blob: 5a1137a7f0a02ce0f1ba96eca08d22a20a637dc5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
'use strict';
* The NaCl-ssh-powered terminal command.
* This class defines a command that can be run in an hterm.Terminal instance.
* This command creates an instance of the NaCl-ssh plugin and uses it to
* communicate with an ssh daemon.
* If you want to use something other than this NaCl plugin to connect to a
* remote host (like a shellinaboxd, etc), you'll want to create a brand new
* command.
* @param {Object} argv The argument object passed in from the Terminal.
nassh.CommandInstance = function(argv) {
// Command arguments.
this.argv_ = argv;
// Command environment.
this.environment_ = argv.environment || {};
// hterm.Terminal.IO instance (can accept another hterm.Terminal.IO instance). = argv.terminalIO || null;
// Relay manager.
this.relay_ = null;
// Parsed extension manifest.
this.manifest_ = null;
// The HTML5 persistent FileSystem instance for this extension.
this.fileSystem_ = null;
// A set of open streams for this instance.
this.streams_ = new nassh.StreamSet();
// An HTML5 DirectoryEntry for /.ssh/.
this.sshDirectoryEntry_ = null;
// The version of the ssh client to load.
this.sshClientVersion_ = 'pnacl';
// Application ID of auth agent.
this.authAgentAppID_ = null;
// Internal SSH agent.
this.authAgent_ = null;
// Whether the instance is a SFTP instance.
this.isSftp = argv.isSftp || false;
// SFTP Client for SFTP instances.
this.sftpClient = (this.isSftp) ? new nassh.sftp.Client(argv.basePath) : null;
// Whether we're setting up the connection for mounting.
this.isMount = argv.isMount || false;
// Mount options for a SFTP instance.
this.mountOptions = argv.mountOptions || null;
// Session storage (can accept another hterm tab's sessionStorage). = argv.terminalStorage || window.sessionStorage;
// Terminal Location reference (can accept another hterm tab's location).
this.terminalLocation = argv.terminalLocation || document.location;
// Terminal Window reference (can accept another hterm tab's window).
this.terminalWindow = argv.terminalWindow || window;
// Root preference manager.
this.prefs_ = new nassh.PreferenceManager();
// Prevent us from reporting an exit twice.
this.exited_ = false;
// Buffer for data coming from the terminal.
this.inputBuffer_ = new nassh.InputBuffer();
* The name of this command used in messages to the user.
* Perhaps this will also be used by the user to invoke this command if we
* build a command line shell.
nassh.CommandInstance.prototype.commandName = 'nassh';
* Static run method invoked by the terminal.
*/ = function(argv) {
return new nassh.CommandInstance(argv);
* When the command exit is from nassh instead of ssh_client. The ssh module
* can only ever exit with positive values, so negative values are reserved.
nassh.CommandInstance.EXIT_INTERNAL_ERROR = -1;
* Start the nassh command.
* Instance run method invoked by the nassh.CommandInstance ctor.
*/ = function() {
// Useful for console debugging.
window.nassh_ = this; =;
// Similar to lib.fs.err, except this logs to the terminal too.
var ferr = (msg) => {
return (err) => {
var ary = Array.apply(null, arguments);
console.error(msg + ': ' + ary.join(', '));'UNEXPECTED_ERROR'));;
this.prefs_.readStorage(() => {
this.manifest_ = chrome.runtime.getManifest();
// Set default window title.'\x1b]0;' + + ' ' +
this.manifest_.version + '\x07');
['\x1b[1m' + + '\x1b[m',
'\x1b[1m' + this.manifest_.version + '\x1b[m']));
nassh.msg('WELCOME_FAQ', ['\x1b[1m\x1b[m']));
if (hterm.windowType != 'popup' && hterm.os != 'mac') {'');'OPEN_AS_WINDOW_TIP',
// Show some release highlights the first couple of runs with a new version.
// We'll reset the counter when the release notes change.'WELCOME_CHANGELOG',
let notes = lib.resource.getData('nassh/release/highlights');
if (this.prefs_.get('welcome/notes-version') != notes.length) {
// They upgraded, so reset the counters.
this.prefs_.set('welcome/show-count', 0);
this.prefs_.set('welcome/notes-version', notes.length);
// Figure out how many times we've shown this.
var notesShowCount = this.prefs_.get('welcome/show-count');
if (notesShowCount < 10) {
// For new runs, show the highlights directly.'WELCOME_RELEASE_HIGHLIGHTS',
[lib.resource.getData('nassh/release/lastver')]));, '\r\n \u00A4'));
this.prefs_.set('welcome/show-count', notesShowCount + 1);
// Display a random tip every time they launch to advertise features.
let num = lib.f.randomInt(1, 14);'');'WELCOME_TIP_OF_DAY',
[num, nassh.msg(`TIP_${num}`)]));'');
if (\((dev|tot)\)/)) {
// If we're a development version, show hterm details.
const htermDate = lib.resource.getData('hterm/concat/date');
const htermVer = lib.resource.getData('hterm/changelog/version');
const htermRev = lib.resource.getData('hterm/git/HEAD');
const htermAgeMinutes =
Math.round((new Date() - new Date(htermDate)) / 1000 / 60);`[dev] hterm v${htermVer} (git ${htermRev})`);`[dev] built on ${htermDate} ` +
`(${htermAgeMinutes} minutes ago)`);
nassh.getFileSystem(onFileSystemFound, ferr('FileSystem init failed'));
var onFileSystemFound = (fileSystem, sshDirectoryEntry) => {
this.fileSystem_ = fileSystem;
this.sshDirectoryEntry_ = sshDirectoryEntry;
var argstr = this.argv_.argString;
// This item is set before we redirect away to login to a relay server.
