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                            hterm and Secure Shell
                          Frequently Asked Questions

Hello World. This is the hterm/Secure Shell FAQ. If you have a question that is not answered here, please ask it on the chromium-hterm mailing list.

What is “Secure Shell”?

Secure Shell is a Chrome Application that combines the “ssh” command (see http://openssh.org/ for details) ported to NativeClient with the “hterm” terminal emulator to provide a secure shell client for the Chrome browser.

Secure Shell provides similar functionality to PuTTY on Microsoft Windows(c) systems, and the ssh command-line application on Mac OS X and Linux systems.

What is “hterm”?

“HTML Terminal”, or hterm, is an xterm-compatible terminal emulator written entirely in JavaScript.

It is intended to be fast enough and correct enough to compete with native terminals such as xterm, gnome-terminal, konsole and Terminal.app.

hterm is only a terminal emulator. It does not provide SSH access (or any other text-based command) on its own.

How do Secure Shell and hterm relate to the “crosh” (Ctrl-Alt-T) command in Chrome OS?

See chromeos-crosh.md in this directory for the details.

TL;DR - Don't use crosh for ssh any more, use the Secure Shell app instead. The crosh shell will use the newer terminal emulator from Secure Shell when possible.

How do hterm and Secure Shell differ from existing web terminals?

hterm stands out from many existing web terminals in that it was built from the start to match the performance and correctness of “native” terminals such as xterm and Terminal.app.

It can handle large bursts of text quickly, support very large scrollback buffers, and it closely matches xterm's behavior. The keyboard even mostly works. (ha! See the note about how to get Ctrl-W below.)

The Secure Shell app is different because it does not require a proxy or relay server to function. Secure Shell can make a direct connection to a standard sshd server on any port of the destination machine. Other web terminals require a proxy server in the middle. In some cases you are even required to hand the proxy your credentials in plain text.

Is my connection proxied in any way?

No. By default all connections are made directly to the sshd server on the destination machine.

But, what if I want to ssh over HTTP?

Secure Shell also knows how to connect to an HTTP-to-ssh relay that was built inside Google. Unfortunately that relay isn‘t open source, and Google doesn’t maintain a public pool of relays.

However, you're free to build one that works the same way. There should be enough documentation in nassh_google_relay.js to reverse engineer a compatible relay.

The good news is that someone has built an open source relay. It is not supported by us though, so please take any questions/concerns about it to the author.

Is my connection really secure?

The Secure Shell app uses ssh to manage the encrypted communication channels. This makes it about as secure as any other connection based on the ssh command.

It does have the added advantage of running ssh as a sandboxed Native Client plugin, which in theory makes it more secure than an unsandboxed ssh connection.

Additionally, the Secure Shell application follows a strict Content Security Policy that does not allow access to the JavaScript ‘eval’ function. This helps lower the risk that a terminal exploit could run arbitrary JavaScript.

What should I do if I notice a bug?

First, please continue reading this FAQ to make sure your issue isn't mentioned. Then check the bug list at https://goo.gl/VkasRC.

If you don't see the issue there, you can search the archives of the chromium-hterm mailing list here: https://goo.gl/RYHiK.

If all else fails then join the chromium-hterm mailing list and post about what you've found.

If your bug involves some mis-interpreted escape sequence and you want to file a really useful bug report, then add in a recording of the session. For bonus points, track down the troublesome sequence and include the offset into the log file. For more information about how to do this, see the “Debugging escape sequences” section in the hack.md file in this directory.

Is there a mailing list to discuss hterm or Secure Shell?

Yes, the public chromium-hterm mailing list is here: https://goo.gl/RYHiK.

Can I connect using a public key pair or certificate?

You can import identity files from the connection dialog. Select the “Import...” link to bring up a file picker.

You must import two files for each identity. One should be the private key and should not have a file extension. The other should be the public key, and must end in “.pub”. For example, “id_rsa” and “id_rsa.pub”.

If you have a key stored in a single “.pem” file, you must split it into two files before importing.

This will import your public/private key files into the HTML5 filesystem associated with Secure Shell. There should be no way for another extension, app, or web page to access this sandboxed filesystem.

Keep in mind that HTML5 filesystems are relatively new. As always, it's possible that there are still exploits to be found or disclosed.

