blob: 6994c10afaf3a00f6b94d033ab8ad3cfcf6a5ddd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "compiler/translator/HashNames.h"
#include "compiler/translator/ImmutableString.h"
#include "compiler/translator/ImmutableStringBuilder.h"
#include "compiler/translator/IntermNode.h"
#include "compiler/translator/Symbol.h"
namespace sh
constexpr const ImmutableString kHashedNamePrefix("webgl_");
// Can't prefix with just _ because then we might introduce a double underscore, which is not safe
// in GLSL (ESSL 3.00.6 section 3.8: All identifiers containing a double underscore are reserved for
// use by the underlying implementation). u is short for user-defined.
constexpr const ImmutableString kUnhashedNamePrefix("_u");
ImmutableString HashName(const ImmutableString &name, ShHashFunction64 hashFunction)
khronos_uint64_t number = (*hashFunction)(, name.length());
// Build the hashed name in place.
static const unsigned int kHexStrMaxLength = sizeof(number) * 2;
static const size_t kHashedNameMaxLength = kHashedNamePrefix.length() + kHexStrMaxLength;
ImmutableStringBuilder hashedName(kHashedNameMaxLength);
hashedName << kHashedNamePrefix;
return hashedName;
} // anonymous namespace
ImmutableString HashName(const ImmutableString &name,
ShHashFunction64 hashFunction,
NameMap *nameMap)
if (hashFunction == nullptr)
if (name.length() + kUnhashedNamePrefix.length() > kESSLMaxIdentifierLength)
// If the identifier length is already close to the limit, we can't prefix it. This is
// not a problem since there are no builtins or ANGLE's internal variables that would
// have as long names and could conflict.
return name;
ImmutableStringBuilder prefixedName(kUnhashedNamePrefix.length() + name.length());
prefixedName << kUnhashedNamePrefix << name;
return prefixedName;
if (nameMap)
NameMap::const_iterator it = nameMap->find(;
if (it != nameMap->end())
// TODO(oetuaho): Would be nice if we didn't need to allocate a string here.
return ImmutableString(it->second);
ImmutableString hashedName = HashName(name, hashFunction);
if (nameMap)
(*nameMap)[] =;
return hashedName;
ImmutableString HashName(const TSymbol *symbol, ShHashFunction64 hashFunction, NameMap *nameMap)
if (symbol->symbolType() == SymbolType::Empty)
return kEmptyImmutableString;
if (symbol->symbolType() == SymbolType::AngleInternal ||
symbol->symbolType() == SymbolType::BuiltIn)
return symbol->name();
return HashName(symbol->name(), hashFunction, nameMap);
} // namespace sh