blob: 3c2eeeb5bc712214d4f3497134dca0caa6506840 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2002 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// The ValidateVaryingLocations function checks if there exists location conflicts on shader
// varyings.
#include "ValidateVaryingLocations.h"
#include "compiler/translator/Diagnostics.h"
#include "compiler/translator/SymbolTable.h"
#include "compiler/translator/tree_util/IntermTraverse.h"
#include "compiler/translator/util.h"
namespace sh
void error(const TIntermSymbol &symbol, const char *reason, TDiagnostics *diagnostics)
diagnostics->error(symbol.getLine(), reason, symbol.getName().data());
int GetStructLocationCount(const TStructure *structure);
int GetFieldLocationCount(const TField *field)
int field_size = 0;
const TType *fieldType = field->type();
if (fieldType->getStruct() != nullptr)
field_size = GetStructLocationCount(fieldType->getStruct());
else if (fieldType->isMatrix())
field_size = fieldType->getNominalSize();
ASSERT(fieldType->getSecondarySize() == 1);
field_size = 1;
if (fieldType->isArray())
field_size *= fieldType->getArraySizeProduct();
return field_size;
int GetStructLocationCount(const TStructure *structure)
int totalLocation = 0;
for (const TField *field : structure->fields())
totalLocation += GetFieldLocationCount(field);
return totalLocation;
int GetInterfaceBlockLocationCount(const TType &varyingType, bool ignoreVaryingArraySize)
int totalLocation = 0;
for (const TField *field : varyingType.getInterfaceBlock()->fields())
totalLocation += GetFieldLocationCount(field);
if (!ignoreVaryingArraySize && varyingType.isArray())
totalLocation *= varyingType.getArraySizeProduct();
return totalLocation;
int GetLocationCount(const TType &varyingType, bool ignoreVaryingArraySize)
if (varyingType.getStruct() != nullptr)
int totalLocation = 0;
for (const TField *field : varyingType.getStruct()->fields())
const TType *fieldType = field->type();
ASSERT(fieldType->getStruct() == nullptr && !fieldType->isArray());
totalLocation += GetFieldLocationCount(field);
return totalLocation;
ASSERT(varyingType.isMatrix() || varyingType.getSecondarySize() == 1);
int elementLocationCount = varyingType.isMatrix() ? varyingType.getNominalSize() : 1;
// [GL_EXT_shader_io_blocks SPEC Chapter 4.4.1]
// Geometry shader inputs, tessellation control shader inputs and outputs, and tessellation
// evaluation inputs all have an additional level of arrayness relative to other shader inputs
// and outputs. This outer array level is removed from the type before considering how many
// locations the type consumes.
if (ignoreVaryingArraySize)
// Array-of-arrays cannot be inputs or outputs of a geometry shader.
// (GL_EXT_geometry_shader SPEC issues(5))
return elementLocationCount;
return elementLocationCount * varyingType.getArraySizeProduct();
bool ShouldIgnoreVaryingArraySize(TQualifier qualifier, GLenum shaderType)
bool isVaryingIn = IsShaderIn(qualifier) && qualifier != EvqPatchIn;
switch (shaderType)
return isVaryingIn;
return (IsShaderOut(qualifier) && qualifier != EvqPatchOut) || isVaryingIn;
return false;
struct SymbolAndField
const TIntermSymbol *symbol;
const TField *field;
using LocationMap = std::map<int, SymbolAndField>;
void MarkVaryingLocations(TDiagnostics *diagnostics,
const TIntermSymbol *varying,
const TField *field,
int location,
int elementCount,
LocationMap *locationMap)
for (int elementIndex = 0; elementIndex < elementCount; ++elementIndex)
const int offsetLocation = location + elementIndex;
auto conflict = locationMap->find(offsetLocation);
if (conflict != locationMap->end())
std::stringstream strstr = sh::InitializeStream<std::stringstream>();
strstr << "'" << varying->getName();
if (field)
strstr << "." << field->name();
strstr << "' conflicting location with '" << conflict->second.symbol->getName();
if (conflict->second.field)
strstr << "." << conflict->second.field->name();
strstr << "'";
error(*varying, strstr.str().c_str(), diagnostics);
(*locationMap)[offsetLocation] = {varying, field};
using VaryingVector = std::vector<const TIntermSymbol *>;
void ValidateShaderInterfaceAndAssignLocations(TDiagnostics *diagnostics,
const VaryingVector &varyingVector,
GLenum shaderType)
// Location conflicts can only happen when there are two or more varyings in varyingVector.
if (varyingVector.size() <= 1)
LocationMap locationMap;
for (const TIntermSymbol *varying : varyingVector)
const TType &varyingType = varying->getType();
const int location = varyingType.getLayoutQualifier().location;
ASSERT(location >= 0);
bool ignoreVaryingArraySize =
ShouldIgnoreVaryingArraySize(varying->getQualifier(), shaderType);
// A varying is either:
// - A vector or matrix, which can take a number of contiguous locations
// - A struct, which also takes a number of contiguous locations
// - An interface block.
