blob: 20da9c70adfe9afa474c124e8ad16d6eb251f4de [file] [log] [blame]
"message": "Saammeko esitellä: Chromebook, uudenlainen tietokone Googlelta",
"description": "Intro headline: Introduction to Chromebook introducing it as a computer by Google"
"message": "Käynnistyy sekunneissa. Yksinkertainen käyttää. Sisältää Googlen suosikkisovelluksesi.<br>Suunniteltu jokapäiväiseen käyttöön ja täydellinen jaettavaksi.",
"description": "Intro subtitle, main features of Chromebook: It starts up very fast, is easy to learn and comes with your favorite Google apps. Its perfect for you to use every day and you can easily share it with other users if you have to."
"message": "Tee töitä vaivattomasti",
"description": "App headline for Docs: You can do all your work with Google Docs (link to Docs app)"
"message": "Pysy yhteydessä",
"description": "App headline for Hangouts: You can stay connected to all your friends with Google+ Hangouts (link to Hangouts app)"
"message": "Kuuntele musiikkia",
"description": "App headline for Google Play: You can listen to music with Google Play Music (link to Google Play Music app)"
"message": "Videot ja musiikki",
"description": "App headline for Youtube (alternative to Google Play): You can enjoy videos and music with YouTube (link to YouTube app)"
"message": "Hanki lisää sovelluksia",
"description": "App headline for Webstore: You can get more applications (and do more things) through the Chrome web store (link to Chrome Web store app)"
"message": "Lisätietoja",
"description": "Subtitle for learning more about Chrome: this is a link to an offline HTML page with more content about Chromebook features (link to Chrome with HTML page preloaded)"
"message": "youtube",
"description": "This is used by the script. This will not be translated."
"message": "Tee töitä vaivattomasti",
"description": "App headline for Docs: You can do all your work with Google Docs"
"message": "Google-dokumenttien avulla",
"description": "Subtitle for Docs: supports the headline by giving the app"
"message": "Luo dokumentteja, laskentataulukoita ja esityksiä, joiden parissa voit työskennellä verkossa ja offline-tilassa.",
"description": "Description for docs: High level overview of what google docs is"
"message": "Yhteiskäyttö",
"description": "Feature headline 1: Headline for working with other people in real time"
"message": "Klikkaa Jaa, kutsu ihmisiä ja tee yhteistyötä reaaliajassa. Se on juuri niin helppoa.",
"description": "Feature description 1: Description describing that to collaborate you would just click share to invite people to the document "
"message": "Automaattinen tallennus",
"description": "Feature headline 2: Headline for Google Docs automatically saving your document"
"message": "Google Driveen tehtävien automaattisten varmuuskopioiden ansiosta sinun ei tarvitse enää koskaan huolehtia työsi katoamisesta.",
"description": "Feature description 2: Description describing that with Google Docs auto saving you never have to save or worry about saving"
"message": "Käyttö kaikkialla",
"description": "Feature headline 3: Headline for being able to see your Google Docs on any device"
"message": "Työsi tallennetaan turvallisesti Google Driveen, jotta voit käyttää sitä minkä tahansa tietokoneen, tablet-laitteen tai älypuhelimen kautta.",
"description": "Subtitle headline 3: Descrption that describes that through Google Drive you can see you documents on a phone, computer or tablet device"
"message": "Entä jos käytän Microsoft Officea<sup>®</sup>?",
"description": "Question headline: Addresses user concerns if they are Microsoft Office users"
"message": "Google-dokumentit on sisäänrakennettu jokaiseen Chromebookiin, ja sovelluksen käyttö on ilmaista. Chromebookit voivat käsitellä myös <span class=\"no-break\">Microsoft Office<sup>®</sup></span> -dokumentteja, joten voit muokata Word- ja Excel-tiedostoja, vaikka olisit offline-tilassa.",
"description": "Question description: Answers users concerns about Office by describing that Docs is free and built in as well as describing Quickoffice as having the ability to edit Office files even when Offline"
"message": "Tervetuloa käyttämään Google-dokumentteja!",
"description": "Fake document name: The name of the fake document welcomes the user to Google docs in a friendly manner"
"message": "Jaa",
"description": "Share button: Same as docs UI"
"message": "Tee yhteistyötä muiden kanssa reaaliajassa, lisää kommentteja ja seuraa muutoksia versiohistorian avulla.",
"description": "Share tooltp: Describes sharing features for Google Docs "
"message": "Tiedosto",
"description": "UI Element: File (dropdown for Save As.., etc)"
"message": "Muokkaa",
"description": "UI Element: Edit (dropdown for copy, paste, ..etc)"
"message": "Näytä",
"description": "UI Element: View (dropdown for full screen, print layout, etc..)"
