blob: 8545068d235850c6b0868c7e7daa5fe71f01d492 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2023 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
package android.os.statsd.input;
import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/atom_field_options.proto";
option java_package = "";
option java_multiple_files = true;
* Logs input device information when input device is registered with Android device.
* Reported at when a new input device is found by EventHub.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/native/services/inputflinger
message InputDeviceRegistered {
// The Input Device Name
optional string name = 1;
// The Input Device Vendor ID
optional int32 vendor_id = 2;
// The Input Device Product ID
optional int32 product_id = 3;
// The Input Device Version ID
optional int32 version_id = 4;
// The Input Device Bus ID
optional int32 bus_id = 5;
// The Input Device identifier generated from kernel device.
// Hash algorithm: HMAC-SHA256
optional string obfuscated_id = 6;
// The Input Device Classes
optional int32 device_classes = 7;
* Logs basic timing information about touch events.
* Reported at most every 5 minutes while device is being interacted with.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/native/services/inputflinger
message TouchEventReported {
* The fields latency_{min|max|mean|stdev} represent minimum, maximum, mean,
* and the standard deviation of the time spent processing touchscreen events
* in the kernel and inputflinger. The units are microseconds.
* On supported devices, the starting point is taken during the hard interrupt inside the
* kernel touch driver. On all other devices, the starting point is taken inside
* the kernel's input event subsystem upon receipt of the input event.
* The ending point is taken inside InputDispatcher, just after the input event
* is sent to the app.
// Minimum value
optional float latency_min_micros = 1;
// Maximum value
optional float latency_max_micros = 2;
// Average value
optional float latency_mean_micros = 3;
// Standard deviation
optional float latency_stdev_micros = 4;
// Number of touch events (input_event) in this report
optional int32 count = 5;
* Logs slow input events.
* The reports are rate-limited via a configurable server flag.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/native/services/inputflinger
message SlowInputEventReported {
* This is logged when a slow input event occurs. The threshold for what is considered a slow
* event is applied to the 'end_to_end' latency number, and is configurable via a server flag.
* The goal of this data is to identify the bottlenecks in processing of input events.
* All of the *_micros fields below are durations. The start and end points for each value
* are described in the comments.
// Whether or not this is a DOWN event. If false, this is a MOVE event
optional bool is_down = 1;
// Start: the input event was created (touch events: the touch interrupt received in the driver)
// End: the event was read in userspace (in EventHub)
optional int32 event_to_read_micros = 2;
// Start: the event was read in EventHub
// End: the event was send to the app via the InputChannel (written to the socket)
optional int32 read_to_deliver_micros = 3;
// Start: the input event was sent to the app
// End: the app consumed the input event
optional int32 deliver_to_consume_micros = 4;
// Start: the app consumed the event
// End: the app's 'finishInputEvent' call was received in inputflinger
// The end point can also be called "the app finished processing input event"
optional int32 consume_to_finish_micros = 5;
// Start: the app consumed the input event
// End: the app produced a buffer
optional int32 consume_to_gpu_complete_micros = 6;
// Start: the app produced a buffer
// End: the frame was shown on the display
optional int32 gpu_complete_to_present_micros = 7;
// The end-to-end touch latency
// Start: the input event was created (touch events: the touch interrupt received in the driver)
// End: the frame was presented on the display
optional int32 end_to_end_micros = 8;
// Since the last time this atom was reported, how many total events occurred?
optional int32 num_events_since_last_report = 9;
// Since the last time this atom was reported, how many slow events did not get reported
// due to rate limiting?
optional int32 num_skipped_slow_events_since_last_report = 10;
* Logs gesture classification and timing information for touch events.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/core/java/android/view/
* frameworks/base/core/java/android/view/
message TouchGestureClassified {
// The source of the classification (e.g. Java class name).
optional string source = 1;
enum Classification {
// The classification of the gesture.
optional Classification classification = 2;
// The interval from the start of a touch event stream until the
// classification was made.
optional int32 latency_millis = 3;
// The distance from the location of the first touch event to the
// location of the touch event when the classification was made.
optional float displacement_px = 4;
* Logs input event statistics.
* Pulls the statistics.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/native/services/inputflinger
message InputEventLatencySketch {
* The 'bytes' field is the serialized KLL sketch. It is to be deserialized into an object of
* KLL proto, which would then be converted into a KLL sketch. The KLL sketch is a histogram
* of the data.
* The goal of this data is to identify the bottlenecks in processing of input events.
* All sketches measure durations in a streaming fashion.
* The units are "hundreds of microseconds", or 0.1 ms. They are chosen like this in order
* to reduce the occupied space.
* The start and end points for each value are described in the comments.
* We distinguish between 'DOWN' event latency (when the pointer first goes down), and 'MOVE'
* event latency, which characterizes the scrolling experience.
// -------------------------- DOWN event sketches ------ START ---------------------------------
// Start: the input event was created (touch events: the touch interrupt received in the driver)
// End: the event was read in userspace (in EventHub)
optional bytes event_to_read_100micros_down_sketch = 1 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES];
// Start: the event was read in EventHub
// End: the event was send to the app via the InputChannel (written to the socket)
optional bytes read_to_deliver_100micros_down_sketch = 2 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES];
// Start: the input event was sent to the app
// End: the app consumed the input event
optional bytes deliver_to_consume_100micros_down_sketch = 3 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES];
// Start: the app consumed the event
// End: the app's 'finishInputEvent' call was received in inputflinger
// The end point can also be called "the app finished processing input event"
optional bytes consume_to_finish_100micros_down_sketch = 4 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES];
// Start: the app consumed the input event
// End: the app produced a buffer
optional bytes consume_to_gpu_complete_100micros_down_sketch = 5 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES];
// Start: the app produced a buffer
// End: the frame was shown on the display
optional bytes gpu_complete_to_present_100micros_down_sketch = 6 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES];
// The end-to-end touch latency
// Start: the input event was created (touch events: the touch interrupt received in the driver)
// End: the frame was presented on the display
optional bytes end_to_end_100micros_down_sketch = 7 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES];
// -------------------------- DOWN event sketches ------ END -----------------------------------
// -------------------------- MOVE event sketches ------ START ---------------------------------
// Start: the input event was created (touch events: the touch interrupt received in the driver)
// End: the event was read in userspace (in EventHub)
optional bytes event_to_read_100micros_move_sketch = 8 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES];
// Start: the event was read in EventHub
// End: the event was send to the app via the InputChannel (written to the socket)
optional bytes read_to_deliver_100micros_move_sketch = 9 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES];
// Start: the input event was sent to the app
// End: the app consumed the input event
optional bytes deliver_to_consume_100micros_move_sketch = 10 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES];
// Start: the app consumed the event
// End: the app's 'finishInputEvent' call was received in inputflinger
// The end point can also be called "the app finished processing input event"
optional bytes consume_to_finish_100micros_move_sketch = 11 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES];
// Start: the app consumed the input event
// End: the app produced a buffer
optional bytes consume_to_gpu_complete_100micros_move_sketch = 12 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES];
// Start: the app produced a buffer
// End: the frame was shown on the display
optional bytes gpu_complete_to_present_100micros_move_sketch = 13 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES];
// The end-to-end touch latency
// Start: the input event was created (touch events: the touch interrupt received in the driver)
// End: the frame was presented on the display
optional bytes end_to_end_100micros_move_sketch = 14 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES];
// -------------------------- MOVE event sketches ------ END -----------------------------------