blob: a026cd9d5af85296518b09bc1a4dc910f860e602 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
'use strict';
* Keyboard handler.
* Consumes onKey* events and invokes onVTKeystroke on the associated
* hterm.Terminal object.
* See also: [XTERM] as referenced in vt.js.
* @param {!hterm.Terminal} terminal The Terminal object associated with this
* keyboard.
* @constructor
hterm.Keyboard = function(terminal) {
// The parent vt interpreter.
this.terminal = terminal;
// The element we're currently capturing keyboard events for.
this.keyboardElement_ = null;
// The event handlers we are interested in, and their bound callbacks, saved
// so they can be uninstalled with removeEventListener, when required.
this.handlers_ = [
['focusout', this.onFocusOut_.bind(this)],
['keydown', this.onKeyDown_.bind(this)],
['keypress', this.onKeyPress_.bind(this)],
['keyup', this.onKeyUp_.bind(this)],
['textInput', this.onTextInput_.bind(this)],
* The current key map.
this.keyMap = new hterm.Keyboard.KeyMap(this);
this.bindings = new hterm.Keyboard.Bindings();
* none: Disable the AltGr emulation.
* ctrl-alt: Assume Ctrl+Alt means AltGr.
* left-alt: Assume left Alt means AltGr.
* right-alt: Assume right Alt means AltGr.
this.altGrMode = 'none';
* If true, Shift+Insert will fall through to the browser as a paste.
* If false, the keystroke will be sent to the host.
this.shiftInsertPaste = true;
* If true, home/end will control the terminal scrollbar and shift home/end
* will send the VT keycodes. If false then home/end sends VT codes and
* shift home/end scrolls.
this.homeKeysScroll = false;
* Same as above, except for page up/page down.
this.pageKeysScroll = false;
* If true, Ctrl+Plus/Minus/Zero controls zoom.
* If false, Ctrl+Shift+Plus/Minus/Zero controls zoom, Ctrl+Minus sends ^_,
* Ctrl+Plus/Zero do nothing.
this.ctrlPlusMinusZeroZoom = true;
* Ctrl+C copies if true, sends ^C to host if false.
* Ctrl+Shift+C sends ^C to host if true, copies if false.
this.ctrlCCopy = false;
* Ctrl+V pastes if true, sends ^V to host if false.
* Ctrl+Shift+V sends ^V to host if true, pastes if false.
this.ctrlVPaste = false;
* Enable/disable application keypad.
* This changes the way numeric keys are sent from the keyboard.
this.applicationKeypad = false;
* Enable/disable the application cursor mode.
* This changes the way cursor keys are sent from the keyboard.
this.applicationCursor = false;
* If true, the backspace should send BS ('\x08', aka ^H). Otherwise
* the backspace key should send '\x7f'.
this.backspaceSendsBackspace = false;
* Set whether the meta key sends a leading escape or not.
this.metaSendsEscape = true;
* Set whether meta-V gets passed to host.
this.passMetaV = true;
* Controls how the alt key is handled.
* escape....... Send an ESC prefix.
* 8-bit........ Add 128 to the unshifted character as in xterm.
* browser-key.. Wait for the keypress event and see what the browser says.
* (This won't work well on platforms where the browser
* performs a default action for some alt sequences.)
* This setting only matters when alt is distinct from meta (altIsMeta is
* false.)
this.altSendsWhat = 'escape';
* Set whether the alt key acts as a meta key, instead of producing 8-bit
* characters.
* True to enable, false to disable, null to autodetect based on platform.
this.altIsMeta = false;
* If true, tries to detect DEL key events that are from alt-backspace on
* Chrome OS vs from a true DEL key press.
* Background: At the time of writing, on Chrome OS, alt-backspace is mapped
* to DEL. Some users may be happy with this, but others may be frustrated
* that it's impossible to do meta-backspace. If the user enables this pref,
* we use a trick to tell a true DEL keypress from alt-backspace: on
* alt-backspace, we will see the alt key go down, then get a DEL keystroke
* that indicates that alt is not pressed. See .
this.altBackspaceIsMetaBackspace = false;
* Used to keep track of the current alt-key state, which is necessary for
* the altBackspaceIsMetaBackspace preference above and for the altGrMode
* preference. This is a bitmap with where bit positions correspond to the
* "location" property of the key event.
this.altKeyPressed = 0;
* If true, Chrome OS media keys will be mapped to their F-key equivalent.
