With the removal of this flag, CPU-based blurs will now respect the
SkTileMode passed to the blur image filter. Both GPU and CPU blurs
will tend to have more optimal image sizes (smaller) when using
kDecal. kDecal should also use fewer renderpasses. There is a
temporary regression in image size and renderpasses for other tile
modes but this is a required step in the overall blur refactoring.

It also fixes a bug where decal would be applied to the intersection
of both the filter region and primitive subregion when performing
blurs in SVGs. This is why there are larger changes to the
`effect-reference-subregion`: the blur is able to read the hidden color cells of the input image, some of which are red so the overall blur color shifts from green to brownish.

Most viz pixel tests have benign updates. However, the blur_filter_with_clip test is meant to have clamped content. The SW
expected image had baked in the previous limitation of decal-only
blurs which is no longer the case. However, the software_renderer
compositor seems to be sizing images a little off so the clamp is only
applying to the top and left edges. Now the new expected image is
just half wrong :)

Chromium is still relying on deprecated behavior for clamped blurs
where it doesn't specify the clamping geometry with the image filter.
This will require more changes but would likely get around the issue
with how the software_renderer prepares the images to be blurred.

Numerous ash pixel tests had to be updated, but I couldn't spot any
meaningful differences in their content. My guess is that the widgets
and windows all had some amount of blur use, so this change touched

