Using the Google Cardboard SDK on mutiple architectures.

By default, the Cardboard SDK targets the armeabi-v7a architecture and the .aar files in the libraries modules only have armeabi-v7a components. This is sufficient for targeting the majority of Android devices since these libraries can be used on both armeabi-v7a and arm64-v8a phones. Some x86 Android devices also support armeabi-v7a native code.

In certain cases, native components for other architectures are required. Alternative versions of the Cardboard SDK native libraries are included in this directory and can be included in your app in necessary. The following instructions explain how to include alternative architectures in the samples/simplepanowidget demo.

  1. Build the standard existing samples/simplepanowidget demo via Android Studio or ./gradlew :samples-simplepanowidget:build. Examine the contents of the resulting application by extracting the APK or using unzip -l samples/simplepanowidget/build/outputs/apk/samples-simplepanowidget-debug.apk | grep lib.*so. The basic sample will only show a single native library at lib/armeabi-v7a/ For your own app, note all the architectures and libraries that your application includes.
  2. Add other architures to the application. For simplepanowidget, this is done by editing the samples/simplepanowidget/build.gradle file and uncommenting the sourceSets section which configures the build to include the contents of simplepanowidget/jniLibs/ in the final APK. Create this jniLibs directory and copy the contents of the appropriate folder in the libraries/native directories to this jniLibs directory. For example, adding support for x86 devices to simplepanowidget, would require copying x86/ to simplepanowidget/jniLibs/x86/
  3. Once the required native libraries are copied, rebuild the app in Android Studio or via ./gradlew clean and ./gradlew :samples-simplepanowidget:build. Examining the new APK will now show an additional native library at lib/x86/
  4. If you do not need the default armeabi-v7a library, it can be removed using a packagingOptions step in the appropriate build.gradle file. Uncommenting this section in samples/simplepanowidget/build.gradle and rebuilding the app will remove lib/armeabi-v7a/ from the APK.