blob: f462fa06b7dc833dcc6e24a532eeb0bd3d33e39c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
'use strict';
lib.rtdep('lib.colors', 'lib.PreferenceManager', 'lib.resource', 'lib.wc',
'lib.f', 'hterm.Keyboard', 'hterm.Options', 'hterm.PreferenceManager',
'hterm.Screen', 'hterm.ScrollPort', 'hterm.Size',
'hterm.TextAttributes', 'hterm.VT');
* Constructor for the Terminal class.
* A Terminal pulls together the hterm.ScrollPort, hterm.Screen and hterm.VT100
* classes to provide the complete terminal functionality.
* There are a number of lower-level Terminal methods that can be called
* directly to manipulate the cursor, text, scroll region, and other terminal
* attributes. However, the primary method is interpret(), which parses VT
* escape sequences and invokes the appropriate Terminal methods.
* This class was heavily influenced by Cory Maccarrone's Framebuffer class.
* TODO(rginda): Eventually we're going to need to support characters which are
* displayed twice as wide as standard latin characters. This is to support
* CJK (and possibly other character sets).
* @param {string} opt_profileId Optional preference profile name. If not
* provided, defaults to 'default'.
hterm.Terminal = function(opt_profileId) {
this.profileId_ = null;
// Two screen instances.
this.primaryScreen_ = new hterm.Screen();
this.alternateScreen_ = new hterm.Screen();
// The "current" screen.
this.screen_ = this.primaryScreen_;
// The local notion of the screen size. ScreenBuffers also have a size which
// indicates their present size. During size changes, the two may disagree.
// Also, the inactive screen's size is not altered until it is made the active
// screen.
this.screenSize = new hterm.Size(0, 0);
// The scroll port we'll be using to display the visible rows.
this.scrollPort_ = new hterm.ScrollPort(this);
this.scrollPort_.subscribe('resize', this.onResize_.bind(this));
this.scrollPort_.subscribe('scroll', this.onScroll_.bind(this));
this.scrollPort_.subscribe('paste', this.onPaste_.bind(this));
this.scrollPort_.onCopy = this.onCopy_.bind(this);
// The div that contains this terminal.
this.div_ = null;
// The document that contains the scrollPort. Defaulted to the global
// document here so that the terminal is functional even if it hasn't been
// inserted into a document yet, but re-set in decorate().
this.document_ = window.document;
// The rows that have scrolled off screen and are no longer addressable.
this.scrollbackRows_ = [];
// Saved tab stops.
this.tabStops_ = [];
// Keep track of whether default tab stops have been erased; after a TBC
// clears all tab stops, defaults aren't restored on resize until a reset.
this.defaultTabStops = true;
// The VT's notion of the top and bottom rows. Used during some VT
// cursor positioning and scrolling commands.
this.vtScrollTop_ = null;
this.vtScrollBottom_ = null;
// The DIV element for the visible cursor.
this.cursorNode_ = null;
// The current cursor shape of the terminal.
this.cursorShape_ = hterm.Terminal.cursorShape.BLOCK;
// The current color of the cursor.
this.cursorColor_ = null;
// Cursor blink on/off cycle in ms, overwritten by prefs once they're loaded.
this.cursorBlinkCycle_ = [100, 100];
// Pre-bound onCursorBlink_ handler, so we don't have to do this for each
// cursor on/off servicing.
this.myOnCursorBlink_ = this.onCursorBlink_.bind(this);
// These prefs are cached so we don't have to read from local storage with
// each output and keystroke. They are initialized by the preference manager.
this.backgroundColor_ = null;
this.foregroundColor_ = null;
this.scrollOnOutput_ = null;
this.scrollOnKeystroke_ = null;
// True if we should override mouse event reporting to allow local selection.
this.defeatMouseReports_ = false;
// Terminal bell sound.
this.bellAudio_ = this.document_.createElement('audio');
this.bellAudio_.setAttribute('preload', 'auto');
// All terminal bell notifications that have been generated (not necessarily
// shown).
this.bellNotificationList_ = [];
// Whether we have permission to display notifications.
this.desktopNotificationBell_ = false;
// Cursor position and attributes saved with DECSC.
this.savedOptions_ = {};
// The current mode bits for the terminal.
this.options_ = new hterm.Options();
// Timeouts we might need to clear.
this.timeouts_ = {};
// The VT escape sequence interpreter.
this.vt = new hterm.VT(this);
// The keyboard handler.
this.keyboard = new hterm.Keyboard(this);
// General IO interface that can be given to third parties without exposing
// the entire terminal object. = new hterm.Terminal.IO(this);
// True if mouse-click-drag should scroll the terminal.
this.enableMouseDragScroll = true;
this.copyOnSelect = null;
this.mouseRightClickPaste = null;
this.mousePasteButton = null;
// Whether to use the default window copy behavior.
this.useDefaultWindowCopy = false;
this.clearSelectionAfterCopy = true;
this.realizeSize_(80, 24);
this.setProfile(opt_profileId || 'default',
function() { this.onTerminalReady(); }.bind(this));
* Possible cursor shapes.
hterm.Terminal.cursorShape = {
* Clients should override this to be notified when the terminal is ready
* for use.
* The terminal initialization is asynchronous, and shouldn't be used before
* this method is called.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.onTerminalReady = function() { };
* Default tab with of 8 to match xterm.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.tabWidth = 8;
* Select a preference profile.
* This will load the terminal preferences for the given profile name and
* associate subsequent preference changes with the new preference profile.
* @param {string} profileId The name of the preference profile. Forward slash
* characters will be removed from the name.
* @param {function} opt_callback Optional callback to invoke when the profile
* transition is complete.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.setProfile = function(profileId, opt_callback) {
this.profileId_ = profileId.replace(/\//g, '');
var terminal = this;
if (this.prefs_)
this.prefs_ = new hterm.PreferenceManager(this.profileId_);
this.prefs_.addObservers(null, {
'alt-gr-mode': function(v) {
if (v == null) {
if (navigator.language.toLowerCase() == 'en-us') {
v = 'none';
} else {
v = 'right-alt';
} else if (typeof v == 'string') {
v = v.toLowerCase();
} else {
v = 'none';
if (!/^(none|ctrl-alt|left-alt|right-alt)$/.test(v))
v = 'none';
terminal.keyboard.altGrMode = v;
'alt-backspace-is-meta-backspace': function(v) {
terminal.keyboard.altBackspaceIsMetaBackspace = v;
'alt-is-meta': function(v) {
terminal.keyboard.altIsMeta = v;
'alt-sends-what': function(v) {
if (!/^(escape|8-bit|browser-key)$/.test(v))
v = 'escape';
terminal.keyboard.altSendsWhat = v;
'audible-bell-sound': function(v) {
var ary = v.match(/^lib-resource:(\S+)/);
if (ary) {
} else {
terminal.bellAudio_.setAttribute('src', v);
'desktop-notification-bell': function(v) {
if (v && Notification) {
terminal.desktopNotificationBell_ =
Notification.permission === 'granted';
if (!terminal.desktopNotificationBell_) {
// Note: We don't call Notification.requestPermission here because
// Chrome requires the call be the result of a user action (such as an
// onclick handler), and pref listeners are run asynchronously.
// A way of working around this would be to display a dialog in the
// terminal with a "click-to-request-permission" button.
console.warn('desktop-notification-bell is true but we do not have ' +
'permission to display notifications.');
} else {
terminal.desktopNotificationBell_ = false;
'background-color': function(v) {
'background-image': function(v) {
'background-size': function(v) {
'background-position': function(v) {
'backspace-sends-backspace': function(v) {
terminal.keyboard.backspaceSendsBackspace = v;
'character-map-overrides': function(v) {
if (!(v == null || v instanceof Object)) {
console.warn('Preference character-map-modifications is not an ' +
'object: ' + v);
'cursor-blink': function(v) {
'cursor-blink-cycle': function(v) {
if (v instanceof Array &&
typeof v[0] == 'number' &&
typeof v[1] == 'number') {
terminal.cursorBlinkCycle_ = v;
} else if (typeof v == 'number') {
terminal.cursorBlinkCycle_ = [v, v];
} else {
// Fast blink indicates an error.