* E.g. "Back" will be mapped to F1. If false, Chrome will handle the keys.
this.mediaKeysAreFKeys = false;
* Holds the previous setting of altSendsWhat when DECSET 1039 is used. When
* DECRST 1039 is used, altSendsWhat is changed back to this and this is
* nulled out.
this.previousAltSendsWhat_ = null;
* Special handling for keyCodes in a keyboard layout.
* @enum {symbol}
* @const
hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions = {
* Call preventDefault and stopPropagation for this key event and nothing
* else.
* This performs the default terminal action for the key. If used in the
* 'normal' action and the the keystroke represents a printable key, the
* character will be sent to the host. If used in one of the modifier
* actions, the terminal will perform the normal action after (possibly)
* altering it.
* - If the normal sequence starts with CSI, the sequence will be adjusted
* to include the modifier parameter as described in [XTERM] in the final
* table of the "PC-Style Function Keys" section.
* - If the control key is down and the key represents a printable character,
* and the uppercase version of the unshifted keycap is between
* 64 (ASCII '@') and 95 (ASCII '_'), then the uppercase version of the
* unshifted keycap minus 64 is sent. This makes '^@' send '\x00' and
* '^_' send '\x1f'. (Note that one higher that 0x1f is 0x20, which is
* the first printable ASCII value.)
* - If the alt key is down and the key represents a printable character then
* the value of the character is shifted up by 128.
* - If meta is down and configured to send an escape, '\x1b' will be sent
* before the normal action is performed.
* Causes the terminal to opt out of handling the key event, instead letting
* the browser deal with it.
PASS: Symbol('PASS'),
* Insert the first or second character of the keyCap, based on e.shiftKey.
* The key will be handled in onKeyDown, and e.preventDefault() will be
* called.
* It is useful for a modified key action, where it essentially strips the
* modifier while preventing the browser from reacting to the key.
STRIP: Symbol('STRIP'),
/** @typedef {string|!hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions} */
* Capture keyboard events sent to the associated element.
* This enables the keyboard. Captured events are consumed by this class
* and will not perform their default action or bubble to other elements.
* Passing a null element will uninstall the keyboard handlers.
* @param {?Element} element The element whose events should be captured, or
* null to disable the keyboard.
hterm.Keyboard.prototype.installKeyboard = function(element) {
if (element == this.keyboardElement_) {
if (element && this.keyboardElement_) {
for (let i = 0; i < this.handlers_.length; i++) {
const handler = this.handlers_[i];
if (element) {
element.addEventListener(handler[0], handler[1]);
} else {
this.keyboardElement_.removeEventListener(handler[0], handler[1]);
this.keyboardElement_ = element;
* Disable keyboard event capture.
* This will allow the browser to process key events normally.
hterm.Keyboard.prototype.uninstallKeyboard = function() {
* Handle textInput events.
* These are generated when using IMEs, Virtual Keyboards (VKs), compose keys,
* Unicode input, etc...
* @param {!InputEvent} e The event to process.
hterm.Keyboard.prototype.onTextInput_ = function(e) {
if (! {
// Just pass the generated buffer straight down. No need for us to split it
// up or otherwise parse it ahead of times.
* Handle keypress events.
* TODO(vapier): Drop this event entirely and only use keydown.
* @param {!KeyboardEvent} e The event to process.
hterm.Keyboard.prototype.onKeyPress_ = function(e) {
// FF doesn't set keyCode reliably in keypress events. Stick to the which
// field here until we can move to keydown entirely.
const key = String.fromCharCode(e.which).toLowerCase();
if ((e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) && (key == 'c' || key == 'v')) {
// On FF the key press (not key down) event gets fired for copy/paste.
// Let it fall through for the default browser behavior.
if (e.keyCode == 9 /* Tab */) {
// On FF, a key press event will be fired in addition of key down for the
// Tab key if key down isn't handled. This would only happen if a custom
// PASS binding has been created and therefore this should be handled by the
// browser.
/** @type {string} */
let ch;
if (e.altKey && this.altSendsWhat == 'browser-key' && e.charCode == 0) {
// If we got here because we were expecting the browser to handle an
// alt sequence but it didn't do it, then we might be on an OS without
// an enabled IME system. In that case we fall back to xterm-like
// behavior.