"message": "Lisää",
"description": "UI Element: Insert (dropdown for images, drawings, etc)"
"message": "Muoto",
"description": "UI Element: Format (dropdown for bold, italic, underline, etc)"
"message": "Työkalut",
"description": "UI Element: Tools (dropdown for Spelling, research, scripts, etc)"
"message": "Taulukko",
"description": "UI Element: Table (dropdown for table options)"
"message": "Ohje",
"description": "UI Element: Help (dropdown for help) "
"message": "Tulosta, vie, jaa ja hallinnoi dokumentteja pilvipalvelussa.",
"description": "Main menu tooltip: Explains how you can manage your document with docs"
"message": "Luo taulukoita, tasaa tekstiä ja vaihda tekstin värit mielesi mukaisiksi.",
"description": "Toolbar tooltip: Explains toolbar options"
"message": "Ylös, ulos ja…",
"description": "Starting string is meant to be something playful that the user would like to complete. Like a common phrase (eg: Roses"
"message": "Charles",
"description": "Meant to be Charles Dickens"
"message": "Edgar",
"description": "Meant to be Edgar Alan Poe"
"message": "Fredrick",
"description": "Meant to be Fredrick Nietsche"
"message": "Pysy yhteydessä",
"description": "App headline for hangouts: You can keep in touch with friends using hangouts"
"message": "Google+ Hangouts -palvelun avulla",
"description": "A subtitle for Hangouts: supports the headline by giving the app name"
"message": "Juttele perheen ja kavereiden kanssa suoraan netissä. Ei asentamista, ei määrittämistä, ei vaivaa.",
"description": "Description of Hangouts: Its very easy to talk to people using hangouts, doesn't even need an install"
"message": "Ryhmävideopuhelu",
"description": "Feature headline: Headline for group video chat feature"
"message": "Osallistu videopuheluun ilmaiseksi jopa yhdeksän ystäväsi kanssa kerralla.",
"description": "Feature description: group video chat for free"
"message": "Vaivaton",
"description": "Feature headline: No hassles with Hangouts"
"message": "Sinun ei tarvitse kuin kirjautua sisään Chromebookiin, niin olet valmis. Asennusta ei tarvita.",
"description": "Feature description: how easy it is to use hangouts on Chromebook as it doesn't need setup"
"message": "Hupia kaikille",
"description": "Feature headline: describes fun features of Google Hangouts"
"message": "Tuo videoneuvotteluihin eloa tehosteiden, emojien ja YouTube-videoiden avulla.",
"description": "Feature description: describes how you can have a lot of fun with Hangouts"
"message": "Entä jos käytän Skypeä<sup>®</sup>?",
"description": "Question headline: Addresses user concerns if they are Skype users"
"message": "Hangouts on helppo vaihtoehto Skypelle<sup>®</sup>. Asennusta ei tarvita. Videopuhelut jopa yhdeksän ihmisen kanssa yhtä aikaa ovat ilmaisia.",
"description": "Question description: Describes that hangouts can be used instead of Skype on a chromebook "
"message": "Tehosteet",
"description": "Google Effects button"
"message": "Näytön jakaminen",
"description": "Screensharing button"
"message": "Voit jakaa näyttösi muille yhdellä klikkauksella.",
"description": "Screensharing tooltip: Describes screensharing feature"
"message": "Lisää sovelluksia",
"description": "Add Apps button"
"message": "Katso YouTube-videoita, tee yhteistyötä dokumenttien parissa ja lisää hauskoja tehosteita videopuheluusi.",
"description": "Add apps tooltip: Describes applications in hangouts"
"message": "Kutsu ihmisiä",
"description": "Invite friends button (add people)"
"message": "Kutsu ihmisiä videopuheluun sähköpostiosoitteen avulla.",
"description": "Invite friends tooltip: Describes how easy it is to add friends"
"message": "Lisää jopa yhdeksän ihmistä videopuheluusi asentamatta yhtään ohjelmistoa.",
"description": "Chat area tooltip: describes group video feature by which you can hangout with 9 people for free"
"message": "Näytä käyttöluvan tiedot",
"description": "Menu string in the context menu."