// If it's set now, it's the first time we're reloading after the redirect.
var pendingRelay ='nassh.pendingRelay');'nassh.pendingRelay');
if (!argstr || ('nassh.promptOnReload') &&
!pendingRelay)) {
// If promptOnReload is set or we haven't gotten the destination
// as an argument then we need to ask the user for the destination.
// The promptOnReload session item allows us to remember that we've
// displayed the dialog, so we can re-display it if the user reloads
// the page. (Items in sessionStorage are scoped to the tab, kept
// between page reloads, and discarded when the tab goes away.)'nassh.promptOnReload', 'yes');
} else {
* This method moved off to be a static method on nassh, but remains here
* for js console users who expect to find it here.
nassh.CommandInstance.prototype.exportPreferences = function(onComplete) {
* This method moved off to be a static method on nassh, but remains here
* for js console users who expect to find it here.
nassh.CommandInstance.prototype.importPreferences = function(
json, opt_onComplete) {
nassh.importPreferences(json, opt_onComplete);
* Reconnects to host, using the same CommandInstance.
* @param {string} argstr The connection ArgString
nassh.CommandInstance.prototype.reconnect = function(argstr) {
// Terminal reset.'\x1b[!p'); =;
this.stdoutAcknowledgeCount_ = 0;
this.stderrAcknowledgeCount_ = 0;
this.exited_ = false;
* Removes a file from the HTML5 filesystem.
* Most likely you want to remove something from the /.ssh/ directory.
* This command is only here to support unsavory JS console hacks for managing
* the /.ssh/ directory.
* @param {string} fullPath The full path to the file to remove.
nassh.CommandInstance.prototype.removeFile = function(fullPath) {
lib.fs.removeFile(this.fileSystem_.root, '/.ssh/' + fullPath);
* Removes a directory from the HTML5 filesystem.
* Most likely you'll want to remove the entire /.ssh/ directory.
* This command is only here to support unsavory JS console hacks for managing
* the /.ssh/ directory.
* @param {string} fullPath The full path to the file to remove.
nassh.CommandInstance.prototype.removeDirectory = function(fullPath) {
fullPath, {},
function (f) {
f.removeRecursively(lib.fs.log('Removed: ' + fullPath),
lib.fs.err('Error removing' + fullPath));
lib.fs.log('Error finding: ' + fullPath)
* Remove all known hosts.
* This command is only here to support unsavory JS console hacks for managing
* the /.ssh/ directory.
nassh.CommandInstance.prototype.removeAllKnownHosts = function() {
'/.ssh/known_hosts', {create: false},
function(fileEntry) { fileEntry.remove(function() {}); });
* This isn't necessary, but it makes the user interface a little nicer as
* most people don't realize that "undefined" is what you get from a void
* javascript function. Example console output:
* > term_.command.removeAllKnownHosts()
* true
return true;
* Remove a known host by index.
* This command is only here to support unsavory JS console hacks for managing
* the /.ssh/ directory.
* @param {integer} index One-based index of the known host entry to remove.
nassh.CommandInstance.prototype.removeKnownHostByIndex = function(index) {
var onError = lib.fs.log('Error accessing /.ssh/known_hosts');
lib.fs.readFile(this.fileSystem_.root, '/.ssh/known_hosts', (contents) => {
var ary = contents.split('\n');
ary.splice(index - 1, 1);
lib.fs.overwriteFile(this.fileSystem_.root, '/.ssh/known_hosts',
ary.join('\n'), lib.fs.log('done'), onError);
}, onError);
nassh.CommandInstance.prototype.promptForDestination_ = function(opt_default) {
var connectDialog =
lib.f.getURL('/html/nassh_connect_dialog.html'), null);
connectDialog.onMessage = (event) => {;
this.dispatchMessage_('connect-dialog', this.onConnectDialog_,;
// Resize the connection dialog iframe to try and fit all the content,
// but not more. This way we don't end up with a lot of empty space.
function resize() {
let body = this.iframe_.contentWindow.document.body;
let shortcutList = body.querySelector('#shortcut-list');
let dialogBillboard = body.querySelector('.dialog-billboard');
let dialogButtons = body.querySelector('.dialog-buttons'); = '0px';
let height = shortcutList.scrollHeight +
dialogBillboard.scrollHeight +
// Since the document has a bit of border/padding, fudge the height
// slightly higher than the few main elements we calculated above.
height *= 1.15;
// We don't have to worry about this being too big or too small as the
// frame CSS has set min/max height attributes. = height + 'px';
// Once the dialog has finished loading all of its data, resize it.
connectDialog.onLoad = function() {
// Shift the dialog to be relative to the bottom so the notices/links we
// show at the top of the are more readily visible. = ''; = '10%';
var resize_ = resize.bind(this);
window.addEventListener('resize', resize_);
this.onClose = () => {
window.removeEventListener('resize', resize_);
// Clear retry count whenever we show the dialog.
nassh.CommandInstance.prototype.connectToArgString = function(argstr) {
const isMount = ('nassh.isMount') == 'true');
const isSftp = ('nassh.isSftp') == 'true');'nassh.isMount');'nassh.isSftp');
// Handle profile-id:XXX forms. These are bookmarkable.
var ary = argstr.match(/^profile-id:([a-z0-9]+)(\?.*)?/i);
if (ary) {
if (isMount) {
this.mountProfile(ary[1], ary[2]);
} else if (isSftp) {
this.sftpConnectToProfile(ary[1], ary[2]);
} else {
this.connectToProfile(ary[1], ary[2]);
} else {
if (isMount) {
} else if (isSftp) {
} else {
* Common phases that we run before making an actual connection.
