blob: 242744eb1bdc2ee4982e2516c562ff01376294f9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import {hterm} from '../index.js';
* Parses the key definition syntax used for user keyboard customizations.
* @constructor
hterm.Parser = function() {
* @type {string} The source string.
this.source = '';
* @type {number} The current position.
this.pos = 0;
* @type {?string} The character at the current position.
*/ = null;
* @param {string} message
* @return {!Error}
hterm.Parser.prototype.error = function(message) {
return new Error('Parse error at ' + this.pos + ': ' + message);
/** @return {boolean} */
hterm.Parser.prototype.isComplete = function() {
return this.pos == this.source.length;
* @param {string} source
* @param {number=} pos
hterm.Parser.prototype.reset = function(source, pos = 0) {
this.source = source;
this.pos = pos; = source.substr(0, 1);
* Parse a key sequence.
* A key sequence is zero or more of the key modifiers defined in
* hterm.Parser.identifiers.modifierKeys followed by a key code. Key
* codes can be an integer or an identifier from
* hterm.Parser.identifiers.keyCodes. Modifiers and keyCodes should be joined
* by the dash character.
* An asterisk "*" can be used to indicate that the unspecified modifiers
* are optional.
* For example:
* A: Matches only an unmodified "A" character.
* 65: Same as above.
* 0x41: Same as above.
* Ctrl+A: Matches only Ctrl+A.
* Ctrl+65: Same as above.
* Ctrl+0x41: Same as above.
* Ctrl+Shift+A: Matches only Ctrl+Shift+A.
* Ctrl+*+A: Matches Ctrl+A, as well as any other key sequence that includes
* at least the Ctrl and A keys.
* @return {!hterm.Keyboard.KeyDown} An object with shift, ctrl, alt, meta,
* keyCode properties.
hterm.Parser.prototype.parseKeySequence = function() {
const rv = {
keyCode: null,
for (const k in hterm.Parser.identifiers.modifierKeys) {
rv[hterm.Parser.identifiers.modifierKeys[k]] = false;
while (this.pos < this.source.length) {
const token = this.parseToken();
if (token.type == 'integer') {
rv.keyCode = token.value;
} else if (token.type == 'identifier') {
const ucValue = token.value.toUpperCase();
if (ucValue in hterm.Parser.identifiers.modifierKeys &&
hterm.Parser.identifiers.modifierKeys.hasOwnProperty(ucValue)) {
const mod = hterm.Parser.identifiers.modifierKeys[ucValue];
if (rv[mod] && rv[mod] != '*') {
throw this.error('Duplicate modifier: ' + token.value);
rv[mod] = true;
} else if (ucValue in hterm.Parser.identifiers.keyCodes &&
hterm.Parser.identifiers.keyCodes.hasOwnProperty(ucValue)) {
rv.keyCode = hterm.Parser.identifiers.keyCodes[ucValue];
} else {
throw this.error('Unknown key: ' + token.value);
} else if (token.type == 'symbol') {
if (token.value == '*') {
for (const id in hterm.Parser.identifiers.modifierKeys) {
const p = hterm.Parser.identifiers.modifierKeys[id];
if (!rv[p]) {
rv[p] = '*';
} else {
throw this.error('Unexpected symbol: ' + token.value);
} else {
throw this.error('Expected integer or identifier');
if ( !== '-' && !== '+') {
if (rv.keyCode != null) {
throw this.error('Extra definition after target key');
if (rv.keyCode == null) {
throw this.error('Missing target key');
return rv;
/** @return {string} */
hterm.Parser.prototype.parseKeyAction = function() {
const token = this.parseToken();
if (token.type == 'string') {
return token.value;
if (token.type == 'identifier') {
if (token.value in hterm.Parser.identifiers.actions &&
hterm.Parser.identifiers.actions.hasOwnProperty(token.value)) {
return hterm.Parser.identifiers.actions[token.value];
throw this.error('Unknown key action: ' + token.value);
throw this.error('Expected string or identifier');
/** @return {boolean} */
hterm.Parser.prototype.peekString = function() {
return == '\'' || == '"';
/** @return {boolean} */
hterm.Parser.prototype.peekIdentifier = function() {
return !![a-z_]/i);
/** @return {boolean} */
