blob: 6fc5fd2f1ce6761f7aeb921aaa9aac664b2ed4ac [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// ANGLEPerfTests:
// Base class for google test performance tests
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <mutex>
#include <queue>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include "platform/PlatformMethods.h"
#include "test_utils/angle_test_configs.h"
#include "test_utils/angle_test_instantiate.h"
#include "test_utils/angle_test_platform.h"
#include "third_party/perf/perf_result_reporter.h"
#include "util/EGLWindow.h"
#include "util/OSWindow.h"
#include "util/Timer.h"
#include "util/util_gl.h"
class Event;
#if !defined(ASSERT_GL_NO_ERROR)
# define ASSERT_GL_NO_ERROR() ASSERT_EQ(static_cast<GLenum>(GL_NO_ERROR), glGetError())
#endif // !defined(ASSERT_GL_NO_ERROR)
#if !defined(ASSERT_GLENUM_EQ)
# define ASSERT_GLENUM_EQ(expected, actual) \
ASSERT_EQ(static_cast<GLenum>(expected), static_cast<GLenum>(actual))
#endif // !defined(ASSERT_GLENUM_EQ)
// These are trace events according to Google's "Trace Event Format".
// See
// Only a subset of the properties are implemented.
struct TraceEvent final
TraceEvent() {}
TraceEvent(char phaseIn,
const char *categoryNameIn,
const char *nameIn,
double timestampIn,
uint32_t tidIn);
static constexpr uint32_t kMaxNameLen = 64;
char phase = 0;
const char *categoryName = nullptr;
char name[kMaxNameLen] = {};
double timestamp = 0;
uint32_t tid = 0;
class ANGLEPerfTest : public testing::Test, angle::NonCopyable
ANGLEPerfTest(const std::string &name,
const std::string &backend,
const std::string &story,
unsigned int iterationsPerStep,
const char *units = "ns");
~ANGLEPerfTest() override;
virtual void step() = 0;
// Called right after the timer starts to let the test initialize other metrics if necessary
virtual void startTest() {}
// Called right before timer is stopped to let the test wait for asynchronous operations.
virtual void finishTest() {}
virtual void flush() {}
// Can be overridden in child tests that require a certain number of steps per trial.
virtual int getStepAlignment() const;
virtual bool isRenderTest() const { return false; }
enum class RunTrialPolicy
void run();
void SetUp() override;
void TearDown() override;
// Normalize a time value according to the number of test trial iterations (mFrameCount)
double normalizedTime(size_t value) const;
// Call if the test step was aborted and the test should stop running.
void abortTest() { mRunning = false; }
int getNumStepsPerformed() const { return mTrialNumStepsPerformed; }
void runTrial(double maxRunTime, int maxStepsToRun, RunTrialPolicy runPolicy);
// Overriden in trace perf tests.
virtual void saveScreenshot(const std::string &screenshotName) {}
virtual void computeGPUTime() {}
void calibrateStepsToRun();
int estimateStepsToRun() const;
void recordIntegerMetric(const char *metric, size_t value, const std::string &units);
void recordDoubleMetric(const char *metric, double value, const std::string &units);
void addHistogramSample(const char *metric, double value, const std::string &units);
void processResults();
void processClockResult(const char *metric, double resultSeconds);
void processMemoryResult(const char *metric, uint64_t resultKB);
void skipTest(const std::string &reason)
mSkipTestReason = reason;
mSkipTest = true;
void failTest(const std::string &reason)
FAIL() << reason;
std::string mName;
std::string mBackend;
std::string mStory;
Timer mTrialTimer;
uint64_t mGPUTimeNs;
bool mSkipTest;
std::string mSkipTestReason;
std::unique_ptr<perf_test::PerfResultReporter> mReporter;
int mStepsToRun;
int mTrialNumStepsPerformed;
int mTotalNumStepsPerformed;
