blob: fd0d8a59bca3cd119bccd4a89a97c5dd87b4b147 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
'use strict';
* This is nassh as a lib.wam.fs.Executable.
* It's connected to the nassh filesystem in nassh_commands.js.
nassh.Nassh = function(executeContext) {
this.executeContext = executeContext;
this.executeContext.onStdIn.addListener(this.onStdIn_, this);
this.executeContext.onTTYChange.addListener(this.onTTYChange_, this);
this.executeContext.onClose.addListener(this.onExecuteClose_, this);
executeContext.requestTTY({interrupt: ''});
var ecArg = executeContext.arg;
if (ecArg instanceof Array) {
ecArg = {argv: ecArg};
} else if (!(ecArg instanceof Object)) {
* The argv object to pass to the NaCl plugin.
this.argv = {};
if (ecArg.argv instanceof Array) {
this.argv.arguments = [].concat(ecArg.argv);
} else {
this.argv.arguments = [];
this.argv.environment = this.executeContext.getEnvs();
var tty = executeContext.getTTY();
this.argv.terminalWidth = tty.columns;
this.argv.terminalHeight = tty.rows;
this.argv.writeWindow = 8 * 1024;
this.plugin_ = null;
// Counters used to acknowledge writes from the plugin.
this.stdoutAcknowledgeCount_ = 0;
this.stderrAcknowledgeCount_ = 0;
this.onInit = new lib.Event();
* Invoked from nassh.Commands.on['nassh'].
* This is the entrypoint when invoked as an executable.
nassh.Nassh.main = function(executeContext) {
var session = new nassh.Nassh(executeContext);
* File descriptors used when talking to the plugin about stdio.
nassh.Nassh.STDIN = 0;
nassh.Nassh.STDOUT = 1;
nassh.Nassh.STDERR = 2;
* Perform final cleanup when it's time to exit this nassh session.
nassh.Nassh.prototype.exit = function(name, arg) {
if (this.plugin_) {
this.plugin_ = null;
* Tell the NaCl plugin it's time to start.
nassh.Nassh.prototype.start = function() {
this.sendToPlugin_('startSession', [this.argv]);
nassh.Nassh.prototype.print = function(str, opt_onAck) {
this.executeContext.stdout(str, opt_onAck);
nassh.Nassh.prototype.println = function(str, opt_onAck) {
this.executeContext.stdout(str + '\n');
nassh.Nassh.prototype.initPlugin_ = function(onComplete) {
this.plugin_ = window.document.createElement('embed');
this.plugin_.setAttribute('src', '../plugin/pnacl/ssh_client.nmf');
this.plugin_.setAttribute('type', 'application/x-nacl');
this.plugin_.addEventListener('load', () => {
this.plugin_.addEventListener('message', (e) => {
var msg = JSON.parse(;
msg.argv = msg.arguments;
if ( in this.onPlugin_) {
this.onPlugin_[].apply(this, msg.arguments);
} else {
console.log('Unknown message from plugin: ' + JSON.stringify(msg));
this.plugin_.addEventListener('crash', (e) => {
console.log('plugin crashed');
document.body.insertBefore(this.plugin_, document.body.firstChild);
// Set mimetype twice for
this.plugin_.setAttribute('type', 'application/x-nacl');
* Send a message to the nassh plugin.
* @param {string} name The name of the message to send.
* @param {Array} arguments The message arguments.
nassh.Nassh.prototype.sendToPlugin_ = function(name, args) {
var str = JSON.stringify({name: name, arguments: args});
nassh.Nassh.prototype.onExecuteClose_ = function(reason, value) {
if (this.plugin_) {
this.plugin_ = null;
* Hooked up to the onInput event of the message that started nassh.
nassh.Nassh.prototype.onStdIn_ = function(value) {
if (typeof value != 'string')
this.sendToPlugin_('onRead', [nassh.Nassh.STDIN, btoa(value)]);
nassh.Nassh.prototype.onTTYChange_ = function() {
var tty = this.executeContext.getTTY();
this.sendToPlugin_('onResize', [Number(tty.columns), Number(tty.rows)]);
* Plugin message handlers.
nassh.Nassh.prototype.onPlugin_ = {};
* Log a message from the plugin.
nassh.Nassh.prototype.onPlugin_.printLog = function(str) {
console.log('plugin log: ' + str);
* Plugin has exited.
nassh.Nassh.prototype.onPlugin_.exit = function(code) {
console.log('plugin exit: ' + code);
this.sendToPlugin_('onExitAcknowledge', []);
* Plugin wants to write some data to a file descriptor.
* This is only used for stdout/stderr. It used to be used as a conduit to
* the HTML5 filesystem, but now NaCl can get there directly.
nassh.Nassh.prototype.onPlugin_.write = function(fd, data) {
if (fd != nassh.Nassh.STDOUT && fd != nassh.Nassh.STDERR) {
console.warn('Attempt to write to unknown fd: ' + fd);
var string = atob(data);
this.print(string, () => {
var ackCount = (fd == nassh.Nassh.STDOUT ?
this.stdoutAcknowledgeCount_ += string.length :
this.stderrAcknowledgeCount_ += string.length);
if (this.plugin_) {
// After exit, the last ack comes after the plugin has been destroyed.
this.sendToPlugin_('onWriteAcknowledge', [fd, ackCount]);
* Plugin wants to read from a file descriptor.
* This isn't necessary any more, though the NaCl plugin does seem to call it
* a few times at startup with fd=0, size=1. It can be safely ignored in
* those cases.
*/ = function(fd, size) {
if (fd == nassh.Nassh.STDIN && size == 1)
console.warn('Plugin send unexpected "read" message: ' + fd + ', ' + size);