terminal.cursorBlinkCycle_ = [100, 100];
'cursor-color': function(v) {
'color-palette-overrides': function(v) {
if (!(v == null || v instanceof Object || v instanceof Array)) {
console.warn('Preference color-palette-overrides is not an array or ' +
'object: ' + v);
lib.colors.colorPalette = lib.colors.stockColorPalette.concat();
if (v) {
for (var key in v) {
var i = parseInt(key);
if (isNaN(i) || i < 0 || i > 255) {
console.log('Invalid value in palette: ' + key + ': ' + v[key]);
if (v[i]) {
var rgb = lib.colors.normalizeCSS(v[i]);
if (rgb)
lib.colors.colorPalette[i] = rgb;
'copy-on-select': function(v) {
terminal.copyOnSelect = !!v;
'use-default-window-copy': function(v) {
terminal.useDefaultWindowCopy = !!v;
'clear-selection-after-copy': function(v) {
terminal.clearSelectionAfterCopy = !!v;
'ctrl-plus-minus-zero-zoom': function(v) {
terminal.keyboard.ctrlPlusMinusZeroZoom = v;
'ctrl-c-copy': function(v) {
terminal.keyboard.ctrlCCopy = v;
'ctrl-v-paste': function(v) {
terminal.keyboard.ctrlVPaste = v;
'east-asian-ambiguous-as-two-column': function(v) {
lib.wc.regardCjkAmbiguous = v;
'enable-8-bit-control': function(v) {
terminal.vt.enable8BitControl = !!v;
'enable-bold': function(v) {
'enable-bold-as-bright': function(v) {
terminal.primaryScreen_.textAttributes.enableBoldAsBright = !!v;
terminal.alternateScreen_.textAttributes.enableBoldAsBright = !!v;
'enable-blink': function(v) {
'enable-clipboard-write': function(v) {
terminal.vt.enableClipboardWrite = !!v;
'enable-dec12': function(v) {
terminal.vt.enableDec12 = !!v;
'font-family': function(v) {
'font-size': function(v) {
'font-smoothing': function(v) {
'foreground-color': function(v) {
'home-keys-scroll': function(v) {
terminal.keyboard.homeKeysScroll = v;
'keybindings': function(v) {
if (!v)
if (!(v instanceof Object)) {
console.error('Error in keybindings preference: Expected object');
try {
} catch (ex) {
console.error('Error in keybindings preference: ' + ex);
'max-string-sequence': function(v) {
terminal.vt.maxStringSequence = v;
'media-keys-are-fkeys': function(v) {
terminal.keyboard.mediaKeysAreFKeys = v;
'meta-sends-escape': function(v) {
terminal.keyboard.metaSendsEscape = v;
'mouse-right-click-paste': function(v) {
terminal.mouseRightClickPaste = v;
'mouse-paste-button': function(v) {
'page-keys-scroll': function(v) {
terminal.keyboard.pageKeysScroll = v;
'pass-alt-number': function(v) {
if (v == null) {
var osx = window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Mac OS X/);
// Let Alt-1..9 pass to the browser (to control tab switching) on
// non-OS X systems, or if hterm is not opened in an app window.
v = (!osx && hterm.windowType != 'popup');
terminal.passAltNumber = v;
'pass-ctrl-number': function(v) {
if (v == null) {
var osx = window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Mac OS X/);
// Let Ctrl-1..9 pass to the browser (to control tab switching) on
// non-OS X systems, or if hterm is not opened in an app window.
v = (!osx && hterm.windowType != 'popup');
terminal.passCtrlNumber = v;
'pass-meta-number': function(v) {
if (v == null) {
var osx = window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Mac OS X/);
// Let Meta-1..9 pass to the browser (to control tab switching) on
// OS X systems, or if hterm is not opened in an app window.
v = (osx && hterm.windowType != 'popup');
terminal.passMetaNumber = v;
'pass-meta-v': function(v) {
terminal.keyboard.passMetaV = v;
'receive-encoding': function(v) {
if (!(/^(utf-8|raw)$/).test(v)) {
console.warn('Invalid value for "receive-encoding": ' + v);
v = 'utf-8';
terminal.vt.characterEncoding = v;
'scroll-on-keystroke': function(v) {
terminal.scrollOnKeystroke_ = v;
'scroll-on-output': function(v) {
terminal.scrollOnOutput_ = v;
'scrollbar-visible': function(v) {
'scroll-wheel-move-multiplier': function(v) {
'send-encoding': function(v) {
if (!(/^(utf-8|raw)$/).test(v)) {
console.warn('Invalid value for "send-encoding": ' + v);
v = 'utf-8';
terminal.keyboard.characterEncoding = v;
'shift-insert-paste': function(v) {
terminal.keyboard.shiftInsertPaste = v;
'user-css': function(v) {
'user-css-text': function(v) {
'word-break-match-left': function(v) {
terminal.primaryScreen_.wordBreakMatchLeft = v;
terminal.alternateScreen_.wordBreakMatchLeft = v;
'word-break-match-right': function(v) {
terminal.primaryScreen_.wordBreakMatchRight = v;
terminal.alternateScreen_.wordBreakMatchRight = v;
'word-break-match-middle': function(v) {
terminal.primaryScreen_.wordBreakMatchMiddle = v;
terminal.alternateScreen_.wordBreakMatchMiddle = v;
this.prefs_.readStorage(function() {
if (opt_callback)
* Returns the preferences manager used for configuring this terminal.
* @return {hterm.PreferenceManager}
hterm.Terminal.prototype.getPrefs = function() {
return this.prefs_;
* Enable or disable bracketed paste mode.
* @param {boolean} state The value to set.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.setBracketedPaste = function(state) {
this.options_.bracketedPaste = state;
* Set the color for the cursor.
* If you want this setting to persist, set it through prefs_, rather than
* with this method.
* @param {string} color The color to set.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.setCursorColor = function(color) {
this.cursorColor_ = color; = color; = color;
* Return the current cursor color as a string.
* @return {string}
hterm.Terminal.prototype.getCursorColor = function() {
return this.cursorColor_;
* Enable or disable mouse based text selection in the terminal.
* @param {boolean} state The value to set.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.setSelectionEnabled = function(state) {
this.enableMouseDragScroll = state;
* Set the background color.
* If you want this setting to persist, set it through prefs_, rather than
* with this method.
* @param {string} color The color to set.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.setBackgroundColor = function(color) {
this.backgroundColor_ = lib.colors.normalizeCSS(color);
this.foregroundColor_, this.backgroundColor_);
this.foregroundColor_, this.backgroundColor_);
* Return the current terminal background color.
* Intended for use by other classes, so we don't have to expose the entire
* prefs_ object.
* @return {string}
hterm.Terminal.prototype.getBackgroundColor = function() {
return this.backgroundColor_;
* Set the foreground color.
* If you want this setting to persist, set it through prefs_, rather than
* with this method.
* @param {string} color The color to set.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.setForegroundColor = function(color) {
this.foregroundColor_ = lib.colors.normalizeCSS(color);
this.foregroundColor_, this.backgroundColor_);
this.foregroundColor_, this.backgroundColor_);
* Return the current terminal foreground color.
* Intended for use by other classes, so we don't have to expose the entire
* prefs_ object.
* @return {string}
hterm.Terminal.prototype.getForegroundColor = function() {
return this.foregroundColor_;
* Create a new instance of a terminal command and run it with a given
* argument string.
* @param {function} commandClass The constructor for a terminal command.
* @param {string} argString The argument string to pass to the command.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.runCommandClass = function(commandClass, argString) {
var environment = this.prefs_.get('environment');
if (typeof environment != 'object' || environment == null)
environment = {};
var self = this;
this.command = new commandClass(
{ argString: argString || '',
environment: environment,
onExit: function(code) {;
if (self.prefs_.get('close-on-exit'))
* Returns true if the current screen is the primary screen, false otherwise.
* @return {boolean}
hterm.Terminal.prototype.isPrimaryScreen = function() {
return this.screen_ == this.primaryScreen_;
* Install the keyboard handler for this terminal.
* This will prevent the browser from seeing any keystrokes sent to the
* terminal.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.installKeyboard = function() {
* Uninstall the keyboard handler for this terminal.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.uninstallKeyboard = function() {
* Set the font size for this terminal.
* Call setFontSize(0) to reset to the default font size.
* This function does not modify the font-size preference.
* @param {number} px The desired font size, in pixels.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.setFontSize = function(px) {
if (px === 0)
px = this.prefs_.get('font-size');
'--hterm-charsize-width', this.scrollPort_.characterSize.width + 'px');
'--hterm-charsize-height', this.scrollPort_.characterSize.height + 'px');
* Get the current font size.
* @return {number}
hterm.Terminal.prototype.getFontSize = function() {
return this.scrollPort_.getFontSize();
* Get the current font family.
* @return {string}
hterm.Terminal.prototype.getFontFamily = function() {
return this.scrollPort_.getFontFamily();
* Set the CSS "font-family" for this terminal.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.syncFontFamily = function() {
* Set this.mousePasteButton based on the mouse-paste-button pref,
* autodetecting if necessary.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.syncMousePasteButton = function() {
var button = this.prefs_.get('mouse-paste-button');
if (typeof button == 'number') {
this.mousePasteButton = button;
var ary = navigator.userAgent.match(/\(X11;\s+(\S+)/);
if (!ary || ary[1] == 'CrOS') {
this.mousePasteButton = 1; // Middle mouse button.
} else {
this.mousePasteButton = 2; // Right mouse button.
* Enable or disable bold based on the enable-bold pref, autodetecting if
* necessary.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.syncBoldSafeState = function() {
var enableBold = this.prefs_.get('enable-bold');
if (enableBold !== null) {
this.primaryScreen_.textAttributes.enableBold = enableBold;
this.alternateScreen_.textAttributes.enableBold = enableBold;
var normalSize = this.scrollPort_.measureCharacterSize();
var boldSize = this.scrollPort_.measureCharacterSize('bold');
var isBoldSafe = normalSize.equals(boldSize);
if (!isBoldSafe) {
console.warn('Bold characters disabled: Size of bold weight differs ' +
'from normal. Font family is: ' +
this.primaryScreen_.textAttributes.enableBold = isBoldSafe;
this.alternateScreen_.textAttributes.enableBold = isBoldSafe;
* Enable or disable blink based on the enable-blink pref.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.syncBlinkState = function() {
this.prefs_.get('enable-blink') ? '0.7s' : '0');
* Set the mouse cursor style based on the current terminal mode.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.syncMouseStyle = function() {
this.vt.mouseReport == this.vt.MOUSE_REPORT_DISABLED ?
