blob: 378f4287ba8f7d76212c05bdd720e5e741b213ea [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
'use strict';
* @typedef {{
* keyCap: string,
* normal: !hterm.Keyboard.KeyDefAction,
* control: !hterm.Keyboard.KeyDefAction,
* alt: !hterm.Keyboard.KeyDefAction,
* meta: !hterm.Keyboard.KeyDefAction,
* }}
* @typedef {function(!KeyboardEvent, !hterm.Keyboard.KeyDef):
* !hterm.Keyboard.KeyAction}
* @typedef {function(!KeyboardEvent, !hterm.Keyboard.KeyDef):
* !hterm.Keyboard.KeyDefFunction|!hterm.Keyboard.KeyAction}
* @typedef {(
* !hterm.Keyboard.KeyAction|
* !hterm.Keyboard.KeyDefFunction|
* !hterm.Keyboard.KeyDefFunctionProvider
* )}
* The default key map for hterm.
* Contains a mapping of keyCodes to keyDefs (aka key definitions). The key
* definition tells the hterm.Keyboard class how to handle keycodes.
* This should work for most cases, as the printable characters get handled
* in the keypress event. In that case, even if the keycap is wrong in the
* key map, the correct character should be sent.
* Different layouts, such as Dvorak should work with this keymap, as those
* layouts typically move keycodes around on the keyboard without disturbing
* the actual keycaps.
* There may be issues with control keys on non-US keyboards or with keyboards
* that very significantly from the expectations here, in which case we may
* have to invent new key maps.
* The sequences defined in this key map come from [XTERM] as referenced in
* vt.js, starting with the section titled "Alt and Meta Keys".
* @param {!hterm.Keyboard} keyboard
* @constructor
hterm.Keyboard.KeyMap = function(keyboard) {
this.keyboard = keyboard;
/** @type {!Object<number, !hterm.Keyboard.KeyDef>} */
this.keyDefs = {};
* Add a single key definition.
* The definition is an object containing the following fields: 'keyCap',
* 'normal', 'control', 'alt', and 'meta'.
* - keyCap is a string identifying the key on the keyboard. For printable
* keys, the key cap should be exactly two characters, starting with the
* unshifted version. For example, 'aA', 'bB', '1!' and '=+'. For
* non-printable the key cap should be surrounded in square braces, as in
* '[INS]', '[LEFT]'. By convention, non-printable keycaps are in uppercase
* but this is not a strict requirement.
* - Normal is the action that should be performed when the key is pressed
* in the absence of any modifier. See below for the supported actions.
* - Control is the action that should be performed when the key is pressed
* along with the control modifier. See below for the supported actions.
* - Alt is the action that should be performed when the key is pressed
* along with the alt modifier. See below for the supported actions.
* - Meta is the action that should be performed when the key is pressed
* along with the meta modifier. See below for the supported actions.
* Actions can be one of the hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions as documented below,
* a literal string, or an array. If the action is a literal string then
* the string is sent directly to the host. If the action is an array it
* is taken to be an escape sequence that may be altered by modifier keys.
* The second-to-last element of the array will be overwritten with the
* state of the modifier keys, as specified in the final table of "PC-Style
* Function Keys" from [XTERM].
* @param {number} keyCode The KeyboardEvent.keyCode to match against.
* @param {!hterm.Keyboard.KeyDef} def The actions this key triggers.
hterm.Keyboard.KeyMap.prototype.addKeyDef = function(keyCode, def) {
if (keyCode in this.keyDefs) {
console.warn('Duplicate keyCode: ' + keyCode);
this.keyDefs[keyCode] = def;
* Set up the default state for this keymap.
hterm.Keyboard.KeyMap.prototype.reset = function() {
this.keyDefs = {};
const CANCEL = hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.CANCEL;
const DEFAULT = hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.DEFAULT;
const PASS = hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.PASS;
const STRIP = hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.STRIP;
* This function is used by the "macro" functions below. It makes it
* possible to use the call() macro as an argument to any other macro.
* @param {!hterm.Keyboard.KeyDefAction} action
* @param {!KeyboardEvent} e
* @param {!hterm.Keyboard.KeyDef} k
* @return {!hterm.Keyboard.KeyAction}
const resolve = (action, e, k) => {
if (typeof action == 'function') {
const keyDefFn = /** @type {!hterm.Keyboard.KeyDefFunction} */ (action);
return, e, k);
return action;
* If not application keypad a, else b. The keys that care about
* application keypad ignore it when the key is modified.