// Interface blocks can assign arbitrary locations to their fields, for example:
// layout(location = 4) in block {
// vec4 a; // gets location 4
// vec4 b; // gets location 5
// layout(location = 7) vec4 c; // gets location 7
// vec4 d; // gets location 8
// layout (location = 1) vec4 e; // gets location 1
// vec4 f; // gets location 2
// };
// The following code therefore takes two paths. For non-interface-block types, the number
// of locations for the varying is calculated (elementCount), and all locations in
// [location, location + elementCount) are marked as occupied.
// For interface blocks, a similar algorithm is implemented except each field is
// individually marked with the location either advancing automatically or taking its value
// from the field's layout qualifier.
if (varyingType.isInterfaceBlock())
int currentLocation = location;
bool anyFieldWithLocation = false;
for (const TField *field : varyingType.getInterfaceBlock()->fields())
const int fieldLocation = field->type()->getLayoutQualifier().location;
if (fieldLocation >= 0)
currentLocation = fieldLocation;
anyFieldWithLocation = true;
const int fieldLocationCount = GetFieldLocationCount(field);
MarkVaryingLocations(diagnostics, varying, field, currentLocation,
fieldLocationCount, &locationMap);
currentLocation += fieldLocationCount;
// Array interface blocks can't have location qualifiers on fields.
ASSERT(ignoreVaryingArraySize || !anyFieldWithLocation || !varyingType.isArray());
if (!ignoreVaryingArraySize && varyingType.isArray())
// This is only reached if the varying is an array of interface blocks, with only a
// layout qualifier on the block itself, for example:
// layout(location = 4) in block {
// vec4 a;
// vec4 b;
// vec4 c;
// vec4 d;
// } instance[N];
// The locations for instance[0] are already marked by the above code, so we need to
// further mark locations occupied by instances [1, N). |currentLocation| is
// already just past the end of instance[0], which is the beginning of instance[1].
int remainingLocations = currentLocation * (varyingType.getArraySizeProduct() - 1);
MarkVaryingLocations(diagnostics, varying, nullptr, currentLocation,
remainingLocations, &locationMap);
const int elementCount = GetLocationCount(varying->getType(), ignoreVaryingArraySize);
MarkVaryingLocations(diagnostics, varying, nullptr, location, elementCount,
class ValidateVaryingLocationsTraverser : public TIntermTraverser
ValidateVaryingLocationsTraverser(GLenum shaderType);
void validate(TDiagnostics *diagnostics);
bool visitDeclaration(Visit visit, TIntermDeclaration *node) override;
bool visitFunctionDefinition(Visit visit, TIntermFunctionDefinition *node) override;
VaryingVector mInputVaryingsWithLocation;
VaryingVector mOutputVaryingsWithLocation;
GLenum mShaderType;
ValidateVaryingLocationsTraverser::ValidateVaryingLocationsTraverser(GLenum shaderType)
: TIntermTraverser(true, false, false), mShaderType(shaderType)
bool ValidateVaryingLocationsTraverser::visitDeclaration(Visit visit, TIntermDeclaration *node)
const TIntermSequence &sequence = *(node->getSequence());
const TIntermSymbol *symbol = sequence.front()->getAsSymbolNode();
if (symbol == nullptr)
return false;
if (symbol->variable().symbolType() == SymbolType::Empty)
return false;
// Collect varyings that have explicit 'location' qualifiers.
const TQualifier qualifier = symbol->getQualifier();
if (symbol->getType().getLayoutQualifier().location != -1)
if (IsVaryingIn(qualifier))
else if (IsVaryingOut(qualifier))
return false;
bool ValidateVaryingLocationsTraverser::visitFunctionDefinition(Visit visit,
TIntermFunctionDefinition *node)
// We stop traversing function definitions because varyings cannot be defined in a function.
return false;
void ValidateVaryingLocationsTraverser::validate(TDiagnostics *diagnostics)
ValidateShaderInterfaceAndAssignLocations(diagnostics, mInputVaryingsWithLocation, mShaderType);
ValidateShaderInterfaceAndAssignLocations(diagnostics, mOutputVaryingsWithLocation,
} // anonymous namespace
unsigned int CalculateVaryingLocationCount(const TType &varyingType, GLenum shaderType)
const TQualifier qualifier = varyingType.getQualifier();
const bool ignoreVaryingArraySize = ShouldIgnoreVaryingArraySize(qualifier, shaderType);
if (varyingType.isInterfaceBlock())
return GetInterfaceBlockLocationCount(varyingType, ignoreVaryingArraySize);
return GetLocationCount(varyingType, ignoreVaryingArraySize);
bool ValidateVaryingLocations(TIntermBlock *root, TDiagnostics *diagnostics, GLenum shaderType)
ValidateVaryingLocationsTraverser varyingValidator(shaderType);
int numErrorsBefore = diagnostics->numErrors();
return (diagnostics->numErrors() == numErrorsBefore);
} // namespace sh