'var(--hterm-mouse-cursor-text)' :
* Return a copy of the current cursor position.
* @return {hterm.RowCol} The RowCol object representing the current position.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.saveCursor = function() {
return this.screen_.cursorPosition.clone();
* Return the current text attributes.
* @return {string}
hterm.Terminal.prototype.getTextAttributes = function() {
return this.screen_.textAttributes;
* Set the text attributes.
* @param {string} textAttributes The attributes to set.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.setTextAttributes = function(textAttributes) {
this.screen_.textAttributes = textAttributes;
* Return the current browser zoom factor applied to the terminal.
* @return {number} The current browser zoom factor.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.getZoomFactor = function() {
return this.scrollPort_.characterSize.zoomFactor;
* Change the title of this terminal's window.
* @param {string} title The title to set.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.setWindowTitle = function(title) {
window.document.title = title;
* Restore a previously saved cursor position.
* @param {hterm.RowCol} cursor The position to restore.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.restoreCursor = function(cursor) {
var row = lib.f.clamp(cursor.row, 0, this.screenSize.height - 1);
var column = lib.f.clamp(cursor.column, 0, this.screenSize.width - 1);
this.screen_.setCursorPosition(row, column);
if (cursor.column > column ||
cursor.column == column && cursor.overflow) {
this.screen_.cursorPosition.overflow = true;
* Clear the cursor's overflow flag.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.clearCursorOverflow = function() {
this.screen_.cursorPosition.overflow = false;
* Sets the cursor shape
* @param {string} shape The shape to set.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.setCursorShape = function(shape) {
this.cursorShape_ = shape;
* Get the cursor shape
* @return {string}
hterm.Terminal.prototype.getCursorShape = function() {
return this.cursorShape_;
* Set the width of the terminal, resizing the UI to match.
* @param {number} columnCount
hterm.Terminal.prototype.setWidth = function(columnCount) {
if (columnCount == null) { = '100%';
} = Math.ceil(
this.scrollPort_.characterSize.width *
columnCount + this.scrollPort_.currentScrollbarWidthPx) + 'px';
this.realizeSize_(columnCount, this.screenSize.height);
* Set the height of the terminal, resizing the UI to match.
* @param {number} rowCount The height in rows.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.setHeight = function(rowCount) {
if (rowCount == null) { = '100%';
} =
this.scrollPort_.characterSize.height * rowCount + 'px';
this.realizeSize_(this.screenSize.width, rowCount);
* Deal with terminal size changes.
* @param {number} columnCount The number of columns.
* @param {number} rowCount The number of rows.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.realizeSize_ = function(columnCount, rowCount) {
if (columnCount != this.screenSize.width)
if (rowCount != this.screenSize.height)
// Send new terminal size to plugin., rowCount);
* Deal with terminal width changes.
* This function does what needs to be done when the terminal width changes
* out from under us. It happens here rather than in onResize_() because this
* code may need to run synchronously to handle programmatic changes of
* terminal width.
* Relying on the browser to send us an async resize event means we may not be
* in the correct state yet when the next escape sequence hits.
* @param {number} columnCount The number of columns.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.realizeWidth_ = function(columnCount) {
if (columnCount <= 0)
throw new Error('Attempt to realize bad width: ' + columnCount);
var deltaColumns = columnCount - this.screen_.getWidth();
this.screenSize.width = columnCount;
if (deltaColumns > 0) {
if (this.defaultTabStops)
this.setDefaultTabStops(this.screenSize.width - deltaColumns);
} else {
for (var i = this.tabStops_.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (this.tabStops_[i] < columnCount)
* Deal with terminal height changes.
* This function does what needs to be done when the terminal height changes
* out from under us. It happens here rather than in onResize_() because this
* code may need to run synchronously to handle programmatic changes of
* terminal height.
* Relying on the browser to send us an async resize event means we may not be
* in the correct state yet when the next escape sequence hits.
* @param {number} rowCount The number of rows.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.realizeHeight_ = function(rowCount) {
if (rowCount <= 0)
throw new Error('Attempt to realize bad height: ' + rowCount);
var deltaRows = rowCount - this.screen_.getHeight();
this.screenSize.height = rowCount;
var cursor = this.saveCursor();
if (deltaRows < 0) {
// Screen got smaller.
deltaRows *= -1;
while (deltaRows) {
var lastRow = this.getRowCount() - 1;
if (lastRow - this.scrollbackRows_.length == cursor.row)
if (this.getRowText(lastRow))
var ary = this.screen_.shiftRows(deltaRows);
this.scrollbackRows_.push.apply(this.scrollbackRows_, ary);
// We just removed rows from the top of the screen, we need to update
// the cursor to match.
cursor.row = Math.max(cursor.row - deltaRows, 0);
} else if (deltaRows > 0) {
// Screen got larger.
if (deltaRows <= this.scrollbackRows_.length) {
var scrollbackCount = Math.min(deltaRows, this.scrollbackRows_.length);
var rows = this.scrollbackRows_.splice(
this.scrollbackRows_.length - scrollbackCount, scrollbackCount);
deltaRows -= scrollbackCount;
cursor.row += scrollbackCount;
if (deltaRows)
this.setVTScrollRegion(null, null);
* Scroll the terminal to the top of the scrollback buffer.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.scrollHome = function() {
* Scroll the terminal to the end.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.scrollEnd = function() {
* Scroll the terminal one page up (minus one line) relative to the current
* position.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.scrollPageUp = function() {
var i = this.scrollPort_.getTopRowIndex();
this.scrollPort_.scrollRowToTop(i - this.screenSize.height + 1);
* Scroll the terminal one page down (minus one line) relative to the current
* position.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.scrollPageDown = function() {
var i = this.scrollPort_.getTopRowIndex();
this.scrollPort_.scrollRowToTop(i + this.screenSize.height - 1);
* Scroll the terminal one line up relative to the current position.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.scrollLineUp = function() {
var i = this.scrollPort_.getTopRowIndex();
this.scrollPort_.scrollRowToTop(i - 1);
* Scroll the terminal one line down relative to the current position.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.scrollLineDown = function() {
var i = this.scrollPort_.getTopRowIndex();
this.scrollPort_.scrollRowToTop(i + 1);
* Clear primary screen, secondary screen, and the scrollback buffer.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.wipeContents = function() {
this.scrollbackRows_.length = 0;
[this.primaryScreen_, this.alternateScreen_].forEach(function(screen) {
var bottom = screen.getHeight();
if (bottom > 0) {
this.renumberRows_(0, bottom);
* Full terminal reset.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.reset = function() {
* Soft terminal reset.
* Perform a soft reset to the default values listed in
hterm.Terminal.prototype.softReset = function() {
// Reset terminal options to their default values.
this.options_ = new hterm.Options();
// We show the cursor on soft reset but do not alter the blink state.
this.options_.cursorBlink = !!this.timeouts_.cursorBlink;
// Xterm also resets the color palette on soft reset, even though it doesn't
// seem to be documented anywhere.
// The xterm man page explicitly says this will happen on soft reset.
this.setVTScrollRegion(null, null);
// Xterm also shows the cursor on soft reset, but does not alter the blink
// state.
* Move the cursor forward to the next tab stop, or to the last column
* if no more tab stops are set.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.forwardTabStop = function() {
var column = this.screen_.cursorPosition.column;
for (var i = 0; i < this.tabStops_.length; i++) {
if (this.tabStops_[i] > column) {
// xterm does not clear the overflow flag on HT or CHT.
var overflow = this.screen_.cursorPosition.overflow;
this.setCursorColumn(this.screenSize.width - 1);
this.screen_.cursorPosition.overflow = overflow;
* Move the cursor backward to the previous tab stop, or to the first column
* if no previous tab stops are set.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.backwardTabStop = function() {
var column = this.screen_.cursorPosition.column;
for (var i = this.tabStops_.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (this.tabStops_[i] < column) {
* Set a tab stop at the given column.
* @param {integer} column Zero based column.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.setTabStop = function(column) {
for (var i = this.tabStops_.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (this.tabStops_[i] == column)
if (this.tabStops_[i] < column) {
this.tabStops_.splice(i + 1, 0, column);
this.tabStops_.splice(0, 0, column);
* Clear the tab stop at the current cursor position.
* No effect if there is no tab stop at the current cursor position.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.clearTabStopAtCursor = function() {
var column = this.screen_.cursorPosition.column;
var i = this.tabStops_.indexOf(column);
if (i == -1)
this.tabStops_.splice(i, 1);
* Clear all tab stops.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.clearAllTabStops = function() {
this.tabStops_.length = 0;
this.defaultTabStops = false;
* Set up the default tab stops, starting from a given column.
* This sets a tabstop every (column % this.tabWidth) column, starting
* from the specified column, or 0 if no column is provided. It also flags
* future resizes to set them up.
* This does not clear the existing tab stops first, use clearAllTabStops
* for that.
* @param {integer} opt_start Optional starting zero based starting column, useful
* for filling out missing tab stops when the terminal is resized.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.setDefaultTabStops = function(opt_start) {
var start = opt_start || 0;
var w = this.tabWidth;
// Round start up to a default tab stop.
start = start - 1 - ((start - 1) % w) + w;
for (var i = start; i < this.screenSize.width; i += w) {
this.defaultTabStops = true;
* Interpret a sequence of characters.
* Incomplete escape sequences are buffered until the next call.
