blob: 9afc4c276ac8f84a6620cbe987bba7ab8f8da624 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
'use strict';
* @fileoverview General message handling in accordance with the SSH agent
* protocol.
nassh.agent = {};
* Create an SSH agent message from a raw byte array containing the message
* contents.
* @see
* @param {!nassh.agent.messages.Numbers} type The type of the message as per
* Section 7.1 of the specification.
* @param {?Uint8Array} [data] The raw data of the message, if any.
* @constructor
nassh.agent.Message = function(type, data) {
* Type of the message.
* @see
* @member {!nassh.agent.messages.Numbers}
this.type = type;
* The raw data of the message.
* @member {?Uint8Array}
* @private
this.data_ = data || new Uint8Array(0);
* The current offset into the raw message data. This is only used when
* reading raw messages (i.e. requests).
* @member {!number}
* @private
this.offset_ = 0;
* The fields encoded in the message data. This is only used when reading raw
* messages (i.e. requests) that contain data.
* @member {!Object}
this.fields = {};
* Get the raw, length-encoded representation of the message.
* @see
* @returns {!Uint8Array}
nassh.agent.Message.prototype.rawMessage = function() {
const header =
new Uint8Array(lib.array.uint32ToArrayBigEndian(1 + this.data_.length));
const body = lib.array.concatTyped(new Uint8Array([this.type]), this.data_);
return lib.array.concatTyped(header, body);
* Check whether the end of the raw message data has been reached.
* @returns {!boolean} true if the end of the raw message data has been reached;
* false otherwise.
nassh.agent.Message.prototype.eom = function() {
return this.offset_ === this.data_.length;
* Read a uint32 from the raw message data.
* @see
* @throws Will throw an error if there are less than four more bytes available.
* @returns {!number}
nassh.agent.Message.prototype.readUint32 = function() {
if (this.data_.length < this.offset_ + 4) {
throw new Error('Message.readUint32: end of data_ reached prematurely');
const uint32 = lib.array.arrayBigEndianToUint32(
this.data_.slice(this.offset_, this.offset_ + 4));
this.offset_ += 4;
return uint32;
* Write a uint32 to the raw message data.
* @see
* @param {!number} uint32 An unsigned 32-bit integer.
nassh.agent.Message.prototype.writeUint32 = function(uint32) {
if (!Number.isSafeInteger(uint32)) {
throw new Error(`Message.writeUint32: ${uint32} is not a (safe) integer`);
const array = new Uint8Array(lib.array.uint32ToArrayBigEndian(uint32));
this.data_ = lib.array.concatTyped(this.data_, array);
* Read a string from the raw message data.
* @see
* @throws Will throw an error if there are less bytes available than indicated
* by the length field.
* @returns {!Uint8Array}
nassh.agent.Message.prototype.readString = function() {
const length = this.readUint32();
if (this.data_.length < this.offset_ + length) {
throw new Error('Message.readString: end of data_ reached prematurely');
const string = this.data_.slice(this.offset_, this.offset_ + length);
this.offset_ += length;
return string;
* Write a string to the raw message data.
* @see
* @param {!Uint8Array} string
nassh.agent.Message.prototype.writeString = function(string) {
if (!(string instanceof Uint8Array)) {
throw new Error('Message.writeString: string is not of type Uint8Array');
const length = string.length;
this.data_ = lib.array.concatTyped(this.data_, string);
* Parse a raw SSH agent message into a Message object.
* @see
* @see
* @constructs nassh.agent.Message
* @param {!Uint8Array} rawMessage
* @returns {?nassh.agent.Message} A Message object created from the raw message
* data; null if the raw message data is malformed.
nassh.agent.Message.fromRawMessage = function(rawMessage) {
if (rawMessage.length < 5) {
return null;
const length = lib.array.arrayBigEndianToUint32(rawMessage);
if (length + 4 !== rawMessage.length) {
return null;
const message = new nassh.agent.Message(rawMessage[4], rawMessage.slice(5));