* @param {!hterm.Keyboard.KeyDefAction} a
* @param {!hterm.Keyboard.KeyDefAction} b
* @return {!hterm.Keyboard.KeyDefFunction}
/* TODO( Delete this if no longer needed.
const ak = (a, b) => {
return (e, k) => {
const action = (e.shiftKey || e.ctrlKey || e.altKey || e.metaKey ||
!this.keyboard.applicationKeypad) ? a : b;
return resolve(action, e, k);
* If mod or not application cursor a, else b. The keys that care about
* application cursor ignore it when the key is modified.
* @param {!hterm.Keyboard.KeyDefAction} a
* @param {!hterm.Keyboard.KeyDefAction} b
* @return {!hterm.Keyboard.KeyDefFunction}
const ac = (a, b) => {
return (e, k) => {
const action = (e.shiftKey || e.ctrlKey || e.altKey || e.metaKey ||
!this.keyboard.applicationCursor) ? a : b;
return resolve(action, e, k);
* If not backspace-sends-backspace keypad a, else b.
* @param {!hterm.Keyboard.KeyDefAction} a
* @param {!hterm.Keyboard.KeyDefAction} b
* @return {!hterm.Keyboard.KeyDefFunction}
const bs = (a, b) => {
return (e, k) => {
const action = !this.keyboard.backspaceSendsBackspace ? a : b;
return resolve(action, e, k);
* If not e.shiftKey a, else b.
* @param {!hterm.Keyboard.KeyDefAction} a
* @param {!hterm.Keyboard.KeyDefAction} b
* @return {!hterm.Keyboard.KeyDefFunction}
const sh = (a, b) => {
return (e, k) => {
const action = !e.shiftKey ? a : b;
e.maskShiftKey = true;
return resolve(action, e, k);
* If not e.altKey a, else b.
* @param {!hterm.Keyboard.KeyDefAction} a
* @param {!hterm.Keyboard.KeyDefAction} b
* @return {!hterm.Keyboard.KeyDefFunction}
const alt = (a, b) => {
return (e, k) => {
const action = !e.altKey ? a : b;
return resolve(action, e, k);
* If no modifiers a, else b.
* @param {!hterm.Keyboard.KeyDefAction} a
* @param {!hterm.Keyboard.KeyDefAction} b
* @return {!hterm.Keyboard.KeyDefFunction}
const mod = (a, b) => {
return (e, k) => {
const action = !(e.shiftKey || e.ctrlKey || e.altKey || e.metaKey) ?
a : b;
return resolve(action, e, k);
* Compute a control character for a given character.
* @param {string} ch
* @return {string}
const ctl = (ch) => String.fromCharCode(ch.charCodeAt(0) - 64);
* Call a method on the keymap instance.
* @param {string} m name of method to call.
* @return {(
* !hterm.Keyboard.KeyDefFunction|
* !hterm.Keyboard.KeyDefFunctionProvider
* )}
const c = (m) => {
return (e, k) => this[m](e, k);
// Ignore if not trapping media keys.
const med = (fn) => {
return (e, k) => {
if (!this.keyboard.mediaKeysAreFKeys) {
// Block Back, Forward, and Reload keys to avoid navigating away from
// the current page.
return (e.keyCode == 166 || e.keyCode == 167 || e.keyCode == 168) ?
return resolve(fn, e, k);
* @param {number} keyCode
* @param {string} keyCap
* @param {!hterm.Keyboard.KeyDefAction} normal
* @param {!hterm.Keyboard.KeyDefAction} control
* @param {!hterm.Keyboard.KeyDefAction} alt
* @param {!hterm.Keyboard.KeyDefAction} meta
const add = (keyCode, keyCap, normal, control, alt, meta) => {
this.addKeyDef(keyCode, {
keyCap: keyCap,
normal: normal,
control: control,
alt: alt,
meta: meta,
// Browser-specific differences.
// let keycapMute;
// let keycapVolDn;
// let keycapVolDn
let keycapSC;
let keycapEP;
let keycapMU;
if (window.navigator && navigator.userAgent &&
navigator.userAgent.includes('Firefox')) {
// Firefox defines some keys uniquely. No other browser defines these in
// this way. Some even conflict. The keyCode field isn't well documented
// as it isn't standardized. At some point we should switch to "key".