* @param {string} str Sequence of characters to interpret or pass through.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.interpret = function(str) {
* Take over the given DIV for use as the terminal display.
* @param {HTMLDivElement} div The div to use as the terminal display.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.decorate = function(div) {
this.div_ = div;
this.div_.focus = this.focus.bind(this);
this.document_ = this.scrollPort_.getDocument();
this.document_.body.oncontextmenu = function() { return false; };
var onMouse = this.onMouse_.bind(this);
var screenNode = this.scrollPort_.getScreenNode();
screenNode.addEventListener('mousedown', onMouse);
screenNode.addEventListener('mouseup', onMouse);
screenNode.addEventListener('mousemove', onMouse);
this.scrollPort_.onScrollWheel = onMouse;
'focus', this.onFocusChange_.bind(this, true));
// Listen for mousedown events on the screenNode as in FF the focus
// events don't bubble.
screenNode.addEventListener('mousedown', function() {
setTimeout(this.onFocusChange_.bind(this, true));
'blur', this.onFocusChange_.bind(this, false));
var style = this.document_.createElement('style');
style.textContent =
('.cursor-node[focus="false"] {' +
' box-sizing: border-box;' +
' background-color: transparent !important;' +
' border-width: 2px;' +
' border-style: solid;' +
'}' +
'.wc-node {' +
' display: inline-block;' +
' text-align: center;' +
' width: calc(var(--hterm-charsize-width) * 2);' +
' line-height: var(--hterm-charsize-height);' +
'}' +
':root {' +
' --hterm-charsize-width: ' + this.scrollPort_.characterSize.width + 'px;' +
' --hterm-charsize-height: ' + this.scrollPort_.characterSize.height + 'px;' +
' --hterm-blink-node-duration: 0.7s;' +
' --hterm-mouse-cursor-text: text;' +
' --hterm-mouse-cursor-pointer: default;' +
' --hterm-mouse-cursor-style: var(--hterm-mouse-cursor-text);' +
'}' +
'@keyframes blink {' +
' from { opacity: 1.0; }' +
' to { opacity: 0.0; }' +
'}' +
'.blink-node {' +
' animation-name: blink;' +
' animation-duration: var(--hterm-blink-node-duration);' +
' animation-iteration-count: infinite;' +
' animation-timing-function: ease-in-out;' +
' animation-direction: alternate;' +
this.cursorNode_ = this.document_.createElement('div');
this.cursorNode_.className = 'cursor-node'; =
('position: absolute;' +
'top: -99px;' +
'display: block;' +
'width: var(--hterm-charsize-width);' +
'height: var(--hterm-charsize-height);' +
'-webkit-transition: opacity, background-color 100ms linear;' +
'-moz-transition: opacity, background-color 100ms linear;');
// When 'enableMouseDragScroll' is off we reposition this element directly
// under the mouse cursor after a click. This makes Chrome associate
// subsequent mousemove events with the scroll-blocker. Since the
// scroll-blocker is a peer (not a child) of the scrollport, the mousemove
// events do not cause the scrollport to scroll.
// It's a hack, but it's the cleanest way I could find.
this.scrollBlockerNode_ = this.document_.createElement('div'); =
('position: absolute;' +
'top: -99px;' +
'display: block;' +
'width: 10px;' +
'height: 10px;');
this.scrollPort_.onScrollWheel = onMouse;
['mousedown', 'mouseup', 'mousemove', 'click', 'dblclick',
].forEach(function(event) {
this.scrollBlockerNode_.addEventListener(event, onMouse);
this.cursorNode_.addEventListener(event, onMouse);
this.document_.addEventListener(event, onMouse);
this.cursorNode_.addEventListener('mousedown', function() {
* Return the HTML document that contains the terminal DOM nodes.
* @return {HTMLDocument}
hterm.Terminal.prototype.getDocument = function() {
return this.document_;
* Focus the terminal.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.focus = function() {
* Return the HTML Element for a given row index.
* This is a method from the RowProvider interface. The ScrollPort uses
* it to fetch rows on demand as they are scrolled into view.
* TODO(rginda): Consider saving scrollback rows as (HTML source, text content)
* pairs to conserve memory.
* @param {integer} index The zero-based row index, measured relative to the
* start of the scrollback buffer. On-screen rows will always have the
* largest indices.
* @return {HTMLElement} The 'x-row' element containing for the requested row.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.getRowNode = function(index) {
if (index < this.scrollbackRows_.length)
return this.scrollbackRows_[index];
var screenIndex = index - this.scrollbackRows_.length;
return this.screen_.rowsArray[screenIndex];
* Return the text content for a given range of rows.
* This is a method from the RowProvider interface. The ScrollPort uses
* it to fetch text content on demand when the user attempts to copy their
* selection to the clipboard.
* @param {integer} start The zero-based row index to start from, measured
* relative to the start of the scrollback buffer. On-screen rows will
* always have the largest indices.
* @param {integer} end The zero-based row index to end on, measured
* relative to the start of the scrollback buffer.
* @return {string} A single string containing the text value of the range of
* rows. Lines will be newline delimited, with no trailing newline.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.getRowsText = function(start, end) {
var ary = [];
for (var i = start; i < end; i++) {
var node = this.getRowNode(i);
if (i < end - 1 && !node.getAttribute('line-overflow'))
return ary.join('');
* Return the text content for a given row.
* This is a method from the RowProvider interface. The ScrollPort uses
* it to fetch text content on demand when the user attempts to copy their
* selection to the clipboard.
* @param {integer} index The zero-based row index to return, measured
* relative to the start of the scrollback buffer. On-screen rows will
* always have the largest indices.
* @return {string} A string containing the text value of the selected row.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.getRowText = function(index) {
var node = this.getRowNode(index);
return node.textContent;
* Return the total number of rows in the addressable screen and in the
* scrollback buffer of this terminal.
* This is a method from the RowProvider interface. The ScrollPort uses
* it to compute the size of the scrollbar.
* @return {integer} The number of rows in this terminal.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.getRowCount = function() {
return this.scrollbackRows_.length + this.screen_.rowsArray.length;
* Create DOM nodes for new rows and append them to the end of the terminal.
* This is the only correct way to add a new DOM node for a row. Notice that
* the new row is appended to the bottom of the list of rows, and does not
* require renumbering (of the rowIndex property) of previous rows.
* If you think you want a new blank row somewhere in the middle of the
* terminal, look into moveRows_().
* This method does not pay attention to vtScrollTop/Bottom, since you should
* be using moveRows() in cases where they would matter.
* The cursor will be positioned at column 0 of the first inserted line.
* @param {number} count The number of rows to created.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.appendRows_ = function(count) {
var cursorRow = this.screen_.rowsArray.length;
var offset = this.scrollbackRows_.length + cursorRow;
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
var row = this.document_.createElement('x-row');
row.rowIndex = offset + i;
var extraRows = this.screen_.rowsArray.length - this.screenSize.height;
if (extraRows > 0) {
var ary = this.screen_.shiftRows(extraRows);
Array.prototype.push.apply(this.scrollbackRows_, ary);
if (this.scrollPort_.isScrolledEnd)
if (cursorRow >= this.screen_.rowsArray.length)
cursorRow = this.screen_.rowsArray.length - 1;
this.setAbsoluteCursorPosition(cursorRow, 0);
* Relocate rows from one part of the addressable screen to another.
* This is used to recycle rows during VT scrolls (those which are driven
* by VT commands, rather than by the user manipulating the scrollbar.)
* In this case, the blank lines scrolled into the scroll region are made of
* the nodes we scrolled off. These have their rowIndex properties carefully
* renumbered so as not to confuse the ScrollPort.
* @param {number} fromIndex The start index.
* @param {number} count The number of rows to move.
* @param {number} toIndex The destination index.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.moveRows_ = function(fromIndex, count, toIndex) {
var ary = this.screen_.removeRows(fromIndex, count);
this.screen_.insertRows(toIndex, ary);
var start, end;
if (fromIndex < toIndex) {
start = fromIndex;
end = toIndex + count;
} else {
start = toIndex;
end = fromIndex + count;
this.renumberRows_(start, end);
* Renumber the rowIndex property of the given range of rows.
* The start and end indices are relative to the screen, not the scrollback.
* Rows in the scrollback buffer cannot be renumbered. Since they are not
* addressable (you can't delete them, scroll them, etc), you should have
* no need to renumber scrollback rows.
* @param {number} start The start index.
* @param {number} end The end index.
* @param {hterm.Screen} opt_screen The screen to renumber.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.renumberRows_ = function(start, end, opt_screen) {
var screen = opt_screen || this.screen_;
var offset = this.scrollbackRows_.length;
for (var i = start; i < end; i++) {
screen.rowsArray[i].rowIndex = offset + i;
* Print a string to the terminal.
* This respects the current insert and wraparound modes. It will add new lines
* to the end of the terminal, scrolling off the top into the scrollback buffer
* if necessary.
* The string is *not* parsed for escape codes. Use the interpret() method if
* that's what you're after.
* @param{string} str The string to print.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.print = function(str) {
var startOffset = 0;
var strWidth = lib.wc.strWidth(str);
while (startOffset < strWidth) {
if (this.options_.wraparound && this.screen_.cursorPosition.overflow) {
var count = strWidth - startOffset;
var didOverflow = false;
var substr;
if (this.screen_.cursorPosition.column + count >= this.screenSize.width) {
didOverflow = true;
count = this.screenSize.width - this.screen_.cursorPosition.column;
if (didOverflow && !this.options_.wraparound) {
// If the string overflowed the line but wraparound is off, then the
// last printed character should be the last of the string.
