blob: f387de47ab5ca07d481ddb10c32d2ffab2e02b3d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import {lib} from '../../libdot/index.js';
import {hterm} from '../index.js';
* AccessibilityReader responsible for rendering command output for AT.
* Renders command output for Assistive Technology using a live region. We don't
* use the visible rows of the terminal for rendering command output to the
* screen reader because the rendered content may be different from what we want
* read out by a screen reader. For example, we may not actually render every
* row of a large piece of output to the screen as it wouldn't be performant.
* But we want the screen reader to read it all out in order.
* @param {!Element} div The div element where the live region should be
* added.
* @constructor
hterm.AccessibilityReader = function(div) {
this.document_ = div.ownerDocument;
// The live region element to add text to.
const liveRegion = this.document_.createElement('div'); = 'hterm:accessibility-live-region'; = `position: absolute;
width: 0; height: 0;
overflow: hidden;
left: -1000px; top: -1000px;`;
// Whether command output should be rendered for Assistive Technology.
// This isn't always enabled because it has an impact on performance.
this.accessibilityEnabled = false;
// This live element is used for command output.
this.liveElement_ = this.document_.createElement('p');
this.liveElement_.setAttribute('aria-live', 'polite');
// This live element is used for speaking out the current screen when
// navigating through the scrollback buffer. It will interrupt existing
// announcements.
this.assertiveLiveElement_ = this.document_.createElement('p');
this.assertiveLiveElement_.setAttribute('aria-live', 'assertive');
// A queue of updates to announce.
this.queue_ = [];
// A timer which tracks when next to add items to the live region. null when
// not running. This is used to combine updates that occur in a small window,
// as well as to avoid too much output being added to the live region in one
// go which can cause the renderer to hang.
this.nextReadTimer_ = null;
// This is set to true if the cursor is about to update position on the
// screen. i.e. beforeCursorChange has been called but not afterCursorChange.
this.cursorIsChanging_ = false;
// This tracks changes that would be added to queue_ while the cursor is
// changing. This is done so that we can decide to discard these changes if
// we announce something as a result of the cursor change.
this.cursorChangeQueue_ = [];
// The string of text on the row that the cursor was last on. Only valid while
// cursorIsChanging_ is true.
this.lastCursorRowString_ = null;
// The row that the cursor was last on. Only valid while cursorIsChanging_ is
// true.
this.lastCursorRow_ = null;
// The column that the cursor was last on. Only valid while cursorIsChanging_
// is true.
this.lastCursorColumn_ = null;
// True if a keypress has been performed since the last cursor change.
this.hasUserGesture = false;
* Delay in ms to use for merging strings to output.
* We merge strings together to avoid hanging the terminal and to ensure that
* aria updates make it to the screen reader. We want this to be short so
* there's not a big delay between typing/executing commands and hearing output.
* @const
* @type {number}
hterm.AccessibilityReader.DELAY = 50;
* Enable accessibility-friendly features that have a performance impact.
* @param {boolean} enabled Whether to enable accessibility-friendly features.
hterm.AccessibilityReader.prototype.setAccessibilityEnabled =
function(enabled) {
if (!enabled) {
this.accessibilityEnabled = enabled;
* Decorate the document where the terminal <x-screen> resides. This is needed
* for listening to keystrokes on the screen.
* @param {!Document} doc The document where the <x-screen> resides.
hterm.AccessibilityReader.prototype.decorate = function(doc) {
const handlers = ['keydown', 'keypress', 'keyup', 'textInput'];
handlers.forEach((handler) => {
doc.addEventListener(handler, () => { this.hasUserGesture = true; });
* This should be called before the cursor on the screen is about to get
* updated. This allows cursor changes to be tracked and related notifications
* to be announced.
* @param {string} cursorRowString The text in the row that the cursor is
* currently on.
* @param {number} cursorRow The index of the row that the cursor is currently
* on, including rows in the scrollback buffer.
