blob: aec8fe7b594f31941476c033e83ee4a1f1428311 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2023 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
package android.os.statsd.corenetworking.connectivity;
option java_package = "";
option java_multiple_files = true;
import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/atoms.proto";
import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/atom_field_options.proto";
extend Atom {
optional DailykeepaliveInfoReported daily_keepalive_info_reported = 650 [(module) = "connectivity"];
* Logs DailykeepaliveInfoReported
* Logs from: packages/modules/Connectivity/service/src/com/android/
* server/connectivity/AutomaticOnOffKeepaliveTracker.
message DailykeepaliveInfoReported{
// Daily duration per number of concurrent keepalive
optional DurationPerNumOfKeepalive duration_per_num_of_keepalive = 1[(log_mode) = MODE_BYTES];
// Daily keepalive registered/active duration on each list of keepalive session, in
// milli-seconds
optional KeepaliveLifetimePerCarrier keepalive_lifetime_per_carrier = 2[(log_mode) = MODE_BYTES];
// Daily number of keepalive requests
optional int32 keepalive_requests = 3;
// Daily number of automatic keepalive requests
optional int32 automatic_keepalive_requests = 4;
// Daily number of distinct apps that requested keepalives
optional int32 distinct_user_count = 5;
// Daily distinct apps uid list that requested keepalives
repeated int32 uid = 6 [(is_uid) = true];
* Daily duration per number of concurrent keepalive
* Logs from: packages/modules/Connectivity/service/src/com/android/
* server/connectivity/AutomaticOnOffKeepaliveTracker.
message DurationPerNumOfKeepalive {
repeated DurationForNumOfKeepalive duration_for_num_of_keepalive = 1;
message DurationForNumOfKeepalive {
// The number of concurrent keepalives is in the device
optional int32 num_of_keepalive = 1;
// How many milliseconds the device has keepalive registration number is num_of_keepalive
optional int32 keepalive_registered_durations_msec = 2;
// How many milliseconds the device has keepalive active(not paused) number is num_of_keepalive
optional int32 keepalive_active_durations_msec = 3;
* Daily keepalive registered/active duration on each list of Keepalive session, in milli-seconds
* Logs from: packages/modules/Connectivity/service/src/com/android/
* server/connectivity/AutomaticOnOffKeepaliveTracker.
message KeepaliveLifetimePerCarrier {
// The number of network count on each list of carriers
repeated KeepaliveLifetimeForCarrier keepalive_lifetime_for_carrier = 1;
* Logs the keepalive registered/active duration in milli-seconds and carrier
* info(carrier id, transport, keepalive interval).
* Logs from: packages/modules/Connectivity/service/src/com/android/
* server/connectivity/AutomaticOnOffKeepaliveTracker.
message KeepaliveLifetimeForCarrier {
// The carrier ID for each keepalive, or TelephonyManager.UNKNOWN_CARRIER_ID(-1) if not cell
optional int32 carrier_id = 1;
// The transport types of the underlying network for each keepalive. A network may include
// multiple transport types. Each transfer type is represented by a different bit, defined in
// packages/modules/Connectivity/framework/src/android/net/
optional int32 transport_types = 2;
// The keepalive interval for each keepalive
optional int32 intervals_msec = 3;
// The lifetime of the keepalive registered today
optional int32 lifetime_msec = 4;
// The duration for which the keepalive was active (not suspended)
optional int32 active_lifetime_msec = 5;