Additionally, Chrome stores HTML5 filesystems as normal files (with mode 600, “-rw-------”) under your profile directory. Non-Chrome applications on your system may be able to access these files.

For your own good, protect your important private keys with a strong passphrase.

You can also import a traditional ssh ‘config’ file using this dialog. Nearly anything that ssh might care about from your ~/.ssh directory can go here.

See http://www.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/man.cgi?query=ssh_config for more information about the ssh configuration syntax. Keep in mind that any directives that would require access outside of the NaCl sandbox will not function properly. This includes (but is not limited to) X11 forwarding, syslog functionality, and anything that requires a domain socket.

Can Secure Shell use my ~/.ssh/config file?

Probably. It depends on what it does. See the answer to the previous question for more details.

How do I remove a key?

From the connection dialog, select an identity from the dropdown and press the DELETE key. This will remove both the private and public key files from the HTML5 filesystem.

How do I remove ALL keys?

Open the JavaScript console and type...


This will remove any non-key files you may have uploaded as well. It will not affect your preferences.

Does Secure Shell support a keychain of some sort?

Sorry, not yet. This is a bit of a technical challenge given the nature of the NaCl sandbox. We have a few options that we're exploring. Feel free to post your ideas to the mailing list.

(And yes, we're already considering integrating with the Chrome NSS certificate store.)

Can I create bookmarks to specific sites?

Mostly. You can create two types of bookmarks:

  1. A connection specifying a user & host (and optionally a port).
  2. A profile connection (which you already created/set up).
If you‘re using the dev version of Secure Shell, you’ll want to use the extension id okddffdblfhhnmhodogpojmfkjmhinfp in the examples below instead of pnhechapfaindjhompbnflcldabbghjo.

Direct links

The first one takes the form of:


The user and host fields are mandatory, but you can omit the :port if you like (as well as the proxy settings). There is no way to customize any other field/connection property.

Here is an example for connecting to the server cowfarm as user milkman:


And on port 2222:


Profile links

The second method requires you to first create a new connection in the connection dialog, and then you can bookmark that connection directly. It then takes the form of:


The ID part will need to be changed to match the unique id assigned to each connection. You can find it by loading Secure Shell into a tab, connecting to the profile, then looking at the URL box. This allows you to fully control the ssh parameters though: you may add arguments or change the command line or relay settings.

Can I create links in webpages to autoconnect?

Mostly. See the previous question about bookmarks.

Can I use Secure Shell for port forwarding?

Yes. Enter your port forwarding options in the “SSH Arguments” field of the connect dialog. The port forward will be active for the duration of the Secure Shell session.

What is the “Terminal Profile” field for?

This is the last field in the connect dialog. It allows you to select which set of terminal preferences to use for the connection.

If you name a terminal profile that doesn't yet exist, it will be created and all preferences will be set to their default value. Any preference changes will affect the active terminal profile only.

For example, enter “light” as the name of a terminal profile for a new connection. Once you‘ve connected, change the color scheme to black-on-white (as described in the FAQ entried below). That change will be associated with the “light” profile, and you’ll be able to re-use it for other saved connections.

How do I set terminal preferences?

You should manage your preferences under the Secure Shell Options page. Just right click the app in Chrome, select Options, and see the Appearance section. The documentation below is meant for people hacking on the source directly.

In general, you open the JavaScript console and type something like...

 term_.prefs_.set('pref-name', 'pref-value')

Preferences are saved in your local storage, so they're remembered the next time you launch Secure Shell.

If you want to check the current value of a preference, type this...


To reset a single preference to its default state, type this...


To reset all preferences to their default state, type this...


Most preference changes take effect immediately, in all open instances of Secure Shell. The exception is the ‘environment’ setting, which won't take effect until the next time you reconnect.

Some common preferences are listed in questions that follow. For the full list, you‘ll have to read through the “definePreferences” call in hterm_preference_manager.js. It’s here: https://goo.gl/xZa38d, around line 130.

How do I change the audible bell sound?

You should manage your preferences under the Secure Shell Options page. Just right click the app in Chrome, select Options, and see the Sounds section. The documentation below is meant for people hacking on the source directly.