// keycapMute = 181; // Mute
// keycapVolDn = 182; // Volume Down
// keycapVolUp = 183; // Volume Up
keycapSC = 59; // ;:
keycapEP = 61; // =+
keycapMU = 173; // -_
// Firefox Italian +*.
add(171, '+*', DEFAULT, c('onZoom_'), DEFAULT, c('onZoom_'));
} else {
// All other browsers use these mappings.
// keycapMute = 173; // Mute
// keycapVolDn = 174; // Volume Down
// keycapVolUp = 175; // Volume Up
keycapSC = 186; // ;:
keycapEP = 187; // =+
keycapMU = 189; // -_
const ESC = '\x1b';
const CSI = '\x1b[';
const SS3 = '\x1bO';
// These fields are: [keycode, keycap, normal, control, alt, meta]
/* eslint-disable no-multi-spaces */
// The browser sends the keycode 0 for some keys. We'll just assume it's
// going to do the right thing by default for those keys.
// First row.
// These bindings match xterm for lack of a better standard. The emitted
// values might look like they're skipping values, but it's what xterm does.
add(112, '[F1]', mod(SS3 + 'P', CSI + 'P'), DEFAULT, CSI + '23~', DEFAULT);
add(113, '[F2]', mod(SS3 + 'Q', CSI + 'Q'), DEFAULT, CSI + '24~', DEFAULT);
add(114, '[F3]', mod(SS3 + 'R', CSI + 'R'), DEFAULT, CSI + '25~', DEFAULT);
add(115, '[F4]', mod(SS3 + 'S', CSI + 'S'), DEFAULT, CSI + '26~', DEFAULT);
add(116, '[F5]', CSI + '15~', DEFAULT, CSI + '28~', DEFAULT);
add(117, '[F6]', CSI + '17~', DEFAULT, CSI + '29~', DEFAULT);
add(118, '[F7]', CSI + '18~', DEFAULT, CSI + '31~', DEFAULT);
add(119, '[F8]', CSI + '19~', DEFAULT, CSI + '32~', DEFAULT);
add(120, '[F9]', CSI + '20~', DEFAULT, CSI + '33~', DEFAULT);
add(121, '[F10]', CSI + '21~', DEFAULT, CSI + '34~', DEFAULT);
add(122, '[F11]', c('onF11_'), DEFAULT, CSI + '42~', DEFAULT);
add(123, '[F12]', CSI + '24~', DEFAULT, CSI + '43~', DEFAULT);
// Second row.
add(192, '`~', DEFAULT, sh(ctl('@'), ctl('^')), DEFAULT, PASS);
add(49, '1!', DEFAULT, c('onCtrlNum_'), c('onAltNum_'), c('onMetaNum_'));
add(50, '2@', DEFAULT, c('onCtrlNum_'), c('onAltNum_'), c('onMetaNum_'));
add(51, '3#', DEFAULT, c('onCtrlNum_'), c('onAltNum_'), c('onMetaNum_'));
add(52, '4$', DEFAULT, c('onCtrlNum_'), c('onAltNum_'), c('onMetaNum_'));
add(53, '5%', DEFAULT, c('onCtrlNum_'), c('onAltNum_'), c('onMetaNum_'));
add(54, '6^', DEFAULT, c('onCtrlNum_'), c('onAltNum_'), c('onMetaNum_'));
add(55, '7&', DEFAULT, c('onCtrlNum_'), c('onAltNum_'), c('onMetaNum_'));
add(56, '8*', DEFAULT, c('onCtrlNum_'), c('onAltNum_'), c('onMetaNum_'));
add(57, '9(', DEFAULT, c('onCtrlNum_'), c('onAltNum_'), c('onMetaNum_'));
add(48, '0)', DEFAULT, c('onZoom_'), c('onAltNum_'), c('onZoom_'));
add(keycapMU, '-_', DEFAULT, c('onZoom_'), DEFAULT, c('onZoom_'));
add(keycapEP, '=+', DEFAULT, c('onZoom_'), DEFAULT, c('onZoom_'));
add(8, '[BKSP]', bs('\x7f', '\b'), bs('\b', '\x7f'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT);
// Third row.
