blob: dd7a4ef3634e504f842f98e080513aef550b5b16 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
class Bounds(object):
"""Represents a min-max bounds."""
def __init__(self):
self.is_empty_ = True
self.min_ = None
self.max_ = None
def CreateFromEvent(event):
bounds = Bounds()
return bounds
def __repr__(self):
if self.is_empty_:
return "Bounds()"
return "Bounds(min=%s,max=%s)" % (self.min_, self.max_)
def is_empty(self):
return self.is_empty_
def min(self):
if self.is_empty_:
return None
return self.min_
def max(self):
if self.is_empty_:
return None
return self.max_
def bounds(self):
if self.is_empty_:
return None
return self.max_ - self.min_
def center(self):
return (self.min_ + self.max_) * 0.5
def Contains(self, other):
if self.is_empty or other.is_empty:
return False
return self.min <= other.min and self.max >= other.max
def ContainsInterval(self, start, end):
return self.min <= start and self.max >= end
def Intersects(self, other):
if self.is_empty or other.is_empty:
return False
return not (other.max < self.min or other.min > self.max)
def Reset(self):
self.is_empty_ = True
self.min_ = None
self.max_ = None
def AddBounds(self, bounds):
if bounds.is_empty:
def AddValue(self, value):
if self.is_empty_:
self.max_ = value
self.min_ = value
self.is_empty_ = False
self.max_ = max(self.max_, value)
self.min_ = min(self.min_, value)
def AddEvent(self, event):
self.AddValue(event.start + event.duration)
def CompareByMinTimes(a, b):
if not a.is_empty and not b.is_empty:
return a.min_ - b.min_
if a.is_empty and not b.is_empty:
return -1
if not a.is_empty and b.is_empty:
return 1
return 0
def GetOverlapBetweenBounds(first_bounds, second_bounds):
"""Compute the overlap duration between first_bounds and second_bounds."""
return Bounds.GetOverlap(first_bounds.min_, first_bounds.max_,
second_bounds.min_, second_bounds.max_)
def GetOverlap(first_bounds_min, first_bounds_max,
second_bounds_min, second_bounds_max):
assert first_bounds_min <= first_bounds_max
assert second_bounds_min <= second_bounds_max
overlapped_range_start = max(first_bounds_min, second_bounds_min)
overlapped_range_end = min(first_bounds_max, second_bounds_max)
return max(overlapped_range_end - overlapped_range_start, 0)