// TODO: This will add to our problems with multibyte UTF-16 characters.
substr = lib.wc.substr(str, startOffset, count - 1) +
lib.wc.substr(str, strWidth - 1);
count = strWidth;
} else {
substr = lib.wc.substr(str, startOffset, count);
var tokens = hterm.TextAttributes.splitWidecharString(substr);
for (var i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
if (tokens[i].wcNode)
this.screen_.textAttributes.wcNode = true;
if (this.options_.insertMode) {
} else {
this.screen_.textAttributes.wcNode = false;
startOffset += count;
if (this.scrollOnOutput_)
* Set the VT scroll region.
* This also resets the cursor position to the absolute (0, 0) position, since
* that's what xterm appears to do.
* Setting the scroll region to the full height of the terminal will clear
* the scroll region. This is *NOT* what most terminals do. We're explicitly
* going "off-spec" here because it makes `screen` and `tmux` overflow into the
* local scrollback buffer, which means the scrollbars and shift-pgup/pgdn
* continue to work as most users would expect.
* @param {integer} scrollTop The zero-based top of the scroll region.
* @param {integer} scrollBottom The zero-based bottom of the scroll region,
* inclusive.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.setVTScrollRegion = function(scrollTop, scrollBottom) {
if (scrollTop == 0 && scrollBottom == this.screenSize.height - 1) {
this.vtScrollTop_ = null;
this.vtScrollBottom_ = null;
} else {
this.vtScrollTop_ = scrollTop;
this.vtScrollBottom_ = scrollBottom;
* Return the top row index according to the VT.
* This will return 0 unless the terminal has been told to restrict scrolling
* to some lower row. It is used for some VT cursor positioning and scrolling
* commands.
* @return {integer} The topmost row in the terminal's scroll region.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.getVTScrollTop = function() {
if (this.vtScrollTop_ != null)
return this.vtScrollTop_;
return 0;
* Return the bottom row index according to the VT.
* This will return the height of the terminal unless the it has been told to
* restrict scrolling to some higher row. It is used for some VT cursor
* positioning and scrolling commands.
* @return {integer} The bottom most row in the terminal's scroll region.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.getVTScrollBottom = function() {
if (this.vtScrollBottom_ != null)
return this.vtScrollBottom_;
return this.screenSize.height - 1;
* Process a '\n' character.
* If the cursor is on the final row of the terminal this will append a new
* blank row to the screen and scroll the topmost row into the scrollback
* buffer.
* Otherwise, this moves the cursor to column zero of the next row.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.newLine = function() {
var cursorAtEndOfScreen = (this.screen_.cursorPosition.row ==
this.screen_.rowsArray.length - 1);
if (this.vtScrollBottom_ != null) {
// A VT Scroll region is active, we never append new rows.
if (this.screen_.cursorPosition.row == this.vtScrollBottom_) {
// We're at the end of the VT Scroll Region, perform a VT scroll.
this.setAbsoluteCursorPosition(this.screen_.cursorPosition.row, 0);
} else if (cursorAtEndOfScreen) {
// We're at the end of the screen, the only thing to do is put the
// cursor to column 0.
this.setAbsoluteCursorPosition(this.screen_.cursorPosition.row, 0);
} else {
// Anywhere else, advance the cursor row, and reset the column.
this.setAbsoluteCursorPosition(this.screen_.cursorPosition.row + 1, 0);
} else if (cursorAtEndOfScreen) {
// We're at the end of the screen. Append a new row to the terminal,
// shifting the top row into the scrollback.
} else {
// Anywhere else in the screen just moves the cursor.
this.setAbsoluteCursorPosition(this.screen_.cursorPosition.row + 1, 0);
* Like newLine(), except maintain the cursor column.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.lineFeed = function() {
var column = this.screen_.cursorPosition.column;
* If autoCarriageReturn is set then newLine(), else lineFeed().
hterm.Terminal.prototype.formFeed = function() {
if (this.options_.autoCarriageReturn) {
} else {
* Move the cursor up one row, possibly inserting a blank line.
* The cursor column is not changed.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.reverseLineFeed = function() {
var scrollTop = this.getVTScrollTop();
var currentRow = this.screen_.cursorPosition.row;
if (currentRow == scrollTop) {
} else {
this.setAbsoluteCursorRow(currentRow - 1);
* Replace all characters to the left of the current cursor with the space
* character.
* TODO(rginda): This should probably *remove* the characters (not just replace
* with a space) if there are no characters at or beyond the current cursor
* position.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.eraseToLeft = function() {
var cursor = this.saveCursor();
this.screen_.overwriteString(lib.f.getWhitespace(cursor.column + 1));
* Erase a given number of characters to the right of the cursor.
* The cursor position is unchanged.
* If the current background color is not the default background color this
* will insert spaces rather than delete. This is unfortunate because the
* trailing space will affect text selection, but it's difficult to come up
* with a way to style empty space that wouldn't trip up the hterm.Screen
* code.
* eraseToRight is ignored in the presence of a cursor overflow. This deviates
* from xterm, but agrees with gnome-terminal and konsole, xfce4-terminal. See
* for details.
* @param {number} opt_count The number of characters to erase.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.eraseToRight = function(opt_count) {
if (this.screen_.cursorPosition.overflow)
var maxCount = this.screenSize.width - this.screen_.cursorPosition.column;
var count = opt_count ? Math.min(opt_count, maxCount) : maxCount;
if (this.screen_.textAttributes.background ===
this.screen_.textAttributes.DEFAULT_COLOR) {
var cursorRow = this.screen_.rowsArray[this.screen_.cursorPosition.row];
if (hterm.TextAttributes.nodeWidth(cursorRow) <=
this.screen_.cursorPosition.column + count) {
var cursor = this.saveCursor();
* Erase the current line.
* The cursor position is unchanged.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.eraseLine = function() {
var cursor = this.saveCursor();
* Erase all characters from the start of the screen to the current cursor
* position, regardless of scroll region.
* The cursor position is unchanged.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.eraseAbove = function() {
var cursor = this.saveCursor();
for (var i = 0; i < cursor.row; i++) {
this.setAbsoluteCursorPosition(i, 0);
* Erase all characters from the current cursor position to the end of the
* screen, regardless of scroll region.
* The cursor position is unchanged.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.eraseBelow = function() {
var cursor = this.saveCursor();
var bottom = this.screenSize.height - 1;
for (var i = cursor.row + 1; i <= bottom; i++) {
this.setAbsoluteCursorPosition(i, 0);
* Fill the terminal with a given character.
* This methods does not respect the VT scroll region.
* @param {string} ch The character to use for the fill.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.fill = function(ch) {
var cursor = this.saveCursor();
this.setAbsoluteCursorPosition(0, 0);
for (var row = 0; row < this.screenSize.height; row++) {
for (var col = 0; col < this.screenSize.width; col++) {
this.setAbsoluteCursorPosition(row, col);
* Erase the entire display and leave the cursor at (0, 0).
* This does not respect the scroll region.
* @param {hterm.Screen} opt_screen Optional screen to operate on. Defaults
* to the current screen.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.clearHome = function(opt_screen) {
var screen = opt_screen || this.screen_;
var bottom = screen.getHeight();
if (bottom == 0) {
// Empty screen, nothing to do.
for (var i = 0; i < bottom; i++) {
screen.setCursorPosition(i, 0);
screen.setCursorPosition(0, 0);
* Erase the entire display without changing the cursor position.
* The cursor position is unchanged. This does not respect the scroll
* region.
* @param {hterm.Screen} opt_screen Optional screen to operate on. Defaults
* to the current screen.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.clear = function(opt_screen) {
var screen = opt_screen || this.screen_;
var cursor = screen.cursorPosition.clone();
screen.setCursorPosition(cursor.row, cursor.column);
* VT command to insert lines at the current cursor row.
* This respects the current scroll region. Rows pushed off the bottom are
* lost (they won't show up in the scrollback buffer).
* @param {integer} count The number of lines to insert.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.insertLines = function(count) {
var cursorRow = this.screen_.cursorPosition.row;
var bottom = this.getVTScrollBottom();
count = Math.min(count, bottom - cursorRow);
// The moveCount is the number of rows we need to relocate to make room for
// the new row(s). The count is the distance to move them.
var moveCount = bottom - cursorRow - count + 1;
if (moveCount)
this.moveRows_(cursorRow, moveCount, cursorRow + count);
for (var i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
this.setAbsoluteCursorPosition(cursorRow + i, 0);
* VT command to delete lines at the current cursor row.
* New rows are added to the bottom of scroll region to take their place. New
* rows are strictly there to take up space and have no content or style.
* @param {number} count The number of lines to delete.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.deleteLines = function(count) {
var cursor = this.saveCursor();
var top = cursor.row;
var bottom = this.getVTScrollBottom();
var maxCount = bottom - top + 1;
count = Math.min(count, maxCount);
var moveStart = bottom - count + 1;
if (count != maxCount)
this.moveRows_(top, count, moveStart);
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
this.setAbsoluteCursorPosition(moveStart + i, 0);
* Inserts the given number of spaces at the current cursor position.
* The cursor position is not changed.
