse
from utils import net
# gRPC may not be installed on the worker machine. This is fine, as long as
# the bot doesn't attempt to use gRPC (checked in IsolateServerGrpc.__init__).
# Full external requirements are: grpcio, certifi.
import grpc
from google import auth as google_auth
from google.auth.transport import grpc as google_auth_transport_grpc
from google.auth.transport import requests as google_auth_transport_requests
except ImportError as err:
grpc = None
# If gRPC was successfully imported, try to import certifi as well. This is not
# actually used anywhere in this module, but if certifi is missing,
# google.auth.transport will fail (see
# So checking it here allows us
# to print out a somewhat-sane error message.
certifi = None
if grpc is not None:
import certifi
except ImportError:
# Will print out error messages later (ie when we have a logger)
# How many times to retry a gRPC call
# Longest time to sleep between gRPC calls
# Start the timeout at three minutes.
def available():
"""Returns true if gRPC can be used on this host."""
return grpc != None
class Proxy(object):
"""Represents a gRPC proxy.
If the proxy begins with 'https', the returned channel will be secure and
authorized using default application credentials - see
Currently, we're using Cloud Container Builder scopes for testing; this may
change in the future to allow different scopes to be passed in for different
To use the returned channel to call methods directly, say:
proxy = grpc_proxy.Proxy('',
To make a unary call with retries (recommended):
proto_output = proxy.call_unary('MyMethod', proto_input)
To make a unary call without retries, or to pass in a client side stream
(proto_input can be an iterator here):
proto_output = proxy.call_no_retries('MyMethod', proto_input)
You can also call the stub directly (not recommended, since no errors will be
caught or logged):
proto_output = proxy.stub.MyMethod(proto_input)
To make a call to a server-side streaming call (these are not retried):
for response in proxy.get_stream('MyStreaminingMethod', proto_input):
<process response>
To retrieve the prefix:
prefix = proxy.prefix # returns "prefix/for/resource/names"
All exceptions are logged using "logging.warning."
def __init__(self, proxy, stub_class):
self._verbose = os.environ.get('LUCI_GRPC_PROXY_VERBOSE')
if self._verbose:'Enabled verbose mode for %s with stub %s',
proxy, stub_class.__name__)
# NB: everything in url is unicode; convert to strings where
# needed.
url = urlparse.urlparse(proxy)
if self._verbose:'Parsed URL for proxy is %r', url)
if url.scheme == 'http':
self._secure = False
elif url.scheme == 'https':
self._secure = True
raise ValueError('gRPC proxy %s must use http[s], not %s' % (
proxy, url.scheme))
if url.netloc == '':
raise ValueError('gRPC proxy is missing hostname: %s' % proxy)
self._host = url.netloc
self._prefix = url.path
if self._prefix.endswith('/'):
self._prefix = self._prefix[:-1]
if self._prefix.startswith('/'):
self._prefix = self._prefix[1:]
if url.params != '' or url.fragment != '':
raise ValueError('gRPC proxy may not contain params or fragments: %s' %
self._debug_info = ['full proxy name: ' + proxy]
self._channel = self._create_channel()
self._stub = stub_class(self._channel)'%s: initialized',
if self._verbose:
def prefix(self):
return self._prefix
def channel(self):
return self._channel
def stub(self):
return self._stub
def name(self):
security = 'insecure'
if self._secure:
security = 'secure'
return 'gRPC %s proxy %s/%s' % (
security, self._host, self._stub.__class__.__name__)
def call_unary(self, name, request):
"""Calls a method, waiting if the service is not available.
Usage: proto_output = proxy.call_unary('MyMethod', proto_input)
for attempt in range(1, MAX_GRPC_ATTEMPTS+1):
return self.call_no_retries(name, request)
except grpc.RpcError as g:
if g.code() is not grpc.StatusCode.UNAVAILABLE:
logging.warning('%s: call_grpc - proxy is unavailable (attempt %d/%d)',, attempt, MAX_GRPC_ATTEMPTS)
# Save the error in case we need to return it
grpc_error = g
time.sleep(net.calculate_sleep_before_retry(attempt, MAX_GRPC_SLEEP))
# If we get here, it must be because we got (and saved) an error
assert grpc_error is not None
raise grpc_error
def get_stream(self, name, request):
"""Calls a server-side streaming method, returning an iterator.
Usage: for resp in proxy.get_stream('MyMethod', proto_input'):
stream = self.call_no_retries(name, request)
while True:
# The lambda "next(stream, 1)" will return a protobuf on success, or the
# integer 1 if the stream has ended. This allows us to avoid attempting
# to catch StopIteration, which gets logged by _wrap_grpc_operation.
response = self._wrap_grpc_operation(name + ' pull from stream',
lambda: next(stream, 1))
if isinstance(response, int):
# Iteration is finished
yield response
def call_no_retries(self, name, request):
"""Calls a method without any retries.
Recommended for client-side streaming or nonidempotent unary calls.
method = getattr(self._stub, name)
if method is None:
raise NameError('%s: "%s" is not a valid method name',, name)
return self._wrap_grpc_operation(
name, lambda: method(request, timeout=GRPC_TIMEOUT_SEC))
def _wrap_grpc_operation(self, name, fn):
"""Wraps a gRPC operation (call or iterator increment) for logging."""
if self._verbose:'%s/%s - starting gRPC operation',, name)
return fn()
except grpc.RpcError as g:
logging.warning('\n\nFailure in %s/%s: gRPC error %s',, name, g)
raise g
except Exception as e:
logging.warning('\n\nFailure in %s/%s: exception %s',, name, e)
raise e
def _dump_proxy_info(self):
logging.warning('DETAILED PROXY INFO')
logging.warning('prefix = %s', self.prefix)
logging.warning('debug info:\n\t%s\n\n',
def _create_channel(self):
# Make sure grpc was successfully imported
assert available()
if not self._secure:
return grpc.insecure_channel(self._host)
# Authenticate the host.
# You're allowed to override the root certs and server if necessary. For
# example, if you're running your proxy on localhost, you'll need to set
# GRPC_PROXY_TLS_ROOTS to the "roots.crt" file specifying the certificate
# for the root CA that your localhost server has used to certify itself, and
# the GRPC_PROXY_TLS_OVERRIDE to the name that your server is using to
# identify itself. For example, the ROOTS env var might be
# "/path/to/roots.crt" while the OVERRIDE env var might be "test_server," if
# this is what's used by the server you're running.
# If you're connecting to a real server with real SSL, none of this should
# be used.
if not certifi:
self._debug_info.append('CERTIFI IS NOT PRESENT;' +
root_certs = None
roots = os.environ.get('LUCI_GRPC_PROXY_TLS_ROOTS')
if roots:
self._debug_info.append('Overridden root CA: %s' % roots)
with open(roots) as f:
root_certs =
self._debug_info.append('Using default root CAs from certifi')
overd = os.environ.get('LUCI_GRPC_PROXY_TLS_OVERRIDE')
options = ()
if overd:
options=(('grpc.ssl_target_name_override', overd),)
ssl_creds = grpc.ssl_channel_credentials(root_certificates=root_certs)
# Authenticate the user.
scopes = ('',)
self._debug_info.append('Scopes are: %r' % scopes)
user_creds, _ = google_auth.default(scopes=scopes)
# Create the channel.
request = google_auth_transport_requests.Request()
self._debug_info.append('Options are: %r' % options)
return google_auth_transport_grpc.secure_authorized_channel(
user_creds, request, self._host, ssl_creds, options=options)