// This happens here only as a fallback. Typically these platforms should
// set altSendsWhat to either 'escape' or '8-bit'.
ch = String.fromCharCode(e.keyCode);
if (!e.shiftKey) {
ch = ch.toLowerCase();
} else if (e.charCode >= 32) {
ch = String.fromCharCode(e.charCode);
if (ch) {
* Prevent default handling for non-ctrl-shifted event.
* When combined with Chrome permission 'app.window.fullscreen.overrideEsc',
* and called for both key down and key up events,
* the ESC key remains usable within fullscreen Chrome app windows.
* @param {!KeyboardEvent} e The event to process.
hterm.Keyboard.prototype.preventChromeAppNonCtrlShiftDefault_ = function(e) {
if (! || ! || ! {
if (!e.ctrlKey || !e.shiftKey) {
* Handle focusout events.
* @param {!FocusEvent} e The event to process.
hterm.Keyboard.prototype.onFocusOut_ = function(e) {
this.altKeyPressed = 0;
* Handle keyup events.
* @param {!KeyboardEvent} e The event to process.
hterm.Keyboard.prototype.onKeyUp_ = function(e) {
if (e.keyCode == 18) {
this.altKeyPressed = this.altKeyPressed & ~(1 << (e.location - 1));
if (e.keyCode == 27) {
* Handle keydown events.
* @param {!KeyboardEvent} e The event to process.
hterm.Keyboard.prototype.onKeyDown_ = function(e) {
if (e.keyCode == 18) {
this.altKeyPressed = this.altKeyPressed | (1 << (e.location - 1));
if (e.keyCode == 27) {
let keyDef = this.keyMap.keyDefs[e.keyCode];
if (!keyDef) {
// If this key hasn't been explicitly registered, fall back to the unknown
// key mapping (keyCode == 0), and then automatically register it to avoid
// any further warnings here.
console.warn(`No definition for key ${e.key} (keyCode ${e.keyCode})`);
keyDef = this.keyMap.keyDefs[0];
this.keyMap.addKeyDef(e.keyCode, keyDef);
// The type of action we're going to use.
let resolvedActionType = null;
* @param {string} name
* @return {!hterm.Keyboard.KeyDefAction}
const getAction = (name) => {
// Get the key action for the given action name. If the action is a
// function, dispatch it. If the action defers to the normal action,
// resolve that instead.
resolvedActionType = name;
let action = keyDef[name];
if (typeof action == 'function') {
action =, e, keyDef);
if (action === DEFAULT && name != 'normal') {
action = getAction('normal');
return action;
// Note that we use the triple-equals ('===') operator to test equality for
// these constants, in order to distinguish usage of the constant from usage
// of a literal string that happens to contain the same bytes.
const CANCEL = hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.CANCEL;
const DEFAULT = hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.DEFAULT;
const PASS = hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.PASS;
const STRIP = hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.STRIP;
let control = e.ctrlKey;
let alt = this.altIsMeta ? false : e.altKey;
let meta = this.altIsMeta ? (e.altKey || e.metaKey) : e.metaKey;
// In the key-map, we surround the keyCap for non-printables in "[...]"
const isPrintable = !(/^\[\w+\]$/.test(keyDef.keyCap));
switch (this.altGrMode) {
case 'ctrl-alt':
if (isPrintable && control && alt) {
// ctrl-alt-printable means altGr. We clear out the control and
// alt modifiers and wait to see the charCode in the keydown event.
control = false;
alt = false;
case 'right-alt':
if (isPrintable && (this.terminal.keyboard.altKeyPressed & 2)) {
control = false;
alt = false;
case 'left-alt':
if (isPrintable && (this.terminal.keyboard.altKeyPressed & 1)) {
control = false;
alt = false;
/** @type {?hterm.Keyboard.KeyDefAction} */
let action;
if (control) {
action = getAction('control');
} else if (alt) {
action = getAction('alt');
} else if (meta) {
action = getAction('meta');
} else {
action = getAction('normal');
// If e.maskShiftKey was set (during getAction) it means the shift key is
// already accounted for in the action, and we should not act on it any
// further. This is currently only used for Ctrl+Shift+Tab, which should send
// "CSI Z", not "CSI 1 ; 2 Z".