* @param {string} profileID Terminal preference profile name.
* @param {function(nassh.PreferenceManager)} callback Callback when the prefs
* have finished loading.
nassh.CommandInstance.prototype.commonProfileSetup_ = function(
profileID, callback) {
const onReadStorage = () => {
let prefs;
try {
prefs = this.prefs_.getProfile(profileID);
} catch (e) {'GET_PROFILE_ERROR', [profileID, e]));
this.exit(nassh.CommandInstance.EXIT_INTERNAL_ERROR, true);
this.terminalLocation.hash = 'profile-id:' + profileID;
document.title = prefs.get('description') + ' - ' + + ' ' + this.manifest_.version;
// Re-read prefs from storage in case they were just changed in the connect
// dialog.
* Turn a prefs object into the params object connectTo expects.
nassh.CommandInstance.prototype.prefsToConnectParams_ = function(prefs) {
return {
username: prefs.get('username'),
hostname: prefs.get('hostname'),
port: prefs.get('port'),
nasshOptions: prefs.get('nassh-options'),
identity: prefs.get('identity'),
argstr: prefs.get('argstr'),
terminalProfile: prefs.get('terminal-profile'),
authAgentAppID: prefs.get('auth-agent-appid'),
* Mount a remote host given a profile id. Creates a new SFTP CommandInstance
* that runs in the background page.
nassh.CommandInstance.prototype.mountProfile = function(profileID, querystr) {
const onBackgroundPage = (bg, prefs) => {
if (bg.nassh.sftp.fsp.sftpInstances[]) {'ALREADY_MOUNTED_MESSAGE'));
this.exit(nassh.CommandInstance.EXIT_INTERNAL_ERROR, true);
var args = {
argv: {
terminalLocation: this.terminalLocation,
terminalWindow: this.terminalWindow,
isSftp: true,
basePath: prefs.get('mount-path'),
isMount: true,
// Mount options are passed directly to chrome.fileSystemProvider.mount,
// so don't add fields here that would otherwise collide.
mountOptions: {
displayName: prefs.get('description'),
writable: true
connectOptions: this.prefsToConnectParams_(prefs),
const onStartup = (prefs) => {
.then((bg) => onBackgroundPage(bg, prefs));
this.commonProfileSetup_(profileID, onStartup);
* Creates a new SFTP CommandInstance that runs in the background page.
nassh.CommandInstance.prototype.sftpConnectToProfile = function(
profileID, querystr) {
const onStartup = (prefs) => {
this.isSftp = true;
this.sftpClient = new nassh.sftp.Client();
this.commonProfileSetup_(profileID, onStartup);
* Initiate a connection to a remote host given a profile id.
nassh.CommandInstance.prototype.connectToProfile = function(
profileID, querystr) {
const onStartup = (prefs) => {
this.commonProfileSetup_(profileID, onStartup);
* Parse ssh:// URIs.
* This supports the IANA spec:
* ssh://[<user>[;fingerprint=<hash>]@]<host>[:<port>]
* It also supports Secure Shell extensions to the protocol:
* ssh://[<user>@]<host>[:<port>][@<relay-host>[:<relay-port>]]
* Note: We don't do IPv4/IPv6/hostname validation. That's a DNS/connectivity
* problem and user error.
* @param {string} uri The URI to parse.
* @param {boolean} stripSchema Whether to strip off ssh:// at the start.
* @param {boolean=} decodeComponents Whether to unescape percent encodings.
* @return {boolean|Object} False if we couldn't parse the destination.
* An object if we were able to parse out the connect settings.
nassh.CommandInstance.parseURI = function(uri, stripSchema=true,
decodeComponents=false) {
if (stripSchema && uri.startsWith('ssh:')) {
// Strip off the "ssh:" prefix.
uri = uri.substr(4);
// Strip off the "//" if it exists.
if (uri.startsWith('//'))
uri = uri.substr(2);
// Parse the connection string.
var ary = uri.match(
//|user |@| [ ipv6 %zoneid ]| host | :port @ relay options
if (!ary)
return false;
let params = {};
var username = ary[1];
var hostname = ary[2];
var port = ary[3];
// If it's IPv6, remove the brackets.
if (hostname.startsWith('[') && hostname.endsWith(']'))
hostname = hostname.substr(1, hostname.length - 2);
var relayHostname, relayPort;
if (ary[4]) {
relayHostname = ary[4];
if (ary[5])
relayPort = ary[5];
const decode = (x) => decodeComponents && x ? unescape(x) : x;
if (username) {
// See if there are semi-colon delimited options following the username.
// Arguments should be URI encoding their values.
const splitParams = username.split(';');
username = splitParams[0];
splitParams.slice(1, splitParams.length).forEach((param) => {
// This will take the first '=' appearing from left to right and take
// what's on its left as the param's name and what's to its right as its
// value. For example, if we have '-nassh-args=--proxy-mode=foo' then
// '-nassh-args' will be the name of the param and
// '--proxy-mode=foo' will be its value.
const key = param.split('=', 1)[0];
const validKeys = new Set([
'fingerprint', '-nassh-args', '-nassh-ssh-args',
if (validKeys.has(key)) {
const value = param.substr(key.length + 1);
if (value) {
params[key.replace(/^-/, '')] = decode(value);
} else {
console.error(`${key} is not a valid parameter so it will be skipped`);
// We don't decode the hostname or port. Valid values for both shouldn't
// need it, and probably could be abused.
return Object.assign({
username: decode(username),
hostname: hostname,
port: port,
relayHostname: relayHostname,
relayPort: relayPort,
uri: uri,
}, params);
* Parse the destination string.
