Update revision for Saigo

Update 99f2552944a668f9e7f61b8d8cae77b72d63a9b1 -> 75f17e950423f5671628db4a1d7225917bf7ba0c

Pull the following Saigo changes into NaCl:
  75f17e9: (fabiansommer@chromium.org) Rebase saigo

BUG= <none>
R= fabiansommer@chromium.org
TEST=git cl try
(Please LGTM this change and tick the "commit" box)

Change-Id: I360290e707013b592de30bfa5df31365a0fcf213
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/native_client/src/native_client/+/5518530
Auto-Submit: Fabian Sommer <fabiansommer@chromium.org>
Reviewed-by: Derek Schuff <dschuff@chromium.org>
2 files changed
tree: d3fc4a6d4d459563e048393995309424a3dc5074
  1. build/
  2. buildbot/
  3. docs/
  4. documentation/
  5. infra/
  6. pnacl/
  7. pynacl/
  8. site_scons/
  9. src/
  10. tests/
  11. toolchain_build/
  12. toolchain_revisions/
  13. tools/
  14. .gitignore
  15. .gn
  16. .vpython
  17. .vpython3
  19. BUILD.gn
  20. codereview.settings
  21. config.gni
  23. DEPS
  26. NOTICE
  27. OWNERS
  28. PRESUBMIT.py
  29. README.md
  30. run.py
  31. scons
  32. scons.bat
  33. scons.py
  34. SConstruct
  35. whitespace.txt

Native Client

Native Client is a deprecated sandboxing technology. It is currently used by a few third party chrome extensions and chrome apps. Many of the original project pages are not longer available. Some documentation can be found at:

Directory structure

The following list describes major files and directories that you‘ll see in your working copy of the repository, including some directories that don’t exist until you've built Native Client. Paths are relative to the native_client directory.

  • COPYING NOTICE README.md RELEASE_NOTES documentation/: Documentation, release, and license information.

  • SConstruct scons.bat scons scons-out/ site_scons/: Build-related files. The scons.bat and scons files, with data from SConstruct, let you build Native Client and its tests. The scons-out and site-scons directories don‘t exist in the git repository; they’re created when Native Client is built. The scons-out/*/staging directories contain files, such as the Native Client plug-in and compiled examples, that let you use and test Native Client.

  • src/: Core source code for Native Client.

  • src/include/: Header files that are missing from some platforms and are used by more than one major part of Native Client

  • src/shared/: Source code that's used by both trusted code (such as the service runtime) and untrusted code (such as Native Client modules)

  • src/third_party: Other people's source code

  • src/trusted/: Source code that's used only by trusted code

  • src/untrusted/: Source code that's used only by untrusted code

  • tests/common/: Source code for examples and tests.

  • ../third_party/: Third-party source code and binaries that aren't part of the service runtime. When built, the Native Client toolchain is in src/third_party/nacl_sdk/.

  • tools/: Utilities such as the plug-in installer.