Simple Example of STP's C API and using STP as an external CMake project

A developer can use either the build tree or installed version of STP. By default the STP build system registers STP with the user's CMake user package registry when it is built so the build tree version of STP can be used easily out of the box.

To build this example make sure you have built STP and then in this directory run:

$ mkdir bin/ 
$ cd bin/ 
$ cmake-gui ../ 

Note you can use cmake or ccmake instead of cmake-gui, but I prefer it.

If you use cmake-gui

  1. Click the configure button.
  2. Select your generator (most people will use UNIX makefiles or Ninja files).
  3. Click the finish button.
  4. If STP was detected then click on the generate button. If not see the next section.
  5. Exit

Now you have succesfully configured you can build and run the simple example:

UNIX Makefiles

$ make
$ ./stp-example

Ninja files

$ ninja
$ ./stp-example

Detection of STP

STP is detected when running CMake to configure the simple example.

If STP is automatically detected then the CMake variable STP_DIR will be set to the directory containing the STPConfig.cmake file. This file exists in two different locations.

  • Root of the build tree.
  • Somewhere under the installation directory. For example under UNIX systems if the STP installation directory is /usr/local/ then the STPConfig.cmake file will probably be installed to /usr/local/lib/cmake/STP/.

A developer can use either location to build against the build or installed version respectively.

Warning there is another file in ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/CMakeFiles with the name STPConfig.cmake. DO NOT USE THIS FILE

If STP is not detected the developer can set STP_DIR variable manually and then reconfigure.

If things aren't working you should take a look at the CMake documentation on the find_package() command in config mode which describes how an external project like STP will be detected.