While adding MIPS support to breakpad I came across a few problems with the
current version of lss support:

* LSS_ERRNO may involve a function call so LSS_RETURN must preserve $v0 value
* syscall clobbers $25/t9
* __v0 needs "+r" constraint when it contains the system call number
* Simplified and made consistent the O32 versions of syscall5/syscall6
* __r7 needs "+r" constraint in clone syscall
* __r7/__v1 need "+r" constraint in pipe syscall

Review URL: https://chromiumcodereview.appspot.com/10067027

git-svn-id: http://linux-syscall-support.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/lss@10 829466d3-f3f5-3ae4-62ad-de35cf9bba21
1 file changed
tree: b4d4372bd1b2baf2e02cb5d76d3e2ede91f010c9
  1. linux_syscall_support.h