add(9, '[TAB]', sh('\t', CSI + 'Z'), c('onCtrlTab_'), PASS, DEFAULT);
add(81, 'qQ', DEFAULT, ctl('Q'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT);
add(87, 'wW', DEFAULT, c('onCtrlW_'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT);
add(69, 'eE', DEFAULT, ctl('E'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT);
add(82, 'rR', DEFAULT, ctl('R'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT);
add(84, 'tT', DEFAULT, c('onCtrlT_'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT);
add(89, 'yY', DEFAULT, ctl('Y'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT);
add(85, 'uU', DEFAULT, ctl('U'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT);
add(73, 'iI', DEFAULT, ctl('I'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT);
add(79, 'oO', DEFAULT, ctl('O'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT);
add(80, 'pP', DEFAULT, ctl('P'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT);
add(219, '[{', DEFAULT, ctl('['), DEFAULT, DEFAULT);
add(221, ']}', DEFAULT, ctl(']'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT);
add(220, '\\|', DEFAULT, ctl('\\'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT);
// Fourth row. We let Ctrl+Shift+J pass for Chrome DevTools.
// To be compliant with xterm's behavior for modifiers on Enter
// would mean maximizing the window with Alt+Enter... so we don't
// want to do that. Our behavior on Enter is what most other
// modern emulators do.
add(65, 'aA', DEFAULT, ctl('A'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT);
add(83, 'sS', DEFAULT, ctl('S'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT);
add(68, 'dD', DEFAULT, ctl('D'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT);
add(70, 'fF', DEFAULT, sh(ctl('F'), c('onCtrlShiftF_')), DEFAULT, DEFAULT);
add(71, 'gG', DEFAULT, ctl('G'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT);
add(72, 'hH', DEFAULT, ctl('H'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT);
add(74, 'jJ', DEFAULT, sh(ctl('J'), PASS), DEFAULT, DEFAULT);
add(75, 'kK', DEFAULT, sh(ctl('K'), c('onClear_')), DEFAULT, DEFAULT);
add(76, 'lL', DEFAULT, sh(ctl('L'), PASS), DEFAULT, DEFAULT);
add(13, '[ENTER]', '\r', DEFAULT, DEFAULT, DEFAULT);
// Fifth row. This includes the copy/paste shortcuts. On some
// platforms it's Ctrl+C/V, on others it's Meta+C/V. We assume either
// Ctrl+C/Meta+C should pass to the browser when there is a selection,
// and Ctrl+Shift+V/Meta+*+V should always pass to the browser (since
// these seem to be recognized as paste too).
add(90, 'zZ', DEFAULT, ctl('Z'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT);
add(88, 'xX', DEFAULT, ctl('X'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT);
add(67, 'cC', DEFAULT, c('onCtrlC_'), DEFAULT, c('onMetaC_'));
add(86, 'vV', DEFAULT, c('onCtrlV_'), DEFAULT, c('onMetaV_'));
add(66, 'bB', DEFAULT, ctl('B'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT);
add(78, 'nN', DEFAULT, c('onCtrlN_'), DEFAULT, c('onMetaN_'));
add(77, 'mM', DEFAULT, ctl('M'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT);
add(188, ',<', DEFAULT, alt(STRIP, PASS), DEFAULT, DEFAULT);
add(190, '.>', DEFAULT, alt(STRIP, PASS), DEFAULT, DEFAULT);
add(191, '/?', DEFAULT, sh(ctl('_'), ctl('?')), DEFAULT, DEFAULT);
// Sixth and final row.
add(17, '[CTRL]', PASS, PASS, PASS, PASS);
add(18, '[ALT]', PASS, PASS, PASS, PASS);
add(91, '[LAPL]', PASS, PASS, PASS, PASS);
add(32, ' ', DEFAULT, ctl('@'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT);
add(92, '[RAPL]', PASS, PASS, PASS, PASS);
add(93, '[RMENU]', PASS, PASS, PASS, PASS);
// These things.
add(42, '[PRTSCR]', PASS, PASS, PASS, PASS);
add(145, '[SCRLK]', PASS, PASS, PASS, PASS);
add(19, '[BREAK]', PASS, PASS, PASS, PASS);
// The block of six keys above the arrows.
add(45, '[INSERT]', c('onKeyInsert_'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT, DEFAULT);
add(36, '[HOME]', c('onKeyHome_'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT, DEFAULT);
add(33, '[PGUP]', c('onKeyPageUp_'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT, DEFAULT);
add(46, '[DEL]', c('onKeyDel_'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT, DEFAULT);
add(35, '[END]', c('onKeyEnd_'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT, DEFAULT);
add(34, '[PGDOWN]', c('onKeyPageDown_'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT, DEFAULT);
// Arrow keys. When unmodified they respect the application cursor state,
// otherwise they always send the CSI codes.