* @param {number} cursorColumn The index of the column that the cursor is
* currently on.
hterm.AccessibilityReader.prototype.beforeCursorChange =
function(cursorRowString, cursorRow, cursorColumn) {
// If accessibility is enabled we don't announce selection changes as these
// can have a performance impact.
if (!this.accessibilityEnabled) {
// If there is no user gesture that can be tied to the cursor change, we
// don't want to announce anything.
if (!this.hasUserGesture || this.cursorIsChanging_) {
this.cursorIsChanging_ = true;
this.lastCursorRowString_ = cursorRowString;
this.lastCursorRow_ = cursorRow;
this.lastCursorColumn_ = cursorColumn;
* This should be called after the cursor on the screen has been updated. Note
* that several updates to the cursor may have happened between
* beforeCursorChange and afterCursorChange.
* This allows cursor changes to be tracked and related notifications to be
* announced.
* @param {string} cursorRowString The text in the row that the cursor is
* currently on.
* @param {number} cursorRow The index of the row that the cursor is currently
* on, including rows in the scrollback buffer.
* @param {number} cursorColumn The index of the column that the cursor is
* currently on.
hterm.AccessibilityReader.prototype.afterCursorChange =
function(cursorRowString, cursorRow, cursorColumn) {
// This can happen if clear() is called midway through a cursor change.
if (!this.cursorIsChanging_) {
this.cursorIsChanging_ = false;
if (!this.announceAction_(cursorRowString, cursorRow, cursorColumn)) {
// If we don't announce a special action, we re-queue all the output that
// was queued during the selection change.
for (let i = 0; i < this.cursorChangeQueue_.length; ++i) {
this.cursorChangeQueue_ = [];
this.lastCursorRowString_ = null;
this.lastCursorRow_ = null;
this.lastCursorColumn_ = null;
this.hasUserGesture = false;
* Announce the command output.
* @param {string} str The string to announce using a live region.
hterm.AccessibilityReader.prototype.announce = function(str) {
if (!this.accessibilityEnabled) {
// If the cursor is in the middle of changing, we queue up the output
// separately as we may not want it to be announced if it's part of a cursor
// change announcement.
if (this.cursorIsChanging_) {
// Don't append newlines to the queue if the queue is empty. It won't have any
// impact.
if (str == '\n' && this.queue_.length > 0) {
// We don't need to trigger an announcement on newlines because they won't
// change the existing content that's output.
if (this.queue_.length == 0) {
} else {
// We put a space between strings that appear on the same line.
// TODO(raymes): We should check the location on the row and not add a space
// if the strings are joined together.
let padding = '';
if (this.queue_[this.queue_.length - 1].length != 0) {
padding = ' ';
this.queue_[this.queue_.length - 1] += padding + str;
// If we've already scheduled text being added to the live region, wait for it
// to happen.
if (this.nextReadTimer_) {
// If there's only one item in the queue, we may get other text being added
// very soon after. In that case, wait a small delay so we can merge the
// related strings.
if (this.queue_.length == 1) {
this.nextReadTimer_ = setTimeout(this.addToLiveRegion_.bind(this),
} else {
throw new Error(
'Expected only one item in queue_ or nextReadTimer_ to be running.');
* Voice an announcement that will interrupt other announcements.
* @param {string} str The string to announce using a live region.
hterm.AccessibilityReader.prototype.assertiveAnnounce = function(str) {
if (this.hasUserGesture && str == ' ') {
str = hterm.msg('SPACE_CHARACTER', [], 'Space');
// If the same string is announced twice, an attribute change won't be
// registered and the screen reader won't know that the string has changed.
// So we slightly change the string to ensure that the attribute change gets
// registered.
str = str.trim();
if (str == this.assertiveLiveElement_.innerText) {
str = '\n' + str;
this.assertiveLiveElement_.innerText = str;
* Add a newline to the text that will be announced to the live region.
hterm.AccessibilityReader.prototype.newLine = function() {
* Clear the live region and any in-flight announcements.
hterm.AccessibilityReader.prototype.clear = function() {
this.liveElement_.innerText = '';
this.assertiveLiveElement_.innerText = '';
this.nextReadTimer_ = null;
this.queue_ = [];
this.cursorIsChanging_ = false;
this.cursorChangeQueue_ = [];
this.lastCursorRowString_ = null;
this.lastCursorRow_ = null;
this.lastCursorColumn_ = null;
this.hasUserGesture = false;
* This will announce an action that is related to a cursor change, for example
* when the user deletes a character we want the character deleted to be
* announced. Similarly, when the user moves the cursor along the line, we want
* the characters selected to be announced.
