blob: 9de494558e7875e7d0fc128c16565369808318f7 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
from py_trace_event import trace_event
class SharedState(object):
"""A class that manages the test state across multiple stories.
It's styled on unittest.TestCase for handling test setup & teardown logic.
__metaclass__ = trace_event.TracedMetaClass
def __init__(self, test, options, story_set):
""" This method is styled on unittest.TestCase.setUpClass.
Override to do any action before running stories that
share this same state.
test: a legacy_page_test.LegacyPageTest or story_test.StoryTest instance.
options: a BrowserFinderOptions instance that contains command line
story_set: a story.StorySet instance.
def platform(self):
""" Override to return the platform which stories that share this same
state will be run on.
raise NotImplementedError()
def WillRunStory(self, story):
""" Override to do any action before running each one of all stories
that share this same state.
This method is styled on unittest.TestCase.setUp.
raise NotImplementedError()
def DidRunStory(self, results):
""" Override to do any action after running each of all stories that
share this same state.
This method is styled on unittest.TestCase.tearDown.
raise NotImplementedError()
def CanRunStory(self, story):
"""Indicate whether the story can be run in the current configuration.
This is called after WillRunStory and before RunStory. Return True
if the story should be run, and False if it should be skipped.
Most subclasses will probably want to override this to always
return True.
story: a story.Story instance.
raise NotImplementedError()
def RunStory(self, results):
""" Override to do any action before running each one of all stories
that share this same state.
This method is styled on
raise NotImplementedError()
def TearDownState(self):
""" Override to do any action after running multiple stories that
share this same state.
This method is styled on unittest.TestCase.tearDownClass.
raise NotImplementedError()
def DumpStateUponFailure(self, story, results):
""" Dump the state upon failure.
This method tries to dump as much information about the application under
test as possible (output, log, screenshot, etc.) to simplify triaging the
raise NotImplementedError()