blob: 66a86a7052fe95d1d010ce47ac4a61cd8c5bc9b0 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# A top level slice of a main thread can cause the webapp to behave
# unresponsively if its thread duration is greater than or equals to
# USER_PERCEIVABLE_DELAY_THRESHOLD_MS. Human eyes can perceive delay at low as
# 100ms, but since we use thread time instead of wall-time, we reduce the
# threshold further to 50ms to make room for other OS's activities.
class _MainthreadJankStat(object):
"""A small wrapper class for storing mainthread jank stats computed for
single record.
def __init__(self):
self.sum_big_top_slices_thread_time = 0
self.biggest_top_slice_thread_time = 0
def _ComputeMainthreadJankStatsForRecord(renderer_thread, record):
"""Computes the mainthread jank stat on a record range.
An instance of _MainthreadJankStat, which has:
sum_big_top_slices_thread_time is the total thread duration of all top
slices whose thread time ranges overlapped with (thread_start, thread_end)
and the overlapped thread duration is greater than or equal
biggest_top_slice_thread_time is the biggest thread duration of all
top slices whose thread time ranges overlapped with
(thread_start, thread_end).
Note: thread duration of each slices is computed using overlapped range
with (thread_start, thread_end).
stat = _MainthreadJankStat()
for s in renderer_thread.toplevel_slices:
jank_thread_duration = record.GetOverlappedThreadTimeForSlice(s)
stat.biggest_top_slice_thread_time = max(
stat.biggest_top_slice_thread_time, jank_thread_duration)
if jank_thread_duration >= USER_PERCEIVABLE_DELAY_THRESHOLD_MS:
stat.sum_big_top_slices_thread_time += jank_thread_duration
return stat
class MainthreadJankStats(object):
Utility class for extracting main thread jank statistics from the timeline
(or other loggin facilities), and providing them in a common format to
classes that compute benchmark metrics from this data.
total_big_jank_thread_time is the total thread duration of all top
slices whose thread time ranges overlapped with any thread time ranges of
the records and the overlapped thread duration is greater than or equal
biggest_jank_thread_time is the biggest thread duration of all
top slices whose thread time ranges overlapped with any of records' thread
time ranges.
def __init__(self, renderer_thread, interaction_records):
self._renderer_thread = renderer_thread
self._interaction_records = interaction_records
self._total_big_jank_thread_time = 0
self._biggest_jank_thread_time = 0
def total_big_jank_thread_time(self):
return self._total_big_jank_thread_time
def biggest_jank_thread_time(self):
return self._biggest_jank_thread_time
def _ComputeMainthreadJankStats(self):
for record in self._interaction_records:
record_jank_stat = _ComputeMainthreadJankStatsForRecord(
self._renderer_thread, record)
self._total_big_jank_thread_time += (
self._biggest_jank_thread_time = (