"message": "Kuuntele musiikkia",
"description": "App headline for play music: Listen to music with Google Play Music all access"
"message": "Google Play -musiikin avulla",
"description": "A subtitle for Play Music: supports the headline by giving the app name"
"message": "Nauti Google Play -musiikin loputtomasta musiikkikokoelmasta verkossa.",
"description": "Describes how you can listen to unlimited music with Google Play Music (GPM)"
"message": "Vapauta kokoelmasi",
"description": "Feature headline: Describes the uploading feature of google play"
"message": "Tuo jopa 20 000 kappaletta iTunes<sup>®</sup>-kirjastostasi tai muusta musiikkikansiosta Google Playhin maksutta.",
"description": "Feature description: Describes the features of the upload/music manager feature."
"message": "Käytä missä tahansa",
"description": "Feature headline: multiple devices"
"message": "Google Play päivittää musiikkikirjastosi automaattisesti puhelimellasi, tablet-laitteellasi ja Chromebookilla.",
"description": "Feature description: can be used on multiple different devices which are kept in sync."
"message": "Musiikkia rajattomasti",
"description": "Feature headline: All Access headline"
"message": "Google Playn VIP-passin avulla voit kuunnella miljoonia kappaleita, luoda omia radiokanavia ja ohittaa kappaleita mielesi mukaan.",
"description": "Feature description: Describes what you can do with Play Music All Access"
"message": "Entä jos käytän iTunesia<sup>®</sup>?",
"description": "Question headline: Addresses concenrs for iTunes users"
"message": "Google Play -musiikki on pilvipohjainen vaihtoehto iTunesille<sup>®</sup>. Voit lähettää palveluun jopa 20 000 kappaletta maksutta Google-musiikinhallinnalla.",
"description": "Question description: Describes google play music as an alternate to iTunes and says you can upload songs to it via music manager"
"message": "Kuuntele nyt",
"description": "Listen now section of Google Play Music"
"message": "Lähetä musiikkia",
"description": "Upload button"
"message": "Lähetä palveluun jopa 20 000 kappaletta maksutta Musiikinhallinnan avulla",
"description": "Upload tooltip: Short description of music manager"
"message": "Oma kirjasto",
"description": "My Library button"
"message": "Kuuntele ostettua ja lähetettyä musiikkia",
"description": "My Library tooltip: Description of the library section of Google Play Music"
"message": "Pikasekoitukset",
"description": "Instant mixes button"
"message": "Löydä lempimusiikkiisi perustuvia pikasekoituksia",
"description": "Instant mixes tooltip: Describes google radio and recommend features"
"message": "Tee ostoksia",
"description": "Shop button"
"message": "Löydä ja osta uutta musiikkia suoraan Play-kaupasta",
"description": "Shop tooltip: describes buying music from the play store"
"message": "Soittolistat",
"description": "Playlist button"
"message": "Luo omia soittolistoja helposti",
"description": "Playlist tooltip: Describes creating and sharing playlists"
"message": "Lumineers",
"description": "Artist name."
"message": "Flowers in your hair",
"description": "Song name"
"message": "Viimeksi soitetut",
"description": "Subtitle for a recently played song"
"message": "Good old war",
"description": "Artist name."
"message": "Calling me names",
"description": "Song name"
"message": "Viimeksi soitetut",
"description": "Subtitle for a recently played song"
"message": "Vivaldi",
"description": "Artist name."
"message": "I. Allegro",
"description": "Song name"
"message": "Viimeksi soitetut",
"description": "Subtitle for a recently played song"
"message": "Maroon 5",
"description": "Artist name."
"message": " Overexposed",
"description": "Song name."
"message": "Suositeltu sinulle",
"description": "Subtitle for music thats recommended for you"
"message": "Florence + the Machine",
"description": "Artist name."
"message": "Ceremonials",
"description": "Song name."
"message": "Viimeksi soitetut",
"description": "Subtitle for a recently played song"
"message": "Blake Shelton",
"description": "Artist name."
"message": "Based on a True Story",
"description": "Song name."
"message": "Viimeksi Omaan kirjastoon lisätyt",
"description": "subtitle for music that you have added to your library or bought"
"message": "Tiësto",
"description": "Artist name."
"message": "Club Life Miami",
"description": "Song name."
"message": "Suositeltu sinulle",
"description": ""
"message": "Mika",
"description": "Artist name."
"message": "The Origin of Love",
"description": "Song name."
"message": "Suositeltu sinulle",
"description": "subtitle for music that is recommended for you by Google"
"message": "One Republic",
"description": "Artist name."
"message": "Native",
"description": "Song name."