Bug: b/294100597
Bug: b/40040586
Change-Id: I67d5840113e87cfbed1d3a2c4d624c8216991775
Reviewed-by: Scott Violet <>
Commit-Queue: Michael Ludwig <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/main@{#1191026}
1 file changed
tree: d0a0ac52dc93670c1d5d599a0a5b254c57927c26
  1. .github/
  2. .well-known/
  3. accelerometer/
  4. accessibility/
  5. accname/
  6. acid/
  7. ambient-light/
  8. animation-worklet/
  9. annotation-model/
  10. annotation-protocol/
  11. annotation-vocab/
  12. apng/
  13. appmanifest/
  14. attribution-reporting/
  15. audio-output/
  16. autoplay-policy-detection/
  17. avif/
  18. background-fetch/
  19. background-sync/
  20. badging/
  21. battery-status/
  22. beacon/
  23. bluetooth/
  24. browsing-topics/
  25. captured-mouse-events/
  26. clear-site-data/
  27. client-hints/
  28. clipboard-apis/
  29. close-watcher/
  30. common/
  31. compat/
  32. compression/
  33. compute-pressure/
  34. conformance-checkers/
  35. console/
  36. contacts/
  37. content-dpr/
  38. content-index/
  39. content-security-policy/
  40. contenteditable/
  41. cookie-store/
  42. cookies/
  43. core-aam/
  44. cors/
  45. credential-management/
  46. css/
  47. custom-elements/
  48. custom-state-pseudo-class/
  49. delegated-ink/
  50. density-size-correction/
  51. deprecation-reporting/
  52. device-memory/
  53. direct-sockets/
  54. docs/
  55. document-picture-in-picture/
  56. document-policy/
  57. dom/
  58. domparsing/
  59. domxpath/
  60. dpub-aam/
  61. dpub-aria/
  62. ecmascript/
  63. editing/
  64. element-timing/
  65. encoding/
  66. encoding-detection/
  67. encrypted-media/
  68. entries-api/
  69. event-timing/
  70. eventsource/
  71. eyedropper/
  72. feature-policy/
  73. fenced-frame/
  74. fetch/
  75. file-system-access/
  76. FileAPI/
  77. fledge/
  78. focus/
  79. font-access/
  80. fonts/
  81. forced-colors-mode/
  82. fs/
  83. fullscreen/
  84. gamepad/
  85. generic-sensor/
  86. geolocation-API/
  87. geolocation-sensor/
  88. graphics-aam/
  89. graphics-aria/
  90. gyroscope/
  91. hr-time/
  92. html/
  93. html-aam/
  94. html-longdesc/
  95. html-media-capture/
  96. https-upgrades/
  97. idle-detection/
  98. imagebitmap-renderingcontext/
  99. images/
  100. import-maps/
  101. IndexedDB/
  102. inert/
  103. infrastructure/
  104. input-device-capabilities/
  105. input-events/
  106. installedapp/
  107. interfaces/
  108. intersection-observer/
  109. intervention-reporting/
  110. is-input-pending/
  111. js/
  112. js-self-profiling/
  113. keyboard-lock/
  114. keyboard-map/
  115. largest-contentful-paint/
  116. layout-instability/
  117. lifecycle/
  118. loading/
  119. long-animation-frame/
  120. longtask-timing/
  121. magnetometer/
  122. managed/
  123. mathml/
  124. measure-memory/
  125. media/
  126. media-capabilities/
  127. media-playback-quality/
  128. media-source/
  129. mediacapture-extensions/
  130. mediacapture-fromelement/
  131. mediacapture-handle/
  132. mediacapture-image/
  133. mediacapture-insertable-streams/
  134. mediacapture-record/
  135. mediacapture-region/
  136. mediacapture-streams/
  137. mediasession/
  138. merchant-validation/
  139. mimesniff/
  140. mixed-content/
  141. mst-content-hint/
  142. navigation-api/
  143. navigation-timing/
  144. netinfo/
  145. network-error-logging/
  146. notifications/
  147. old-tests/
  148. orientation-event/
  149. orientation-sensor/
  150. page-lifecycle/
  151. page-visibility/
  152. paint-timing/
  153. parakeet/
  154. payment-handler/
  155. payment-method-basic-card/
  156. payment-method-id/
  157. payment-request/
  158. pending-beacon/
  159. performance-timeline/
  160. periodic-background-sync/
  161. permissions/
  162. permissions-policy/
  163. permissions-request/
  164. permissions-revoke/
  165. picture-in-picture/
  166. png/
  167. pointerevents/
  168. pointerlock/
  169. portals/
  170. preload/
  171. presentation-api/
  172. private-aggregation/
  173. private-click-measurement/
  174. proximity/
  175. push-api/
  176. quirks/
  177. referrer-policy/
  178. remote-playback/
  179. reporting/
  180. requestidlecallback/
  181. resize-observer/
  182. resource-timing/
  183. resources/
  184. sanitizer-api/
  185. savedata/
  186. scheduler/
  187. screen-capture/
  188. screen-details/
  189. screen-orientation/
  190. screen-wake-lock/
  191. scroll-animations/
  192. scroll-to-text-fragment/
  193. secure-contexts/
  194. secure-payment-confirmation/
  195. selection/
  196. serial/
  197. server-timing/
  198. service-workers/
  199. shadow-dom/
  200. shape-detection/
  201. shared-storage/
  202. shared-storage-selecturl-limit/
  203. signed-exchange/
  204. soft-navigation-heuristics/
  205. speculation-rules/
  206. speech-api/
  207. storage/
  208. storage-access-api/
  209. streams/
  210. subapps/
  211. subresource-integrity/
  212. svg/
  213. svg-aam/
  214. timing-entrytypes-registry/
  215. tools/
  216. top-level-storage-access-api/
  217. touch-events/
  218. trust-tokens/
  219. trusted-types/
  220. ua-client-hints/
  221. uievents/
  222. upgrade-insecure-requests/
  223. url/
  224. urlpattern/
  225. user-timing/
  226. vibration/
  227. video-rvfc/
  228. virtual-keyboard/
  229. visual-viewport/
  230. wai-aria/
  231. wasm/
  232. web-animations/
  233. web-bundle/
  234. web-locks/
  235. web-nfc/
  236. web-otp/
  237. web-share/
  238. webaudio/
  239. webauthn/
  240. webcodecs/
  241. WebCryptoAPI/
  242. webdriver/
  243. webgl/
  244. webgpu/
  245. webhid/
  246. webidl/
  247. webmessaging/
  248. webmidi/
  249. webnn/
  250. webrtc/
  251. webrtc-encoded-transform/
  252. webrtc-extensions/
  253. webrtc-ice/
  254. webrtc-identity/
  255. webrtc-priority/
  256. webrtc-stats/
  257. webrtc-svc/
  258. websockets/
  259. webstorage/
  260. webtransport/
  261. webusb/
  262. webvr/
  263. webvtt/
  264. webxr/
  265. window-management/
  266. workers/
  267. worklets/
  268. x-frame-options/
  269. xhr/
  270. .azure-pipelines.yml
  271. .gitattributes
  272. .gitignore
  273. .mailmap
  274. .taskcluster.yml
  279. lint.ignore
  281. wpt

