blob: 262182696ddc4891e40b6e8db0471a3daafef967 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2023 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
package android.os.statsd.autofill;
import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/atoms.proto";
import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/atom_field_options.proto";
import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/autofill/enums.proto";
option java_package = "";
option java_multiple_files = true;
extend Atom {
optional AutofillUiEventReported autofill_ui_event_reported = 603 [(module) = "framework"];
optional AutofillFillRequestReported autofill_fill_request_reported = 604 [(module) = "framework"];
optional AutofillFillResponseReported autofill_fill_response_reported = 605 [(module) = "framework"];
optional AutofillSaveEventReported autofill_save_event_reported = 606 [(module) = "framework"];
optional AutofillSessionCommitted autofill_session_committed = 607 [(module) = "framework"];
optional AutofillFieldClassificationEventReported autofill_field_classification_event_reported =
659 [(module) = "framework"];
* Log Autofill related system UI events.
* Logged from:
* packages/apps/Settings/src/com/android/settings/
message AutofillUiEventReported {
optional UiEventType event_type = 1;
optional int32 autofill_service_uid = 2 [(is_uid) = true];
optional int32 app_package_uid = 3 [(is_uid) = true];
* Log information for Autofill FillRequest. It is logged after a
* FillRequest is sent to the Autofill provider.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/autofill/java/com/android/server/autofill/
message AutofillFillRequestReported {
// Id number which increases for each subsequent request.
optional int32 request_id = 1;
// SessionId to aggregate requests within a session, and see overall
// performance.
optional int32 session_id = 2;
// App package Uid
optional int32 app_package_uid = 11 [(is_uid) = true];
// Autofill Service Provider's uid
optional int32 autofill_service_uid = 3 [(is_uid) = true];
// Inline suggestion host's uid. Populated only when
// AutofillDisplayPresentationType = INLINE
optional int32 inline_suggestion_host_uid = 4 [(is_uid) = true];
// True if the request is augmented.
optional bool is_augmented = 5;
// True if the request is a fallback of client suggestion request to the
// service provider.
optional bool is_client_suggestion_fallback = 6;
// True if the request is eligible for fill dialog.
optional bool is_fill_dialog_eligible = 7;
optional FillRequestTriggerReason request_trigger_reason = 8;
optional int64 flags = 9;
// Timestamp of FillRequest is sent to Autofill provider
// Latency of framework before provider is called = fillRequestSentTimestampMs
optional int32 latency_fill_request_sent_millis = 10;
* Log information for Autofill FillResponse. It is logged after a
* FillResponse is received from the Autofill provider.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/autofill/java/com/android/server/autofill/
message AutofillFillResponseReported {
// Id number which increases for each subsequent request.
optional int32 request_id = 1;
// SessionId to aggregate requests within a session, and see overall
// performance.
optional int32 session_id = 2;
// App package uid
optional int32 app_package_uid = 3 [(is_uid) = true];
// Tells how the Autofill dataset was/will-be displayed.
// How the dataset is supposed to be shown to the user
optional AutofillDisplayPresentationType display_presentation_type = 4;
// Count of datasets that should've been available for display. If the request
// times out, this won't be populated. This is the count after PCC detected
// datasets are processed and ineligeble datasets have been filtered off.
optional int32 available_count = 5;
optional int64 save_ui_trigger_ids = 6;
// Timestamp of when Autofill provider returns a FillResponse
// Latency of Autofill provider = fillResponseReceivedTimestampMs -
// fillRequestSentTimestampMs
optional int32 latency_fill_response_received_millis = 7;
optional AuthenticationType authentication_type = 8 [deprecated = true];
optional AuthenticationResult authentication_result = 9 [deprecated = true];
optional int64 authentication_failure_reason = 10 [deprecated = true];
// From response received to authentication UI displayed to the user.
optional int64 latency_authentication_ui_display_millis = 11 [deprecated = true];
// From the user finishing authentication to the dataset is displayed to the user.
optional int64 latency_dataset_display_millis = 12 [deprecated = true];
// The result of Autofill response.
optional FillResponseStatus response_status = 13;
// Time taken to process the datasets.