"message": "Ehdotettu uusi julkaisu",
"description": ""
"message": "Muse",
"description": "Artist name."
"message": "The 2nd Law",
"description": "Song name."
"message": "Kuunteluhistoriasi perusteella",
"description": ""
"message": "Frank Ocean",
"description": "Artist name."
"message": "Channel Orange",
"description": "Song name."
"message": "Suositeltu sinulle",
"description": "subtitle for music that is recommended for you by Google"
"message": "Imagine Dragons",
"description": "Artist name."
"message": "Night Visions",
"description": "Song name."
"message": "Suositeltu sinulle",
"description": "subtitle for music that is recommended for you by Google"
"message": "The Doors ",
"description": "Artist name."
"message": "The Doors",
"description": "Song name."
"message": "Suositeltu sinulle",
"description": "subtitle for music that is recommended for you by Google"
"message": "Tegan + Sara",
"description": "Artist name."
"message": "Heartthrob",
"description": "Song name."
"message": "Kuunteluhistoriasi perusteella",
"description": ""
"message": "Ellie Goulding",
"description": "Artist name."
"message": "Halcyon",
"description": "Song name."
"message": "Suositeltu sinulle",
"description": "subtitle for music that is recommended for you by Google"
"message": "vivaldi",
"description": "This is used by the script. This will not be translated."
"message": "Hanki lisää sovelluksia",
"description": "App headline for Chrome web store"
"message": "Chrome Web Storessa",
"description": "App subtitle for chrome web store with app name"
"message": "Tee töitä, pelaa pelejä tai tee uusia löytöjä Chrome Web Storen sovelluksilla.",
"description": "App description for Chrome web store"
"message": "Tuhansia sovelluksia",
"description": "Feature headline: large number of apps"
"message": "Hanki ilmaisia sovelluksia pelejä, musiikkia, elokuvia, uutisia, valokuvia ja muita tarkoituksia varten.",
"description": "Feature subtitle: description for large number and variety of apps"
"message": "Offline ja online",
"description": "Feature headline: you can get offline and online apps"
"message": "Löydä sovelluksia, jotka toimivat kodin lisäksi myös työmatkalla.",
"description": "Feature subtitle: describing the offline and online app functionalities and where you can use them"
"message": "Lisää klikkaamalla",
"description": "Feature headline: one click install"
"message": "Chromebookille ei tarvitse asentaa hankalia ohjelmistoja. Klikkaa vain Lisää Chromeen.",
"description": "Feature subtitle: the description of the one click install feature"
"message": "Bejeweled",
"description": "The title of bejeweled application."
"message": "4,5 tähteä",
"description": "The detailed information of bejeweled."
"message": "Cube Slam",
"description": "The title of cubeslam application."
"message": "4,5 tähteä",
"description": "The detailed information of cubeslam."
"message": "Deezer",
"description": "The title of deezer application."
"message": "4 tähteä",
"description": "The detailed information of deezer."
"message": "Gmail",
"description": "The title of gmail application."
"message": "4,5 tähteä",
"description": "The detailed information of gmail."
"message": "Kindle Cloud Reader",
"description": "The title of kindle application."
"message": "4,5 tähteä",
"description": "The detailed information of kindle."
"message": "Netflix",
"description": "The title of netflix application."
"message": "4 tähteä",
"description": "The detailed information of netflix."
"message": "Pandora",
"description": "The title of pandora application."
"message": "4 tähteä",
"description": "The detailed information of pandora."
"message": "Pixlr",
"description": "The title of pixlr application."
"message": "4,5 tähteä",
"description": "The detailed information of pixlr."
"message": "Google+",
"description": "The title of plus application."
"message": "4,5 tähteä",
"description": "The detailed information of plus."
"message": "Chrome-etäkäyttö",
"description": "The title of remotedesktop application."
"message": "4,5 tähteä",
"description": "The detailed information of remotedesktop."
"message": "Google-taulukot",
"description": "The title of sheets application."
"message": "4 tähteä",
"description": "The detailed information of sheets."
"message": "Google-presentaatiot",
"description": "The title of slides application."
"message": "4 tähteä",
"description": "The detailed information of slides."
"message": "Spotify",
"description": "The title of spotify application."
"message": "4,5 tähteä",
"description": "The detailed information of spotify."
"message": "TweetDeck",
"description": "The title of tweetdeck application."
"message": "4 tähteä",
"description": "The detailed information of tweetdeck."
"message": "YouTube",
"description": "The title of youtube application."
