tree: 22ffb1821fd31fb9d3c21266cd404a3855673543 [path history] [tgz]
  1. libsupersize/
  6. supersize

Tools for analyzing Chrome's binary size

Super Size

Collect, archive, and analyze Chrome's binary size.


Collect size information and dump it into a .size file. Mainly consists of symbol information parsed from a linker .map file.

Example Usage:

# Android:
# Googlers:
gn gen out/Release --args='is_official_build=true symbol_level=1 is_chrome_branded=true target_os="android"'
# Non-Googlers:
gn gen out/Release --args='is_official_build=true symbol_level=1 exclude_unwind_tables=true ffmpeg_branding="Chrome" proprietary_codecs=true target_os="android"'
ninja -C out/Release -j 1000
tools/binary_size/supersize archive chrome.size --elf-file out/Release/lib.unstripped/ -v

# Linux:
LLVM_DOWNLOAD_GOLD_PLUGIN=1 gclient runhooks  # One-time download.
# Googlers:
gn gen out/Release --args='is_official_build=true symbol_level=1 is_chrome_branded=true'
# Non-Googlers:
gn gen out/Release --args='is_official_build=true symbol_level=1 exclude_unwind_tables=true ffmpeg_branding="Chrome" proprietary_codecs=true'
ninja -C out/Release -j 1000 chrome
tools/binary_size/supersize archive chrome.size --elf-file out/Release/chrome -v


Creates an interactive size breakdown (by source path) as a stand-alone html report.

Example Usage:

tools/binary_size/supersize html_report chrome.size --report-dir size-report -v
xdg-open size-report/index.html


Starts a Python interpreter where you can run custom queries.

Example Usage:

# Prints size infomation and exits (does not enter interactive mode).
tools/binary_size/supersize console chrome.size --query='Print(size_info)'

# Enters a Python REPL (it will print more guidance).
tools/binary_size/supersize console chrome.size


A convenience command equivalent to: console before.size after.size --query='Print(Diff(size_info1, size_info2))'

Example Usage:

tools/binary_size/supersize diff before.size after.size --all

Determine the cause of binary size bloat for a patch.

Example Usage:

# Build and diff HEAD^ and HEAD.
tools/binary_size/ HEAD

# Diff OTHERREV and REV using downloaded build artifacts.
tools/binary_size/ REV --reference-rev OTHERREV --cloud

# Build and diff contiguous revs in range OTHERREV..REV for src/v8.
tools/binary_size/ REV --reference-rev OTHERREV --subrepo v8 --all

# Display detailed usage info (there are many options).
tools/binary_size/ -h

Roadmap for Super Size:

Tracked in

  1. More archive features:
  • Find out more about 0xffffffffffffffff addresses, and why such large gaps exist after them.
  • Use nm to get the full list of symbols that share the same address.
  • Collect java symbol information
  • Collect .pak file information (using .o.whitelist files)
  • Collect .apk entry information
  1. More console features:
  • Template Symbols - shows when templates lead to code bloat.
  • Duplicate Symbols - shows when statics in headers are an issue.
  • Overloaded Symbols - shows when overloads are excessive.
  • Per-class / namespace size (no way to distinguish class vs namespace).
  • Per-Chrome package (Chrome-specific grouping. e.g. name prefixes).
  • CSV output (for pasting into a spreadsheet).
  1. More html_report features:
  • Break down by other groupings (e.g. create from nested SymbolGroups)
  1. Integrate with so that it tracks size of major components separately: chrome vs blink vs skia vs v8.
  2. Speed up some steps (like normalizing names) via multiprocessing.
  3. Add dependency graph info, perhaps just on a per-file basis.

Roadmap for

  1. More features:
  • Add more diff types (pak files, Java symbols, native symbols).
  • Support local builds for revs before supersize existed.