* These are strings that we get from the browser bar. It's mostly ssh://
* URIs, but it might have more stuff sprinkled in to smooth communication
* with various entry points into Secure Shell.
* @param {string} destination The string to connect to.
* @return {boolean|Object} False if we couldn't parse the destination.
* An object if we were able to parse out the connect settings.
nassh.CommandInstance.parseDestination = function(destination) {
let stripSchema = false;
let decodeComponents = false;
// Deal with ssh:// links. They are encoded with % hexadecimal sequences.
// Note: These might be ssh: or ssh://, so have to deal with that.
if (destination.startsWith('uri:')) {
// Strip off the "uri:" before decoding it.
destination = unescape(destination.substr(4));
if (!destination.startsWith('ssh:'))
return false;
stripSchema = true;
decodeComponents = true;
const rv = nassh.CommandInstance.parseURI(destination, stripSchema,
if (rv === false)
return rv;
// Turn the relay URI settings into nassh command line options.
let nasshOptions;
if (rv.relayHostname !== undefined) {
nasshOptions = '--proxy-host=' + rv.relayHostname;
if (rv.relayPort !== undefined)
nasshOptions += ' --proxy-port=' + rv.relayPort;
rv.nasshOptions = nasshOptions;
rv.nasshUserOptions = rv['nassh-args'];
rv.nasshUserSshOptions = rv['nassh-ssh-args'];
// If the fingerprint is set, maybe add it to the known keys list.
return rv;
* Initiate a connection to a remote host given a destination string.
* @param {string} destination A string of the form username@host[:port].
nassh.CommandInstance.prototype.connectToDestination = function(destination) {
if (destination == 'crosh') {
this.terminalLocation.href = 'crosh.html';
var rv = nassh.CommandInstance.parseDestination(destination);
if (rv === false) {'BAD_DESTINATION', [destination]));
this.exit(nassh.CommandInstance.EXIT_INTERNAL_ERROR, true);
// We have to set the url here rather than in connectToArgString, because
// some callers may come directly to connectToDestination.
this.terminalLocation.hash = rv.uri;
* Mount a remote host given a destination string.
* @param {string} destination A string of the form username@host[:port].
nassh.CommandInstance.prototype.mountDestination = function(destination) {
var rv = nassh.CommandInstance.parseDestination(destination);
if (rv === false) {'BAD_DESTINATION', [destination]));
this.exit(nassh.CommandInstance.EXIT_INTERNAL_ERROR, true);
// We have to set the url here rather than in connectToArgString, because
// some callers may come directly to connectToDestination.
this.terminalLocation.hash = rv.uri;
var args = {
argv: {
terminalLocation: this.terminalLocation,
terminalWindow: this.terminalWindow,
isSftp: true,
isMount: true,
// Mount options are passed directly to chrome.fileSystemProvider.mount,
// so don't add fields here that would otherwise collide.
mountOptions: {
fileSystemId: rv.username + rv.hostname,
displayName: rv.username + rv.hostname,
writable: true
connectOptions: rv,
.then((bg) => bg.nassh.sftp.fsp.createSftpInstance(args));
* Split the ssh command line string up into its components.
* We currently only support simple quoting -- no nested or escaped.
* That would require a proper lexer in here and not utilize regex.
* See for details.
* @param {string} argstr The full ssh command line.
* @return {Object} The various components.
nassh.CommandInstance.splitCommandLine = function(argstr) {
var args = argstr || '';
var command = '';
// Tokenize the string first.
var i;
var ary = args.match(/("[^"]*"|\S+)/g);
if (ary) {
// If there is a -- separator in here, we split that off and leave the
// command line untouched (other than normalizing of whitespace between
// any arguments, and unused leading/trailing whitespace).
i = ary.indexOf('--');
if (i != -1) {
command = ary.splice(i + 1).join(' ').trim();
// Remove the -- delimiter.
// Now we have to dequote the remaining arguments. The regex above did:
// '-o "foo bar"' -> ['-o', '"foo bar"']
// Based on our (simple) rules, there shouldn't be any other quotes.
ary = => x.replace(/(^"|"$)/g, ''));
} else {
// Strip out any whitespace. There shouldn't be anything left that the
// regex wouldn't have matched, but let's be paranoid.
args = args.trim();
if (args)
ary = [args];
ary = [];
return {
args: ary,
command: command,
* Initiate a SFTP connection to a remote host.
* @param {string} destination A string of the form username@host[:port].
* @return {boolean} True if we were able to parse the destination string,
* false otherwise.
nassh.CommandInstance.prototype.sftpConnectToDestination = function(destination) {
const rv = nassh.CommandInstance.parseDestination(destination);
if (rv === false) {'BAD_DESTINATION', [destination]));
this.exit(nassh.CommandInstance.EXIT_INTERNAL_ERROR, true);
// We have to set the url here rather than in connectToArgString, because
// some callers may come directly to connectToDestination.
this.terminalLocation.hash = rv.destination;
const args = {
argv: {
terminalLocation: this.terminalLocation,
terminalWindow: this.terminalWindow,
isSftp: true,
connectOptions: rv,
.then((bg) => bg.nassh.sftp.fsp.createSftpInstance(args));
* Initiate an asynchronous connection to a remote host.
