blob: e1ba773d8bcdaafa0086daa85c651dfe0b464df0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2023 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
package android.os.statsd.hdmi;
import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/atoms.proto";
import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/atom_field_options.proto";
import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/stats/hdmi/enums.proto";
option java_package = "";
option java_multiple_files = true;
extend Atom {
optional HdmiEarcStatusReported hdmi_earc_status_reported = 701 [(module) = "framework"];
optional HdmiSoundbarModeStatusReported hdmi_soundbar_mode_status_reported
= 724 [(module) = "framework"];
* Push atom that logs the status of the eARC feature in 3 dimensions: whether the
* hardware supports it, whether the setting is enabled and whether a connection is
* established.
* Logged whenever the device wakes up and when the HAL reports an update in the
* connection state.
message HdmiEarcStatusReported {
// whether the hardware supports eARC
optional bool is_supported = 1;
// whether eARC is enabled
optional bool is_enabled = 2;
// If log_reason == LOG_REASON_EARC_STATUS_CHANGED, the state just before the change.
// Otherwise, the current state.
optional android.stats.hdmi.ConnectionState old_connected_state = 3;
// If log_reason == LOG_REASON_EARC_STATUS_CHANGED, the state just after the change.
// Otherwise, the current state.
optional android.stats.hdmi.ConnectionState new_connected_state = 4;
// The event that triggered the log.
optional android.stats.hdmi.LogReason log_reason = 5;
* Push atom that logs the status of the Dynamic Soundbar mode feature in 2 dimensions: whether the
* hardware supports it and whether the setting is enabled.
* Logged whenever the device wakes up or the Dynamic Soundbar mode setting is toggled.
message HdmiSoundbarModeStatusReported {
// whether the hardware supports Dynamic soundbar mode
optional bool is_supported = 1;
// whether the Dynamic soundbar mode setting is enabled
optional bool is_enabled = 2;
// the event that triggered the log.
optional android.stats.hdmi.DynamicSoundbarModeLogReason log_reason = 3;