* Note that this function is a heuristic. Because of the nature of terminal
* emulators, we can't distinguish input and output, which means we don't really
* know what output is the result of a keypress and what isn't. Also in some
* terminal applications certain announcements may make sense whereas others may
* not. This function should try to account for the most common cases.
* @param {string} cursorRowString The text in the row that the cursor is
* currently on.
* @param {number} cursorRow The index of the row that the cursor is currently
* on, including rows in the scrollback buffer.
* @param {number} cursorColumn The index of the column that the cursor is
* currently on.
* @return {boolean} Whether anything was announced.
hterm.AccessibilityReader.prototype.announceAction_ =
function(cursorRowString, cursorRow, cursorColumn) {
// If the cursor changes rows, we don't announce anything at present.
if (this.lastCursorRow_ != cursorRow) {
return false;
// The case when the row of text hasn't changed at all.
if (lib.notNull(this.lastCursorRowString_) === cursorRowString) {
// Moving the cursor along the line. We check that no significant changes
// have been queued. If they have, it may not just be a cursor movement and
// it may be better to read those out.
if (lib.notNull(this.lastCursorColumn_) !== cursorColumn &&
this.cursorChangeQueue_.join('').trim() == '') {
// Announce the text between the old cursor position and the new one.
const start = Math.min(this.lastCursorColumn_, cursorColumn);
const len = Math.abs(cursorColumn - this.lastCursorColumn_);
hterm.wc.substr(this.lastCursorRowString_, start, len));
return true;
return false;
// The case when the row of text has changed.
if (this.lastCursorRowString_ != cursorRowString) {
// Spacebar. We manually announce this character since the screen reader may
// not announce the whitespace in a live region.
if (this.lastCursorColumn_ + 1 == cursorColumn) {
if (hterm.wc.substr(cursorRowString, cursorColumn - 1, 1) == ' ' &&
this.cursorChangeQueue_.length > 0 &&
this.cursorChangeQueue_[0] == ' ') {
this.assertiveAnnounce(' ');
return true;
// Backspace and deletion.
// The position of the characters deleted is right after the current
// position of the cursor in the case of backspace and delete.
const cursorDeleted = cursorColumn;
// Check that the current row string is shorter than the previous. Also
// check that the start of the strings (up to the cursor) match.
if (hterm.wc.strWidth(cursorRowString) <=
hterm.wc.strWidth(this.lastCursorRowString_) &&
hterm.wc.substr(this.lastCursorRowString_, 0, cursorDeleted) ==
hterm.wc.substr(cursorRowString, 0, cursorDeleted)) {
// Find the length of the current row string ignoring space characters.
// These may be inserted at the end of the string when deleting characters
// so they should be ignored.
let lengthOfCurrentRow = hterm.wc.strWidth(cursorRowString);
for (; lengthOfCurrentRow > 0; --lengthOfCurrentRow) {
if (lengthOfCurrentRow == cursorDeleted ||
hterm.wc.substr(cursorRowString, lengthOfCurrentRow - 1, 1)
!= ' ') {
const numCharsDeleted =
hterm.wc.strWidth(this.lastCursorRowString_) - lengthOfCurrentRow;
// Check that the end of the strings match.
const lengthOfEndOfString = lengthOfCurrentRow - cursorDeleted;
const endOfLastRowString = hterm.wc.substr(
this.lastCursorRowString_, cursorDeleted + numCharsDeleted,
const endOfCurrentRowString =
hterm.wc.substr(cursorRowString, cursorDeleted, lengthOfEndOfString);
if (endOfLastRowString == endOfCurrentRowString) {
const deleted = hterm.wc.substr(
this.lastCursorRowString_, cursorDeleted, numCharsDeleted);
if (deleted != '') {
return true;
return false;
return false;
* Add text from queue_ to the live region.
hterm.AccessibilityReader.prototype.addToLiveRegion_ = function() {
this.nextReadTimer_ = null;
let str = this.queue_.join('\n').trim();
// If the same string is announced twice, an attribute change won't be
// registered and the screen reader won't know that the string has changed.
// So we slightly change the string to ensure that the attribute change gets
// registered.
if (str == this.liveElement_.innerText) {
str = '\n' + str;
this.liveElement_.innerText = str;
this.queue_ = [];