"message": "4,5 tähteä",
"description": "The detailed information of youtube."
"message": "Google Drive",
"description": "The title of drive application."
"message": "4,5 tähteä",
"description": "The detailed information of drive."
"message": "New York Times",
"description": "The title of new-york-times application."
"message": "4 tähteä",
"description": "The detailed information of new-york-times."
"message": "Hangouts",
"description": "The title of hangouts application."
"message": "4 tähteä",
"description": "The detailed information of hangouts."
"message": "Evernote",
"description": "The title of evernote application."
"message": "4,5 tähteä",
"description": "The detailed information of evernote."
"message": "Google Play",
"description": "The title of play-us application."
"message": "4,5 tähteä",
"description": "The detailed information of play-us."
"message": "Google Play",
"description": "The title of play-uk application."
"message": "4,5 tähteä",
"description": "The detailed information of play-uk."
"message": "Google-kalenteri",
"description": "The title of calendar application."
"message": "4,5 tähteä",
"description": "The detailed information of calendar."
"message": "Angry Birds",
"description": "The title of angry-birds application."
"message": "4,5 tähteä",
"description": "The detailed information of angry-birds."
"message": "Kamera",
"description": "The title of camera application."
"message": "2,5 tähteä",
"description": "The detailed information of camera."
"message": "Google-dokumentit",
"description": "The title of docs application."
"message": "4,5 tähteä",
"description": "The detailed information of docs."
"message": "Laskin",
"description": "The title of calculator application."
"message": "3 tähteä",
"description": "The detailed information of calculator."
"message": "play-uk deezer",
"description": "This is used by the script. This will not be translated."
"message": "OMINAISUUDET",
"description": "Link to an overview page of Chromebooks’ core features and benefits"
"message": "OFFLINE-TILA",
"description": "Link to a page explaining Chromebook devices’ offline capabilities"
"message": "TULOSTUS",
"description": "Link to a page explaining Chromebook’s printing capabilities"
"message": "TEE ENEMMÄN",
"description": "Link to a page highlighting additional Chromebook features"
"message": "Valmis heti kun sinä olet",
"description": "Summarizes the idea that, when you use a Chromebook, you won’t have to wait for the device to start working"
"message": "Chromebook käynnistyy hetkessä, joten voit heti aloittaa pelaamisen, nauttimisen tai työskentelyn (jos on pakko).",
"description": "Explains that Chromebooks have very short startup time from cold boot, meaning that users can quickly start accomplishing desired tasks"
"message": "Pysyy nopeana alusta asti",
"description": "Summarizes that Chromebooks have very short startup time and do not slow down over time"
"message": "Chromebook käynnistyy alle 10 sekunnissa ja, toisin kuin muut tietokoneet, ei hidastu ajan myötä.",
"description": "Explains 2 key differentiating benefits of Chromebooks: they have very short bootup time and stay fast even after continued use"
"message": "Selaa nettiä nopeammin",
"description": "Summarizes that when you use a Chromebook, you can surf the internet faster"
"message": "Selaa nettiä valonnopeudella sisäänrakennetun Chrome Instantin avulla.",
"description": "Explains that the Chrome Instant features is included with your Chromebook, which enables very fast web surfing"
"message": "Vähemmän #$$%!, enemmän :)",
"description": "Summarizes that Chromebooks are easy and simple, leading to reduced hassles and more enjoyment of the things that you want from a computer"
"message": "Chromebookiin on asennettu valmiiksi sovelluksia, joten se toimii heti pakkauksesta poistamisen jälkeen.",
"description": "Explains that many applications are already included and pre-installed on the Chromebook, meaning that brand new Chromebooks include many programs that users need"
"message": "Ei monimutkaisia ohjelmistoja",
"description": "Summarizes that applications on Chromebooks are easier to use than applications on other computers"
"message": "Dokumentit, Hangouts ja Play-musiikki tulevat ilmaiseksi Chromebookin mukana. Lisää uusia sovelluksia suoraan Chrome Web Storesta.",
"description": "Lists Google applications that are pre-installed in the Chromebook at no additional cost. Additionally, more applications can be added to the Chromebook using the Chrome Web Store."