* @param {Object} params The various connection settings setup via the
* prefsToConnectParams_ helper.
nassh.CommandInstance.prototype.connectTo = function(params) {
if (!(params.username && params.hostname)) {'MISSING_PARAM', ['username/hostname']));
this.exit(nassh.CommandInstance.EXIT_INTERNAL_ERROR, true);
if (params.hostname == '>crosh') {
// TODO: This will need to be done better. document.location changes don't
// work in v2 apps.
const template = 'crosh.html?profile=%encodeURIComponent(terminalProfile)';
this.terminalLocation.href = lib.f.replaceVars(template, params);
// First tokenize the options into an object we can work with more easily.
let options = {};
try {
options = nassh.CommandInstance.tokenizeOptions(params.nasshOptions,
} catch (e) {'NASSH_OPTIONS_ERROR', [e]));
this.exit(nassh.CommandInstance.EXIT_INTERNAL_ERROR, true);
let userOptions = {};
try {
userOptions = nassh.CommandInstance.tokenizeOptions(
params.nasshUserOptions, params.hostname);
} catch (e) {'NASSH_OPTIONS_ERROR', [e]));
this.exit(nassh.CommandInstance.EXIT_INTERNAL_ERROR, true);
// Merge nassh options from the ssh:// URI that we believe are safe.
const safeNasshOptions = new Set([
'--config', '--proxy-mode', '--proxy-host', '--proxy-port', '--ssh-agent',
Object.keys(userOptions).forEach((option) => {
if (safeNasshOptions.has(option)) {
options[option] = userOptions[option];
} else {
console.warn(`Option ${option} not currently supported`);
// Merge ssh options from the ssh:// URI that we believe are safe.
params.userSshArgs = [];
const userSshOptionsList = nassh.CommandInstance.splitCommandLine(
const safeSshOptions = new Set([
'-4', '-6', '-a', '-A', '-C', '-q', '-v', '-V',
userSshOptionsList.forEach((option) => {
if (safeSshOptions.has(option)) {
} else {
console.warn(`Option ${option} not currently supported`);
if (userSshOptionsList.command) {
console.warn(`Remote command '${userSshOptionsList.command}' not ` +
`currently supported`);
// If the user has requested a proxy relay, load it up.
if (options['--proxy-mode'] == '') {
this.relay_ = new nassh.Relay.Sshfe(, options, params.username);
} else if (options['--proxy-mode'] == '') {
this.relay_ = new nassh.GoogleRelay(, options,
[this.relay_.proxyHost + ':' + this.relay_.proxyPort]));
if (!this.relay_.init()) {
// A false return value means we have to redirect to complete
// initialization. Bail out of the connect for now. We'll resume it
// when the relay is done with its redirect.
// If we're going to have to redirect for the relay then we should make
// sure not to re-prompt for the destination when we return.'nassh.pendingRelay', 'yes');
// If we're trying to mount the connection, remember it.'nassh.isMount', this.isMount);'nassh.isSftp', this.isSftp);
} else if (options['--proxy-mode']) {
// Unknown proxy mode.'NASSH_OPTIONS_ERROR',
this.exit(nassh.CommandInstance.EXIT_INTERNAL_ERROR, true);
this.connectToFinalize_(params, options);
* Finish the connection setup.
* This is called after any relay setup is completed.
* @param {Object} params The various connection settings setup via the
* prefsToConnectParams_ helper.
* @param {Object} options The nassh specific options.
nassh.CommandInstance.prototype.connectToFinalize_ = function(params, options) {
// Make sure the selected ssh-client version is somewhat valid.
if (options['--ssh-client-version']) {
this.sshClientVersion_ = options['--ssh-client-version'];
if (!this.sshClientVersion_.match(/^[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+$/)) {'UNKNOWN_SSH_CLIENT_VERSION',
this.exit(127, true);
if (options['--ssh-agent']) {
params.authAgentAppID = options['--ssh-agent'];
} || 'default');
// If they're using an internationalized domain name (IDN), then punycode
// will return a different ASCII name. Include that in the display for the
// user so it's clear where we end up trying to connect to.
var idn_hostname = lib.punycode.toASCII(params.hostname);
var disp_hostname = params.hostname;
if (idn_hostname != params.hostname)
disp_hostname += ' (' + idn_hostname + ')'; = this.onVTKeystroke_.bind(this); = this.sendString_.bind(this); = this.onTerminalResize_.bind(this);
var argv = {};
argv.terminalWidth =;
argv.terminalHeight =;
argv.useJsSocket = !!this.relay_;
argv.environment = this.environment_;
argv.writeWindow = 8 * 1024;
if (this.isSftp)
argv.subsystem = 'sftp';
argv.arguments = [];
if (params.authAgentAppID) {
argv.authAgentAppID = params.authAgentAppID;
if (options['auth-agent-forward']) {
// Automatically send any env vars the user has set. This does not guarantee
// the remote side will accept it, but we can always hope.
Object.keys(argv.environment).map((x) => `-oSendEnv=${x}`));
// Disable IP address check for connection through proxy.
if (argv.useJsSocket)
argv.arguments.push('-o CheckHostIP=no');
if (params.identity)
argv.arguments.push('-i/.ssh/' + params.identity);
if (params.port)
argv.arguments.push('-p' + params.port);
// We split the username apart so people can use whatever random characters in
// it they want w/out causing parsing troubles ("@" or leading "-" or " ").
argv.arguments.push('-l' + params.username);
// Finally, we append the custom command line the user has constructed.