Open the JavaScript console and type...

 term_.prefs_.set('audible-bell-sound', 'http://example.com/bell.ogg')

Change the example url to point to the sound file you want to use. Unfortunately, local file: urls are not supported at this time. If you want to get fancy you could construct a data: url, but the details of that are beyond the scope of this FAQ.

How do I disable the audible bell?

You should manage your preferences under the Secure Shell Options page. Just right click the app in Chrome, select Options, and see the Sounds section. The documentation below is meant for people hacking on the source directly.

Open the JavaScript console and type...

 term_.prefs_.set('audible-bell-sound', '')

How do I change the color scheme?

You should manage your preferences under the Secure Shell Options page. Just right click the app in Chrome, select Options, and see the Appearance section. The documentation below is meant for people hacking on the source directly.

You can change the foreground, background or cursor color preferences from the JavaScript console like this...

 term_.prefs_.set('background-color', 'wheat')
 term_.prefs_.set('foreground-color', '#533300')
 term_.prefs_.set('cursor-color', 'rgba(100, 100, 10, 0.5)')

You can use any valid CSS color value for any of these colors. You need to use a semi-transparent color (the fourth parameter in the rgba value) for the cursor if you want to be able to see the character behind it.

How do I change the font face?

You should manage your preferences under the Secure Shell Options page. Just right click the app in Chrome, select Options, and see the Appearance section. The documentation below is meant for people hacking on the source directly.

Open the JavaScript console and type...

 term_.prefs_.set('font-family', 'Lucida Console')

Replace ‘Lucida Console’ with your favorite monospace font.

Keep in mind that some fonts, especially on Mac OS X systems, have bold characters that are larger than the non-bold version. hterm will print a warning to the JS console if it detects that you've selected a font like this. It will also disable “real” bold characters, using only bright colors to indicate bold.

How do I change the default font size?

You should manage your preferences under the Secure Shell Options page. Just right click the app in Chrome, select Options, and see the Appearance section. The documentation below is meant for people hacking on the source directly.

Open the JavaScript console and type...

 term_.prefs_.set('font-size', 15)

Replace 15 with your desired font size in pixels. 15 is the default, so you'll have to pick a different number to have any effect at all.

Can I quickly make temporarily changes to the font size?

Yes. The Ctrl-Plus, Ctrl-Minus and Ctrl-Zero keys can increase, decrease, or reset the current font size. This zoomed size is not remembered the next time you start hterm. See the previous question if you want something that will stick.

It‘s useful to know that hterm has to handle font zooming on its own. Without interference from the browser’s built-in zoom function.

The browser zoom introduces rounding errors in pixel measurements that make it difficult (maybe impossible) for hterm to accurately position the cursor on the screen. (It could do a little better than it does but probably not enough to be worth the effort.)

To mitigate this, hterm will display a warning message when your browser zoom is not 100%. In this mode the Ctrl-Plus, Ctrl-Minus and Ctrl-Zero keys are passed directly to the browser. Just press Ctrl-Zero to reset your zoom and dismiss the warning.

hterm should start handling Ctrl-Plus, Ctrl-Minus and Ctrl-Zero on its own once your zoom setting is fixed.

Why do I get a warning about my browser zoom?

Because hterm requires you to set your browser to 100%, or 1:1 zoom. Try Ctrl-Zero or the Wrench->Zoom menu to reset your browser zoom. The warning should go away after you correct the zoom level.

See the previous question for more information.

How do I disable anti-aliasing?

You should manage your preferences under the Secure Shell Options page. Just right click the app in Chrome, select Options, and see the Appearance section. The documentation below is meant for people hacking on the source directly.

Open the JavaScript console and type...

 term_.prefs_.set('font-smoothing', 'none')

This directly modifies the ‘-webkit-font-smoothing’ CSS property for the terminal. As such, ‘none’, ‘antialiased’, and ‘subpixel-antialiased’ are all valid values.

The default setting is ‘antialiased’.

How do I make the cursor blink?

You should manage your preferences under the Secure Shell Options page. Just right click the app in Chrome, select Options, and see the Appearance section. The documentation below is meant for people hacking on the source directly.

Open the JavaScript console and type...

 term_.prefs_.set('cursor-blink', true)

Notice that true is NOT in quotes. This is especially important if you try to turn blinking back off, with...

 term_.prefs_.set('cursor-blink', false)

or you could just revert to the default value of false with...