add(38, '[UP]', c('onKeyArrowUp_'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT, DEFAULT);
add(40, '[DOWN]', c('onKeyArrowDown_'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT, DEFAULT);
add(39, '[RIGHT]', ac(CSI + 'C', SS3 + 'C'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT, DEFAULT);
add(37, '[LEFT]', ac(CSI + 'D', SS3 + 'D'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT, DEFAULT);
add(144, '[NUMLOCK]', PASS, PASS, PASS, PASS);
// On Apple keyboards, the NumLock key is a Clear key. It also tends to be
// what KP5 sends when numlock is off. Not clear if we could do anything
// useful with it, so just pass it along.
add(12, '[CLEAR]', PASS, PASS, PASS, PASS);
// With numlock off, the keypad generates the same key codes as the arrows
// and 'block of six' for some keys, and null key codes for the rest.
// Keypad with numlock on generates unique key codes...
add(107, '[KP+]', DEFAULT, c('onZoom_'), DEFAULT, c('onZoom_'));
add(109, '[KP-]', DEFAULT, c('onZoom_'), DEFAULT, c('onZoom_'));
// OS-specific differences.
if (hterm.os == 'cros') {
// Chrome OS keyboard top row. The media-keys-are-fkeys preference allows
// users to make these always behave as function keys (see those bindings
// above for more details).
/* eslint-disable max-len */
add(166, '[BACK]', med(mod(SS3 + 'P', CSI + 'P')), DEFAULT, CSI + '23~', DEFAULT); // F1
add(167, '[FWD]', med(mod(SS3 + 'Q', CSI + 'Q')), DEFAULT, CSI + '24~', DEFAULT); // F2
add(168, '[RELOAD]', med(mod(SS3 + 'R', CSI + 'R')), DEFAULT, CSI + '25~', DEFAULT); // F3
add(183, '[FSCR]', med(mod(SS3 + 'S', CSI + 'S')), DEFAULT, CSI + '26~', DEFAULT); // F4
add(182, '[WINS]', med(CSI + '15~'), DEFAULT, CSI + '28~', DEFAULT); // F5
add(216, '[BRIT-]', med(CSI + '17~'), DEFAULT, CSI + '29~', DEFAULT); // F6
add(217, '[BRIT+]', med(CSI + '18~'), DEFAULT, CSI + '31~', DEFAULT); // F7
add(173, '[MUTE]', med(CSI + '19~'), DEFAULT, CSI + '32~', DEFAULT); // F8
add(174, '[VOL-]', med(CSI + '20~'), DEFAULT, CSI + '33~', DEFAULT); // F9
add(175, '[VOL+]', med(CSI + '21~'), DEFAULT, CSI + '34~', DEFAULT); // F10
/* eslint-enable max-len */
// We could make this into F11, but it'd be a bit weird. Chrome allows us
// to see this and react, but it doesn't actually allow us to block or
// cancel it, so it makes the screen flash/lock still.
// The Pixelbook has a slightly different layout. This means half the keys
// above are off by one.
add(179, '[PLAY]', med(CSI + '18~'), DEFAULT, CSI + '31~', DEFAULT); // F7
// The settings / hamburgers / three hot dogs / menu / whatever-it's-called.
add(154, '[DOGS]', med(CSI + '23~'), DEFAULT, CSI + '42~', DEFAULT); // F11
// We don't use this for anything, but keep it from popping up by default.
/* eslint-enable no-multi-spaces */
* Either allow the paste or send a key sequence.
* @param {!KeyboardEvent} e The event to process.
* @return {symbol|string} Key action or sequence.
hterm.Keyboard.KeyMap.prototype.onKeyInsert_ = function(e) {
if (this.keyboard.shiftInsertPaste && e.shiftKey) {
return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.PASS;
return '\x1b[2~';
* Either scroll the scrollback buffer or send a key sequence.
* @param {!KeyboardEvent} e The event to process.
* @return {symbol|string} Key action or sequence.
hterm.Keyboard.KeyMap.prototype.onKeyHome_ = function(e) {
if (this.keyboard.homeKeysScroll === e.shiftKey) {
if ((e.altKey || e.ctrlKey || e.shiftKey) ||
!this.keyboard.applicationCursor) {
return '\x1b[H';
return '\x1bOH';
return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.CANCEL;
* Either scroll the scrollback buffer or send a key sequence.