// This matches native `ssh` behavior and makes our lives simpler.
var extraArgs = nassh.CommandInstance.splitCommandLine(params.argstr);
if (extraArgs.args)
argv.arguments = argv.arguments.concat(extraArgs.args);
argv.arguments = argv.arguments.concat(params.userSshArgs);
if (extraArgs.command)
argv.arguments.push('--', extraArgs.command);
this.authAgentAppID_ = params.authAgentAppID;
// If the agent app ID is not just an app ID, we parse it for the IDs of
// built-in agent backends based on nassh.agent.Backend.
if (this.authAgentAppID_ && !/^[a-z]{32}$/.test(this.authAgentAppID_)) {
const backendIDs = this.authAgentAppID_.split(',');
// Process the cmdline to see whether -a or -A comes last.
const enableForward = argv.arguments.lastIndexOf('-A');
const disableForward = argv.arguments.lastIndexOf('-a');
const forwardAgent = enableForward > disableForward;
this.authAgent_ = new nassh.agent.Agent(
backendIDs,, forwardAgent);
this.initPlugin_(() => {
if (!nassh.v2)
this.terminalWindow.addEventListener('beforeunload', this.onBeforeUnload_);'CONNECTING',
this.sendToPlugin_('startSession', [argv]);
if (this.isSftp) {
this.sftpClient.onInit = this.onSftpInitialised.bind(this);
* Turn the nassh option string into an object.
* @param {string=} optionString The set of --long options to parse.
* @param {string=} hostname The hostname we're connecting to.
* @return {Object} A map of --option to its value.
nassh.CommandInstance.tokenizeOptions = function(optionString='', hostname='') {
let rv = {};
// If it's empty, return right away else the regex split below will create
// [''] which causes the parser to fail.
optionString = optionString.trim();
if (!optionString) {
return rv;
const optionList = optionString.split(/\s+/g);
for (let i = 0; i < optionList.length; ++i) {
// Make sure it's a long option first.
const option = optionList[i];
if (!option.startsWith('--')) {
throw Error(option);
// Split apart the option if there is an = in it.
let flag, value;
const pos = option.indexOf('=');
if (pos == -1) {
// If there is no = then it's a boolean flag (which --no- disables).
value = !option.startsWith('--no-');
flag = option.slice(value ? 2 : 5);
} else {
flag = option.slice(2, pos);
value = option.slice(pos + 1);
rv[`--${flag}`] = value;
// Handle various named "configs" we have.
if (rv['--config'] == 'google') {
// This list of agent hosts matches the internal gLinux ssh_config.
const forwardAgent = [
'', '.corp', '', '',
].reduce((ret, host) => ret || hostname.endsWith(host), false);
// This list of proxy hosts matches the internal gLinux ssh_config.
// Hosts in these spaces should go through a different relay.
const useSupSshRelay = [
'', '', '',
].reduce((ret, host) => ret || hostname.endsWith(host), false);
const proxyHost = useSupSshRelay ?
'' : '';
rv = Object.assign({
'auth-agent-forward': forwardAgent,
'--proxy-host': proxyHost,
'--proxy-port': '443',
'--use-ssl': true,
'--report-ack-latency': true,
'--report-connect-attempts': true,
'--resume-connection': false,
'--relay-protocol': 'v2',
'--ssh-agent': 'gnubby',
}, rv);
// If the user specified an IPv6 address w/out brackets, add them. It's not
// obvious that a command line parameter would need them like a URI does. We
// only use the proxy-host in URI contexts currently, so this is OK.
if (rv['--proxy-host'] && !rv['--proxy-host'].startsWith('[') &&
rv['--proxy-host'].indexOf(':') != -1) {
rv['--proxy-host'] = `[${rv['--proxy-host']}]`;
// If a proxy server is requested but no mode selected, default to the one
// we've had for years, and what the public uses currently.
if (rv['--proxy-host'] && !rv['--proxy-mode']) {
rv['--proxy-mode'] = '';
// Turn 'gnubby' into the default id. We do it here because we haven't yet
// ported the gnubbyd logic to the new ssh-agent frameworks.
if (rv['--ssh-agent'] == 'gnubby') {
rv['--ssh-agent'] = nassh.GoogleRelay.defaultGnubbyExtension;
return rv;
* Dispatch a "message" to one of a collection of message handlers.
nassh.CommandInstance.prototype.dispatchMessage_ = function(
desc, handlers, msg) {
if ( in handlers) {
handlers[].apply(this, msg.argv);
} else {
console.log('Unknown "' + desc + '" message: ' +;
nassh.CommandInstance.prototype.initPlugin_ = function(onComplete) {
var onPluginLoaded = () => {'PLUGIN_LOADING_COMPLETE'));
this.plugin_ = window.document.createElement('embed');
// Height starts at 1px, and is changed to 0 below after inserting into body.
