* Use the correct error in defer call in recvResponse() to
  avoid miscounting of the streams quota for unary rpcs.
* Update generated code and server reflection code to comply
  with the change to the grpc generator. Now the grpc support
  version is SupportPackageIsVersion4.
Merge pull request #941 from MakMukhi/mmukhi_update_server_relection

update pre-generated code and server reflection code to comply with the change to the grpc g…
tree: f4ff7ddee8590dbf2121a32223fa1f430646fb9a
  1. benchmark/
  2. codes/
  3. credentials/
  4. Documentation/
  5. examples/
  6. grpclb/
  7. grpclog/
  8. health/
  9. internal/
  10. interop/
  11. metadata/
  12. naming/
  13. peer/
  14. reflection/
  15. stress/
  16. test/
  17. testdata/
  18. transport/
  19. .travis.yml
  20. backoff.go
  21. backoff_test.go
  22. balancer.go
  23. balancer_test.go
  24. call.go
  25. call_test.go
  26. clientconn.go
  27. clientconn_test.go
  28. codegen.sh
  30. coverage.sh
  31. doc.go
  32. interceptor.go
  34. Makefile
  36. README.md
  37. rpc_util.go
  38. rpc_util_test.go
  39. server.go
  40. server_test.go
  41. stream.go
  42. trace.go


Build Status GoDoc

The Go implementation of gRPC: A high performance, open source, general RPC framework that puts mobile and HTTP/2 first. For more information see the gRPC Quick Start guide.


To install this package, you need to install Go and setup your Go workspace on your computer. The simplest way to install the library is to run:

$ go get google.golang.org/grpc


This requires Go 1.5 or later.


The grpc package should only depend on standard Go packages and a small number of exceptions. If your contribution introduces new dependencies which are NOT in the list, you need a discussion with gRPC-Go authors and consultants.


See API documentation for package and API descriptions and find examples in the examples directory.