int mIterationsPerStep;
bool mRunning;
std::vector<double> mTestTrialResults;
struct CounterInfo
std::string name;
std::vector<GLuint64> samples;
std::map<GLuint, CounterInfo> mPerfCounterInfo;
GLuint mPerfMonitor;
std::vector<uint64_t> mProcessMemoryUsageKBSamples;
enum class SurfaceType
struct RenderTestParams : public angle::PlatformParameters
virtual ~RenderTestParams() {}
virtual std::string backend() const;
virtual std::string story() const;
std::string backendAndStory() const;
EGLint windowWidth = 64;
EGLint windowHeight = 64;
unsigned int iterationsPerStep = 0;
bool trackGpuTime = false;
SurfaceType surfaceType = SurfaceType::Window;
bool multisample = false;
EGLint samples = -1;
class ANGLERenderTest : public ANGLEPerfTest
ANGLERenderTest(const std::string &name,
const RenderTestParams &testParams,
const char *units = "ns");
~ANGLERenderTest() override;
void addExtensionPrerequisite(std::string extensionName);
void addIntegerPrerequisite(GLenum target, int min);
virtual void initializeBenchmark() {}
virtual void destroyBenchmark() {}
virtual void drawBenchmark() = 0;
bool popEvent(Event *event);
OSWindow *getWindow();
GLWindowBase *getGLWindow();
std::vector<TraceEvent> &getTraceEventBuffer();
virtual void overrideWorkaroundsD3D(angle::FeaturesD3D *featuresD3D) {}
void onErrorMessage(const char *errorMessage);
uint32_t getCurrentThreadSerial();
std::mutex &getTraceEventMutex() { return mTraceEventMutex; }
bool isRenderTest() const override { return true; }
const RenderTestParams &mTestParams;
void setWebGLCompatibilityEnabled(bool webglCompatibility);
void setRobustResourceInit(bool enabled);
void startGpuTimer();
void stopGpuTimer();
void beginInternalTraceEvent(const char *name);
void endInternalTraceEvent(const char *name);
void beginGLTraceEvent(const char *name, double hostTimeSec);
void endGLTraceEvent(const char *name, double hostTimeSec);
void disableTestHarnessSwap() { mSwapEnabled = false; }
void updatePerfCounters();
bool mIsTimestampQueryAvailable;
bool mEnableDebugCallback = true;
void startTest() override;
void finishTest() override;
void SetUp() override;
void TearDown() override;
void step() override;
void computeGPUTime() override;
void skipTestIfMissingExtensionPrerequisites();
void skipTestIfFailsIntegerPrerequisite();
void initPerfCounters();
GLWindowBase *mGLWindow;
OSWindow *mOSWindow;
std::vector<std::string> mExtensionPrerequisites;
struct IntegerPrerequisite
GLenum target;
int min;
std::vector<IntegerPrerequisite> mIntegerPrerequisites;
angle::PlatformMethods mPlatformMethods;
ConfigParameters mConfigParams;
bool mSwapEnabled;
struct TimestampSample
GLuint beginQuery;
GLuint endQuery;
GLuint mCurrentTimestampBeginQuery = 0;
std::queue<TimestampSample> mTimestampQueries;
// Trace event record that can be output.
std::vector<TraceEvent> mTraceEventBuffer;
// Handle to the entry point binding library.
std::unique_ptr<angle::Library> mEntryPointsLib;
std::vector<uint64_t> mThreadIDs;
std::mutex mTraceEventMutex;
// Mixins.
namespace params
template <typename ParamsT>
ParamsT Offscreen(const ParamsT &input)
ParamsT output = input;
output.surfaceType = SurfaceType::Offscreen;
return output;
template <typename ParamsT>
ParamsT NullDevice(const ParamsT &input)
ParamsT output = input;
output.eglParameters.deviceType = EGL_PLATFORM_ANGLE_DEVICE_TYPE_NULL_ANGLE;
output.trackGpuTime = false;
return output;
template <typename ParamsT>
ParamsT Passthrough(const ParamsT &input)
return input;
} // namespace params
namespace angle
// Returns the time of the host since the application started in seconds.
double GetHostTimeSeconds();
} // namespace angle