* @param {!KeyboardEvent} e The event to process.
* @return {symbol|string} Key action or sequence.
hterm.Keyboard.KeyMap.prototype.onKeyEnd_ = function(e) {
if (this.keyboard.homeKeysScroll === e.shiftKey) {
if ((e.altKey || e.ctrlKey || e.shiftKey) ||
!this.keyboard.applicationCursor) {
return '\x1b[F';
return '\x1bOF';
return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.CANCEL;
* Either scroll the scrollback buffer or send a key sequence.
* @param {!KeyboardEvent} e The event to process.
* @return {symbol|string} Key action or sequence.
hterm.Keyboard.KeyMap.prototype.onKeyPageUp_ = function(e) {
if (this.keyboard.pageKeysScroll === e.shiftKey) {
return '\x1b[5~';
return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.CANCEL;
* Either send a true DEL, or sub in meta-backspace.
* On Chrome OS, if we know the alt key is down, but we get a DEL event that
* claims that the alt key is not pressed, we know the DEL was a synthetic
* one from a user that hit alt-backspace. Based on a user pref, we can sub
* in meta-backspace in this case.
* @param {!KeyboardEvent} e The event to process.
* @return {symbol|string} Key action or sequence.
hterm.Keyboard.KeyMap.prototype.onKeyDel_ = function(e) {
if (this.keyboard.altBackspaceIsMetaBackspace &&
this.keyboard.altKeyPressed && !e.altKey) {
return '\x1b\x7f';
return '\x1b[3~';
* Either scroll the scrollback buffer or send a key sequence.
* @param {!KeyboardEvent} e The event to process.
* @return {symbol|string} Key action or sequence.
hterm.Keyboard.KeyMap.prototype.onKeyPageDown_ = function(e) {
if (this.keyboard.pageKeysScroll === e.shiftKey) {
return '\x1b[6~';
return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.CANCEL;
* Either scroll the scrollback buffer or send a key sequence.
* @param {!KeyboardEvent} e The event to process.
* @return {symbol|string} Key action or sequence.
hterm.Keyboard.KeyMap.prototype.onKeyArrowUp_ = function(e) {
if (!this.keyboard.applicationCursor && e.shiftKey) {
return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.CANCEL;
return (e.shiftKey || e.ctrlKey || e.altKey || e.metaKey ||
!this.keyboard.applicationCursor) ? '\x1b[A' : '\x1bOA';
* Either scroll the scrollback buffer or send a key sequence.
* @param {!KeyboardEvent} e The event to process.
* @return {symbol|string} Key action or sequence.
hterm.Keyboard.KeyMap.prototype.onKeyArrowDown_ = function(e) {
if (!this.keyboard.applicationCursor && e.shiftKey) {
return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.CANCEL;
return (e.shiftKey || e.ctrlKey || e.altKey || e.metaKey ||
!this.keyboard.applicationCursor) ? '\x1b[B' : '\x1bOB';
* Clear the primary/alternate screens and the scrollback buffer.
* @param {!KeyboardEvent} e The event to process.
* @return {symbol|string} Key action or sequence.
hterm.Keyboard.KeyMap.prototype.onClear_ = function(e) {
return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.CANCEL;
* Handle F11 behavior (fullscreen) when not in a window.
* It would be nice to use the Fullscreen API, but the UX is slightly different
* a bad way: the Escape key is automatically registered for exiting. If we let
* the browser handle F11 directly though, we still get to capture Escape.
* @param {!KeyboardEvent} e The event to process.
* @return {symbol|string} Key action or sequence.
hterm.Keyboard.KeyMap.prototype.onF11_ = function(e) {
if (hterm.windowType != 'popup' && !e.shiftKey) {
return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.PASS;
} else {
return '\x1b[23~';
* Either pass Ctrl+1..9 to the browser or send them to the host.
* Note that Ctrl+1 and Ctrl+9 don't actually have special sequences mapped
* to them in xterm or gnome-terminal. The range is really Ctrl+2..8, but
* we handle 1..9 since Chrome treats the whole range special.
* @param {!KeyboardEvent} e The event to process.
* @param {!hterm.Keyboard.KeyDef} keyDef Key definition.