* @param {number} count The number of spaces to insert.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.insertSpace = function(count) {
var cursor = this.saveCursor();
var ws = lib.f.getWhitespace(count || 1);
* Forward-delete the specified number of characters starting at the cursor
* position.
* @param {integer} count The number of characters to delete.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.deleteChars = function(count) {
var deleted = this.screen_.deleteChars(count);
if (deleted && !this.screen_.textAttributes.isDefault()) {
var cursor = this.saveCursor();
this.setCursorColumn(this.screenSize.width - deleted);
* Shift rows in the scroll region upwards by a given number of lines.
* New rows are inserted at the bottom of the scroll region to fill the
* vacated rows. The new rows not filled out with the current text attributes.
* This function does not affect the scrollback rows at all. Rows shifted
* off the top are lost.
* The cursor position is not altered.
* @param {integer} count The number of rows to scroll.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.vtScrollUp = function(count) {
var cursor = this.saveCursor();
* Shift rows below the cursor down by a given number of lines.
* This function respects the current scroll region.
* New rows are inserted at the top of the scroll region to fill the
* vacated rows. The new rows not filled out with the current text attributes.
* This function does not affect the scrollback rows at all. Rows shifted
* off the bottom are lost.
* @param {integer} count The number of rows to scroll.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.vtScrollDown = function(opt_count) {
var cursor = this.saveCursor();
this.setAbsoluteCursorPosition(this.getVTScrollTop(), 0);
* Set the cursor position.
* The cursor row is relative to the scroll region if the terminal has
* 'origin mode' enabled, or relative to the addressable screen otherwise.
* @param {integer} row The new zero-based cursor row.
* @param {integer} row The new zero-based cursor column.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.setCursorPosition = function(row, column) {
if (this.options_.originMode) {
this.setRelativeCursorPosition(row, column);
} else {
this.setAbsoluteCursorPosition(row, column);
* Move the cursor relative to its current position.
* @param {number} row
* @param {number} column
hterm.Terminal.prototype.setRelativeCursorPosition = function(row, column) {
var scrollTop = this.getVTScrollTop();
row = lib.f.clamp(row + scrollTop, scrollTop, this.getVTScrollBottom());
column = lib.f.clamp(column, 0, this.screenSize.width - 1);
this.screen_.setCursorPosition(row, column);
* Move the cursor to the specified position.
* @param {number} row
* @param {number} column
hterm.Terminal.prototype.setAbsoluteCursorPosition = function(row, column) {
row = lib.f.clamp(row, 0, this.screenSize.height - 1);
column = lib.f.clamp(column, 0, this.screenSize.width - 1);
this.screen_.setCursorPosition(row, column);
* Set the cursor column.
* @param {integer} column The new zero-based cursor column.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.setCursorColumn = function(column) {
this.setAbsoluteCursorPosition(this.screen_.cursorPosition.row, column);
* Return the cursor column.
* @return {integer} The zero-based cursor column.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.getCursorColumn = function() {
return this.screen_.cursorPosition.column;
* Set the cursor row.
* The cursor row is relative to the scroll region if the terminal has
* 'origin mode' enabled, or relative to the addressable screen otherwise.
* @param {integer} row The new cursor row.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.setAbsoluteCursorRow = function(row) {
this.setAbsoluteCursorPosition(row, this.screen_.cursorPosition.column);
* Return the cursor row.
* @return {integer} The zero-based cursor row.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.getCursorRow = function() {
return this.screen_.cursorPosition.row;
* Request that the ScrollPort redraw itself soon.
* The redraw will happen asynchronously, soon after the call stack winds down.
* Multiple calls will be coalesced into a single redraw.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.scheduleRedraw_ = function() {
if (this.timeouts_.redraw)
var self = this;
this.timeouts_.redraw = setTimeout(function() {
delete self.timeouts_.redraw;
}, 0);
* Request that the ScrollPort be scrolled to the bottom.
* The scroll will happen asynchronously, soon after the call stack winds down.
* Multiple calls will be coalesced into a single scroll.
* This affects the scrollbar position of the ScrollPort, and has nothing to
* do with the VT scroll commands.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.scheduleScrollDown_ = function() {
if (this.timeouts_.scrollDown)
var self = this;
this.timeouts_.scrollDown = setTimeout(function() {
delete self.timeouts_.scrollDown;
}, 10);
* Move the cursor up a specified number of rows.
* @param {integer} count The number of rows to move the cursor.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.cursorUp = function(count) {
return this.cursorDown(-(count || 1));
* Move the cursor down a specified number of rows.
* @param {integer} count The number of rows to move the cursor.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.cursorDown = function(count) {
count = count || 1;
var minHeight = (this.options_.originMode ? this.getVTScrollTop() : 0);
var maxHeight = (this.options_.originMode ? this.getVTScrollBottom() :
this.screenSize.height - 1);
var row = lib.f.clamp(this.screen_.cursorPosition.row + count,
minHeight, maxHeight);
* Move the cursor left a specified number of columns.
* If reverse wraparound mode is enabled and the previous row wrapped into
* the current row then we back up through the wraparound as well.
* @param {integer} count The number of columns to move the cursor.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.cursorLeft = function(count) {
count = count || 1;
if (count < 1)
var currentColumn = this.screen_.cursorPosition.column;
if (this.options_.reverseWraparound) {
if (this.screen_.cursorPosition.overflow) {
// If this cursor is in the right margin, consume one count to get it
// back to the last column. This only applies when we're in reverse
// wraparound mode.
if (!count)
var newRow = this.screen_.cursorPosition.row;
var newColumn = currentColumn - count;
if (newColumn < 0) {
newRow = newRow - Math.floor(count / this.screenSize.width) - 1;
if (newRow < 0) {
// xterm also wraps from row 0 to the last row.
newRow = this.screenSize.height + newRow % this.screenSize.height;
newColumn = this.screenSize.width + newColumn % this.screenSize.width;
this.setCursorPosition(Math.max(newRow, 0), newColumn);
} else {
var newColumn = Math.max(currentColumn - count, 0);
* Move the cursor right a specified number of columns.
* @param {integer} count The number of columns to move the cursor.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.cursorRight = function(count) {
count = count || 1;
if (count < 1)
var column = lib.f.clamp(this.screen_.cursorPosition.column + count,
0, this.screenSize.width - 1);
* Reverse the foreground and background colors of the terminal.
* This only affects text that was drawn with no attributes.
* TODO(rginda): Test xterm to see if reverse is respected for text that has
* been drawn with attributes that happen to coincide with the default
* 'no-attribute' colors. My guess is probably not.
* @param {boolean} state The state to set.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.setReverseVideo = function(state) {
this.options_.reverseVideo = state;
if (state) {
} else {
* Ring the terminal bell.
* This will not play the bell audio more than once per second.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.ringBell = function() { =
var self = this;
setTimeout(function() { = self.prefs_.get('cursor-color');
}, 200);
// bellSquelchTimeout_ affects both audio and notification bells.
if (this.bellSquelchTimeout_)
if (this.bellAudio_.getAttribute('src')) {;
this.bellSequelchTimeout_ = setTimeout(function() {
delete this.bellSquelchTimeout_;
}.bind(this), 500);
} else {
delete this.bellSquelchTimeout_;
if (this.desktopNotificationBell_ && !this.document_.hasFocus()) {
var n = hterm.notify();
// TODO: Should we try to raise the window here?
n.onclick = function() { self.closeBellNotifications_(); };
* Set the origin mode bit.
* If origin mode is on, certain VT cursor and scrolling commands measure their
* row parameter relative to the VT scroll region. Otherwise, row 0 corresponds
* to the top of the addressable screen.
* Defaults to off.
* @param {boolean} state True to set origin mode, false to unset.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.setOriginMode = function(state) {
this.options_.originMode = state;
this.setCursorPosition(0, 0);
* Set the insert mode bit.
* If insert mode is on, existing text beyond the cursor position will be
* shifted right to make room for new text. Otherwise, new text overwrites
* any existing text.
* Defaults to off.
* @param {boolean} state True to set insert mode, false to unset.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.setInsertMode = function(state) {
this.options_.insertMode = state;
* Set the auto carriage return bit.
* If auto carriage return is on then a formfeed character is interpreted
* as a newline, otherwise it's the same as a linefeed. The difference boils
* down to whether or not the cursor column is reset.
* @param {boolean} state The state to set.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.setAutoCarriageReturn = function(state) {
this.options_.autoCarriageReturn = state;
* Set the wraparound mode bit.
* If wraparound mode is on, certain VT commands will allow the cursor to wrap
* to the start of the following row. Otherwise, the cursor is clamped to the
* end of the screen and attempts to write past it are ignored.
* Defaults to on.
* @param {boolean} state True to set wraparound mode, false to unset.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.setWraparound = function(state) {
this.options_.wraparound = state;
* Set the reverse-wraparound mode bit.
* If wraparound mode is off, certain VT commands will allow the cursor to wrap
* to the end of the previous row. Otherwise, the cursor is clamped to column
* 0.
* Defaults to off.
* @param {boolean} state True to set reverse-wraparound mode, false to unset.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.setReverseWraparound = function(state) {
this.options_.reverseWraparound = state;
* Selects between the primary and alternate screens.
* If alternate mode is on, the alternate screen is active. Otherwise the
* primary screen is active.
* Swapping screens has no effect on the scrollback buffer.
* Each screen maintains its own cursor position.
* Defaults to off.