// For eg: In case of PCC detection, we need to merge the datasets to be
// shown for presentataion. This encapsulates the time taken for preparing
// final eligible datasets to be shown.
optional int64 latency_response_processing_millis = 14;
// Count of datasets that were provided by the Autofill Provider by
// specifying type. These datasets may additionally contain autofill ids for
// which this same dataset is applicable that are available due to PCC
// detection. These can include datasets available via provider response,
// and would be eligible because of PCC too.
// If PCC detection is preferred over Autofill Provider, it may include
// datasets applicable to autofill ids. So the same datasets would've shown
// if Autofill Provider detection was preferred.
// In such a case and if the detection of both the Autofill Provider and PCC
// detection were the same, the following invariants holds, provided same
// datasets were provided.
// available_pcc_count = available_count
// available_pcc_only_count = 0
// If PCC detection is not preferred, the following invariant holds.
// available_pcc_count = available_pcc_only_count
optional int32 available_pcc_count = 15;
// Count of datasets that are available only due to PCC Detection. These
// datasets are the ones provided by Autofill Provider by specifying types
// only. These datasets don't have any autofill id associated with them.
optional int32 available_pcc_only_count = 16;
// Count of datasets that are returned by the Autofill Provider. This count
// is before any filtering based on PCC detection is performed. This contains
// datasets set by both type and autofill ids.
optional int32 total_datasets_provided = 17;
// Which detection was preferred
optional DetectionPreference detection_preference = 18;
* Log information for Autofill Save event. It is logged after onSaveRequest
* is called.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/autofill/java/com/android/server/autofill/
message AutofillSaveEventReported {
// Id number which increases for each subsequent request.
optional int32 request_id = 1;
// SessionId to aggregate requests within a session, and see overall
// performance.
optional int32 session_id = 2;
// App package uid
optional int32 app_package_uid = 3 [(is_uid) = true];
// Same as the one from AutofillPresentationEventReported.
optional int64 save_ui_trigger_ids = 4;
optional int64 flag = 5;
// True if attempting to save a new field, rather than updating an existing one.
optional bool is_new_field = 6;
optional SaveUiShownReason save_ui_shown_reason = 7;
optional SaveUiNotShownReason save_ui_not_shown_reason = 8;
optional bool save_button_clicked = 9;
optional bool cancel_button_clicked = 10;
optional bool dialog_dismissed = 11;
optional bool is_saved = 12;
// From framework detected that any of the “savable” fields(during session
// commitment) were changed to the save UI displayed to the user.
optional int64 latency_save_ui_display_millis = 13;
// From the user clicking the “save” button to the framework making the
// onSave request.
optional int64 latency_save_request_millis = 14;
// From onSave request to save is finished.
optional int64 latency_save_finish_millis = 15;
// Whether the framework created the save info object.
// This is true if provider didn't specify any autofill ids in saveInfo object.
optional bool is_framework_created_save_info = 16;
* Log information about an Autofill session. It is logged after the session
* has been committed.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/autofill/java/com/android/server/autofill/
message AutofillSessionCommitted {
optional int32 session_id = 1;
optional int32 component_package_uid = 2;
optional int64 request_count = 3;
// Commit reason
optional AutofillCommitReason commit_reason = 4;
// Duration of session: Time from session start to session end
optional int64 session_duration_millis = 5;
* Logs FieldClassification event. This event is captured after the request
* for the classification service has been made.
message AutofillFieldClassificationEventReported {
// Latency of the request to the field classification service.
optional int64 latency_millis = 1;
// Count of fields that were classified.
optional int32 count_classifications = 2;
// SessionId to attribute classifications within a session, and measure overall performance.
optional int32 session_id = 3;
// field_classification request id.
optional int32 request_id = 4;
// request_id of the next fill request that'll use this result.
optional int32 next_fill_request_id = 5;
// App package Uid
optional int32 app_package_uid = 6 [(is_uid) = true];
// Status of the request
optional FieldClassificationRequestStatus status = 7;
// Indicates the session that called this request was garbage collected
optional bool is_session_gc = 8;