* @return {symbol|string} Key action or sequence.
hterm.Keyboard.KeyMap.prototype.onCtrlNum_ = function(e, keyDef) {
// Compute a control character for a given character.
function ctl(ch) { return String.fromCharCode(ch.charCodeAt(0) - 64); }
if (this.keyboard.terminal.passCtrlNumber && !e.shiftKey) {
return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.PASS;
switch (keyDef.keyCap.substr(0, 1)) {
case '1': return '1';
case '2': return ctl('@');
case '3': return ctl('[');
case '4': return ctl('\\');
case '5': return ctl(']');
case '6': return ctl('^');
case '7': return ctl('_');
case '8': return '\x7f';
case '9': return '9';
return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.PASS;
* Either pass Alt+1..9 to the browser or send them to the host.
* @param {!KeyboardEvent} e The event to process.
* @return {symbol|string} Key action or sequence.
hterm.Keyboard.KeyMap.prototype.onAltNum_ = function(e) {
if (this.keyboard.terminal.passAltNumber && !e.shiftKey) {
return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.PASS;
return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.DEFAULT;
* Either pass Meta+1..9 to the browser or send them to the host.
* @param {!KeyboardEvent} e The event to process.
* @return {symbol|string} Key action or sequence.
hterm.Keyboard.KeyMap.prototype.onMetaNum_ = function(e) {
if (this.keyboard.terminal.passMetaNumber && !e.shiftKey) {
return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.PASS;
return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.DEFAULT;
* Either pass ctrl+[shift]+tab to the browser or strip.
* @param {!KeyboardEvent} e The event to process.
* @return {symbol|string} Key action or sequence.
hterm.Keyboard.KeyMap.prototype.onCtrlTab_ = function(e) {
if (this.keyboard.terminal.passCtrlTab) {
return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.PASS;
return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.STRIP;
* Either pass Ctrl & Shift W (close tab/window) to the browser or send it to
* the host.
* @param {!KeyboardEvent} e The event to process.
* @return {symbol|string} Key action or sequence.
hterm.Keyboard.KeyMap.prototype.onCtrlW_ = function(e) {
if (this.keyboard.terminal.passCtrlW) {
return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.PASS;
return '\x17';
* Either pass Ctrl & Shift T (new/reopen tab) to the browser or send it to the
* host.
* @param {!KeyboardEvent} e The event to process.
* @return {symbol|string} Key action or sequence.
hterm.Keyboard.KeyMap.prototype.onCtrlT_ = function(e) {
if (this.keyboard.terminal.passCtrlT) {
return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.PASS;
return '\x14';
* Display the find bar.
* @param {!KeyboardEvent} e The event to process.
* @return {symbol} Key action or sequence.
hterm.Keyboard.KeyMap.prototype.onCtrlShiftF_ = function(e) {
return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.CANCEL;
* Either send a ^C or interpret the keystroke as a copy command.
* @param {!KeyboardEvent} e The event to process.
* @return {symbol|string} Key action or sequence.
hterm.Keyboard.KeyMap.prototype.onCtrlC_ = function(e) {
const selection = this.keyboard.terminal.getDocument().getSelection();
if (!selection.isCollapsed) {
if (this.keyboard.ctrlCCopy && !e.shiftKey) {
// Ctrl+C should copy if there is a selection, send ^C otherwise.
// Perform the copy by letting the browser handle Ctrl+C. On most
// browsers, this is the *only* way to place text on the clipboard from
// the 'drive-by' web.
if (this.keyboard.terminal.clearSelectionAfterCopy) {
setTimeout(selection.collapseToEnd.bind(selection), 50);
return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.PASS;
if (!this.keyboard.ctrlCCopy && e.shiftKey) {
// Ctrl+Shift+C should copy if there is a selection, send ^C otherwise.
// Perform the copy manually. This only works in situations where
// document.execCommand('copy') is allowed.
if (this.keyboard.terminal.clearSelectionAfterCopy) {
setTimeout(selection.collapseToEnd.bind(selection), 50);
return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.CANCEL;
return '\x03';
* Either send a ^N or open a new window to the same location.
* @param {!KeyboardEvent} e The event to process.
* @return {!hterm.Keyboard.KeyDefFunction|symbol|string} Key action or
* sequence.
hterm.Keyboard.KeyMap.prototype.onCtrlN_ = function(e) {
if (this.keyboard.terminal.passCtrlN) {
return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.PASS;
if (e.shiftKey) {
return function(e, k) {
lib.f.openWindow(document.location.href, '',
'chrome=no,close=yes,resize=yes,scrollbars=yes,' +
'minimizable=yes,width=' + window.innerWidth +
',height=' + window.innerHeight);
return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.CANCEL;
return '\x0e';
* Either send a ^V or issue a paste command.