Why does hterm ignore the cursor blink escape sequence?

Most terminals ignore attempts by the host to change the blink-state of the cursor. This lets you choose between a blink/steady cursor via the cursor-blink preference, without having the host change your setting.

By default, hterm also ignores this escape sequence. To enable it, set the ‘enable-dec12’ preference to true.

 term_.prefs_.set('enable-dec12', true)

How do I change the TERM environment variable?

You should manage your preferences under the Secure Shell Options page. Just right click the app in Chrome, select Options, and see the Misc section. The documentation below is meant for people hacking on the source directly.

Open the JavaScript console and type...

 term_.prefs_.set('environment', {TERM: 'hterm'})

Notice that only ‘hterm’ is quoted, not the entire value. You can replace ‘hterm’ with whichever value you prefer.

The default TERM value is ‘xterm-256color’. If you prefer to simulate a 16 color xterm, try setting TERM to ‘xterm’.

You will have to reconnect for this setting to take effect.

How do I enter accented characters?

You should manage your preferences under the Secure Shell Options page. Just right click the app in Chrome, select Options, and see the Keyboard section. The documentation below is meant for people hacking on the source directly.

That depends on your platform and which accented characters you want to enter.

In xterm, you could use Alt-plus-a-letter-or-number to select from the upper 128 characters. The palette of 128 characters was “hardcoded” and not dependent on your keyboard locale. You can set hterm to do the same thing by opening the JavaScript console and typing...

 term_.prefs_.set('alt-sends-what', '8-bit')

However, if you are on Mac OS X and you prefer that Alt sends a character based on your keyboard locale, try this instead...

 term_.prefs_.set('alt-sends-what', 'browser-key')

Note that composed characters (those that require multiple keystrokes) are not currently supported by this mode.

If you are running Chrome OS on a Chromebook you can select your keyboard locale from the system settings and just use the Right-Alt (the small one, on the right) to enter accented characters. No need to change the ‘alt-sends-what’ preference at all.

The default value for ‘alt-sends-what’ is ‘escape’. This makes Alt work mostly like a traditional Meta key.

If you really, really want Alt to be an alias for the Meta key in every sense, use...

 term_.prefs_.set('alt-is-meta', true)

How do I make backspace send ^H?

You should manage your preferences under the Secure Shell Options page. Just right click the app in Chrome, select Options, and see the Keyboard section. The documentation below is meant for people hacking on the source directly.

By default, hterm sends a delete (DEL, ‘\x7f’) character for the backspace key. Sounds crazy, but it tends to be the right thing for most people. If you'd prefer it send the backspace (BS, ‘\x08’, aka ^H) character, then open the JavaScript console and type...

 term_.prefs_.set('backspace-sends-backspace', true)

How do I remove a known host fingerprint (aka known_hosts) entry?

If you know the index of the offending host entry (it's usually reported by ssh if the connection fails) you can open the JavaScript console and type...


Replace index with the numeric, one-based host index.

If you don‘t know the index, or you’d like to clear all known hosts, type...


How do I send Ctrl-W, Ctrl-N or Ctrl-T to the terminal?

Chrome blocks tab contents from getting access to these (and a few other) keys. You can open Secure Shell in a dedicated window to get around this limitation. Just right-click on the Secure Shell icon and enable “Open as Window”.

After that, any time you launch Secure Shell it will open in a new window and respond properly to these accelerator keys.

Note that the “Open as Window” option is not available on the Mac. However, Mac keyboards typically have distinct Control, Alt, and Command keys, so it's less of an issue on that platform. Secure Shell cannot treat Command as Control or Meta, but there are some third party keyboard utilities that may provide a solution.

How do I copy text from the terminal?

By default, Secure Shell automatically copies your active selection to the clipboard.

You can disable this by setting the ‘copy-on-select’ preference to false. If you disable it you'll need to use one of the following key sequences to copy to the clipboard...

  • Under Mac OS X the normal Command-C sequence works.

  • On other platforms Ctrl-C will perform a Copy only when text is selected. When there is no current selection Ctrl-C will send a “^C” to the host.

    Note that after copying text to the clipboard the active selection will be cleared. If you happen to have text selected but want to send “^C”, just hit Ctrl-C twice.