"message": "Pysyy tuoreena itsestään",
"description": "Summarizes that Chromebook stays updated automatically, ensuring that it always runs the latest Operating System"
"message": "Chromebook päivittää itsensä automaattisesti, joten sinun ei tarvitse katsella ärsyttäviä ponnahdusikkunoita.",
"description": "Explains that Chromebooks don’t need to be manually updated and that the process happens automatically in the background, without the need for user intervention"
"message": "Antaa mielenrauhan",
"description": "Summarizes that, when you use a Chromebook, you don’t need to worry about viruses or losing your files due to system malfunctions"
"message": "Virustorjunta on sisäänrakennettuna ja tiedostosi varmuuskopioidaan verkkoon.",
"description": "Explains that all Chromebooks are protected from viruses automatically, and that files are stored safely in the cloud when connected to the internet"
"message": "Useita tietoturvakerroksia",
"description": "Summarizes that Chromebooks employ more than 1 method of protecting the device from issues like viruses"
"message": "Virustorjunta ja muut tietoturvaominaisuudet suojelevat sinua viruksilta, haittaohjelmilta ja muilta tietokonepöpöiltä.",
"description": "Explains that Chromebooks are protected from many common security issues due to additional layers of security"
"message": "Pitää tiedostot turvassa",
"description": "Summarizes that documents and files are secure when using a Chromebook"
"message": "Tiedostojen tallennuspalvelu Google Driven avulla voit varmuuskopioida tiedostosi ja käyttää niitä missä tahansa.",
"description": "Explains a key benefit of Google Drive, Google’s online file storage service -- files are stored online so they can be securely accessed from different devices and from different locations"
"message": "Toimii myös offline-tilassa",
"description": "Summarizes that Chromebooks are functional even when they are not connected to the internet"
"message": "Chromebookin avulla saat hommia tehtyä, vaikka et olisi yhteydessä verkkoon.",
"description": "Explains that Chromebooks can help the user accomplish tasks even when the Chromebook is not connected to the internet"
"message": "Suosikkisovelluksesi sisäänrakennettuina",
"description": "Summarizes that many great applications are pre-installed in the Chromebook"
"message": "Sovellukset, kuten Google-dokumentit, offline-Gmail, mediasoitin ja kuvanmuokkausohjelma, pitävät sinut tuotteliaana liikkeellä ollessasi.",
"description": "Lists examples of applications that help the user accomplish tasks even when the Chromebook is offline, for example when the user is traveling"
"message": "Hanki lisää Chrome Web Storesta",
"description": "Summarizes that additional applications can be found on the Chrome Web Store"
"message": "Löydät lisää ilmaisia offline-sovelluksia Chrome Web Storesta.",
"description": "Explains that more applications can be found for the Chromebook, free of charge, from the Chrome Web Store"
"message": "Tulosta langattomasti",
"description": "Summarizes that Chromebooks can print wirelessly"
"message": "Chromebookillasi voit tulostaa langattomasti mihin tahansa pilveen yhdistettyyn tulostimeen.",
"description": "Explains that Chromebooks can print without cables by using a cloud-connected printer"
"message": "Google Cloud Print",
"description": "States the name of Google’s printing solution, Google Cloud Print"
"message": "Cloud Print toimii verkossa, joten voit tulostaa Chromebookista, olitpa samassa huoneessa tulostimen kanssa tai liikkeellä.",
"description": ""
"message": "Toimii perinteisten tulostimien kanssa",
"description": "Summarizes that Chromebooks can also print using printers that are not Cloud Ready (i.e., a conventional printer)"
"message": "Pilvipalvelua tukevat tulostimet toimivat heti, mutta jos omistat PC:n tai Macin ja perinteisen tulostimen, voit yhdistää sen toimimaan yhdessä Chromebookisi kanssa.",
"description": "Explains that Chromebooks have the ability to print"
"message": "Chromecast",
"description": "States the name of Google’s web streaming product for televisions, Chromecast"
"message": "Lähetä suosikkiverkkoviihteesi Chromebookista TV:seen 35 dollarin hintaan.",
"description": "Explains that Chromecast allows users to display online content from the Chromebook on a television and that it only costs $$35"
"message": "Istu rennosti ja katso yhdessä",
"description": "Summarizes that you can watch your television content with other people while relaxing comfortably"
"message": "Nauti verkkoelokuvista, -musiikista ynnä muusta TV:si kautta.",
"description": "Explains that many different forms of web content can be viewed on your television using Chromecast"
"message": "Luo verkko TV:seen",
"description": "Summarizes that content from the internet can be displayed on your television"
"message": "Lähetä Chrome-selaimen välilehti Chromebookista kotitelevisioosi (beta).",
"description": "Explains that content from the Chrome browser can be displayed on your television using a Chromebook. The ‘(beta)’ refers to the fact that this feature is still under development."