* The default behavior is to paste if the user presses Ctrl+Shift+V, and send
* a ^V if the user presses Ctrl+V. This can be flipped with the
* 'ctrl-v-paste' preference.
* @param {!KeyboardEvent} e The event to process.
* @return {symbol|string} Key action or sequence.
hterm.Keyboard.KeyMap.prototype.onCtrlV_ = function(e) {
if ((!e.shiftKey && this.keyboard.ctrlVPaste) ||
(e.shiftKey && !this.keyboard.ctrlVPaste)) {
// We try to do the pasting ourselves as not all browsers/OSs bind Ctrl+V to
// pasting. Notably, on macOS, Ctrl+V/Ctrl+Shift+V do nothing.
// However, this might run into web restrictions, so if it fails, we still
// fallback to the letting the native behavior (hopefully) save us.
if (this.keyboard.terminal.paste() !== false) {
return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.CANCEL;
} else {
return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.PASS;
return '\x16';
* Either the default action or open a new window to the same location.
* @param {!KeyboardEvent} e The event to process.
* @return {!hterm.Keyboard.KeyDefFunction|symbol} Key action or sequence.
hterm.Keyboard.KeyMap.prototype.onMetaN_ = function(e) {
if (e.shiftKey) {
return function(e, k) {
lib.f.openWindow(document.location.href, '',
'chrome=no,close=yes,resize=yes,scrollbars=yes,' +
'minimizable=yes,width=' + window.outerWidth +
',height=' + window.outerHeight);
return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.CANCEL;
return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.DEFAULT;
* Either send a Meta+C or allow the browser to interpret the keystroke as a
* copy command.
* If there is no selection, or if the user presses Meta+Shift+C, then we'll
* transmit an '\x1b' (if metaSendsEscape is on) followed by 'c' or 'C'.
* If there is a selection, we defer to the browser. In this case we clear out
* the selection so the user knows we heard them, and also to give them a
* chance to send a Meta+C by just hitting the key again.
* @param {!KeyboardEvent} e The event to process.
* @param {!hterm.Keyboard.KeyDef} keyDef Key definition.
* @return {symbol|string} Key action or sequence.
hterm.Keyboard.KeyMap.prototype.onMetaC_ = function(e, keyDef) {
const document = this.keyboard.terminal.getDocument();
if (e.shiftKey || document.getSelection().isCollapsed) {
// If the shift key is being held, or there is no document selection, send
// a Meta+C. The keyboard code will add the ESC if metaSendsEscape is true,
// we just have to decide between 'c' and 'C'.
return keyDef.keyCap.substr(e.shiftKey ? 1 : 0, 1);
// Otherwise let the browser handle it as a copy command.
if (this.keyboard.terminal.clearSelectionAfterCopy) {
setTimeout(function() { document.getSelection().collapseToEnd(); }, 50);
return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.PASS;
* Either PASS or DEFAULT Meta+V, depending on preference.
* Always PASS Meta+Shift+V to allow browser to interpret the keystroke as
* a paste command.
* @param {!KeyboardEvent} e The event to process.
* @return {symbol|string} Key action or sequence.
hterm.Keyboard.KeyMap.prototype.onMetaV_ = function(e) {
if (e.shiftKey) {
return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.PASS;
return this.keyboard.passMetaV ?
hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.PASS :
* Handle font zooming.
* @param {!KeyboardEvent} e The event to process.
* @param {!hterm.Keyboard.KeyDef} keyDef Key definition.
* @return {symbol|string} Key action or sequence.
hterm.Keyboard.KeyMap.prototype.onZoom_ = function(e, keyDef) {
if (this.keyboard.ctrlPlusMinusZeroZoom === e.shiftKey) {
// If ctrl-PMZ controls zoom and the shift key is pressed, or
// ctrl-shift-PMZ controls zoom and this shift key is not pressed,
// then we want to send the control code instead of affecting zoom.
if (keyDef.keyCap == '-_') {
// ^_
return '\x1f';
// Only ^_ is valid, the other sequences have no meaning.
return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.CANCEL;
const cap = keyDef.keyCap.substr(0, 1);
if (cap == '0') {
} else {
let size = this.keyboard.terminal.getFontSize();
if (cap == '-' || keyDef.keyCap == '[KP-]') {
size -= 1;
} else {
size += 1;
return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.CANCEL;