* @param {boolean} state True to set alternate mode, false to unset.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.setAlternateMode = function(state) {
var cursor = this.saveCursor();
this.screen_ = state ? this.alternateScreen_ : this.primaryScreen_;
if (this.screen_.rowsArray.length &&
this.screen_.rowsArray[0].rowIndex != this.scrollbackRows_.length) {
// If the screen changed sizes while we were away, our rowIndexes may
// be incorrect.
var offset = this.scrollbackRows_.length;
var ary = this.screen_.rowsArray;
for (var i = 0; i < ary.length; i++) {
ary[i].rowIndex = offset + i;
* Set the cursor-blink mode bit.
* If cursor-blink is on, the cursor will blink when it is visible. Otherwise
* a visible cursor does not blink.
* You should make sure to turn blinking off if you're going to dispose of a
* terminal, otherwise you'll leak a timeout.
* Defaults to on.
* @param {boolean} state True to set cursor-blink mode, false to unset.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.setCursorBlink = function(state) {
this.options_.cursorBlink = state;
if (!state && this.timeouts_.cursorBlink) {
delete this.timeouts_.cursorBlink;
if (this.options_.cursorVisible)
* Set the cursor-visible mode bit.
* If cursor-visible is on, the cursor will be visible. Otherwise it will not.
* Defaults to on.
* @param {boolean} state True to set cursor-visible mode, false to unset.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.setCursorVisible = function(state) {
this.options_.cursorVisible = state;
if (!state) {
if (this.timeouts_.cursorBlink) {
delete this.timeouts_.cursorBlink;
} = '0';
this.syncCursorPosition_(); = '1';
if (this.options_.cursorBlink) {
if (this.timeouts_.cursorBlink)
} else {
if (this.timeouts_.cursorBlink) {
delete this.timeouts_.cursorBlink;
* Synchronizes the visible cursor and document selection with the current
* cursor coordinates.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.syncCursorPosition_ = function() {
var topRowIndex = this.scrollPort_.getTopRowIndex();
var bottomRowIndex = this.scrollPort_.getBottomRowIndex(topRowIndex);
var cursorRowIndex = this.scrollbackRows_.length +
if (cursorRowIndex > bottomRowIndex) {
// Cursor is scrolled off screen, move it outside of the visible area. = -this.scrollPort_.characterSize.height + 'px';
if (this.options_.cursorVisible && == 'none') {
// Re-display the terminal cursor if it was hidden by the mouse cursor. = '';
} = this.scrollPort_.visibleRowTopMargin +
this.scrollPort_.characterSize.height * (cursorRowIndex - topRowIndex) +
'px'; = this.scrollPort_.characterSize.width *
this.screen_.cursorPosition.column + 'px';
'(' + this.screen_.cursorPosition.row +
', ' + this.screen_.cursorPosition.column +
// Update the caret for a11y purposes.
var selection = this.document_.getSelection();
if (selection && selection.isCollapsed)
* Adjusts the style of this.cursorNode_ according to the current cursor shape
* and character cell dimensions.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.restyleCursor_ = function() {
var shape = this.cursorShape_;
if (this.cursorNode_.getAttribute('focus') == 'false') {
// Always show a block cursor when unfocused.
shape = hterm.Terminal.cursorShape.BLOCK;
var style =;
switch (shape) {
case hterm.Terminal.cursorShape.BEAM:
style.height = 'var(--hterm-charsize-height)';
style.backgroundColor = 'transparent';
style.borderBottomStyle = null;
style.borderLeftStyle = 'solid';
case hterm.Terminal.cursorShape.UNDERLINE:
style.height = this.scrollPort_.characterSize.baseline + 'px';
style.backgroundColor = 'transparent';
style.borderBottomStyle = 'solid';
// correct the size to put it exactly at the baseline
style.borderLeftStyle = null;
style.height = 'var(--hterm-charsize-height)';
style.backgroundColor = this.cursorColor_;
style.borderBottomStyle = null;
style.borderLeftStyle = null;
* Synchronizes the visible cursor with the current cursor coordinates.
* The sync will happen asynchronously, soon after the call stack winds down.
* Multiple calls will be coalesced into a single sync.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.scheduleSyncCursorPosition_ = function() {
if (this.timeouts_.syncCursor)
var self = this;
this.timeouts_.syncCursor = setTimeout(function() {
delete self.timeouts_.syncCursor;
}, 0);
* Show or hide the zoom warning.
* The zoom warning is a message warning the user that their browser zoom must
* be set to 100% in order for hterm to function properly.
* @param {boolean} state True to show the message, false to hide it.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.showZoomWarning_ = function(state) {
if (!this.zoomWarningNode_) {
if (!state)
this.zoomWarningNode_ = this.document_.createElement('div'); = (
'color: black;' +
'background-color: #ff2222;' +
'font-size: large;' +
'border-radius: 8px;' +
'opacity: 0.75;' +
'padding: 0.2em 0.5em 0.2em 0.5em;' +
'top: 0.5em;' +
'right: 1.2em;' +
'position: absolute;' +
'-webkit-text-size-adjust: none;' +
'-webkit-user-select: none;' +
'-moz-text-size-adjust: none;' +
'-moz-user-select: none;');
this.zoomWarningNode_.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
this.zoomWarningNode_.textContent = lib.MessageManager.replaceReferences(
[parseInt(this.scrollPort_.characterSize.zoomFactor * 100)]); = this.prefs_.get('font-family');
if (state) {
if (!this.zoomWarningNode_.parentNode)
} else if (this.zoomWarningNode_.parentNode) {
* Show the terminal overlay for a given amount of time.
* The terminal overlay appears in inverse video in a large font, centered
* over the terminal. You should probably keep the overlay message brief,
* since it's in a large font and you probably aren't going to check the size
* of the terminal first.
* @param {string} msg The text (not HTML) message to display in the overlay.
* @param {number} opt_timeout The amount of time to wait before fading out
* the overlay. Defaults to 1.5 seconds. Pass null to have the overlay
* stay up forever (or until the next overlay).
hterm.Terminal.prototype.showOverlay = function(msg, opt_timeout) {
if (!this.overlayNode_) {
if (!this.div_)
this.overlayNode_ = this.document_.createElement('div'); = (
'border-radius: 15px;' +
'font-size: xx-large;' +
'opacity: 0.75;' +
'padding: 0.2em 0.5em 0.2em 0.5em;' +
'position: absolute;' +
'-webkit-user-select: none;' +
'-webkit-transition: opacity 180ms ease-in;' +
'-moz-user-select: none;' +
'-moz-transition: opacity 180ms ease-in;');
this.overlayNode_.addEventListener('mousedown', function(e) {
}, true);
} = this.prefs_.get('background-color'); = this.prefs_.get('foreground-color'); = this.prefs_.get('font-family');
this.overlayNode_.textContent = msg; = '0.75';
if (!this.overlayNode_.parentNode)
var divSize = hterm.getClientSize(this.div_);
var overlaySize = hterm.getClientSize(this.overlayNode_); =
(divSize.height - overlaySize.height) / 2 + 'px'; = (divSize.width - overlaySize.width -
this.scrollPort_.currentScrollbarWidthPx) / 2 + 'px';
var self = this;
if (this.overlayTimeout_)
if (opt_timeout === null)
this.overlayTimeout_ = setTimeout(function() { = '0';
self.overlayTimeout_ = setTimeout(function() {
if (self.overlayNode_.parentNode)
self.overlayTimeout_ = null; = '0.75';
}, 200);
}, opt_timeout || 1500);
* Paste from the system clipboard to the terminal.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.paste = function() {
* Copy a string to the system clipboard.
* Note: If there is a selected range in the terminal, it'll be cleared.
* @param {string} str The string to copy.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.copyStringToClipboard = function(str) {
if (this.prefs_.get('enable-clipboard-notice'))
setTimeout(this.showOverlay.bind(this, hterm.notifyCopyMessage, 500), 200);
var copySource = this.document_.createElement('pre');
copySource.textContent = str; = (
'-webkit-user-select: text;' +
'-moz-user-select: text;' +
'position: absolute;' +
'top: -99px');
var selection = this.document_.getSelection();
var anchorNode = selection.anchorNode;
var anchorOffset = selection.anchorOffset;
var focusNode = selection.focusNode;
var focusOffset = selection.focusOffset;
// IE doesn't support selection.extend. This means that the selection
// won't return on IE.
if (selection.extend) {
selection.collapse(anchorNode, anchorOffset);
selection.extend(focusNode, focusOffset);
* Returns the selected text, or null if no text is selected.