  • Under all platforms you can also use the “Copy” command from the Wrench menu, when running Secure Shell in a browser tab.

How do I paste text to the terminal?

By default, Shift-Insert pastes the clipboard on all platforms. If you'd prefer to be able to send Shift-Insert to the host, set the ‘shift-insert-paste’ preference to false.


  • Under Mac OS X the normal Command-V sequence can be used to paste from the clipboard.

  • On other platforms use Ctrl-Shift-V to paste from the clipboard.

  • Under X11, you can use middle-mouse-click to paste from the X clipboard.

  • Under all platforms you can also use the “Paste” command from the Wrench menu.

Why does the cursor blink in emacs?

This answer only applies if you've set the ‘enable-dec12’ preference to true.

Do you normally use Terminal.app or xterm? Those terminals (and many others) ignore the “ESC [ ? 12 h” and “ESC [ ? 12 l” sequences (DEC Private Mode 12). Emacs uses these sequences (on purpose) to enable and disable cursor blink.

If you prefer a steady cursor in emacs, set visible-cursor to nil as described in https://goo.gl/muppJj.

Why does the color scheme look funny in emacs/vi/vim?

hterm's default value for the TERM environment variable is ‘xterm-256color’. This causes emacs, vi, and some other programs to use a different color palette than when TERM=‘xterm’.

You may notice these programs use a font color that is difficult to read over a dark background (such as dark blue).

You can fix vi with ‘:set bg=dark’. Emacs can be started in “reverse video” mode with ‘emacs -rv’.

If you just want your old 16 color palette back, open the JavaScript console and type...

 term_.prefs_.set('environment', {TERM: 'xterm'})

Then restart Secure Shell.

Can I use my mouse with Secure Shell?

Sort of. Both emacs and vi have mouse modes that are compatible with Secure Shell.

In emacs, use M-x xterm-mouse-mode and M-x mouse-wheel-mode. This will allow you to position the cursor with a mouse click, and use the wheel (or two-finger scroll) to scroll the buffer.

In vi, use “:set mouse=a” to enable mouse mode.

Does hterm support the “OSC 52”, aka “clipboard operations” sequence?

Clipboard writing is allowed by default, but you can disable it if you're paranoid. Set the ‘enable-clipboard-write’ preference to false to disable the control sequence.

Clipboard read is not implemented. Reading is a security hole you probably didn't want anyway.

Clipboard writes are triggered by an escape sequence from the host. Here's an example...

$ echo -e "\x1b]52;c;Y29weXBhc3RhIQ==\x07"

The sequence “\x1b]52;” identifies this as a clipboard operation. The “c;” option selects the system clipboard. “Y29weXBhc3RhIQ==” is the base64 encoded value to place on the clipboard, in this case it's the string “copypasta!”. Finally, “\x07” terminates the sequence.

If you execute this command when ‘enable-clipboard-write’ on you should see the “Selection Copied” message appear in the terminal, and your system clipboard should contain the text, “copypasta!”.

Note that the specification for OSC 52 mentions destinations other than the “c;” system clipboard. Hterm treats them all as the system clipboard.

Can I synchronize my emacs selection with the system clipboard?

Yes, as long as you're not using tmux. See ../etc/osc52.el for the details.

Is there a way to try early releases of Secure Shell?

Yes. First, you need to subscribe to the mailing list mentioned above. Subscribers have access to the “Dev” version in the Chrome Web Store, which is located here: https://goo.gl/cFZlv.

Please keep in mind that the Dev version has gone through significantly less testing than the Beta. Fortunately, you can install both and switch back to Beta if you have trouble with Dev.

Where is the source code?

The hterm source is here: https://goo.gl/8qndhN. This includes the front-end code for Secure Shell.

The Native Client wrapper around ssh is here: https://goo.gl/4tZCMI.

Is there a change log?

Yes. Look under the doc/ directory of the hterm source.

There are two change logs. One shows changes to the development version of Secure Shell. The other shows stable releases.

In general, the dev series of the form 0.X.Y.Z becomes the stable version 0.X.Y. So SecureShell-dev-, and all lead up to SecureShell-0.7.2.

What if I want to make changes to the source?

Read the hack.md file in this directory.