blob: 1249b185c8b8f40835e86f24c083fc4ade9c8257 [file] [log] [blame]
package android.os.statsd.appsearch;
import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/atom_field_options.proto";
import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/atoms.proto";
option java_package = "";
option java_multiple_files = true;
extend Atom {
// Pushed atoms
optional AppSearchSetSchemaStatsReported app_search_set_schema_stats_reported = 385 [(module) = "appsearch"];
optional AppSearchSchemaMigrationStatsReported
app_search_schema_migration_stats_reported = 579 [(module) = "appsearch"];
* Logs detailed stats for setting schema in AppSearch.
* stats pushed from:
* frameworks/base/apex/appsearch/service/java/com/android/server/appsearch/
* Next tag: 26
message AppSearchSetSchemaStatsReported {
// The sampling interval for this specific type of stats
// For example, sampling_interval=10 means that one out of every 10 stats was logged.
optional int32 sampling_interval = 1;
// # of previous skipped sample for this specific type of stats
// We can't push atoms too closely, so some samples might be skipped
// In order to extrapolate the counts, we need to save the number of skipped stats and add it back
// For example, the true count of an event could be estimated as:
// SUM(sampling_interval * (num_skipped_sample + 1)) as est_count
optional int32 num_skipped_sample = 2;
// Package UID of the application.
optional int32 uid = 3 [(is_uid) = true];
// Hash of the database name within AppSearch
optional int32 database = 4;
// Needs to be sync with AppSearchResult#ResultCode in
// frameworks/base/apex/appsearch/framework/java/android/app/appsearch/
optional int32 status_code = 5;
// Overall time used for setting schema including the binder latency
optional int32 total_latency_millis = 6;
// Number of newly added schema types
optional int32 new_type_count = 7;
// Number of deleted schema types
optional int32 deleted_type_count = 8;
// Number of compatible schema type changes
optional int32 compatible_type_change_count = 9;
// Number of index-incompatible schema type changes
optional int32 index_incompatible_type_change_count = 10;
// Number of backwards-incompatible schema type changes
optional int32 backwards_incompatible_type_change_count = 11;
// Time used for verifying the incoming call.
optional int32 verify_incoming_call_latency_millis = 12;
// Time used for creating or waiting the user executor.
optional int32 executor_acquisition_latency_millis = 13;
// Time used for rebuilding objects from bundles.
optional int32 rebuild_from_bundle_latency_millis = 14;
// Time passed while waiting to acquire the lock during Java function calls.
optional int32 java_lock_acquisition_latency_millis = 15;
// Time used for the rewrite schema to proto.
optional int32 rewrite_schema_latency_millis = 16;
// Overall time used for the native function call.
optional int32 total_native_latency_millis = 17;
// Time used for the apply visibility settings function call.
optional int32 visibility_setting_latency_millis = 18;
// Time used for the dispatch change notification function call.
optional int32 dispatch_change_notifications_latency_millis = 19;
// Time used for the optimization function call.
optional int32 optimize_latency_millis = 20;
/** Whether this package is observed. */
optional bool is_package_observed = 21;
/** Time used for the get old schema. */
optional int32 get_old_schema_latency_millis = 22;
/** Time used for the get registered observer function call. */
optional int32 get_observer_latency_millis = 23;
/** Time used for the preparing change notification action. */
optional int32 preparing_change_notification_latency_millis = 24;
// Type of the SetSchema call relative to SchemaMigration case.
// This is in sync with
// packages/modules/AppSearch/service/java/com/android/server/appsearch/external/localstorage/stats/
optional int32 schema_migration_call_type = 25;
* Logs detailed stats for schema migration in AppSearch.
* stats pushed from:
* packages/modules/AppSearch/service/java/com/android/server/appsearch/
* Next tag: 15
message AppSearchSchemaMigrationStatsReported {
// The sampling interval for this specific type of stats
// For example, sampling_interval=10 means that one out of every 10 stats was logged.
optional int32 sampling_interval = 1;
// # of previous skipped sample for this specific type of stats
// We can't push atoms too closely, so some samples might be skipped
// In order to extrapolate the counts, we need to save the number of skipped stats and add it back
// For example, the true count of an event could be estimated as:
// SUM(sampling_interval * (num_skipped_sample + 1)) as est_count
optional int32 num_skipped_sample = 2;
// Package UID of the application.
optional int32 uid = 3 [(is_uid) = true];
// Hash of the database name within AppSearch
optional int32 database = 4;
// Needs to be sync with AppSearchResult#ResultCode in
// packages/modules/AppSearch/framework/java/external/android/app/appsearch/
optional int32 status_code = 5;
// Overall time used for setting schema including the binder latency
optional int32 total_latency_millis = 6;
// Overall time used for getting schema during schema migration
optional int32 schema_migration_get_schema_latency_millis = 7;
// Overall time used for querying and transforming documents during schema migration
optional int32 schema_migration_query_and_transform_latency_millis = 8;
// Overall time used for first setSchema during schema migration
optional int32 schema_migration_first_set_schema_latency_millis = 9;
// Overall time used for second setSchema during schema migration
optional int32 schema_migration_second_set_schema_latency_millis = 10;
// Overall time used for saving documents during schema migration
optional int32 schema_migration_save_document_latency_millis = 11;
// Number of document that need to be migrated to another version
optional int32 total_need_migrated_document_count = 12;
// Number of successfully migrated and saved in Icing
optional int32 total_success_migrated_document_count = 13;
// Number of migration failure during schema migration
optional int32 schema_migration_failure_count = 14;