let shift = !e.maskShiftKey && e.shiftKey;
/** @type {!hterm.Keyboard.KeyDown} */
const keyDown = {
keyCode: e.keyCode,
shift: e.shiftKey, // not `var shift` from above.
ctrl: control,
alt: alt,
meta: meta,
const binding = this.bindings.getBinding(keyDown);
if (binding) {
// Clear out the modifier bits so we don't try to munge the sequence
// further.
shift = control = alt = meta = false;
resolvedActionType = 'normal';
if (typeof binding.action == 'function') {
const bindingFn =
/** @type {!hterm.Keyboard.KeyBindingFunction} */ (binding.action);
action =, this.terminal, keyDown);
} else {
action = /** @type {!hterm.Keyboard.KeyAction} */ (binding.action);
// Call keyDef function now that we have given bindings a chance to override.
if (typeof action == 'function') {
action =, e, keyDef);
if (alt && this.altSendsWhat == 'browser-key' && action == DEFAULT) {
// When altSendsWhat is 'browser-key', we wait for the keypress event.
// In keypress, the browser should have set the event.charCode to the
// appropriate character.
// TODO(rginda): Character compositions will need some black magic.
action = PASS;
// If we are going to handle the key, we most likely want to hide the context
// menu before doing so. This way we hide it when pressing a printable key,
// or navigate (arrow keys/etc...), or press Escape. But we don't want to
// hide it when only pressing modifiers like Alt/Ctrl/Meta because those might
// be used by the OS & hterm to show the context menu in the first place. The
// bare modifier keys are all marked as PASS.
if (action !== PASS) {
if (action === PASS || (action === DEFAULT && !(control || alt || meta))) {
// If this key is supposed to be handled by the browser, or it is an
// unmodified key with the default action, then exit this event handler.
// If it's an unmodified key, it'll be handled in onKeyPress where we
// can tell for sure which ASCII code to insert.
// This block needs to come before the STRIP test, otherwise we'll strip
// the modifier and think it's ok to let the browser handle the keypress.
// The browser won't know we're trying to ignore the modifiers and might
// perform some default action.
if (action === STRIP) {
alt = control = false;
action = keyDef.normal;
if (typeof action == 'function') {
action =, e, keyDef);
if (action == DEFAULT && keyDef.keyCap.length == 2) {
action = keyDef.keyCap.substr((shift ? 1 : 0), 1);
if (action === CANCEL) {
if (action !== DEFAULT && typeof action != 'string') {
console.warn('Invalid action: ' + JSON.stringify(action));
// Strip the modifier that is associated with the action, since we assume that
// modifier has already been accounted for in the action.
if (resolvedActionType == 'control') {
control = false;
} else if (resolvedActionType == 'alt') {
alt = false;
} else if (resolvedActionType == 'meta') {
meta = false;
if (typeof action == 'string' && action.substr(0, 2) == '\x1b[' &&
(alt || control || shift || meta)) {
// The action is an escape sequence that and it was triggered in the
// presence of a keyboard modifier, we may need to alter the action to
// include the modifier before sending it.
// The math is funky but aligns w/xterm.
let imod = 1;
if (shift) {
imod += 1;
if (alt) {
imod += 2;
if (control) {
imod += 4;
if (meta) {
imod += 8;
const mod = ';' + imod;
if (action.length == 3) {
// Some of the CSI sequences have zero parameters unless modified.
action = '\x1b[1' + mod + action.substr(2, 1);
} else {
// Others always have at least one parameter.
action = action.substr(0, action.length - 1) + mod +
action.substr(action.length - 1);
} else {
if (action === DEFAULT) {
action = keyDef.keyCap.substr((shift ? 1 : 0), 1);
if (control) {
const unshifted = keyDef.keyCap.substr(0, 1);
const code = unshifted.charCodeAt(0);
if (code >= 64 && code <= 95) {
action = String.fromCharCode(code - 64);
if (alt && this.altSendsWhat == '8-bit' && action.length == 1) {
const code = action.charCodeAt(0) + 128;
action = String.fromCharCode(code);
// We respect alt/metaSendsEscape even if the keymap action was a literal
// string. Otherwise, every overridden alt/meta action would have to
// check alt/metaSendsEscape.
if ((alt && this.altSendsWhat == 'escape') ||
(meta && this.metaSendsEscape)) {
action = '\x1b' + action;
this.terminal.onVTKeystroke(/** @type {string} */ (action));