hterm.Parser.prototype.peekInteger = function() {
return !![0-9]/);
/** @return {!Object} */
hterm.Parser.prototype.parseToken = function() {
if ( == '*') {
const rv = {type: 'symbol', value:};
return rv;
if (this.peekIdentifier()) {
return {type: 'identifier', value: this.parseIdentifier()};
if (this.peekString()) {
return {type: 'string', value: this.parseString()};
if (this.peekInteger()) {
return {type: 'integer', value: this.parseInteger()};
throw this.error('Unexpected token');
/** @return {string} */
hterm.Parser.prototype.parseIdentifier = function() {
if (!this.peekIdentifier()) {
throw this.error('Expected identifier');
return this.parsePattern(/[a-z0-9_]+/ig);
/** @return {number} */
hterm.Parser.prototype.parseInteger = function() {
if ( == '0' && this.pos < this.source.length - 1 &&
this.source.substr(this.pos + 1, 1) == 'x') {
/* eslint-disable radix */
return parseInt(this.parsePattern(/0x[0-9a-f]+/gi), undefined);
return parseInt(this.parsePattern(/\d+/g), 10);
* Parse a single or double quoted string.
* The current position should point at the initial quote character. Single
* quoted strings will be treated literally, double quoted will process escapes.
* TODO(rginda): Variable interpolation.
* @return {string}
hterm.Parser.prototype.parseString = function() {
let result = '';
const quote =;
if (quote != '"' && quote != '\'') {
throw this.error('String expected');
const re = new RegExp('[\\\\' + quote + ']', 'g');
while (this.pos < this.source.length) {
re.lastIndex = this.pos;
if (!re.exec(this.source)) {
throw this.error('Unterminated string literal');
result += this.source.substring(this.pos, re.lastIndex - 1);
this.advance(re.lastIndex - this.pos - 1);
if (quote == '"' && == '\\') {
result += this.parseEscape();
if (quote == '\'' && == '\\') {
result +=;
if ( == quote) {
return result;
throw this.error('Unterminated string literal');
* Parse an escape code from the current position (which should point to
* the first character AFTER the leading backslash.)
* @return {string}
hterm.Parser.prototype.parseEscape = function() {
const map = {
'"': '"',
'\'': '\'',
'\\': '\\',
'a': '\x07',
'b': '\x08',
'e': '\x1b',
'f': '\x0c',
'n': '\x0a',
'r': '\x0d',
't': '\x09',
'v': '\x0b',
'x': function() {
const value = this.parsePattern(/[a-z0-9]{2}/ig);
return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(value, 16));
'u': function() {
const value = this.parsePattern(/[a-z0-9]{4}/ig);
return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(value, 16));
if (!( in map && map.hasOwnProperty( {
throw this.error('Unknown escape: ' +;
let value = map[];
if (typeof value == 'function') {
value =;
return value;
* Parse the given pattern starting from the current position.
* @param {!RegExp} pattern A pattern representing the characters to span. MUST
* include the "global" RegExp flag.
* @return {string}
hterm.Parser.prototype.parsePattern = function(pattern) {
if (! {
throw this.error('Internal error: Span patterns must be global');
pattern.lastIndex = this.pos;
const ary = pattern.exec(this.source);
if (!ary || pattern.lastIndex - ary[0].length != this.pos) {
throw this.error('Expected match for: ' + pattern);
this.pos = pattern.lastIndex - 1;
return ary[0];
* Advance the current position.
* @param {number} count
hterm.Parser.prototype.advance = function(count) {
this.pos += count; = this.source.substr(this.pos, 1);
* @param {string=} expect A list of valid non-whitespace characters to
* terminate on.
* @return {void}
hterm.Parser.prototype.skipSpace = function(expect = undefined) {
if (!/\s/.test( {
const re = /\s+/gm;
re.lastIndex = this.pos;
const source = this.source;
if (re.exec(source)) {
this.pos = re.lastIndex;
} = this.source.substr(this.pos, 1);
if (expect) {
if ( == -1) {
throw this.error(`Expected one of ${expect}, found: ${}`);