* @return {string|null}
hterm.Terminal.prototype.getSelectionText = function() {
var selection = this.scrollPort_.selection;
if (selection.isCollapsed)
return null;
// Start offset measures from the beginning of the line.
var startOffset = selection.startOffset;
var node = selection.startNode;
if (node.nodeName != 'X-ROW') {
// If the selection doesn't start on an x-row node, then it must be
// somewhere inside the x-row. Add any characters from previous siblings
// into the start offset.
if (node.nodeName == '#text' && node.parentNode.nodeName == 'SPAN') {
// If node is the text node in a styled span, move up to the span node.
node = node.parentNode;
while (node.previousSibling) {
node = node.previousSibling;
startOffset += hterm.TextAttributes.nodeWidth(node);
// End offset measures from the end of the line.
var endOffset = (hterm.TextAttributes.nodeWidth(selection.endNode) -
node = selection.endNode;
if (node.nodeName != 'X-ROW') {
// If the selection doesn't end on an x-row node, then it must be
// somewhere inside the x-row. Add any characters from following siblings
// into the end offset.
if (node.nodeName == '#text' && node.parentNode.nodeName == 'SPAN') {
// If node is the text node in a styled span, move up to the span node.
node = node.parentNode;
while (node.nextSibling) {
node = node.nextSibling;
endOffset += hterm.TextAttributes.nodeWidth(node);
var rv = this.getRowsText(selection.startRow.rowIndex,
selection.endRow.rowIndex + 1);
return lib.wc.substring(rv, startOffset, lib.wc.strWidth(rv) - endOffset);
* Copy the current selection to the system clipboard, then clear it after a
* short delay.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.copySelectionToClipboard = function() {
var text = this.getSelectionText();
if (text != null)
hterm.Terminal.prototype.overlaySize = function() {
this.showOverlay(this.screenSize.width + 'x' + this.screenSize.height);
* Invoked by hterm.Terminal.Keyboard when a VT keystroke is detected.
* @param {string} string The VT string representing the keystroke, in UTF-16.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.onVTKeystroke = function(string) {
if (this.scrollOnKeystroke_)
* Launches url in a new tab.
* @param {string} url URL to launch in a new tab.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.openUrl = function(url) {
var win =, '_blank');
* Open the selected url.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.openSelectedUrl_ = function() {
var str = this.getSelectionText();
// If there is no selection, try and expand wherever they clicked.
if (str == null) {
str = this.getSelectionText();
// Make sure URL is valid before opening.
if (str.length > 2048 ||[\s\[\](){}<>"'\\^`]/) >= 0)
// If the URI isn't anchored, it'll open relative to the extension.
// We have no way of knowing the correct schema, so assume http.
if ('^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9+.-]*://') < 0) {
// We have to whitelist a few protocols that lack authorities and thus
// never use the //. Like mailto.
switch (str.split(':', 1)[0]) {
case 'mailto':
str = 'http://' + str;
* Add the terminalRow and terminalColumn properties to mouse events and
* then forward on to onMouse().
* The terminalRow and terminalColumn properties contain the (row, column)
* coordinates for the mouse event.
* @param {Event} e The mouse event to handle.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.onMouse_ = function(e) {
if (e.processedByTerminalHandler_) {
// We register our event handlers on the document, as well as the cursor
// and the scroll blocker. Mouse events that occur on the cursor or
// scroll blocker will also appear on the document, but we don't want to
// process them twice.
// We can't just prevent bubbling because that has other side effects, so
// we decorate the event object with this property instead.
var reportMouseEvents = (!this.defeatMouseReports_ &&
this.vt.mouseReport != this.vt.MOUSE_REPORT_DISABLED);
e.processedByTerminalHandler_ = true;
// One based row/column stored on the mouse event.
e.terminalRow = parseInt((e.clientY - this.scrollPort_.visibleRowTopMargin) /
this.scrollPort_.characterSize.height) + 1;
e.terminalColumn = parseInt(e.clientX /
this.scrollPort_.characterSize.width) + 1;
if (e.type == 'mousedown' && e.terminalColumn > this.screenSize.width) {
// Mousedown in the scrollbar area.
if (this.options_.cursorVisible && !reportMouseEvents) {
// If the cursor is visible and we're not sending mouse events to the
// host app, then we want to hide the terminal cursor when the mouse
// cursor is over top. This keeps the terminal cursor from interfering
// with local text selection.
if (e.terminalRow - 1 == this.screen_.cursorPosition.row &&
e.terminalColumn - 1 == this.screen_.cursorPosition.column) { = 'none';
} else if ( == 'none') { = '';
if (e.type == 'mousedown') {
if (e.altKey || !reportMouseEvents) {
// If VT mouse reporting is disabled, or has been defeated with
// alt-mousedown, then the mouse will act on the local selection.
this.defeatMouseReports_ = true;
} else {
// Otherwise we defer ownership of the mouse to the VT.
this.defeatMouseReports_ = false;
if (!reportMouseEvents) {
if (e.type == 'dblclick' && this.copyOnSelect) {
if (e.type == 'click' && !e.shiftKey && e.ctrlKey) {
// Debounce this event with the dblclick event. If you try to doubleclick
// a URL to open it, Chrome will fire click then dblclick, but we won't
// have expanded the selection text at the first click event.
this.timeouts_.openUrl = setTimeout(this.openSelectedUrl_.bind(this),
if (e.type == 'mousedown') {
if ((this.mouseRightClickPaste && e.button == 2 /* right button */) ||
e.button == this.mousePasteButton) {
if (e.type == 'mouseup' && e.button == 0 && this.copyOnSelect &&
!this.document_.getSelection().isCollapsed) {
if ((e.type == 'mousemove' || e.type == 'mouseup') &&
this.scrollBlockerNode_.engaged) {
// Disengage the scroll-blocker after one of these events.
this.scrollBlockerNode_.engaged = false; = '-99px';
if (this.keyboard.applicationCursor && !this.isPrimaryScreen()) {
if (e.type == 'wheel') {
var delta = this.scrollPort_.scrollWheelDelta(e);
var lines = lib.f.smartFloorDivide(
Math.abs(delta), this.scrollPort_.characterSize.height);
var data = '\x1bO' + (delta < 0 ? 'B' : 'A');;
} else /* if (this.reportMouseEvents) */ {
if (!this.scrollBlockerNode_.engaged) {
if (e.type == 'mousedown') {
// Move the scroll-blocker into place if we want to keep the scrollport
// from scrolling.
this.scrollBlockerNode_.engaged = true; = (e.clientY - 5) + 'px'; = (e.clientX - 5) + 'px';
} else if (e.type == 'mousemove') {
// Oh. This means that drag-scroll was disabled AFTER the mouse down,
// in which case it's too late to engage the scroll-blocker.
if (e.type == 'mouseup' && this.document_.getSelection().isCollapsed) {
// Restore this on mouseup in case it was temporarily defeated with a
// alt-mousedown. Only do this when the selection is empty so that
// we don't immediately kill the users selection.
this.defeatMouseReports_ = false;
* Clients should override this if they care to know about mouse events.
* The event parameter will be a normal DOM mouse click event with additional
* 'terminalRow' and 'terminalColumn' properties.
* @param {Event} e The mouse event to handle.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.onMouse = function(e) { };
* React when focus changes.
* @param {boolean} focused True if focused, false otherwise.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.onFocusChange_ = function(focused) {
this.cursorNode_.setAttribute('focus', focused);
if (focused === true)
* React when the ScrollPort is scrolled.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.onScroll_ = function() {
* React when text is pasted into the scrollPort.
* @param {Event} e The DOM paste event to handle.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.onPaste_ = function(e) {
var data = e.text.replace(/\n/mg, '\r');
data = this.keyboard.encode(data);
if (this.options_.bracketedPaste)
data = '\x1b[200~' + data + '\x1b[201~';;
* React when the user tries to copy from the scrollPort.
* @param {Event} e The DOM copy event.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.onCopy_ = function(e) {
if (!this.useDefaultWindowCopy) {
setTimeout(this.copySelectionToClipboard.bind(this), 0);
* React when the ScrollPort is resized.
* Note: This function should not directly contain code that alters the internal
* state of the terminal. That kind of code belongs in realizeWidth or
* realizeHeight, so that it can be executed synchronously in the case of a
* programmatic width change.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.onResize_ = function() {
var columnCount = Math.floor(this.scrollPort_.getScreenWidth() /
this.scrollPort_.characterSize.width) || 0;
var rowCount = lib.f.smartFloorDivide(this.scrollPort_.getScreenHeight(),
this.scrollPort_.characterSize.height) || 0;
if (columnCount <= 0 || rowCount <= 0) {
// We avoid these situations since they happen sometimes when the terminal
// gets removed from the document or during the initial load, and we can't
// deal with that.
// This can also happen if called before the scrollPort calculates the
// character size, meaning we dived by 0 above and default to 0 values.
var isNewSize = (columnCount != this.screenSize.width ||
rowCount != this.screenSize.height);
// We do this even if the size didn't change, just to be sure everything is
// in sync.
this.realizeSize_(columnCount, rowCount);
this.showZoomWarning_(this.scrollPort_.characterSize.zoomFactor != 1);
if (isNewSize)
* Service the cursor blink timeout.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.onCursorBlink_ = function() {
if (!this.options_.cursorBlink) {
delete this.timeouts_.cursorBlink;
if (this.cursorNode_.getAttribute('focus') == 'false' || == '0') { = '1';
this.timeouts_.cursorBlink = setTimeout(this.myOnCursorBlink_,
} else { = '0';
this.timeouts_.cursorBlink = setTimeout(this.myOnCursorBlink_,
* Set the scrollbar-visible mode bit.
* If scrollbar-visible is on, the vertical scrollbar will be visible.
* Otherwise it will not.
* Defaults to on.
* @param {boolean} state True to set scrollbar-visible mode, false to unset.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.setScrollbarVisible = function(state) {
* Set the scroll wheel move multiplier. This will affect how fast the page
* scrolls on wheel events.
* Defaults to 1.
* @param {number} multiplier The multiplier to set.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.setScrollWheelMoveMultipler = function(multiplier) {
* Close all web notifications created by terminal bells.
hterm.Terminal.prototype.closeBellNotifications_ = function() {
this.bellNotificationList_.forEach(function(n) {
this.bellNotificationList_.length = 0;