The web-platform-tests Project

Taskcluster CI Status documentation manifest Python 3

The web-platform-tests Project is a cross-browser test suite for the Web-platform stack. Writing tests in a way that allows them to be run in all browsers gives browser projects confidence that they are shipping software that is compatible with other implementations, and that later implementations will be compatible with their implementations. This in turn gives Web authors/developers confidence that they can actually rely on the Web platform to deliver on the promise of working across browsers and devices without needing extra layers of abstraction to paper over the gaps left by specification editors and implementors.

The most important sources of information and activity are:

  • the canonical location of the project's source code revision history and the discussion forum for changes to the code
  • the documentation website; details how to set up the project, how to write tests, how to give and receive peer review, how to serve as an administrator, and more
  • a public deployment of the test suite, allowing anyone to run the tests by visiting from an Internet-enabled browser of their choice
  • an archive of test results collected from an array of web browsers on a regular basis
  • Real-time chat room: the matrix channel; includes participants located around the world, but busiest during the European working day.
  • Mailing list: a public and low-traffic discussion list
  • RFCs: a repo for requesting comments on substantial changes that would impact other stakeholders or users; people who work on WPT infra are encouraged to watch the repo.

If you'd like clarification about anything, don't hesitate to ask in the chat room or on the mailing list.

Setting Up the Repo

Clone or otherwise get

Note: because of the frequent creation and deletion of branches in this repo, it is recommended to “prune” stale branches when fetching updates, i.e. use git pull --prune (or git fetch -p && git merge).

Running the Tests

See the documentation website and in particular the system setup for running tests locally.

Command Line Tools

The wpt command provides a frontend to a variety of tools for working with and running web-platform-tests. Some of the most useful commands are:

  • wpt serve - For starting the wpt http server
  • wpt run - For running tests in a browser
  • wpt lint - For running the lint against all tests
  • wpt manifest - For updating or generating a MANIFEST.json test manifest
  • wpt install - For installing the latest release of a browser or webdriver server on the local machine.
  • wpt serve-wave - For starting the wpt http server and the WAVE test runner. For more details on how to use the WAVE test runner see the documentation.

Windows Notes

On Windows wpt commands must be prefixed with python or the path to the python binary (if python is not in your %PATH%).

python wpt [command]

Alternatively, you may also use Bash on Ubuntu on Windows in the Windows 10 Anniversary Update build, then access your windows partition from there to launch wpt commands.

Please make sure git and your text editor do not automatically convert line endings, as it will cause lint errors. For git, please set git config core.autocrlf false in your working tree.


The master branch is automatically synced to and


Save the Web, Write Some Tests!

Absolutely everyone is welcome to contribute to test development. No test is too small or too simple, especially if it corresponds to something for which you've noted an interoperability bug in a browser.

The way to contribute is just as usual:

  • Fork this repository (and make sure you're still relatively in sync with it if you forked a while ago).
  • Create a branch for your changes: git checkout -b topic.
  • Make your changes.
  • Run ./wpt lint as described above.
  • Commit locally and push that to your repo.
  • Create a pull request based on the above.

Issues with web-platform-tests

If you spot an issue with a test and are not comfortable providing a pull request per above to fix it, please file a new issue. Thank you!