// This modification to the plugin ensures that the 'load' event fires
// when it is running in the background page. =
('position: absolute;' +
'top: -99px' +
'width: 0;' +
'height: 1px;');
const pluginURL = `../plugin/${this.sshClientVersion_}/ssh_client.nmf`;
this.plugin_.setAttribute('src', pluginURL);
this.plugin_.setAttribute('type', 'application/x-nacl');
this.plugin_.addEventListener('load', onPluginLoaded);
this.plugin_.addEventListener('message', this.onPluginMessage_.bind(this));
var errorHandler = (ev) => {'PLUGIN_LOADING_FAILED'));
console.error('loading plugin failed', ev);
this.exit(nassh.CommandInstance.EXIT_INTERNAL_ERROR, true);
this.plugin_.addEventListener('crash', errorHandler);
this.plugin_.addEventListener('error', errorHandler);
document.body.insertBefore(this.plugin_, document.body.firstChild);
// Force a relayout. Workaround for load event not being called on <embed>
// for a NaCl module. = '0';
* Remove the plugin from the runtime.
nassh.CommandInstance.prototype.removePlugin_ = function() {
if (this.plugin_) {
this.plugin_ = null;
* Callback when the user types into the terminal.
* @param {string} data The input from the terminal.
nassh.CommandInstance.prototype.onVTKeystroke_ = function(data) {
* Helper function to create a TTY stream.
* @param {integer} fd The file descriptor index.
* @param {boolean} allowRead True if this stream can be read from.
* @param {boolean} allowWrite True if this stream can be written to.
* @param {function} onOpen Callback to call when the stream is opened.
* @return {Object} The newly created stream.
nassh.CommandInstance.prototype.createTtyStream = function(
fd, allowRead, allowWrite, onOpen) {
var arg = {
fd: fd,
allowRead: allowRead,
allowWrite: allowWrite,
inputBuffer: this.inputBuffer_,
var stream = this.streams_.openStream(nassh.Stream.Tty, fd, arg, onOpen);
if (allowRead) {
var onDataAvailable = (isAvailable) => {
// Send current read status to plugin.
this.sendToPlugin_('onReadReady', [fd, isAvailable]);
stream.onClose = () => {
this.sendToPlugin_('onClose', [fd]);
return stream;
* Send a message to the nassh plugin.
* @param {string} name The name of the message to send.
* @param {Array} arguments The message arguments.
nassh.CommandInstance.prototype.sendToPlugin_ = function(name, args) {
try {
this.plugin_.postMessage({name: name, arguments: args});
} catch(e) {
// When we tear down the plugin, we sometimes have a tail of pending calls.
// Rather than try and chase all of those down, swallow errors when the
// plugin doesn't exist.
if (!this.exited_) {
* Send a string to the remote host.
* @param {string} string The string to send.
nassh.CommandInstance.prototype.sendString_ = function(string) {
* Notify plugin about new terminal size.
* @param {string|integer} terminal width.
* @param {string|integer} terminal height.
nassh.CommandInstance.prototype.onTerminalResize_ = function(width, height) {
this.sendToPlugin_('onResize', [Number(width), Number(height)]);
* Exit the nassh command.
nassh.CommandInstance.prototype.exit = function(code, noReconnect) {
if (this.exited_) {
this.exited_ = true;
if (!nassh.v2)
this.terminalWindow.removeEventListener('beforeunload', this.onBeforeUnload_);
// Close all streams upon exit.
// Hard destroy the plugin object. In the past, we'd send onExitAcknowledge
// to the plugin and let it exit/cleanup itself. The NaCl runtime seems to
// be a bit unstable though when using threads, so we can't rely on it. See
// for more details.
if (this.isMount) {
if (nassh.sftp.fsp.sftpInstances[this.mountOptions.fileSystemId]) {
delete nassh.sftp.fsp.sftpInstances[this.mountOptions.fileSystemId];
console.log(nassh.msg('DISCONNECT_MESSAGE', [code]));
} else {'DISCONNECT_MESSAGE', [code]));
if (noReconnect) {'CONNECT_OR_EXIT_MESSAGE'));
} = (string) => {
var ch = string.toLowerCase();
switch (ch) {
case 'c':
case '\x12': // ctrl-r
case 'e':
case 'x':
case '\x1b': // ESC
case '\x17': // ctrl-w;
if (this.argv_.onExit) {
case 'r':
case ' ':
case '\x0d': // enter
if (!noReconnect) {
nassh.CommandInstance.prototype.onBeforeUnload_ = function(e) {
if (hterm.windowType == 'popup')
var msg = nassh.msg('BEFORE_UNLOAD');
e.returnValue = msg;
return msg;
* Called when the plugin sends us a message.
* Plugin messages are JSON strings rather than arbitrary JS values. They
* also use "arguments" instead of "argv". This function translates the
* plugin message into something dispatchMessage_ can digest.
nassh.CommandInstance.prototype.onPluginMessage_ = function(e) {
// TODO: We should adjust all our callees to avoid this. =;
this.dispatchMessage_('plugin', this.onPlugin_,;
* Connect dialog message handlers.
nassh.CommandInstance.prototype.onConnectDialog_ = {};
* Sent from the dialog when the user chooses to mount a profile.
nassh.CommandInstance.prototype.onConnectDialog_.mountProfile = function(
dialogFrame, profileID) {
* Sent from the dialog when the user chooses to connect to a profile via sftp.
nassh.CommandInstance.prototype.onConnectDialog_.sftpConnectToProfile = function(
dialogFrame, profileID) {
* Sent from the dialog when the user chooses to connect to a profile.
nassh.CommandInstance.prototype.onConnectDialog_.connectToProfile = function(
dialogFrame, profileID) {
* Plugin message handlers.
nassh.CommandInstance.prototype.onPlugin_ = {};
* Log a message from the plugin.
nassh.CommandInstance.prototype.onPlugin_.printLog = function(str) {
console.log('plugin log: ' + str);
* Plugin has exited.
nassh.CommandInstance.prototype.onPlugin_.exit = function(code) {
console.log('plugin exit: ' + code);
* Plugin wants to open a file.
* The plugin leans on JS to provide a persistent filesystem, which we do via
* the HTML5 Filesystem API.
* In the future, the plugin may handle its own files.
nassh.CommandInstance.prototype.onPlugin_.openFile = function(fd, path, mode) {
let isAtty;
var onOpen = (success) => {
this.sendToPlugin_('onOpenFile', [fd, success, isAtty]);
var DEV_STDIN = '/dev/stdin';
var DEV_STDOUT = '/dev/stdout';
var DEV_STDERR = '/dev/stderr';
if (path == '/dev/random') {
isAtty = false;
var stream = this.streams_.openStream(nassh.Stream.Random,
fd, path, onOpen);
stream.onClose = () => {
this.sendToPlugin_('onClose', [fd]);
} else if (path == '/dev/tty') {
isAtty = true;
this.createTtyStream(fd, true, true, onOpen);
} else if (this.isSftp && path == DEV_STDOUT) {
isAtty = false;
const info = {
client: this.sftpClient,
this.streams_.openStream(nassh.Stream.Sftp, fd, info, onOpen);
} else if (path == DEV_STDIN || path == DEV_STDOUT || path == DEV_STDERR) {
isAtty = !this.isSftp;
var allowRead = path == DEV_STDIN;
var allowWrite = path == DEV_STDOUT || path == DEV_STDERR;
this.createTtyStream(fd, allowRead, allowWrite, onOpen);
} else {
this.sendToPlugin_('onOpenFile', [fd, false, false]);
nassh.CommandInstance.prototype.onPlugin_.openSocket = function(fd, host, port) {
var stream = null;
const onOpen = (success, error) => {
if (!success) {'STREAM_OPEN_ERROR', ['socket', error]))
this.sendToPlugin_('onOpenSocket', [fd, success, false]);
if (port == 0 && host == this.authAgentAppID_) {
// Request for auth-agent connection.
if (this.authAgent_) {
stream = this.streams_.openStream(
nassh.Stream.SSHAgent, fd, {authAgent: this.authAgent_}, onOpen);
} else {
stream = this.streams_.openStream(
nassh.Stream.SSHAgentRelay, fd,
{authAgentAppID: this.authAgentAppID_}, onOpen);
} else {
// Regular relay connection request.
if (!this.relay_) {
onOpen(false, '!this.relay_');
stream = this.relay_.openSocket(fd, host, port, this.streams_, onOpen);
stream.onDataAvailable = (data) => {
this.sendToPlugin_('onRead', [fd, data]);
stream.onClose = () => {
this.sendToPlugin_('onClose', [fd]);
* Plugin wants to write some data to a file descriptor.
* This is used to write to HTML5 Filesystem files.
nassh.CommandInstance.prototype.onPlugin_.write = function(fd, data) {
var stream = this.streams_.getStreamByFd(fd);
if (!stream) {
console.warn('Attempt to write to unknown fd: ' + fd);
// The plugin API has been base64 strings. If it returns something else,
// convert it to a string until we've updated the stream APIs to cope.
if (data instanceof ArrayBuffer) {
if (!stream.writeArrayBuffer) {
data = btoa(lib.codec.codeUnitArrayToString(new Uint8Array(data)));
stream.asyncWrite(data, (writeCount) => {
if (! {
// If the stream was closed before we got a chance to ack, then skip it.
// We don't want to update the state of the plugin in case it re-opens
// the same fd and we end up acking to a new fd.
this.sendToPlugin_('onWriteAcknowledge', [fd, writeCount]);
* SFTP Initialization handler. Mounts the SFTP connection as a file system.
nassh.CommandInstance.prototype.onSftpInitialised = function() {
if (this.isMount) {
// Newer versions of Chrome support this API, but olders will error out.
if (lib.f.getChromeMilestone() >= 64)
this.mountOptions['persistent'] = false;
// Mount file system.
// Add this instance to list of SFTP instances.
nassh.sftp.fsp.sftpInstances[this.mountOptions.fileSystemId] = this;'MOUNTED_MESSAGE') + ' '
+ nassh.msg('CONNECT_OR_EXIT_MESSAGE'), null); = (string) => {
var ch = string.toLowerCase();
switch (ch) {
case 'c':
case '\x12': // ctrl-r
this.terminalLocation.hash = '';
case 'e':
case 'x':
case '\x1b': // ESC
case '\x17': // ctrl-w
} else {
// Interactive SFTP client case.
this.sftpCli_ = new nasftp.Cli(this);
// Useful for console debugging.
this.terminalWindow.nasftp_ = this.sftpCli_;
* Plugin wants to read from a fd.
*/ = function(fd, size) {
var stream = this.streams_.getStreamByFd(fd);
if (!stream) {
console.warn('Attempt to read from unknown fd: ' + fd);
stream.asyncRead(size, (b64bytes) => {
this.sendToPlugin_('onRead', [fd, b64bytes]);
* Notify the plugin that data is available to read.
nassh.CommandInstance.prototype.onPlugin_.isReadReady = function(fd) {
var stream = this.streams_.getStreamByFd(fd);
if (!stream) {
console.warn('Attempt to call isReadReady from unknown fd: ' + fd);
var rv = stream.isReadReady();
this.sendToPlugin_('onIsReadReady', [fd, rv]);
* Plugin wants to close a file descriptor.
nassh.CommandInstance.prototype.onPlugin_.close = function(fd) {
var stream = this.streams_.getStreamByFd(fd);
if (!stream) {
console.warn('Attempt to close unknown fd: ' + fd);